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Across the Stars

Page 9

by India Masters

  “Nomad Transport to First Officer Phaeg.”

  “Go ahead, Transport.”

  “This is Captain O’bora, Mr. Phaeg. I am in command of Nomad Transport and approaching Komae Sector airspace. We will be docking at Komae Nine for refueling and setting a course for Toru Two. Do you copy?”

  “Affirmative, Captain O’bora, but where is Captain Asirian?”

  Solae swallowed a laugh. “The captain is currently on Xat-Rah, in league with his brother, Fyn Du-ket. Tell me, Mr. Phaeg, did you know Asirian was related to Du-ket.”

  She waited. Fucker must be trying to figure out how to handle the situation. “The silence is deafening, Mr. Phaeg. I’ll take that as an affirmative.”

  “Captain O’bora, I must ask you to turn your vessel around and dock with the Nomad.”

  Solae laughed. “Well, you can ask all you want, Mr. Phaeg, but it’s not going to happen. I’ve got a big head start on you and by the time you reach Komae Nine, we will have refueled and gotten underway for Toru Two. Suggest you meet us there and pick up your transport.”

  “Captain, you know I can’t do that. And may I remind you that I have several members of your crew onboard?”

  “I’m well aware of that fact, however, we will proceed as planned. I trust you will deliver my crew to me when you reach Toru Two, Mr. Phaeg.”

  Phaeg’s voice rose in anger. “Captain O’bora, turn that vessel around or I will file piracy charges against you!”

  “You do that and Asirian will find himself up on charges for aiding and abetting a felon in the commission of a crime!”

  “If Asirian has come to any harm, O’bora, I will make it my mission in life to track you down!”

  Solae laughed bitterly. “Not to worry, Mr. Phaeg. Asirian is fine. He’s just going to need a lift back to the Nomad. You might want to check on his brother though. He was bleeding quite profusely when we parted ways.”

  “Du-ket is injured?”

  “Yes. Terrible accident. He slipped on my knife.”

  Phaeg had obviously forgotten to disengage the com, because Solae heard him mutter. “The captain’s going to be pissed.”

  “Not my problem, Mr. Phaeg. We’ll see you on Toru Two. Nomad Tnsport, out.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Solae engaged the com and notified Oseof that she was arriving and would need supplies in a hurry. She docked expertly, cut the engines, and admonished her passengers. “Remember what happened the last time you were here. I don’t care how fond you became of Du-ket, he’s not here to protect you now, and the travelers on this outpost can be very dangerous.” She fastened tracking devices to each girl’s wrist. “If you so much as twitch, I’ll know it. And trust me when I tell you, you do not want to get on my bad side.” She opened the hatch door and lowered the steps, smiling at Oseof as he approached. “Can you spare a couple of guards, my friend? I don’t want to run the risk of the future princesses being taken again.”

  Oseof returned her smile. “But of course, darling. Anything you desire.” He signaled two of his personal bodyguards. “Watch the ship and see to it the passengers do not disembark.” He offered Solae his arm and they strolled off to his office. “Osara is nesting. One of the hatchlings is female, and she asks permission to name her after you.”

  Solae preceded him into his office. “That’s wonderful, Oseof! I am truly happy for you both. I would be honored to have your offspring named for me.” She crossed the room and took a seat in front of his desk.

  “You know, she fully believes it was your DNA that made the difference.” He crossed to a small bar and poured an amber colored drink into two cordial glasses. “We were wondering — ah — or rather, I was wondering if I could trouble you —”

  “For a sample to preserve? Of course.” She took a sip of the spicy, sweet cordial. “Mmm, this batch is particularly good, my friend. The Ume orchards must have done well this year.”

  “Indeed.” He gave her a somber look. “I could not help but notice you are here alone with your charges. Was there a problem?”

  She gave him a grim smile. “That bastard, Asirian. Turns out he and Du-ket are related. I felt it prudent to leave him behind.”

  Oseof hissed. “I see. In that case, I feel I must tell you that the Nomad has called in a request that you be detained until her arrival.”

  Solae raised an eyebrow. “And your response?”

