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Across the Stars

Page 7

by India Masters

  She sobbed in relief when he finally stood and pressed the head of his cock to the hungry mouth of her pussy. It was an impossibly tight entry, stretching her, pressing against the walls of her vagina as his cock competed with the fullness of the plug seated so deeply in her ass.

  Finally. He was seated to the hilt. Solae panted and strained, trying to thrust her hips. She felt her cheeks heat as Raav chuckled.

  “Are you so hot for me, aschema? Shall I move inside you?”


  “Say what I want to hear, love, and I’ll give you everything you want.”

  “What?” she sobbed. “What do you want me to say?”

  “Say you’ll agree to whatever plan I come up with when we arrive at the island. Say you trust me, no matter what, and you’ll do as I say.”

  Solae screamed as his cock fucked in and out a few times, then stopped.

  “Promise me, Solae!” He plunged into her, burying himself deep.

  “I promise! Oh, gods! I promise, just fuck me!” Her eyes locked with his and she shuddered at what she saw reflected there — his love for her, desire, need, lust — all of it she knew must be mirrored in her own eyes. Stars, how she loved this man!

  “Yes, aschema,” he rasped, wrapping his arms around her extended legs. “I’ll fuck you.”

  Solae arched her back and screamed as Raav’s cock withdrew and plunged into her as deeply as before, but he kept on moving, pounding into her. She wrapped her hands around the curved bars restraining her, and held on tight as he ravaged her.

  I’m so full. Oh, gods, it feels so good. “Oh my gods! I’m gonna come! Oh, Raav, don’t stop, don’t stop!”

  Solae felt the familiar burn in her clit, as Raav reached down and pinched it between his fingers. The heat welled up from the center of her womb, stabbing at her, setting her alight as an orgasm, more intense than any before, tore through her. Her body shuddered and shook as her pussy contracted around his cock, holding him as he continued to stroke her through the sensual meltdown. Just before her body went limp, he surged into her one last time, his seed jetting into her in great spurts as he came roaring her name.

  * * * * *

  Raav fell back into his chair. Stars above, that had to have been the most intense orgasm he’d ever experienced! His bounty hunter had a true affinity for his sexual games. If there had been any doubt in his mind that she was the woman for him, they were gone now. He took a deep breath and began the process of soothing her as he released her from bondage.

  Solae’s body trembled as he caressed the backs of her legs. “You are a marvel, aschema,” he said softly, releasing her ankles from the magnetic cuffs. “I love the way you fight me, knowing it will only intensify the pleasure we both feel when I fuck you.”

  As the chair slowly returned to its upright position, Raav scooted closer to her. “Do you have any idea how much I’ve come to love you?” He watched her, focusing in on her expressive, sapphire eyes. They were still drowsy from satiation, the sweep of dark lashes shielding the pupils.

  “I know,” she sighed, then wiggled the cuffs. “Now, turn me loose and feed me before I pass out.” Much as she loved him, discussing her feelings was still difficult for her.

  When she was freed from her restraints, Raav picked her up and carried her to the bed, laying her down. “You’re all right? I didn’t hurt you?”

  Solae snorted. “Please, it’ll take more than a little paddling to hurt me, Asirian. I’m not some delicate flower that needs to be treated with tender, loving care. You wouldn’t have chased me across a multitude of star systems if you thought that was the case.”

  “Are you glad that I caught you?” He frowned when she shrugged.

  “Don’t get your knickers in a twist, Asirian,” she scoffed. “I’ve never done this before, been with a man the way I’ve been with you. I’m not used to…compromising. You know that.”

  Raav pressed his lips against hers in a brief kiss, then got up and crossed to the food replicator. “I do realize this is all very new to you. I’ve never been in a relationship either, so we’ll figure it out together. If I seem to push too hard —”

  She sat up in the bed, cutting him off. “Seem to?” With a shake of her head, she continued, an amused expression on her face. “You’re a tyrant, Asirian, and for the life of me, I don’t know why I put up with it. You’re arrogant, obnoxious, and completely without scruples.”

  Raav grinned, programming in the meal. “In other words, I’m exactly like you.”

