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Across the Stars

Page 11

by India Masters


  She sounded so surprised, that he nearly laughed. Did she think he’d been playing with her all this time? It never occurred to him that he might want to marry and produce children one day, but he knew with a certainty that Solae O’bora would be the mother of his children. He moved steadily down her body, nipping her slender waist, then pausing to dip his tongue into her navel. “The belly ring will probably have to go when you swell with our child.”

  “You want children?”

  “With you? Desperately.” He took a moment to nibble her hip bone, then settled himself between her legs. “Such a sweet pussy.” His hands pressed her legs farther apart to reveal the cream already welling at her center. He used his thumbs to open her lips, then ran his tongue through her slit. “Yes. Yes, aschema, cream for me. I want all of it, every drop.”

  She was hot and wet, her body trembling with desire. No matter what came between them, they would always have this, the physical need for one another that always culminated in an orgasm that was soul deep. He gave her another lick and she moaned, thrusting her pussy against his ravenous mouth. “I can’t wait to bury my cock in you, love. So deep in your tight little pussy you’ll beg to come.”

  Her clit was red and swollen, like a ripe berry ready to explode in his mouth. He took it between his lips and sucked on it, flicking his tongue against the hard nub. She was crying out, thrusting and pulling away, thrusting again. He wrapped his arms around her thighs to hold her still, and laved the engorged bud, lapping at her like a cat with a saucer of fresh cream.

  “Mmm…oh! I’m going to come, I’m going to come…oooohhh!”

  Gods, but he loved to watch her in the throes of an orgasm. Her entire body arched like a bow, head thrown back, eyes screwed tightly shut, mouth open as she howled her release to the stars. He drank from her shuddering body, demanding more and receiving it.

  Greedy hands reached for him, tugging at him. “I need you inside me, Raav. Oh, please. Fuck me, now!” He nipped the inside of her silken thigh and levered himself up to hover above her.

  He hissed when she reached for his cock, stroking him, cupping his balls. She tugged on his cock and drew it to her heat, parting the folds of her pussy as he plunged deep. It was like being home, clasped in her tight, hot cunt.

  “Oh, yes,” she groaned. “Oh, yes, that’s what I need. It feels so good. Fuck me, Raav.”

  Jaw clenched tight against the urge to come, he draped her legs over his shoulders, climbed to his knees, and began to thrust. Her pussy clasped him in a velvety vise as he withdrew, and sank into her again, deeper this time, setting a rhythm that had her pounding the mattress with her fists.

  He wouldn’t last much longer, could already feel his balls tighten and retract. He increased his pace, slamming into her as she cried out, driving him on as her pussy clamped around him and she came again. There was nothing like this feeling, the friction of her contracting pussy milking him as he drove into her again and again, until every last drop of semen was wrung from his body. His arms shook as he buried himself inside her, roaring with release, unable to move, unable to do anything but gasp for breath.

  The intensity abated and he lowered himself to the bed, resting his head on her thigh. “Ah, aschema. I’ve been away from you for too many nights. You run from me again at your own peril.” He pressed his cheek against her inner thigh and gave her a nip. “Understood?”


  “Good. Now tell me what you want to do.”

  “Go to Earth, of course.”

  “Of course.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  The logistics of taking two large starships such a long distance were made relatively easy since the discovery of transversable, interstellar wormholes. And still, the trip would take six months, with stops for fuel and supplies.

  Over the years, Solae’s bounty hunting had netted her a vast array of star charts, which Ceropa had spent hours feeding into the Anvil’s computers. It had been an easy enough job to transfer the data to the Nomad, so both ships were in possession of the same information. Since Raav’s ship was larger, and his quarters more comfortable, they decided to make the trip on the Nomad, while Solae’s crew followed in her ship. Now, finally, they reached their destination.

  Solae and Raav stood on the observation deck as the ship approached Earth. While a big fan of all things Earth-related, Raav had never actually been to the planet referred to as the big blue marble.

  “Isn’t it beautiful?” she said reverently.

  “Beautiful doesn’t even come close, Solae. Would you look at all the blue? The whole planet must be covered in water.”

  Solae grinned. “It is. Most of the water is comprised of various oceans, so it’s salty. The salt content is so high you bob around in it.”

  “You’ve actually been swimming in their oceans?”

  “Oh, yes! One of my friends actually lives and works under the sea, and the creatures that live there are astounding. Huge mammals called whales live in the oceans. They have blowholes on the backs of their heads and they have to surface to take in air. And they have great beasts called sharks, with sharp, serrated teeth that could cut a man in half. They were endangered for several hundred years because it was discovered that the cartilage in their bodies cured a dreaded disease called cancer.”

  “Fascinating. And you’ve actually seen these beasts?”


  Solae pressed her hands against the window, like a child with her nose pressed against the window of a candy store. “See the little peninsula that looks like a thumb? That’s Florida. And see all the little islands in the waters below it? It gets very hot in those areas, and in the late summer and early fall, they sometimes get hit by these massive storms called hurricanes.”

