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Getting Naked at the Hilton

Page 11

by Dee Dawning

  "It's your idea, baby. Why don't you start?"

  "Okay. For starters, Rachel tells me that you have written some snappy lyrics for a couple of her more contemporary pieces. I was wondering if you could sing them for me?"

  "Why not? I've actually done five. Writing and lyrics come pretty easy to me, unlike the music, which is Rach's strong point, but what's this all about, calling me down here wanting me to sing?"

  "I want Rachel to get a new agent and if you're willing, you too."

  "I don't know. We're not making a killing, but Lester seems to keep us busy. Who do you have in mind?"


  "You? Are you an agent?"

  "Not yet, but I've got some connections and you've got the talent."

  I cut in. “Excuse me, Dear."

  "CC, Scott does PR and advertising for many of the Vegas hotels. It seems like that's about as close as you can get to being an agent."

  "Really, can he get us in one of the hotels?"

  Scott said, “That's one of the avenues I want to explore."

  With my arm around Scott, I said, “What Scott needs from us is a demo CD, head shots, a bio and video of us performing."

  "No problem with my bio. It contains head shots and he can use our CDs instead of making a demo, but to my knowledge, I don't know if anyone has ever done a video of us."

  Scott said, “No, I want a demo of your contemporary songs as well. I'll make a video of your performance tonight. CC, do you know that ‘Hey Pretty’ song?"

  She nodded.

  "Good, play it. How about ‘Not a Virgin.’”

  CC's head shook.

  Scott looked at me and asked, “Can you teach it to her, now? I want it in the video."

  "Right now? CC's guitar is at the club."

  "I've got to do a couple things. Make a couple phone calls. CC can you learn everything you can here with Rachel, right now and get to the club early to learn the guitar parts?"

  "I think so,” said Chloe.

  "If not, we can just go with the piano and rhythm machine,” I chipped in.

  Scott reassured CC, “I want you to know, you won't have to leave Lester unless I come up with something worthwhile. I know you're going with him. Would you have any problem leaving him if I could find something better?"

  "Not really. Lester is not my great love. Couldn't you tell?” She winked at Scott and he turned red.

  "What I'm planning on doing won't cost you anything unless I succeed and then it'll be the same percentage you now pay Lester. In effect, I'll be working on the come."

  CC's eyes twinkled as her thin lips curled into a smile. “I could say something, but for the sake of propriety, I won't. Congrats on getting married, by the way. Great idea. Maybe it'll back Lester off."

  Scott didn't know I had told CC and looked surprised.

  "We hope so. How do you feel about Scott being our agent?” I asked.

  "Rachel, sweetheart, I think you know what I think of Scott. I'm in, but what about the demo. You can't just do that on a computer."

  Scott said, “Like I told you, I have connections. One of whom is a friend who has a recording studio. I would like to get a four or five song demo of the newer, contemporary sound you have been fooling around with."

  * * * *

  Leaving Rachel teaching Chloe the sexy song, ‘Not a Virgin,’ I went into my home office. After digging out my digital video recorder, I made sure the batteries had enough power and cleared the memory so I had plenty of storage for the show. Then I got on the phone. Previously, I had told one of the partners that I was going to be home for a couple of days. This time I told him I had something to work out and was taking a week off. After which I began calling some of the people I worked with at the hotels. They were very forthcoming, but being in publicity departments, they only had a cursory connection with entertainment. However, they were helpful and gave me the names and extensions of the Entertainment Directors or their assistants. After working the phones for an hour with three promises to meet and discuss my clients, I prepared to make my last call to my ace in the hole—my Aunt Marsala.

  Back in my living room, Rachel was playing my Mother's piano. I decided with us getting married, I should think of it as her piano. When they saw me, they both brightened.

  "Listen to this,” beamed Rachel. She began playing the piano and Chloe sang the first line, Rachel joined in on the second and various key lines thereafter.

