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Galactic Satori Chronicles: Book 1 - Earth

Page 28

by Nick Braker

Asher hit the button for the elevator.

  “Why the hell would you do that?”

  Greg slid his hands into his pockets and kept them there.

  “Because, you’ll go into denial, tell me I’m wrong and pretty much blow me off, perhaps even telling me you don’t want to talk about it.”

  “Geez. You have something to say? Say it.”

  They entered the elevator. Asher glared at Greg, waiting for him to get it out. Greg’s mouth moved like he was counting.

  “Why are you counting down?”

  “Just remember you noticed that.” Greg paused, counting three more seconds. “You see Asher, you and I are a lot alike.”

  “Yeah, I know. We have similar--”

  “That is the obvious likeness and I’m not referring to that,” Greg said.

  They left the elevator and started walking down the hallway.

  “I’m talking about my new condition. You have a similar condition. You changed well before the abduction. In fact, you received your gifts the same time I did but they manifested much sooner than mine.”

  They stopped at the classroom doorway.

  “You already have them but you refuse to recognize it and, in fact, you are burying your gifts subconsciously.”

  Greg walked into the classroom, leaving Asher standing in the hallway stunned.

  “You’ll likely say--” Greg started.

  Asher clenched both his hands into fists.

  Both of them said bullshit in unison. His face turned beet red while he watched Greg take a seat in class.

  “Bullshit,” Asher said again, then turned and walked away.

  Chapter 16


  The ground level conference room seemed the appropriate place to break the news. Tom leaned back in his chair at the head of the very table Alexandria had used when the four had first arrived. It was fitting that he use it again to tell them they were leaving. He waited for his MPs to return. Tom had sent each one out with orders to bring back one of the four special male recruits.

  Weston, Greg and Brandon arrived in that order and Asher several minutes later. Weston and Brandon insisted on asking questions though Greg remained silent. Tom still wasn’t completely sure about the loyalties from any of the eight, especially these four but he had his orders.

  If they are compromised, we’ll never know until they put a dagger in our backs.

  Alexandria not only believed they were on Earth’s side, she was counting on it. A mistake on her part, in his opinion, that they had discussed several times. It is worth the gamble, she told him. A gamble she argued based on the nearly yearlong investigation into the alien invasion that so far was at a complete dead end. He had to admit, if these eight were compromised, they were the most unusual and unlikely group of double agents he’d ever seen, either that or Alexandria had information she wasn’t sharing with him.

  Carl, one of his better MPs, escorted Asher into the room.

  “Thanks, Carl,” Asher said. “Talk with you later? I’d like to hit the gym again with you.”

  “I look forward to it, Ash,” Carl said, nodding.

  “Okay, what the hell is this about?” Asher demanded as Carl left the room.

  Tom motioned for him to sit down.

  “Let me cut to the chase. We’re moving you four to headquarters in Washington. You’ll get about a week of orientation, your own apartments and your new training will begin.”

  “Tom, I’m sick--” Asher said but seemed to change his mind, “I’m game. If you feel we need it--”

  The room exploded into question after question from everyone but Greg. All of them were talking at the same time.

  “Okay, guys,” Tom motioned them to be quiet, “You leave in four hours. The plane will be landing in two.”

  “Why?” Asher asked.

  “Alexandria feels--”

  “Sorry, Tom,” Asher interrupted. “I was asking Greg.”

  Tom looked confused.

  “Alexandria is feeling the pressure from her superiors to make some significant progress with these aliens. Her teams are stretched thin across the planet and her belief that we play a role in the solution to Earth’s crisis has pushed her to accelerate our timetable. We are being called into action, so to speak.” Greg said.

  Tom glared at him.

  “How the hell do you know that?”

  “Well,” Greg said, looking sheepish. “I didn’t entirely but my educated guess was just confirmed. That and I happen to have access to some sensitive communications every now and then.”

  Tom bolted upright in his chair.

  “Every now and then?” he demanded.

  “Platonic pillow talk,” Greg replied. “Nothing to worry about and--”

  “And?” Tom asked.

  “And there is nothing you can do to stop the leak. Just be satisfied with the knowledge we got your back.”

  “You and Seph?” Asher asked, confirming Tom’s suspicion.

  Greg nodded.

  Tom reeled. He just had one of his field agents admit that he and his girlfriend were listening in to top secret communications but not to worry, we got your back. Tom shook his head. Even this wouldn’t be enough to boot them from service, let alone court martial them.

  “What else do you--?”

  “It’s above your clearance. I can’t talk about it with any of you,” Greg said, laughing nervously.

  “I’ll deal with you and Seph later. Right now, get your gear packed and prepare to leave.” Tom ordered.

  Asher held his hand up.

  “Are you telling us we’re ready?”

  “Asher, you and Greg are ready.”

  He faced Weston and Brandon.

  “What about you two?”

  “Yes sir, boss. We’re ready.”

  “You’re above average but we’re hoping to push you two,” Tom said, shaking his head. “Perhaps you’ll push yourselves. Asher and Greg have transitioned. It’s just you two now.”