  Oseof spread his hands. “Naturally, I told the first officer I would do what I could, but I had no legal grounds to detain you. He claims you stole one of the Nomad Transport vehicles. Gave a detailed description of the craft, as well as her call numbers.”

  He eased into a chair behind his massive desk and leaned forward, speaking quietly. “The vehicle is being…detailed, as we speak. I’ve taken the liberty of providing you with the title and call numbers of an old heap that’s been decommissioned from my personal fleet. When you leave here, you will be piloting a completely different vessel — as far as the records are concerned. I thought red was a nice color for you. I’m providing you with extra canisters of anuiam crystals, and one of my engineers is installing a replicator for you. As far as the authorities are concerned, you never stopped here.”

  Solae gave a delighted laugh. “I adore you, Oseof! You can have as much of my DNA as you see fit to take.”

  The cosmetic changes to the Nomad Transport required an overnight stay, but Solae was on her way, early the next morning. Bundled in the robes of an Uzoran priestess, hood pulled low over her eyes, she passed right by the Nomad’s first officer to board her craft. Coated in a cherry red polymer skin that was impervious to heat and scratching, she tossed the robes aside and took the helm. She’d stockpiled enough fuel to get her to Toru Two without further stops, so she doubted the Nomad would catch up with her, and if they did, they’d never recognize her as their own transport vehicle. All in all, the brief visit to Komae Nine had been very worthwhile.

  Solae programmed a more direct route to Toru Two into the on-board navigation system. No way could she tolerate forty-five days in the company of the two Ru-Qut women. As spoiled as they obviously were, she could only imagine how much worse they would be when they married and gained their royal titles. They already acted like spoiled princesses. She turned in her seat and glared back at them. “Bloody fucking stars! Would you stop with the whining?”

  “But we don’t like this strange food,” the blonde pouted.

  “And these clothes are awful. We want you to give us back the clothes Fyn gave us,” the brunette insisted.

  Solae snorted. “Your darling Fyn had you clothed like harem girls. I will not return you to your families dressed as concubines. And as for the food, if you don’t like it, I have some nutrition pellets you can swallow. Your choice.”

  “Humph,” the brunette groused. “I really don’t understand what Fyn saw in you. You are such a bitch.”

  “Pfft. What he saw in me was a way to make money, and when that failed, he killed my family. The man isn’t capable of true human feeling and you’d do well to remember that.”

  “That’s not true! He told me he’d been crazy about you when you were younger and going to some fancy private school. He said he’d gone to see you the day your mother and sister were murdered. He found them dead and ran away! It’s all right here in the data crystal he wanted me to give to you!”

  Solae frowned. “What data crystal?”

  The brunette held up the bullet shaped crystal attached to the silver chain. “He said I should give it to you but I…I wanted to keep the chain.” Her eyes pleaded with Solae.

  She sighed, exasperated, and held out her hand. “Keep the damn chain, just give me the data crystal.” She took the crystal and placed it in a pouch in her utility belt.

  “Aren’t you going to look at it?”

  “Maybe later, when I need a good laugh.” But the truth was, she was dying to view the crystal. Just not with a captive audience in attendance. Come on Toru Two.

  * * * * *
br />   At last! Thirty-three days of mind-numbing chatter from the prospective princesses was coming to an end. They were approaching Toru Two airspace. Solae engaged the com and opened a direct link to the magistrate.

  Mercantile Protectorate

  Toru Sector — Toru Two

  “Anvil Transport to Magistrate Uhorru. This is Captain Solae O’bora, do you copy?”

  “Yes, indeed, Captain. Welcome back. Do you have my packages?”

  “I have two of them, Magistrate, however, the third eluded me. This time. I’ll fill you in when we dock. We’ll need appropriate accommodations for my passengers.”

  “I’ll have everything prepared for your arrival. Will you be staying on Toru Two long, Captain?”

  “A few days, possibly. We’ll see you shortly, Magistrate Uhorru. O’bora, out.” She gave a little shudder. Gods, she hoped he wasn’t going to put the moves on her again. The chubby little bastard gave her the creeps.

