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The New Rule: (The Casual Rule 2)

Page 14

by AC Netzel

  “Must have been lonely out here, all alone.”

  I shake my head. “I never felt alone... I had thousands of rolling waves keeping me company. I’d close my eyes and listen to the ocean. Just listen. It sounds different at night. Mightier. There’s nothing drowning out its power… no shouting voices… no blaring music… no towels whipping in the wind. It was just me, the waves, and an occasional seagull.”

  “And now me.” He smiles warmly, tucking a few errant strands of my hair behind my ear.

  I nod and smile back. “And now you.”

  “Thank you for sharing it with me. Your family is great, but there are a lot of them. I miss having you to myself.”

  “I miss you too.” I snuggle in close to him, my prize tucked in close to my chest. “Look how clear the sky is and all the stars out tonight. It’s so beautiful,” I say in wonder.

  “You are so beautiful.” He turns my head toward him with his fingertips, leans in, brushing his lips lightly against mine then kisses me.

  I look up at him through my lashes and smile.

  “What are you smiling about?” he asks.

  “We’re kissing on the beach like a pair of teenagers.” I let out a small giggle.

  Gently, he guides me until we’re both lying down on the sand and he kisses me again, a soft, deep, sensual kiss that sends my stomach fluttering.

  He rolls to his side, gazing at me. “Did any of your teenage boyfriends kiss you like that?”

  “No one but you has ever kissed me like that.” I fist his shirt, pulling him to me and we lose ourselves in another kiss.

  He breaks our kiss and smiles. “When I first met you in Central Park last October, I never imagined that you would be the single most important person in my life.”

  “Last Christmas morning, when I brought you here to see the beach, and you kissed me at the entrance… that’s when I realized I might be falling for you. More than I was supposed to. And I was falling hard.” I reach across and caress his cheek.

  “So was I,” he whispers.

  I choke up, unable to get a sound out. He stole my words… and my heart.

  He rolls on top of me and kisses me, our tongues dancing, entwined. His hand cups my breast over my shirt, grinding his body into mine. Our kiss deepens, soft, wet and oh-so-slow. This is my heaven: the empty beach, a million twinkling stars above us, and Ben.

  “I will never get tired of kissing you,” he says softly.

  “I will never get tired of you kissing me.”

  “I want to be inside you,” he whispers, his lips grazing my ear.

  I moan into his mouth. There’s something about those six words that sets my insides on fire.

  “I’m ready for you,” I whisper back as his hands run down the side of my body, then back up under my tank top to my breast. I take in a quick breath at his touch.

  He kisses me tenderly again, our tongues exploring each other’s mouth… warm, wet, passionately.

  Unfortunately, I realize our alone time must come to an end; there’s family waiting for us at the house.

  “We have to go,” I whisper reluctantly.

  He runs his nose along my jawline. “I know.” He gives me one last delicate kiss, then stands, holding out his hand to me.

  I take his hand as he pulls me up and we brush off the sand, which is all over us and in our hair. I grab my stuffed Dalmatian and flip-flops, and we move on.

  We continue to walk silently toward the beach entranceway to my parent’s street when Ben stops. He wraps his arms around me from behind, facing the ocean. We watch the lights twinkle in the water and see a fishing boat lit–up off in the distance. He buries his face in my hair, inhaling deeply, then kisses it. I tilt my head to the side, allowing him easier access to my neck. Feather-light kisses trail down my neck around the curve of my shoulder to my tank top strap.

  “Mmm, that feels nice,” I say.

  He swings me around until I’m facing him and wraps his arms around my waist. I drop what I’m holding and lace my fingers together around his neck. His gaze is warm and loving.

  “My grandfather always said, never pass up an opportunity to dance with a pretty girl,” he murmurs. “Dance with me.”

  Tilting my head, I nod as we sway together in the moonlight. The thunderous sound of crashing waves, rolling in one after another, is our music. It’s perfect.

  He dips me, kissing me tenderly. Right now, it feels like we’re the only two people on earth. He brings me back up and holds me tight, his body pressed against mine as we continue to sway to the ocean’s symphony.

  “I love you so much,” he whispers, kissing me softly behind my ear.

  “I love you, too.” I close my eyes and take a deep breath, composing myself. What he makes me feel sometimes overwhelms me.

  In this quiet moment… dancing on this empty moonlit beach under the twinkling stars with this man… this beautiful man who owns every piece of my heart… is the happiest I’ve ever been in all my life.

  I know without a doubt...

  This is love.


  “You get lost?” Sophie asks sarcastically.

  I narrow my eyes and scowl, ignoring her question and sit at one of the resin tables in my parents’ backyard.

  “I’m going to sit with the guys,” Ben tells me as he walks over to the circle of men. They’re sitting around the fire pit off to the side of the yard—probably telling fart jokes. My nephews and nieces are toasting marshmallows on wooden skewers over the fire.

  That’s fine with me. He can get all his Neanderthal out of his system and out of my earshot.

