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Getting Naked at the Hilton

Page 8

by Dee Dawning

  She stroked my hair. “Rachel. You are my smartest. I trust your instincts and Cedric says he is very nice. If your man is dressed now, may I meet him?"

  I felt a smile form on my face as I realized that, if only temporarily, I had weathered the storm. “Of course. Let me pour you and Ced some coffee and I'll fetch him. You'll like him, Mother. He is real people. Here you go, cream and one teaspoon of sugar. Here you are Uncle, black. If you will excuse me, I'll see if Scott is decent now."

  They both nodded as they sipped their coffee.

  Scott was dressed. He sat on the bed looking forlorn. “I really screwed up, didn't I?"

  "Yes, I'm afraid so, but you're going to get a second chance. Don't be nervous. While I prefer my mother like you, it's not a deal breaker. Okay?"

  He looked up and nodded. ‘I'll try but you know what they say."

  "What's that?"

  "You never get a second chance to make a good first impression."

  I smiled. “Well, you are. Remember, Ced is already in your corner, so concentrate all your charm on my mother. Her name, by the way, is Mazira, but I would call her Mrs. Cooke, at first. Now, go knock ‘em dead."

  We kissed briefly, “I love you, Scott.” I took his hand and led him to the lioness.

  "Mother, this is Scott Rader. Scott, this is my mother, Mazira Cooke."

  She offered her small thin hand and Scott took it in both of his, “So pleased to meet you, Mrs. Cooke. I am totally enamored with you daughter. I can see now why she is so darned good looking."

  Mother looked approvingly at Scott. “Please sit down, young man."

  Scott sat on the couch that held Ced, across the coffee table. Cedric was so big that even though they sat on opposite ends of the couch, their knees were inches apart. Picking up the carafe, I poured a cup of coffee for my man. My man, I liked the sound of that! “Cream, no sugar.” After handing the cup to Scott, I sat on the armrest beside him and put my arm around him. He took a sip of coffee, looked at me and smiled.

  "I understand that you would like to marry Rachel?"

  "Yes, I am deeply in love with her."

  "You'll have to excuse my cynicism, but she tells me you only met two and a half days ago."

  "I understand your skepticism and I agree this is sudden, but it almost seems like we have been waiting for each other our whole lives.” He took another sip from his cup. “After all, we both put off marriage as if we were searching for that special person."

  "Mother, I remember you told me you loved father from the moment you met."

  "Yes, but we courted for months before we married and we certainly weren't intimate in sixty hours or less. Probably a lot less."

  I hoped my embarrassment wasn't showing. “Mother, those were different times. What's done is done. We are intimate and shall remain so. What's important is where we go from here."

  Mother questioned Scott for another half hour. She was pleased that he was a college graduate and seemed to have a good job. Then she asked where we planned to live. This was something I hadn't thought about. Scott and I looked at each other and we both knew this was something we had to discuss.

  Apparently, despite his inauspicious initial entrance he seemed to have won ‘Ole Stone Face’ over. When Mother and uncle rose to leave, she smiled and said “Welcome to the family.” Then turned a cheek to him for a kiss.

  As I kissed her on the cheek she whispered, “He is a handsome devil, just like your father."

  I looked at her as I pulled away. Our eyes locked and she winked, the curl of a smile formed on her lips, then faded. “You will keep me informed about any possible wedding plans."

  "Of course."


  "Cedric. I'm ready."

  * * * *

  "You silver tongued fox. You did it. You wooed the ice lady. This calls for a celebration. What shall we do?"

  "I don't know. You have a performance tonight, right?"

  I nodded.

  "It's twelve-thirty. We have about six hours. What do you feel like doing?"

  "You know what? I've never seen Hoover Dam. Could you take me there?"

  I could tell by the look on Scott's face that he had something a little more personal in mind but hey, you can't screw all the time—just most of the time.

  "If that's what you want. We better hurry though."

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  Chapter Nine

  Naked at the Hoover Dam

  "Between two evils, I always pick the one I never tried before."