  “Exactly.” She busted out laughing. “Frightening, isn’t it?”

  Gods, he loved her laugh! It occurred to him that laughter hadn’t been a big part of her life since the murder of her family. For that alone, the man who’d betrayed her should pay, because Solae laughing and happy was a sight to behold.

  The machine chimed and Raav opened the door to retrieve their food, setting it on a nearby table. Solae rose from the bed like Venus from the sea, and he felt his chest tighten. No woman had ever made him feel what he felt with her, and it scared the shit out of him. Could he hold her? When they came face-to-face with Du-ket, would he lose her forever? And if he did, could he live without her?

  A smile lit her face. “Mmm, spaghetti. One of my favorites.” She kissed him. “You’re spoiling me, Asirian.”

  He seated her and then settled into his own chair. “I would give you the stars, Solae.”

  She laughed. “I already have the stars, Asirian. All I need is you.”

  “That you have, aschema. Forever.”

  Chapter Nine

  “We’re going to have to come around behind and take them out,” Solae argued, standing on the bridge with Raav. “You have cloaking capability, I assume.”

  Earlier that morning, their sensors picked up the positions of several small ships, clustered behind the protective asteroid belt disguised as a nebula. Just as Solae had predicted.

  “Of course.” He nodded, frowning. “But I don’t want to antagonize Du-ket before we have the hostages in hand.”

  Solae snorted. “Do you think Du-ket gives a shit about a few small fighters? These guys are second string. We’ll see his top guns when we get through the wormhole. But, if he thinks there’s any possibility he can take out your weapons system and board you, he’ll be more than happy to take possession of your ship, Asirian. It’s what he does.”

  Her eyes narrowed as Raav clasped his hands behind his back. Why was he hesitating? At the very least, he needed to take out those damned fighters to prevent them from blocking an escape. If the pirates couldn’t take the large ship, they’d certainly follow the smaller flyer through the wormhole to prevent them from turning back. “And while you’re at it, you might as well use the triphasor to eradicate that asteroid belt. Too many people have lost their lives to just this kind of ambush.”

  Hands on her hips, Solae stalked toward Raav. “Have you even been listening to me?”

  “Yes, aschema, I’ve heard everything you have to say. How could I not?” He turned to her with a glare. “I’ll thank you to remember I command this ship.”

  “And yet you hesitate!” She cut him a contemptuous look. “I should have refitted my own vessel and come alone. I never took you for a coward, Asirian.”

  She heard his shocked hiss and turned to walk away in disgust, but Raav’s hand gripped her bicep, yanking her back. His face was a hard mask. “Mr. Tezu,” he snapped, calling to one of his officers. “Place Captain O’bora under arrest.”

  Her upper lip curled in disdain. “You dare to lock me up, Asirian?”

  “I dare much, Solae,” he growled. “And fear little, least of all you. I suggest you hold your tongue, woman.” He motioned to Tezu. “And if she utters another word, gag her.”

  Solae stumbled as he released her with a shove, but Tezu caught her and put her in restraints as Raav issued further orders.

  “Engage cloaking and lower shields,” Raav barked.

  “Aye, Captain. Cloaking engaged and shie
lds are in place,” the first officer confirmed.

  “Come around behind them, Lt. Olma, and lock on targets.”

  “Aye, Sir.” The young navigation officer made the specified maneuver. “In position, targets locked in.”

  “Fire at will, Mr. Phaeg.”

  Solae watched the screen as the phasors found their marks and the small fighter crafts exploded. She raised an eyebrow as Raav glared at her.

  “Happy now, aschema?” His voice was taut and angry as he spoke. “Now, destroy that asteroid belt, Mr. Phaeg.”

  “Aye, sir, though it’s likely to take some time.”

  “Whatever it takes. And when it’s done, send someone to ready the craft for tomorrow. Captain O’bora and I will be in my quarters, discussing…strategy for our upcoming journey. You will join us there when you’re done.”

  He was angrier than she’d ever seen him and didn’t speak a word as they rode the airlift to the officer’s deck. Solae spared him a glance and nearly cringed at the barely controlled rage reflected on his face. This was a side of him she’d never seen before and a finger of fear snaked up her spine. Would he hurt her?