  “What are the inhabitants like?”

  “Still pretty primitive in many countries, though since the planet was discovered most of the countries have gotten onboard. It used to be a really violent place. Lots of genocide in the under-developed nations. Lots of wars. You would have loved it.”

  Raav chuckled. “I think I’ve just been insulted.” He brushed the hair away from her neck and kissed her. “So, what are they like now?”

  “Well, the United States of America and the European Union are very technologically advanced, as is the Asian Confederacy. They were at the forefront of the technological revolutions in the earlier years of the twenty-first and twenty-second centuries. Then things really took off when the first explorers landed. But the Americans are still a pretty independent lot. If any of the Earth countries are going to butt heads with the Federation, it’s going to be America.”

  “So, what do you know about this meeting we’ll be interrupting?”

  Solae shrugged. “Not too much. Mostly, Father wanted me to come home for a visit so he could nag me about his lack of grandchildren.” She felt her cheeks heat at the reference to children, recalling how Raav had made love to her, the things he’d said. “The last time I communicated with him, he said they were trying to get the Americans to agree to some kind of Federated Tribunal to deal with intergalactic crime. I gathered the Americans weren’t too keen on the idea of subjecting their citizens to the will of a galactic court. The ambassador was not happy.”

  “You were able to get the schematics for the United Federation Headquarters?”

  “I hacked into the Federation’s computers while you were napping and downloaded the video. The ambassador won’t know what hit him.”

  Raav chuckled. “The authorities have been notified?”

  She gave him a smug smile. “Ye of little faith. What do you think? The Federation high command should be receiving the downloaded files very shortly, and I sent a copy to the chief of the federal police in New York City.”

  “I think if you ever decided to give up bounty hunting, you could earn quite a good living as a hacker. Or a security specialist.”

  Solae laughed. “Let’s hope you’re right about tha
t, Asirian.” She took a deep breath and gave his hand a tug. “We’d better go change.”

  * * * * *

  Solae closed her eyes and took a deep breath, then pushed through the door to her father’s office. “Karem, you’re looking fit. How are you?”

  Karem Camden, her father’s assistant, hurried around his desk and took her hands in his. “Why, Solae, you’ve grown up! I haven’t seen you since —” He tapped his lip with an elegant finger. “You must have been eighteen or nineteen years old the last time you were here. He’s in his office, I’ll let him know you’re here.”

  He reached across his desk and pressed the intercom button. “Ambassador, your daughter is here to see you.”

  The door to Anterius O’bora’s office opened and Solae’s father rushed out. “Darling! I wasn’t sure if you would make it or not!” She stiffened as he embraced her then held her at arm’s length. “Let me look at you.” He sighed. “No new scars, that’s a good thing. Can’t even see the one over your right eye anymore.”

  Solae fought to hold her trembling body in check, and turned to Raav. “Combat training with an overly enthusiastic ‘droid. Raav Asirian, meet Ambassador Anterius O’bora, my father.”

  The ambassador paled for a moment, then offered his hand. “This is the first time Solae has ever brought a man to meet me.”

  Solae could almost see the gears turning in her father’s mind. Did Solae know about Du-ket’s relationship with the Asirian clan? Had Du-ket told his brother anything?

  Her father laughed heartily and looked at Solae. “I hope this means you’re going to settle down, my dear.” He gave Raav a shrewd glance. “Always had a touch of the wanderlust, my Solae. I remember once, when she was around seven or eight —”

  “Father, please,” she cut in. “This isn’t a social call. We need to talk to you about something of grave concern.”

  Anterius nodded. “Very well, child, come into my office.”

  Solae pulled the data crystal out of her pocket and crossed to the plasma screen mounted on the wall. “This thing accepts data crystals, doesn’t it?”

  The ambassador frowned. “Yes, of course, but what’s this about, dear?”

  Solae smiled. “It’s about murder, Father.” She plugged the data crystal into the monitor and jumped ahead several frames, then returned to her seat and pressed play on the handheld remote. “By the way, Fyn Du-ket sends his regards.”

  Five long minutes passed as the ambassador watched, a horrified expression on his face. Finally, he turned to Solae. “She was a slut! She bore the child of another man and tried to pass her off as mine!”

  “And for that she had to die? And Sirius, too? She was an innocent child! My sister, whom I adored! How could you, Father? And you left them there for me to find, you son of a bitch!”

  Anterius got up and ejected the data crystal from the monitor. “This is staying with me, Solae.” He glared at his daughter. “What is it you want?”


  “Well, you won’t get that now, will you?” He dropped the crystal to the hardwood floor and smashed it under his foot.