  Tom blinked his eyes several times. How did he get to this point so easily? The notion of alien interference in humanity gnawed at his insides and it had since learning what they had done to these kids. It wasn’t right on so many levels but here he was, encouraging his recruits to make it happen.

  “Yeah, that’s a good plan,” Weston said, nodding his head at Tom. “It will happen eventually.”

  “Those aliens can kiss my ass, I want my powers now,” Brandon yelled.

  “Calm down, son,” Tom ordered. “I’ll see you at the main entrance to the facility. We’ll take a couple of jeeps to the plane. Two hours, gentlemen.”

  He sent them back to their compartments to gather their belongings. They left to retrieve their things with the understanding to meet topside.

  Earth - WSO Training Facility

  August 13, 1987 - 7:00pm

  Several hours later, the four of them plus Tom boarded WSO’s private jet.

  “A company jet, nice,” Greg said. “It’s a Citation S/11. I read up on this when I found out we were heading to Washington, D.C. in one.”

  “Egghead,” they all said in unison.

  On the front left side, forward of the wing was the plane’s entrance which folded down, revealing stairs. They ascended them and walked inside but Asher turned left and stuck his head into the cockpit area.

  “Hey, guys. Asher Carson. Any bad weather for us along the way?” he asked.

  “No. Clear skies the entire way. There is a headwind that will slow us down a bit but nothing unusual,” the pilot told him.

  They introduced themselves to Asher. He’d seen cockpit instrumentation before but this one had numerous electronic and computer related upgrades. They clearly stood out compared to current technology. This plane’s upgrades had to be related to the technology on the alien spaceship. How could they have done this so quickly? WSO was a governmental organization, which meant red tape and bureaucracy. Alexandria pushed hard and tirelessly in many ways but how could she move the juggernau
t that was our government? Perhaps things were far worse than they were being told. Maybe they were on the brink and they had given her carte blanche.

  Someone tapped him on the shoulder. It was the stewardess. He did a double take but then kept his eyes glued to her.

  “Good evening, Asher. I’m your stewardess for the flight. My name is Cookie. Would you have a seat, please? We will take off as soon as you are all situated,” she said.

  Asher couldn’t believe it. Cookie had deep blue eyes with chocolate brown hair. She wore a company issued black shirt with a matching long skirt. Did they only hire the best looking women for WSO?

  “Certainly,” he grinned, reaching out as if to shake her hand but instead, he just held it. “You are absolutely charming. I am enthralled by your eyes. They are gorgeous. Are you seeing anyone?” he laughed. “Marry me?”

  She returned his laugh.

  “They warned me about you,” she said. “And they were right.”

  She returned his smile pointing back into the cabin area.

  “Your seat is over there.”

  “Thank you. I look forward to spending some time with you during the flight.”

  She nodded at him as he walked past her, taking a seat near the aisle. The plane took off, heading for a landing at Washington National. Brandon and Weston talked together while Greg and Asher spoke privately in the seats they took near the rear. Greg had intentionally sat with him.

  “Asher, did you get to say goodbye to Jules before you left?” Greg asked.

  “No, why?” Asher asked cautiously.

  “Holy hell,” Greg sighed. “You couldn’t hide your relationship before my switch turned on. What makes you think you could do so afterward?”

  “I can neither confirm, nor deny any physical involvement on a deeply intimate and extremely personal level with Jules,” Asher joked.

  “That is cruel--”

  “Look, dude. I don’t have the ability nor the girlfriend that you do for getting around the base. I couldn’t get through the security Tom put up. Besides, think about it. How can you and Seph maintain a long distance relationship? She’ll be halfway across America and we’ll be on missions all over the world. It’s not fair to her. You need to break it off,” Asher told him.

  “Jules cares for you, you jackass,” Greg said.

  “I know and I care a lot for her and that is why I’m breaking it off,” Asher said. “It’s not going to work. Let it go.”

  “I can’t let it go for me. I’ll make it work. Hell, I’ll help her steal the spaceship and meet me in DC each night if I have to,” Greg told him.

  “Now, that one will get you a court martial,” Asher told him. “I guarantee it. Tom will put up with the stupid shit but not that.”

  “Yeah. You’re right,” Greg said, pausing. “But I can’t let her go.”

  “What about you?” Asher asked, testing Greg’s abilities and changing the subject from him back to Greg.

  He wanted to know if Greg was able to say goodbye to Seph.

  “I did. Just after the meeting with Tom, I grabbed a jeep from one of the drivers as he got out to talk with someone else. He was not happy but Seph was when I pulled up.”

  “You got yourself through security. I guess I could have done that but I still think it’s unfair to hold on to someone so far away.”

  “I can see some of your enhancements at work, you know?” Greg asked, changing the subject back to Asher.

  His intellect is going to get frustrating.

  “Enhancements, eh?” Asher asked, looking outside the window on the opposite side of the plane, away from Greg.

  “Still don’t want to talk about it?” Greg asked.

  “What is there to talk about?”

  “Your performance on the alien ship, your skill with firearms, your ability to read and understand people, your--”

  “Enough of that shit,” Asher said.

  “You’ve always been good at everything you do but now you are much better. You are holding back,” Greg told him.