  Solae cried out as Raav hurled her through the open door of his quarters. She stumbled and fell, sprawling on the floor.

  “Get up!” Raav shouted.

  “I intend to.” Her voice quavered. Wide-eyed, as she struggled to her feet.

  She stood her ground as he advanced on her and gripped her jaw with his hand. “I could break this pretty jaw so easily,” he said softly, squeezing until she winced. When she jerked her head back, he released her. “Did you really think you could humiliate me in front of my officers and get away with it?”

  Oh, he was completely pissed, which didn’t bode well for her. Not that she thought he would hurt her. Raav wasn’t the kind of man who hurt women. But he would punish her for her impudence. How he would punish her was the question.

  “Take off your clothes, aschema.”

  Solae shook her head and took a step back. “No. You’re too angry for that. Besides, I’m still cuffed.”

  He laughed, spun her around, and removed her restraints. “Oh, I’m angry all right, and you will do as I say. Remove your garments or I will do it for you.”

  Solae took another step back, hands shaking as she tugged at the zipper on her bodysuit. Perhaps if she simply obeyed him, it would temper his anger. She smoothed the stretchy material down her body, paused to kick off her boots, then stepped out of it, tossing it aside.

  “Good girl,” Raav said, strolling over to his closet to retrieve a bar with four cuffs attached to it. There was no expression on his face as he moved to the bed. “Come here.”

  Solae swallowed hard but did as he demanded, watching cautiously as he knelt down and attached one set of cuffs to her ankles.

  “Spread your legs wide.”

  She moved her right leg until it was even with her shoulder, giving a surprised yelp when he smacked her inner thigh.


  When he was satisfied, Raav attached the other cuff to her ankle. “Now, bend over.”

  Once again, Solae silently obeyed Raav’s command, bending over so that he could snap the cuffs at the center of the bar onto her wrists. When he stood up, she tested the strength of the restraint and shuddered to find she was completely immobile. For the first time since she’d started playing these games with Raav, she was worried. And then the com chimed outside his quarters, and she knew he intended to punish her in front of witnesses.

  * * * * *

  Raav grinned at the look of surprise on Jomar Phaeg’s face. “Come in, Jomar. Please be seated.”

  Raav casually strolled over to where Solae stood, bent over, ass in the air. He ran his hand over her bare ass, chuckling when she stiffened. “Mr. Phaeg is here as a witness, aschema. He will observe your punishment and report back to the bridge crew that you have been…disciplined for your earlier behavior.” He reached into his bedside drawer and pulled out an eighteen inch leather slapper, making sure she got a good look at the device he meant to use on her upturned bottom. It was all he could do to restrain his laughter at the look of panic on her face.

  Raav moved beside her, caressing her sweetly curved ass. Her beautiful pussy peeked out from between her legs and his cock went granite hard. He couldn’t wait to get the punishment out of the way so he could fuck her. Raising his arm, he swung the leather slapper hard. The business end landed on her ass with a resounding smack, the sound of which startled him. She jumped, head jerking up to the side to glare at him, but he merely smiled.

  A small, red rectangular shape took up residence on Solae’s backside but she hadn’t made a sound. Raav frowned. He wouldn’t break her skin, but, by the stars, she would not remain silent. He swung the paddle again, harder this time, forcing himself not to wince at the sharp, cracking sound of leather meeting flesh. This time she gasped.

  The next slap had her groaning, her delicate backside glowing red. Raav looked over at Jomar and nodded grimly. His first officer looked a bit uncomfortable with his role as observer, no doubt because he knew Solae was not an ordinary woman. Each time, the crack of the slapper reverberated in the room, Jomar shifted in his seat.

  Why wouldn’t she cry out, dammit? If she would only cry out, Raav told himself, he would stop. Damned stubborn woman!

  He raised his arm to smack her again, but Jomar jumped to his feet.

  “Sir, I beg you, no more! She is your woman!”

  Raav heard Solae snort softly, and whacked her lightly, the tip of the slapper grazing her pussy. Her body shuddered and an aroused moan rose from her throat. He hardened his features and nodded at Jomar. “Very well, Mr. Phaeg. You are dismissed.”