  “Oh, please, Father, do you really believe that’s the only copy?” Seeing the color drain from his face, Solae continued. “As we speak, the original is on a mail packet, headed for Ega 12. Along with documentation showing that every murder Du-ket is accused of committing, has been aboard ships belonging to his family. Your competition in the shipping industry, I believe. And believe me, when they haul your ass home, I’ll be right there to see you pay.”

  “I am your father!” Anterius roared.

  “You are not my father! Not anymore! You’re no better than the murdering scum I’m charged to bring to justice! How many lives have you ruined? Hundreds? I hope you rot in the Egan mines for what you’ve done!” She stood slowly, looking at the crushed crystal sparkling on the dark hardwood and shook her head. “I can’t believe you underestimated me to such an extent. The authorities will be here soon, I’m sure.”

  She trembled at the touch of Raav’s hand on her lower back, guiding her to the door.

  “Solae! Solae, get back here this instant!”

  She looked over her shoulder at her father’s mottled face. “Enjoy your speech, Ambassador. It’s going to be your last.”

  * * * * *

  Solae and Raav stood in the gallery as her father was introduced to the dignitaries. He began his speech about the need for consistent criminal legislation to govern all races in all galaxies. With his nod, a media specialist uploaded a data crystal containing information and statistics on the various crimes to be covered by the Federated Galactic Court.

  The audience sat in stunned silence as his face came on screen, spewing out his confession of the violence he’d inflicted on his own family. He stumbled to his seat, silently mouthing the word “no,” over and over again, when Solae came on screen, her voice calm, her eyes wounded.

  “My name i Solae O’bora, and I am the ambassador’s daughter. Ten years ago, I arrived home from boarding school to find my mother and siser brutally murdered. When my father arrived, he informed me that Fyn Du-ket was responsible for the destruction of everything I held dear. Years passed, and I became a bounty hunter, bringing to justice those who committed heinous acts. But the murder of my own family was always uppermost in my mind, and my ultimate goal was to find Du-ket, and make him pay for what he had done to my loved ones.

  “That day finally came, and in the place of revenge, I was given proof the notorious pirate was also a victim of treachery. As I speak, the information on this data crystal, along with other documentation, is being sent to my father’s home planet, Ega 12, where I hope all murder charges against Captain Du-ket will be dropped.

  “The sad truth is, my father is solely responsible for the deaths of hundreds of innocent people, all in the name of revenge against Du-ket’s father, his primary competition in the shipping industry. As one who is sworn to uphold the decree of the courts, I urge you to pass this legislation so my father, and others like him, can be brought to justice wherever they might reside.”

  Solae and Raav stepped out of the gallery into the hallway. “Asirian to Nomad bridge.”

  “Go ahead, Captain.”

  “We’re done here, Mr. Phaeg. Engage transporter at these coordinates.”

  “Aye, Captain.”

  He turned to Solae. “So, where to now?”

  Solae smiled. “I say we head for the Xat-Rah sector. I believe I owe your brother an apology. He’s a real captain, right? I mean, he could marry us?”

  Raav wrapped his arms around her as they were transported to his quarters. The com immediately pinged “Where to, Captain?”

  “Chart a course across the stars, Mr. Phaeg. We’re heading back to Xat-Rah. Captain O’bora has just proposed to me, and I’m accepting.”

  “Very good, Captain. And congratulations to you both.” The com went dark.

  “Hey, I have an idea,” Solae said in a teasing voice. “Why not stop on Cyntur-Rho on the way? We’ll need a marriage license, and I have this bounty —”

  “Solae,” he growled, as she backed away. She laughed when he caught her and pressed her against a wall. “Remind me to have Fyn put the word obey in the vows.”

  Solae gave him a saucy smile and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I’ll obey you anytime you want, Asirian, just not outside the privacy of our own bedroom.” She shrieked with laughter when he picked her up and tossed her over his shoulder.

  “Well, in that case, let the obeying begin.”

  India Masters

  India refers to herself as an old, Southern hippie. She is happily divorced with no intention of rectifying the situation because sometimes she can barely stand her own company, much less someone else. She has one grown daughter who she still refers to as “Doodle,” and lives in a rapidly developing rural area in Florida where she shares her domain with all manner of wildlife, a swimming pool that is a breeding ground for a seemingly virulent strain
of algae, and a black snake that likes to surprise her when she turns on the outdoor faucet and picks up the black water hose.

  India developed a love for writing while earning her B.A. in Criminal Justice from a northern college. She refers to herself as a late bloomer, as she married late, gave birth late, and got started writing late in life. She developed her love for all things quirky from doing psychiatric social work in both the community and corrections fields. She has always loved a good romance novel but found them lacking because all the good stuff was cloaked in euphemisms or happened behind closed doors. It wasn’t until she joined a critiquing group that she discovered romantic erotica, and her first book, The Soul Collector, was born. She credits her success to the caring support of the women — and one, lone man — in her critique group, but especially to one member who took her under her wing and helped her learn everything from point of view to manuscript formatting.




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