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Galactic Satori Chronicles: Book 1 - Earth

Page 31

by Nick Braker

  “Not likely,” Grep interjected. “The power requirements to send something the size of a car from one side of the Earth to the other is insane and while the new generator is capable of powering that, it will never be able to reach the moon. There simply is nothing we have today or will have in fifty years that can power the device to extend much further. Its power consumption is logarithmic. Oops, sorry, I forgot that I should not use big words with this group. Logarithmic means--”

  “We know what it means, Grep,” Alexandria said, intentionally interrupting him. “But technology changes and improves. Perhaps we find a way.”

  Magnus had heard enough.

  “Dude, chill the hell out. We are not simpletons,” Magnus said, raising his voice.

  “Of course you are but you shouldn’t feel any shame in it.” Grep said. “You can’t help it and I understand that. I was just trying to be helpful.”

  “Last time I say this,” Magnus said.

  He stood, walked over to Grep’s chair and leaned down, getting in his face. Tom shifted forward, ready to intervene.

  “Chill. Out. Were those words small enough for you? In case you didn’t get that, the question was rhetorical. Don’t say a damn word unless it’s dripping with humility and respect for everyone around you. I was going to talk with you privately but you stepped on my last nerve. Alexandria and Tom both deserve your respect, and your friends, if you want to keep them, deserve it too.” Magnus stuck his finger into Grep’s chest. “I bet you didn’t know I was going to say any of that which should be a clue to you that you really don’t know a damn thing.”

  Grep started to respond but closed his mouth and folded his arms over his chest. Brock covered his mouth, trying to hide his laughter. Magnus kept his finger in Grep’s chest, hoping it would provoke him. He really wanted to hit him, to put him in his place. They both stared at each other but Grep didn’t say anything further so Magnus returned to his seat.

  Alexandria interrupted the awkward tension in the room.

  “We’ve updated our protocols and all personnel will be required to report any strange behavior among our members,” she continued. “Anything they remember happening in the last year and going forward. If we are being compromised by our own people, we need to know quickly. Tom has already sent word out to every team member. So far, it appears WSO has not been affected.”

  She paused.

  “We have some good information to present to the Secretary and it will be good for WSO’s reputation. Thank you, Grep. Good work.”

  Grep glared at Magnus.

  “You’re welcome,” he said, reluctantly.

  “After the meeting, get some rest, Grep. You deserve it,” Magnus ordered.

  “Thank you,” Grep said but it was clearly forced.

  They broke from the meeting with everyone heading to get something to eat, except for Alexandria. She gave Magnus a knowing nod and mouthed the words thank you.

  Tom showed them to the lunchroom and they ate in quiet for several minutes. They couldn’t say anything job related due to the sensitive nature of the information, so those topics were off limits. Grep simply grabbed a sandwich and left. He probably headed to the basement level to get some rest in one of the overnight rooms.

  “What’s gotten into Greg-- Taylor-- I mean Grep?” Brock asked.

  “His new intellect has gone to his head. I saw signs of it almost as soon as he changed but it grew very quickly. He’s full-fledged condescending, arrogant and full of himself,” Magnus said. “I’ll speak some more with him but I believe it might be good for Seph to talk with him. The girls have had nearly fifteen years to overcome the negative effects of their gifts. Grep has had less than fifteen days.”

  “Wow, do you think we might end up like that?” Warren asked.

  Magnus held up his hand, asking everyone to give him a moment.

  “Possible but it’s not guaranteed. I guess I should tell you all that I finally let my gifts loose. Well, I’m trying to. I have been holding back and Grep was responsible for helping me through it. You too, Tom.”

  “My pleasure, Magnus.” Tom nodded. “Although, it hurt me more than it hurt you.”

  “Fat chance,” Magnus laughed. “I’m still bruised.”

  “What?” Brock said. “Did Tom kick your ass?”

  Magnus exchanged a grin with Tom.