  Asher half-rolled his eyes.

  “You know, if you’re going to roll your eyes, why not do it right?” Greg asked, mocking him.

  Asher glowered at him. Greg poked his finger in Asher’s chest.

  “You don’t scare me,” Greg told him.

  “Man, what game are you playing right now?”

  “Accept the gift given to you and you figure it out,” he said flatly. “Right now, you are deciding on whether to get up and move to avoid my questions or remain here and pretend I don’t know what I’m talking about.”

  “Wrong,” Asher laughed. “I’m thinking of how I can score with Cookie.”

  “You are but that thought process is always running,” Greg said. “Do you want to know what you are going to do next? I wish I had time to write it down before--”

  Asher stood up and started to walk away but Greg grabbed his right arm, bringing him up short. He turned to put his left fist into Greg’s face but found Greg had already put a hand in the air to catch it. Asher intentionally didn’t put all his strength into the punch as he only wanted to force Greg to let go. He hated that Greg had known what he would do and hated it even more that he was unable to stop him. Both of them stood there, frozen, watching each other. Greg broke the silence first.

  “You are not surprised by my action. I can see it in your eyes. We are best friends and you know I’m not doing this to hurt you or even piss you off, although it is obvious I succeeded in doing so. To be precise, you are pissed off.”

  Asher relaxed his shoulders, letting them slump slightly. Greg let go so Asher sat back down. No one else had noticed the exchange.

  “Are you going to let me talk without interrupting and telling me what I’m going to say?” Asher asked.

  “See, that is a perfect example of how I will never be able to predict someone all the time. I had no idea you were going to ask that. I expected so many other responses--”

  “Good,” he said, leaning back and looking up at the overhead storage compartments.

  Asher waited, still not wanting to respond.

  “I don’t want the responsibility,” he finally said.

  “Yes, I know but, for what it’s worth, if you can put up with that, you’ll get the best ride of your life from here on out. Killing aliens, flying spaceships, loving the ladies and shooting some of the most advanced firearms the planet can manufacture and maybe even those some other planet manufactured.”

  They both chuckled. Asher leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees.

  “It does sound enticing but it will be me leading, making the calls and your lives in my hands. What if one of you die because of me?”

  “I’d rather have my fate in your hands than any other person I know. That would include Fisk and even Tom.”

  “Did you plan this conversation?” Asher asked.

  “Is it working?”

  “Do you always answer a question with another question?”

  “Do you?”



  Asher didn’t want to admit it but he was coming to the conclusion that Greg was right. He didn’t like responsibility but it was his only chance at finding and killing whoever had murdered Beth. Asher was certain Greg wasn’t even considering the real reason behind his motivations. He rarely spoke about it even back in Evansville. He didn’t want them to know. This was for Beth. This was for both of them. Asher broke the silence this time.

  “You’re right, of course. Your intelligence has obviously improved and I trust you also, with my life. So logically, I have to conclude you are right about all of it. I’m resisting. I didn’t really even know I was doing it, though part of me suspected.”

  “Yeah. For what it’s worth, it’s amazing, Ash. My brain is even working in the background. My conscious thoughts are there up front, so to speak, and I have all these background processes running. Of course, I’m describing this from the software developer’s p
erspective, which was my career goal before all this happened. I could give other analogies but you’re smart enough to know what I’m talking about.”

  “Greg, I hear you,” Asher said getting annoyed.


  “So, how do I turn it completely on?” Asher asked.

  “Seph was able to help me but my gift is different. I’m wired differently. I can link obscure pieces of data together, filing and categorizing everything I know including things I learned decades ago. With it, I learn how to exploit people’s weaknesses. That’s just one of my abilities. As for you, I would suggest that you focus on what I told you already. Test the waters. Exercise your gifts by picking random people to talk to. Take your time, talk with them and as you do use your gift. Also, I think you should test your physical strength in the weight room at WSO. Yes, they have one in the lower section of the building.”

  Asher sighed.

  “Who did this to us, man?” Asher asked.

  “Everything points to another alien race,” Greg said.

  Asher nearly jumped out of his seat.

  “Another alien race?! There are two?!” he growled.

  “At least two, yes.”

  “At least two? Shit,” he said, slumping back down.

  “Given that we now know for sure that one alien race actually exists. It is certainly very likely that many alien races exist. Therefore, it is plausible that one race is helping us against the other. Since we know what the alien’s look like from our time on the spaceship, I have to conclude that the aliens on Earth must look like humans, otherwise, someone at some point would have seen--”

  “One, we have aliens that look like humans already here killing people and two, the aliens we killed on the ship and finally, another group of aliens that are here helping us?” he asked.

  Asher caught movement out of the corner of his eye. It was Cookie walking back toward them. He switched modes, ignoring Greg.

  “Cookie, you make this flight an absolute pleasure. You keep your customers happy,” Asher said, planning his next lines.

  Greg got up and moved forward to sit with the others.

  Thanks, man.

  The group transferred from the plane to an awaiting limousine parked near the jet. The driver stood near the passenger doors, ready to open them as they disembarked.


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