  Solae docked the transport craft at the docking station above the main government building, and checked the appearances of her charges. Both girls were modestly dressed and appeared no worse for wear. She was dressed in her typical garb, a black jumpsuit that fit like a second skin, calf-high boots, black, webbed utility belt, and a vintage pair of Mark Jacobs sunglasses her father had sent her from his posting at the United Federation of Planets Headquarters in New York City, Earth. She escorted the girls to the transport tube and gave her coordinates to the operator. Once inside the tube, they were transported to the magistrate’s office in the blink of an eye.

  Solae stepped out of the tube to the sounds of overjoyed cries as the families greeted their long-lost daughters. She noted, with some amusement, that the prospective spouses did not appear as pleased as the family members. The magistrate came forward and shook her hand, expressing his gratitude, and looking pointedly at the silver case at her feet.

  She offered him a smug smile. “I was unable to bring Du-ket in for the bounty, but I did manage to steal your ransom payment back for you, Magistrate Uhorru.” She picked up the case and placed it in his greedy little hands. “I’ll have another shot at Du-ket one of these days. If you don’t mind, I’d like to keep the bounty papers.”

  “Most assuredly, Captain. Will you stay and meet the families?”

  “I don’t think so,” she demurred. “The fewer people who see me, the easier it is for me to do my job. You understand. Do you have anything worth my while?”

  The little man gave her a flustered look. She could only imagine what that was about. He probably intended to offer a place to stay while she was on Toru Two. Fortunately for her, she had a place to stay whenever she touched base on the planet. On any planet, actually.

  Uhorru went to his desk and dug around for a folder. “Aza Ozemac.” He handed her the information. “Likes to board merchant ships, disable the crew, and make off with the cargo. The last ship’s crew decided to fight back. They were all subdued, placed in a single transport, and set adrift. A troop ship found them drifting in the Tertius sector. All dead but for two men. Resorted to cannibalism to stay alive. One of the dead was my youngest son, Ceb. Bring him in any way you see fit, Captain.”

  “I’m so sorry, Magistrate Uhorru. You have my word, Ozemac will be brought in and you shall have your day in court.”

  “Thank you, Captain.”

  * * * * *

  Solae took her leave, happy to have the distraction of another bounty to keep her mind off Raav. She hailed an air taxi and directed him across town. Her visit might be unexpected but never unwanted. In no time at all, the taxi hovered by the curb and she hopped out, pressing a coin into his hand.

  Kei Rewu answered the door wearing nothing but a pair of baggy drawstring pants. His face lit up when he saw Solae. “Hello, gorgeous!” Strong hands grabbed her around the waist and lifted her off her feet.

  She wrapped her arms around the big man’s neck and hugged him tightly, blinking back tears. A sob escaped, despite her best efforts.

  “What’s this?” Kei asked, setting her on her feet to peer at her upturned face. “Tears? Then it’s true what I’ve heard. You’ve gone and fallen in love. And from the look of it, he’s broken your heart. Who is the bastard? I’ll gladly kill him for you.”

  A giant of a man at nearly eight feet tall, Kei was a fierce competitor on the gladiator circuit. His body was a mass of muscle and sinew, honed to perfection by hours of practice on the field and off. He wore his waist-length silver hair in a braid, practiced yoga, and had fallen madly in love with Solae from the moment he first laid eyes on her. Whenever business brought her to Toru Two, she shared his home and his bed.

  “How long will you be here, pet?” the big man asked.

  “Just until the Nomad arrives and I can retrieve my crew.” She looked at him, wondering if he could make her forget Asirian’s betrayal, at least for a time. “I could stay onboard my ship, if you’d like.”

  “Nonsense! You will stay with your old friend. Kei will cook for you, yes? Fatten you up, skinny girl. You will talk about what has happened with this man of yours and I will hold you while you sleep.” He leaned down and kissed the top of her head. “If you say no sex, then no sex, eh? But next time you come to town, if you are not with this man, eh? Just like old times.”

  Solae jumped into his arms. “You always know just the right thing to say, Kei. But I’d like to keep the option for sex open. You might be just what the doctor ordered.”

  He laughed and wiggled his eyebrows. “For you, pet, I will be glad to play doctor. Now, go and change. Your kimono is lonely and you know how I despise those one-piece things you wear.”