  —Mae West

  I was in a great mood as we drove to the dam. Things couldn't have been going better. For the first time in my life, I was in love. My mother and uncle had given me a green light with Scott and I was sure that we would marry, have dozens of children and live happily ever after in a house with a white picket fence. What bothered me was the thirty days we had to wait and the fact I would have to spend them with Lester and Chloe in San Francisco.

  "Tell me that story you mentioned last night. About making Lester lament losing me."

  "Sure. It was at the funeral for my parents."

  "Scott, you don't have to tell me if it'll bring back bad memories."

  "No. I'm all right with it. The funeral was over ten years ago. Anyway, there was a man that I'd never seen before, who kept staring at me. I wondered who he was and how he was connected with my parents. After the gravesite service, I found out. As Mark and I were heading back to the limo, he called after me by name. When he caught up, he asked if he could speak for a minute. I nodded and he went on.

  "'I loved your mother,’ he said, ‘You and Mark could very well have been my sons, if I hadn't screwed up.’”

  "Before my mother had met Dad, she was engaged to him. Not appreciating the treasure he had, he messed around on her. When she found out, she gave him the engagement ring back and dropped him cold. That's when he realized the terrible mistake he made and did everything he could think of to get her back. Nothing worked. By then, she found Dad and they became engaged.

  "He went on to say that he compared every woman that he went with or married to my Mom and none matched up. Since then, hardly a day passed where something reminded him of my mother and he would curse himself for his stupidity.

  "And you think Lester's beginning to feel like that?"

  "I can't say for sure. He's a different person, but he is trying to get you back. That's a sign."

  "Good! Let him stew."

  * * * *

  Hoover Dam was spectacular. Looking over the edge, down on the water, I asked, “How far down is that?"

  "I'm not sure. Probably a hundred feet or so. Let's go to the other side. That's where the big drop off is."

  We crossed over and I looked over the side. “Wow! How far down is this side?"

  "I'm sorry, don't know. Four or five hundred feet maybe."

  "Ooh, this is amazing. Thank you for bringing me."

  "It is, isn't it? You should see the view from below."

  "You've been down there?"

  "Yes, they have tours. See those people over there in line?"


  "They're waiting for the tour."

  Tour! I hopped and clapped. “Can we go?” It was embarrassing that he had witnessed me clapping like a like a little girl, but he seemed to get a kick out of it.

  "There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you,” he said.

  "You're sweet.” I kissed him chastely. “And I would do anything for you, too."

  Scott guided me toward the line. “Wait here while I get tickets."

  Tickets in hand, it took about fifteen minutes until we were in a crowded elevator heading down. I asked the guide how often the tours went. “A tour comes through about every forty-five minutes on slow days and every half hour on busy days."

  "And this is?"

  "A slow day."

  I smiled. Scott didn't have a clue about what I had in mind.

  After traveling down the elevator, some five
hundred feet, we disembarked into a hallway entirely covered with mosaic tile. I asked the guide, a middle-aged woman, if there was a ladies room I could use. She stared at me for a few seconds before leading me a few steps in the opposite direction from the elevator and pointed to a door that said, Women. She turned back to the group and asked, “Is there anyone else?” A man stepped out and asked where the men's room was. As I went into the restroom, I heard her say right next door.

  Shortly after I came out and rejoined the group, the man did too and the guide led everyone down an intersecting hallway.

  She said, “Everyone stay close. It's very easy to get lost in this maze of hallways."

  The hall ran into another one, which we followed into a large cage, in an enormous rock tunnel in which ran a huge pipe. “An overflow pipe,” she said. “Twenty feet in diameter.” It was cool and dank. Just the opposite from the heat and bright sunlight we had just escaped. As the crowd filtered forward down the pathway, I took Scott's hand.

  As he started to follow our group, I held him back. He looked at me inquisitively as I rubbed a hand across his chest. I opened a button and slipped my hand inside. My fingers rubbed his stiffened nipples. Scott's eyes closed and his head went backward. Then his eyes jerked open and he asked, “What are you doing?"