  “I need to run,” Tom said. “It’s frowned upon if I spend too much time with any of the people that report to me. Perception is king.”

  “Later, Tom,” Warren said.

  Brock gave a short wave and Magnus nodded a goodbye to Tom.

  “So,” Warren said. “Ash--, uh I mean, Magnus, you’re saying that since you switched and aren’t having any issues, we can hope for the best as well?”

  He shrugged.

  “I am apparently suffering no ill effects. We just need to help Grep through this. I think it’s something about him he’s always kept in check but this transformation magnified it.”

  “Well then,” Brock said. “The ladies are going to be happy after I transform. Booyah.”

  “So, you’ll be all of two inches then? That won’t make them any happier,” Magnus joked.

  “Compared to you, brother, anything is an upgrade,” Brock said, smacking the table and laughing at his own humor.

  Warren sighed, changing the subject.

  “Did either of you meet our upstairs neighbors?” he asked.

  Both of them shook their heads.

  “Well then, you’ll want to make it a point to meet them. I can attest to that for sure. Their names are Gisele, Li Xin, Ruth and Joannah. They have the four apartments on the third floor above us. Seems everyone who lives in our apartment complex works at WSO,” Warren relayed.

  “Sounds nice. We definitely need to set something up, perhaps a party. Did you get any sleep last night?” Magnus asked.

  “Not really. I was too wound up. I ended up roaming the halls and ran into all four of them on the elevator. They just got back from a mission in China. Eight dead with their glands missing. They found nothing new. No aliens, no DNA, nothing. Just like all the previous victims,” Warren told them.

  “Holy hell,” Brock added. “It’s been months now since this started and the only thing new we have is what Grep came up with. Damn, he’s going to rub that in our faces for years.”

  “That he will,” Warren said.

  “I’ve got some knuckles I could rub in his face,” Brock joked.

  Magnus shook his head ignoring their banter.

  “From what Grep said, WSO needed that win,” Magnus told them. “The brass were putting pressure on Alexandria to make some progress. At least they know why this is happening. They’ll likely triple security around those researchers.”

  Warren put his hand on his chin, tapping his upper lip.

  “Do you think our government knew what these researchers were doing and that they planned to put all three technologies together?”

  “Yes,” Magnus said. “There is no way they were working separately. It was too coincidental. I bet if we looked, we’ll find they are either moving the people or the research together under one roof in order to build this thing.”

  “Damn, dudes,” Brock said. “If this thing gets built, imagine how easy it would be to get around in the world. Cancun parties at night and back home to the US for work the next day. Sign me up.”

  Warren laughed while Magnus rolled his eyes.

  “Brother Brock,” Warren said. “You got it going on.”

  “Hell yeah, man.”

  Magnus gave up and they went looking for Tom again after lunch.

  Magnus, Warren and Brock were seated in Tom’s office when he gave them the good news.

  “It’s about time,” Magnus said.

  “Hell yeah,” Brock said with obvious excitement.

  “When do we leave?” Warren asked.

  Tom motioned them to calm down.

  “What I said was that you four are up for the next mission
that comes in. We have nothing new at the moment but that will change. If the last six months of history continue, there will be more deaths within a few days. As Grep so eloquently illustrated back in Devils Shores, we are stretched thin. We have four agents who just returned from a several-week investigation in China and a similar one prior to that. There is no way I’m going to send them back out again without a few days’ rest. We’re all human and mistakes will be made if I push anyone that hard. Odds are, we’ll get another incident before they are ready and I simply want to make sure you four understand that you may get called in. Magnus, would you inform Grep when you see him? I imagine he’s still sleeping.”

  The news felt right. It was what he had been waiting for since Beth’s death. He didn’t imagine it would be like this but this was it. The feeling he was in the wrong place and doing the wrong things was gone.

  I hope I’m getting what I want. What is it they say about getting what you wish for?