  True to his word, later that evening, Kei laid out a feast fit for a king, each one a favorite Earth dish. Thick, medium-rare sirloin steaks, roasted herbed potatoes tossed in olive oil, steamed string beans, a large garden salad, and a lovely bottle of red wine. He seated her at the table and poured her a glass of wine. “To old friends,” he said, toasting her. They both took a drink then dug into their meal. “So, tell me about this man who has broken your heart.”

  Solae chewed slowly, remembering the thrill of his touch, the acute despair of his betrayal. “You may know him, my friend. Or know who he is. His name is Raav Asirian.”

  Kei raised an eyebrow. “I’ve run across him a time or two. Mercenary. His sexual tastes run toward the…exotic, or so I’ve heard. His last job was for the federation, I think, putting down a revolt on Kor 2.”

  “That would be him.” She stabbed a grape tomato with her fork and popped it into her mouth, moaning at the sweetness exploding from her taste buds. “Turns out he’s related to Fyn Du-ket.”

  Kei shoved his plate away and poured more wine, giving her a sharp look. “Asirian didn’t tell you?”

  “No.” Her eyes welled with tears and she swiped them away, angry that anyone held the power to hurt her so badly. “What am I to think? Why would he withhold that information from me if he didn’t plan on turning me over to Du-ket? That bastard came to my home to abduct me, maybe even kill me, and when I wasn’t there... Asirian knew that, yet he chose to withhold his relationship with Du-ket from me.”

  “Do you really think he would have turned you over to his brother?”

  Solae took a deep, shuddering breath. “I don’t know. I didn’t give either of them a chance to get their hands on me. I laid open Du-ket’s chest with that pig-sticker you gave me, grabbed the ransom, and ran like hell.” She wiped her nose and flashed him a grin. “Hijacked Asirian’s transport craft and left him there to tend to his brother.”

  Kei roared with laughter and sloshed more wine in her glass. “Way to go, pet. He deserved nothing less.” He shoved away from the table. “Come into the solarium. I’m watching a broadcast of my next opponent. You can give me some tips on how to fight dirty.”

  Solae snorted. “As if I could teach you anything.”

  Solae snuggled next to Kei on the massive couch. Her relationship with Asirian was essentially over. He�
�d betrayed her in the worst possible way, and she’d stolen his transport ship, leaving him stranded on another planet. Now she was in the home of a man she cared about, one who could make her forget, at least for a night. Where was the harm? She reached up and caressed his bare chest.

  Kei chuckled and lifted her to straddle his lap. “I have just the cure for what ails you, pet.”

  His lips slanted over hers, and she opened beneath them, sighing. Yes. This is what she needed — a sexy man to please her throughout the night. One who wouldn’t hurt her. She moaned as his hand fisted in her hair, and pulled her head back, baring her neck to his lips.

  “So beautiful, my pet.” His voice was smoke, enveloping her as he paused to nibble her clavicle. The kimono slid off one shoulder to reveal the top of one creamy breast. When he sought out the jeweled tip, she stiffened. His arm encircled her, and he twisted to the side, pressing her onto her back. “Unfortuately —”

  The sound of splintering wood had him on his feet. He dragged Solae with him, thrusting her behind his back.

  “What the fuck?” She tightened the belt on her kimono and peered around Kei. A shocked gasp escaped her. “Asirian,” she hissed. The red light of a laser pistol caught her attention just as Kei’s plasma monitor exploded.

  “Get your hands off my woman, gladiator,” Raav snarled, advancing on Kei.

  He raised an eyebrow as Solae stepped out from behind Kei’s broad back.

  “I can forgive you for stealing my transport vehicle, Solae. I can even forgive you for trying to filet my brother. But, this?” He casually gestured at Kei. “We’ve discussed the issue of other men. Was there something in particular you didn’t understand?”

  Solae could feel her cheeks heat. In fact, she was pretty sure her head would explode any moment. “Bastard!” She stalked toward him, shouting. “You dare barge in here and talk to me about betrayal when everything between us was based on a lie?”

  “That’s not true and you know it. I may have been less than forthcoming, but my love for you is unquestionable. And I never intended to hurt you.”


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