  "I'm not a virgin anymore

  I just thought you should know

  Darlin', I've been around

  I took a walk up your block

  In fact I have been all over town

  Down by the lake

  And underneath the table in my living room

  But side with the blue blue moon"

  "That is fantastic. Make sure to play it tonight."

  With a broad smile upon my lips, I kissed them both on the cheeks. This time I wasn't surprised when Chloe squeezed my butt. “Are you guys hungry?” Chloe licked her lips so I quickly added, “for food?"

  They both nodded.

  "There's a pretty good Chinese restaurant down on Tropicana Avenue. What'd ya think?"

  "Chinese? Love it.” Chloe gave me a satisfied smile.

  "Let's go. My treat” I took both their arms and we headed to my car.

  * * * *

  While enjoying Mu-shu pork, General's chicken, Mongolian beef and assorted appetizers, we discussed the plan and the coming events for another ninety minutes. The ladies’ last performance at Pokey's was Sunday night. This being Wednesday, that left five more performances.

  Monday morning, Chloe and Rachel would drive back to LA in Chloe's PT Cruiser before flying out Tuesday evening for San Francisco.

  That left us the rest of that day and four more days to accomplish everything before they left. Rachel had brought a tablet along and began writing a list.

  —Wedding dress

  —Wedding rings

  —Demo CD

  —Marriage license

  —Video recording


  —Publicity photos (head shots)

  —Get Married

  —Honeymoon? (San Francisco?)

  —Beauty salon


  Hopefully, I was going to line up a recording time at my friend's studio ASAP before Rachel and Chloe left—so, I called while we were there and scheduled it for Friday at twelve noon. Only problem was the CD wouldn't be ready for a week.

  Lester's arrangements were also problematic. For the time being, Rachel and Chloe would go along with Lester's schedule. If I were able to find something worthwhile, it would be, ‘it's been nice knowing you, Lester.’ At least they were working, if I couldn't.

  Rachel called Tiny with news of our wedding plans. She said he was as excited as a bride and so was, Mazira. She was gratified that they had both taken to her man. Rachel said that Tiny owned a share of The Little Church of the West and insisted we get married there.

  Rachel handed me the phone and said Tiny insisted on talking to me. “Yo, How's it going, big guy,” I said.

  "I'm doing great man, but not as great as you. You seem to be wooing all the women in our family. At least the ones you've met and I'll admit I've been pulling for you. I'm really happy for you and I mean it."

  "Now, what I really wanted to talk with you about is, Rachel tells me you are going to be CC ‘n Cooke's new agent if you can drum up some work for them. I think that's a great idea. Anything to blow that fucking—excuse my French—Lester out of the action. Now, make sure you get with me about that, will you? NFL players stick together and I might be able to help. Also being an ex-football player gets me into some of the hotels through the Sports Books."

  "The last thing I wanted to tell you is that this wedding is happening so quick that we aren't going to be able to invite any family. Do you have family?"

  "Not here. No."

  "Okay. Well, when Rachel finishes these engagements, I w
ant to throw a delayed reception for you—"

  "Tiny. That's not—"

  "I know it's not, son, but I'm gonna do it and I won't listen to another word about it."

  Rachel and I set the wedding for Sunday afternoon so after I paid our lunch bill she and CC went shopping for a wedding dress etc.

  * * * *

  While they were gone, I put a new disc in video camera, planning to record that night's show. Everything I could get on my new clients, I wanted. While they were gone, I made some more calls to hotel people. I also called a person I knew at the Las Vegas Review Journal to see if I could get some copy for my girls. She agreed to come by and see if she thought there was a story.

  Time was passing and I wondered what was keeping them. Finally, about six o'clock they showed up. Rachel carrying, actually, rolling, a couple suitcases, stopped to kiss me. “I took the liberty of moving in a little early. I hope you don't mind."

  Chloe followed with a travel bag over her shoulder, also rolling in a suitcase. “Do I get a kiss too, she joked?” I kissed her on the cheek and she frowned.

  "Are you moving in, too?"

  "Naw, these are all Rachel's. I wouldn't mind moving in for the next five nights, but Lester would blow a gasket."