  "I should think that's obvious,” I answered, “but in case you need a clue...” I reached under my mini-skirt with both hands and took off my panties. “Here put these in your pocket,” I said, “Just in case you're still wondering what I'm doing...” My hand went to his zipper and dragged it downward.

  Scott's hand stopped me halfway down. He kissed my forehead and said, “I know what you're doing, but this is a public place. What if someone comes through here?"

  "The next tour won't come through here for at least another thirty-five minutes."

  I finished unzipping him while he looked around the cage. There were some flat wood backless benches against the gouged solid rock wall of the tunnel. “There's no place to do it here."

  He was right. I reached in and pulled his half-hard penis out. “Let's go back to the rest rooms. We can make love on a vanity counter.” Holding tightly onto his penis, I led him out of the cage back toward the men's room.

  "You want to make love on a vanity?"

  "Why not? We did it on a dresser and a dressing table. You have a problem with that?"

  Scott raised his hands, palms upward, signifying submission. “No, Mistress!"

  I hurried. With no tour group to hold us back, we made the three-minute trip in thirty seconds flat. When we waltzed through the door of the men's room, Scott was three quarters hard—hard enough to enter me but I wanted it rigid. I unbuckled his belt, popped the button and took his chinos to the floor. As the first night, but with a different objective, I slipped his loafers off and pants over his feet. This time, his cock tangled in my mouth instead of my hair. Scott stiffened in more ways than one. The musky aroma from his sex wafted to my nostrils. Groaning, he reached down and felt the reciprocating motion of his cock into my mouth or rather my mouth onto his cock. He was hard and close to cumming. Sorry baby, Not this time.

  I took his shaft out of my mouth and tongued the underside. He seemed to like that, fidgeting and trying to shove his dick back in my mouth.

  "Hmmm ... open your shirt. I love to look at your naked chest. And sit up here,” I said, patting the vanity ledge.

  While he opened his shirt, I got naked, removing my skirt and halter. “I suggest you put your pants on the vanity and sit on it, otherwise the tile will feel cold."

  That's all right, I'll rough it. It'll only feel cold for a few seconds.

  As I expected, Scott shivered and goose bumps permeated his arms and legs. His mighty member became less mighty. Once again, I bent over and slipped his heated organ past my lips. He cried out when my tongue teased the tender underside of his cock between the ridges. My mouth could feel it stiffen until he was again rigid and he reflexively tried to shove it down my throat. When I pulled him out of my mouth, he sighed. I mounted the vanity, straddling him. Resting my hands on his broad shoulders, I lowered my sexed up snatch, onto his cock, taking in every inch of him. We gasped in unison. “Mmmm, Oh God!” It felt divine. I wasn't sure which I wanted more, Scott the man or Scott the cock. Since one came with the other, I decided it was a two for one bargain.

  Glancing in the mirror, I smiled. There was my double fucking his double. It was thrilling. Placing my hands on his cheeks, I gave him a tongue filled kiss.

  With his prick deep inside me, filling me up, I rocked forward and backward grounding my clit into his pubic bone. Scott reacted with little mini-thrusts of his groin. As each of my forward thrusts grew more extreme and my breasts got closer to Scott's face, he would hold out his tongue and lick a nipple as it got close. Electrifying sensations raced through me when, alternately, he grasped my breasts and fiercely suckled my nipples. Squeezing and pinching, nibbling and sucking them, I felt numb to everything but the erotic currents that radiated from my pussy and nipples. I needed to come, but not before him. His thrusts became more urgent and deeper, and then I sensed the tension of a climax. He groaned loudly, as his cock began pulsating and ejecting milky spurts of cum into me. Scott pulled his mouth from my breast and cried out. He began thrusting his throbbing shaft deeper and deeper, while rolling his head right and left against the mirror.