  “Magnus?” Tom said, prompting him again.

  “I’ll tell him. By the way, you seem to have an easy time switching to our new names. What gives?”

  “I’ve done it before with others.” Tom replied. “Just be prepared for a possible mission should we need it. I think you know what I mean.”

  Brock gave Warren a high five. Magnus glared at both of them. This was exactly the type of behavior that Tom had just eluded to and he didn’t want anything to influence Tom’s decision to not put them on the next assignment. Once they proved themselves, they could go back to their rebel-like selves and give Tom some hell. Until then, they were model agents. Brock would get an earful later.

  Tom paused.

  “Thank you, gentlemen, you’re dismissed.”

  Grep woke a few hours later and joined them for orientation. The day went quickly as they went through various policy and procedural classes. They had their photos updated, firearms assigned and a host of administrative functions finished by the end of the day. All four left WSO headquarters late that evening and headed back to their new apartments.

  Chapter 18


  Earth – Washington DC - WSO Apartments

  August 14, 1987 - 7:50pm

  Twenty minutes later, they arrived at their apartment building and walked into the lobby. To the left of the lobby’s entrance was the elevator and to the right was a staircase going up. Magnus started to push the elevator button but found Grep had already pushed it. The elevator was currently on level nine and heading up when four women walked into the lobby. He had an idea. He headed straight toward them, assessing each of them as he did.

  “Excuse me ladies but there have been a rash of break-ins in the building lately so security has been increased. I’m heading up that team. The name is Magnus. May I ask to see your IDs? It’s my job to provide a safe and secure living environment.”

  Magnus tried reading each one of the women and was already focusing on one of the brunettes. He was certain she was the leader of the group and was about to do all the talking.

  “Magnus is it? We hadn’t heard about any new security,” she said.

  Nailed it.

  “Yes, the new procedure went into place late yesterday. IDs please,” he said, smiling.

  There were four of them, all brunettes of varying shades. The shortest, who was of Asian descent, spoke up. Her hair was the darkest and cut short at the bottom of her ears.

  “I don’t like this,” she said. “Smells fishy to me. Let’s mop up and check their IDs instead.”

  “Ladies,” Magnus said, holding up his hands. “I’m just trying to do my job. Can you give a guy a break?”

  “Li, let’s find out who he is before we resort to embarrassing him,” their leader continued.

  They weren’t acting like he expected, instead they were calm and relaxed. Their stances and body language indicated they saw none of them as a threat and he felt they were playing with him. They knew who he was or these could be the same girls Warren had spoken with last night. Either way, the jig was up and his ruse was not going to work the way he planned. He switched tactics. He moved forward, getting in their leader’s face.

  “Give me your phone number, then step back slowly and nobody gets hurt,” he said.

  The leader reached into her purse, holding her ground. Magnus was certain he was reading her correctly but that move could go bad. He was having second thoughts but he went with his gut and held to the new tactic. She pulled out an ink pen, wrote something on her palm and closed it into a fist.

  “You can have my number when you can pry it from my cold, dead hand,” she said.

  Two of the women behind her started laughing but the one called Li looked surprised. Li hadn’t caught on yet. It was clear the other two had.

  “I would rather get it from you over a hot cup of coffee,” he said. “My treat.”

  “Offer accepted. I might want a chocolate muffin to boot. Can you handle that as well?” she asked.

  “Offer accepted. Afterward, I will suggest a walk along the river, just the two of us. We can discuss you in greater detail,” he said.

  “Offer accepted. If all goes well, I’ll open my fist and show you my number.”

  “Offer accepted. Otherwise, it may take me several days of trial and error to reach you by phone. There are a lot of numbers to call.”

  “You’d do that?” she asked.

  “Absolutely,” he said.

  “My name is Ruth Dixon.”