  I took the bags from Rachel, carried them into the bedroom and placed them on the bed for emptying. Chloe followed and dropped off the other two bags. “Wow. This is quite the bedroom.” She smiled naughtily at Rachel and continued, “I'll bet this room has seen quite a bit of action."

  Rachel said, “Yeah, I guess my fiancée was quite the player.” She turned. Gazing with intensity at me, she continued. “But I don't delve into what Scott did before we met."

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter Thirteen

  Wedding Bells

  "Love is like chocolate. Once you have a taste of it, you're hooked."

  —Scott Rader

  We were so busy trying to get everything done that the next three days zoomed by.

  The girls had found a wedding dress that day but we hadn't got to Pokey's early enough for Chloe to practice playing the new song on her guitar, so I postponed the video. Lester, to our combined surprise, didn't come to the performance that night.

  The next day Rachel and I headed to a jewelry store for rings. She said she just wanted a gold band so we compromised. I took the gold band and Rachel was stuck with a diamond wedding set containing six total carets. There was no way the woman I loved was going to wear just a gold band, I could afford more!

  Then, we headed for the Clark County Clerk for a marriage license. That was a lot of fun. It took three hours and we were late again for Rachel's performance, but luckily, Chloe managed to go in and practiced the number on her guitar. For better or worse, I recorded that show. Tiny said he thought it sounded great but he's an optimist. However, in this case, I agreed. Again, Lester didn't show up. I must admit to a certain amount of curiosity about his whereabouts.

  That night, though we had been intimate numerous times, we decided to remain celibate for the next few days, until we were married.

  The following day was recording day. Five stinking songs took five hours. I never knew it would take so long and Dan, my friend said he hated to rush it. Rush it! An hour for each four minute song? Naturally, we were late for the performance and once more, no Lester. Of note, was the fact that I asked Rachel's uncle, Tiny aka Cedric Coombs to be my Best Man and he was thrilled. Previously, Rachel had asked Chloe to be her Maid of Honor.

  Saturday was beauty day. Rachel's and Chloe's dresses were ready and the girl's had an appointment at the Hilton spa and beauty salon. Luckily, they started early as they weren't finished until four PM. Plenty time to make their next to the last performance. Missing in action, once again, was Lester.

  I didn't sleep well. Neither did Rachel. We got up at daybreak. I knew I loved Rachel with all my heart and wanted nothing more that to be her husband, yet my stomach was turning over and I was fidgety. Rachel expressed similar symptoms. To my surprise, she asked if we could go to church. There was a Methodist church three blocks away so we went to the services. Even though we were not regular members, being in a church, seemed to calm her.

  Back in my car, Rachel leaned over and kissed me. “I love you."

  "I love you, too. Rachel this should be one of the happiest days of your life. Why do you look so miserable?"

  Tears welled up in her eyes and she reached across the console and embraced me. I felt tears dampening my shirt. “I am happy. I love and want you more than anything. And yet I am miserable, too. I love you so much that I would die if I lost you. I lost the only other man I ever loved and I couldn't stand to lose you."

  "Rachel, baby, why would you worry? This marriage was my idea. I pushed you toward it. Do you think I'm that fickle?"

  "No, Sweetheart, I think you are sincere, but do you really think that knowing each other a week is long enough to know what we really want."

  Without the slightest hesitation, I answered, “Yes, absolutely. I've never been surer of anything in my life."

  She didn't look reassured but she said, “Thank you. And thank you for taking me to church."

  * * * *

  The wedding was set for three PM. It was going to be a small affair, with just Rachel, her mother, uncle and Chloe and I. Chloe was supposed to come to our home to dress and help Rachel get ready. I was already in my tux because Rachel had wanted me to leave before she got dressed.

  About one-forty, the doorbell rang and Rachel let Chloe in. “You're late ... my God, what happened to your face ... and neck?"

  I went to the door to see what was wrong. There was bruising on Chloe's cheek and neck, dried blood was caked around her nose and her right eye was blackened.