  As the door whooshed shut behind his first officer, Raav turned back to Solae. Her bottom was decidedly red, and probably smarted like a son of a bitch. He gave her a light swat on her exposed pussy, and sure enough, she moaned. He shook his head. Would he never get the better of her?

  A few more light taps and Raav could see the cream welling at her opening. Oh, yeah, he had to get in there. With more control than he felt, he moved to stand in front of her and slowly removed his clothes. Naked and throbbing madly, he tapped her lips with the tip of his cock. “Suck it,” he ordered, praying she’d obey him instead of biting him. He sighed as she opened her mouth and took him inside.

  The softness of her tongue against his flesh made him shudder. He wanted to thrust himself deep into her throat, but the stockade restraints made her unstable on her feet, so he allowed her to find her own rhythm and set her own pace. Just the feel of those luscious lips wrapped around his cock was enough to stoke the fire that always burned in him when she was near. His balls tightened, and he knew he was close, but he didn’t want to come this way. He wanted to plunge his cock into her hot, tight depths, to feel her pussy swallow him whole.

  “That’s enough, aschema,” he said gruffly. He walked around behind her, pleased to see how her pussy glistened with her juices. Without warning, he grabbed her hips and pulled her back onto his pulsing cock, burying himself deep.

  Raav groaned as her pussy closed around him. She was so tight, hot, and wet. How was it possible for each time to feel like the first time? He pulled back and thrust in again, reveling in the moans she couldn’t control. “That’s right, aschema, moan for me.” He released his grip on one hip and smacked her ass before retreating again.

  Gods, he could barely hold back! His large hands gripped her again, holding her in place as he pounded into her, wringing cry after strangled cry from her. “I am captain of this ship,” he gritted out. “Never. Disrespect. Me. In. Front. Of. My. Crew.” Each word was punctuated by a hard, deep thrust that set Solae to screaming as her pussy contracted around his cock.

  The screams of her orgasm drove Raav over the edge and he pistoned into her, fucking her hard and fast as his balls tightened and he came with a shout. He held her tightly against him for several long moments, before pulling out and walki
ng around to free her from the restraint device. “Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine,” Solae said sharply, wincing as she straightened her body.

  Raav stretched out on the bed, watching as she placed both hands on her lower back to stretch out the kinks. He licked his lips as those luscious breasts were thrust out, making him want to take them in his hands and tweak the nipples until she moaned. Gods, it was as though he was still a randy kid when it came to Solae. “Come here, aschema.”

  She eyed him suspiciously. “What for?”

  “I want to hold you in my arms.”

  Solae snorted, looking pointedly at his rapidly stirring cock. “Bullshit. You want to fuck me again.”

  Raav chuckled. “That, too. But I do want to hold you. And I want to make you understand why you were punished, and why my first officer had to be here.”

  Solae finished her stretching and walked, catlike to the bed, to stretch out beside him. “Oh, I understand very well,” she purred, running a hand over his chest. “I questioned your authority and called you a coward. I apologize. I will not challenge you in front of your crew again.”

  “Apology accepted.” Her hand slid to his groin and he sighed when her questing hand closed around his cock. “Mmm, that feels nice, aschema.”

  She chuckled. “Does it? And how about this? How does this feel?” Her hand closed around his testicles and squeezed. Not too tightly, but enough that he knew she was there and wanted his attention.

  “Solae,” he said, putting a warning in his voice. “Have a care.”

  Chills ran down his spine when she laughed softly. “Oh, I’m being very careful, Asirian.” She gave him a little squeeze that drained the color from his face. “Did I ever tell you about the time I subdued a very big, very hostile bounty by crushing his testicles?”

  “No, you never did.” He could hear the strain in his voice. If she grasped him any tighter, she’s have him completely subdued, too.

  “Cried like a baby.” Her voice was way too conversational for his comfort. “I think he’s working on one of the mining colonies now. Probably a total eunuch. It’s a shame really. He was quite good-looking and a real hit with the ladies.” She licked his cheek, then gave him a look that told him she was quite prepared to geld him, as well.


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