  “Thorne,” she said. “New security chief for our apartment complex, it would appear. An obvious waste of talent, in my opinion. This is Gisele, Li, and Joannah. Ladies, please meet our new tenants from the second floor.”

  “These are the four I was telling you about earlier,” Warren added, introducing everyone.

  “I’m so sorry, Magnus,” Li said. “I should have caught on sooner but the last few weeks in China have me on edge. Honestly, I was about to put you on the ground when you got in the boss’ face.”

  “Anger management?” he asked.

  “Asshole management,” she retorted.

  Grep covered his mouth, trying to hide his grin.

  “Dudes,” Brock interrupted. “This is the longest assed elevator I’ve ever waited on. Who the hell built-- never mind, the lowest bidder.”

  “Yeah,” Gisele said. “We normally just take the stairs.”

  The doors opened and they entered.

  “Meet in thirty minutes?” Ruth asked.

  “In the lobby,” Magnus replied, nodding.

  The elevator ride was getting awkward. Magnus felt the others were a bit uncomfortable. Grep wouldn’t be interested but Brock and Warren would like to hook up with one of the others.

  “How about we all go for a cup of coffee?” Magnus asked.

  Grep raised his hand.

  “I’m in a relationship right now. She’s the jealous type. I’d be dead before morning,” he laughed, though Magnus was leaning on his comment being more accurate than not.

  Gisele sighed in relief.

  “Good to hear. Me too, actually. Well, the part about being in a relationship,” Gisele said.

  “That leaves Li and Joannah. Are you two game?” Magnus asked.

  “Hell girl,” Brock said to Joannah. “You can’t go wrong with me.”

  “We’ll see,” Joannah replied. “I’ve heard about you. Let’s hope your reputation is undeserved,” she giggled.

  The door opened and Magnus’ group stepped out.

  “Li,” Warren said trying to get his comment in before the elevator doors closed. “I look forward to talking more with you--”

  The elevator door closed and they were gone. The building’s elevator went straight up through the middle of the complex, with a stairway that zigzagged on the opposite side of the hallway from it. There were four apartments per floor, each taking up a corner of the building. All the apartments had balconies on their respective, exterior sides with a bedroom, l
arge kitchen, dining area, living room and bath. The entrance to each opened into their respective living rooms. Grep had already walked away. He gave a quick, dismissive wave as he unlocked his door and entered his apartment.

  “Awkward. Grep is still pissed with me,” Magnus said.

  “Yeah,” Brock agreed. “But he deserved it.”

  Warren nodded.

  “I can hear you assholes talking,” Grep yelled. “In case you’re too damn stupid to know sound travels through thin doors. I bet Warren simply nodded, too. Oh, and wouldn’t it be easier to just search the building for Ruth instead of calling every phone number in Washington trying to reach her? How’s that for not knowing a damn thing?”

  “I’ll talk with him later,” Magnus said quietly.

  They headed for their respective apartments, cleaned up and then regrouped with Li, Joannah and Ruth in the lobby. It was several hours later when they returned with all of the girls to knock on Grep’s door. Gisele had joined them after Ruth had coaxed her into it.

  Grep opened the door. Brock leaned on the doorway, obviously drunk. The rest of them stood behind him, all intoxicated except for Gisele.

  “My name is Brock and I’m here to start the festivities. Your apartment has been chosen as the designated party area. You have two choices. One, we kick the shit out of you if you refuse or two, we kick the shit out of you, either way, the party starts here. Personally, I hope you choose option two but my friends here deplore violence and are hoping we can come to a peaceful arrangement.”

  “You’re so wasted that didn’t even make sense. You don’t even know you gave me the same damn option. Come on in,” Grep said. “You four girls are always welcome. I will have the bar set in five minutes.”

  He has a full bar?

  “Yeah,” Grep said, predicting his thoughts. “I figured that at some point you would throw a party so I had Max stock up my bar last night. Cost me an entire paycheck. You know, the ones we haven’t spent a dime from in months?”


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