  Rachel exuded anger. “Lester?"

  Tears welling in her eyes, she nodded.

  "That son of a bitch! Why?"

  "He found out about your wedding and took it out on me."

  "Did you call the police?"

  "No. How could I? It would blow our next gig and I need the money."

  "Okay, let's get you fixed up. Come with me.” Rachel took her hand and led her into my bedroom. “Come with us, will you Scott? We may need you."

  I followed them into the bathroom. Rachel removed Chloe's blouse, which had blood on it. “Scott, dear, would you get my robe out of your closet?"

  I got her robe and when I returned, they had removed all Chloe's clothes except her panties. Chloe's sinewy form burned into my mind as Rachel draped the robe around her. Small breasted and very thin, she was very light complexioned, as if she'd been dipped in flour. There were rings through her medium sized pink nipples and belly button. I thought I could see a ring sticking through her panties as well. I always thought her face was pretty and while she may not qualify as a pin-up type to most men, I found her graceful willowy appearance quite sexy.

  Rachel removed all Chloe's makeup and washed her face. Chloe stiffened as Rachel rubbed the injured areas.

  "What did he do?"

  "He slugged me twice and began to choke me. I'm not staying another night with him. After the show, I'm driving straight back to LA. I'm sorry. I know you were counting on riding with me but I just have to go. If it weren't for your wedding and the last performance, I'd be out of here."

  "Don't worry about it, Chloe. I'll take Rachel home,” I volunteered.

  "Thanks, Scott. I know I sometimes act like a vamp, a present day Mae West, but for what it's worth, I'm really happy for you and Rachel. I'll tell you one thing though. I'm never going to be around him without a tazor gun or pepper spray again."

  Rachel expertly applied makeup to Chloe's freshly washed face. Afterward, I could barely see the bruising, and then, it was time for Rachel to get ready.

  She told me to go ahead to the Little Church and that Chloe would help her get ready.

  When I hesitated, she said, “GO! It's bad luck for the groom to see the bride in the dress."

  I turned
to leave and she said, “Wait!” As I turned back, head cocked, hands on her hips, she asked, “Aren't you going to kiss me goodbye?"

  As I kissed her, she handed me the marriage license. “Take this.” she said. “We'll be there as soon as we can."

  Marriage license in hand, I left. Lester knowing about the wedding was a little worrisome, since he could show up. The more I thought about it, the angrier I got at Lester for pounding on Chloe. Lester wasn't a big man but he probably had sixty pounds on Chloe, who was a wisp of a woman. I, on the other hand, probably had thirty pounds on him. If Lester made any trouble at our wedding, he would answer to me.

  * * * *

  It was two-thirty when I arrived. Another wedding was taking place. Geared to churn out three weddings an hour, they were, in the tradition of Las Vegas, a typical grind joint. I watched the wedding from the back. The ceremony lasted about six minutes. It really was nice for what it was. Still there was a tawdry aura about the proceeding. I decided Rachel and I would marry again—a grand wedding when Lester was out of the picture and things stabilized.

  A middle-aged woman quietly sat down beside me and asked. “Are you Mr. Rader?"

  "I am."

  "Good, I'm Amy Moore."

  We shook hands. “Could you join me in the office so we can get the paperwork out of the way?"

  As we exited, the wedding march began for the next ceremony.

  "Now, Mr. Rader, may I have the marriage certificate?"

  I handed it to Ms Moore and she smiled. “You'd be surprised how many times the wedding party shows up without this."

  "It looks like you are scheduled for the premium ceremony, per Mr. Cedric Coombs."

  "What does that mean?"

  "That means you will be getting the works. Deluxe flowers, a video, a photograph album, an audio recording and a wedding announcement in both local papers."

  It appears that Mr. Coombs has taken care of everything except a tip for your pastor. Would you like to give him a tip?"

  "If you don't mind, I'll decide that after the ceremony."

  "As you wish. One more thing. Is our standard wedding music sufficient?"

  "What are the options?"


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