  Climaxing simultaneously, I bent backward and convulsed as if having a mini-seizure, but when I suddenly heard clapping, it cut my enjoyment short. I looked into the mirror and was shocked to see a lady in a Park Ranger uniform—our tour guide.

  * * * *

  "My, my, aren't you the adventurous duo.” The tour guide said as she approached us.

  Scott asked, “What are you doing here ... Camille, isn't it?"

  "Yes, it is. I suppose I could ask the same question but I already see what you're doing. You're doing the big nasty and doing a hell of a job, too. Certainly got my pulse up, as good as any porn movie I ever saw. Girl, I don't suppose you'd loan me your boyfriend, would you? I've got a fire burning in me that needs quenching."

  My skin flushed hot. Rolling off Scott, onto the vanity, sitting next to him, I reached for my halter and Scott's chinos on the far end of the counter. Before putting my halter on, I placed the pants over our genitals. I shook my head. “Sorry, he's all worn out, even if I did share."

  "Somehow, I didn't think so. Looks like some lucky guy's gonna get laid tonight and he won't even know why."

  Camille was funny. Unable to stop it, I snickered.

  Scott gave me a dirty look, but Camille gave him a wicked smile and continued, “I'll be thinking of you tonight, pretty boy,” then winked.

  "Okay, Camille, we get the point. We raised your thermostat and gave you horns, we're sorry..."

  "Oh no, Sweetheart, don't be sorry. I'm not. You two gave me enough excitement and juice my sluice material for a month, maybe two. God, you're a hot couple. I don't suppose you'd pose for my camera phone."

  I giggled and Scott gave her a dirty look.

  "Didn't think you'd go for that either."

  Scott asked, “Look Camille, could you answer my question? Where is the tour group and how come you're here instead of with them?"

  "We're taught to count our tour members at each stop. When we got to the generating station the group was two short. You both stuck in my mind, especially you ma'am because you're one of the most striking sisters I've ever seen. Procedure dictated I turn the group over to another guide and search for you."

  My head tilted and my hands went to my hips, “Just how did you know I was a sister?"

  She laughed. “I wasn't sure, but I am now."

  "All right, sister, just how did you figure out we were here?"

  She smiled. “Call it a hunch. I looked first in the Ladies room and then I heard the two of you making all your hot sex noises in here. Oh! I just remembered. If you wanted to continue ... eh ... enjoying each other. There's a sick room
with a bed around the corner."

  "Thanks for the offer Camille but we've finished our business here, except for one thing, we need to get dressed. Can we get a little privacy?"

  "Sure, I'll wait by the elevator for you. When you come back out, I have to take you to the surface. Rules you know."

  As soon as Camille exited, I looked at Rachel. “It's five ten. We gotta get dressed and get out of here."

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  Chapter Ten


  "Anything else around here need milking?"

  —Samantha, ‘Sex and the City'

  By the time Scott and I had finished our ‘spontaneous’ little fling, we needed to head straight for Pokey's.

  Camille escorted us up the elevator. As we were about to leave she hugged and cheek kissed us goodbye. We were welcome back anytime we felt in a frisky mood, she told us and gave me her card. She said to call ahead and she would personally make sure that clean sheets were on the sick room bed.

  In Scott's car, we wound our way back from the dam toward Boulder City. He was in a quiet mood and hadn't said a word. Who knows? Maybe Rev was nagging him for yet another wanton hedonistic experience.

  As we drove through Boulder City I remarked, “What a cute little town. This would be a perfect place to raise a family."

  Scott broke his silence, “Do you want a family?"

  "What do you mean?"

  "What I mean is, you have a career and seem intent on fucking in every secluded nook in the world. It just seems like you're more interested in satisfying Rachel than raising a family."

  That pissed me off. I was indignant. In trying to please him, I had done everything to make him feel good. Even swallowed his thick sperm. “You know, you don't complain about fucking in my little nooks, as you call them, when you're hard. It seems like when you grow soft, you get soft in the head. In case you hadn't noticed, I've been your Sexual partner. Partner, as if you were a part of it.


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