  “Your lips are puffy, Julia. Either they’re giving collagen injections on the beach or you were making out?” Isabelle teases. Sophie and my three sister-in-laws smirk in unison, waiting for my response. They’re not going to rattle me.

  “We were making out,” I say matter-of-factly.

  Ha… there’s no witty comeback to that, is there?

  “Well, good for you,” Sophie deadpans.

  “That’s the best you can do?” I ask.

  No teasing? No embarrassing me? Is this my sister or an imposter?

  “What else is there to say? I don’t blame you.” She smirks.

  My mom comes out with a pot of coffee, places it on the table, and sits next to me. Everyone else breaks off into their own private conversations.

  “The two of you look happy,” she says, pouring herself a cup of coffee.

  “We are.”

  “I’m glad you figured things out.” I know she’s referring to our claim that we were “just friends” the last time we were here last Christmas Eve.

  “I’m glad we figured things out too.”

  “I like Ben.”

  I smile shyly. I guess I never realized how important my family’s approval means to me.

  “He’s been stressed out lately. He has deadlines for his book and has been doing a lot of traveling. His father’s been on his case about writing as a profession. And his grandmother’s been ill.”

  “Is he close with his grandmother?” she asks.

  I nod. “Very close.”

  My mom smiles warmly. “I like that. Keep that young man.”

  “I’m trying, Mom.”

  “It’s obvious he adores you. He’s lucky to have you and he’s smart enough to know it. He’s not going anywhere.”

  “You think?”

  She chuckles, moving a few stray strands of hair away from my eyes. “I know, JuJu. I know.”

  I glance over at Ben laughing with my brothers and wonder how I ever thought I was in love with Mikehole. I didn’t know what real love was until I found it with Ben.

  “I feel so sorry for him. He puts up a good front, but he’s drowning in pressure from all sides. He doesn’t talk about it much, but I know it’s taking its toll.”

  “Life’s challenges are like the tide, they ebb and flow. You just have to stay the course.”

  “Lately it feels like wave after wa

  “Sometimes the biggest wave gives you the most exciting journey. Just ride it out. I always believed things work out exactly the way they’re supposed to. Have faith in Ben.”

  “I do, Mom.”

  “As long as he knows that… no matter what, he’ll get through. You love him?”

  “Yes,” I answer simply.

  “That’s all he needs. That’s the only thing he needs.” She hugs me tight then leans back, her arms still wrapped around me and smiles. “You’ll both be fine.”

  “I hope so.”

  She laughs. “Baby girl, you have no worries when it comes to the way that young man feels about you. Just ride the wave, JuJu. Just ride the wave.”

  A hand unexpectedly rests on my shoulder, startling me. “For you.” Ben holds out a toasted marshmallow on a long wooden skewer.

  “Oh, I love toasted marshmallows!”

  “I heard. Your brothers told me you’re a marshmallow fiend.”

  I laugh. “I was. Mine always went up in flames. I burned them to a blackened crisp all the time. Yours is perfect.”

  “Like you.” He kisses my cheek sweetly. “Rose, would you like one?” he asks my mom.

  “I’m good, thank you,” she says with a smile.

  “You’re so whipped!” my brother Dominic yells out to Ben.

  Ben laughs and shakes his head. “I’m going back to the fire for more abuse from your brothers.” He walks back to the fire pit with the men and children.

  I peel the toasted outer layer off the marshmallow and devour it. Damn, this is good. I look up, and my mom is smiling at me.

  “What?” I ask, wide-eyed.

  “Nothing,” she says casually.

  “Come on, Mom. What are you thinking?”

  “I think you may have found your perfect wave.”

  Chapter 9

  The night ended with the men downing several shots of Jim Beam around the fire pit. Fortunately, my family is very strict when it comes to designated drivers. In-laws stay sober so everyone goes home safely. I had a feeling my brothers would suck Ben back into their adolescent world. There was no way in hell I was going to drive that huge SUV-tank back to Manhattan, so we packed to stay the night.

  Adhering to my parents’ rule of no unmarried couples sleeping in the same bed, Ben is sleeping in my brother’s old bedroom and I’m in my old room.

  “Good night. I’ll set Ben up in the boys’ room,” I tell my parents. My mother has her hands full with my father who is currently feeling no pain.

  “Goodnight JuJu, Ben,” my mom says. My dad mumbles something unintelligible as they head down the hallway to their bedroom.

  I sit on the bed waiting for Ben to come out from the hall bathroom where he’s brushing his teeth. He staggers into the room and stops, staring at me with a playful grin.

  “You’re not naked,” he slurs as he shuffles over to the bed.

  “You’re very observant.”

  “Let’s rectify this situation,” he says, grabbing the hem of my tank top.

  “Oh no you don’t, Romeo. You know the rules. No sleeping together in my parents’ house.” I smack his hands away.

  “I wasn’t planning on sleeping.” He gives me a lopsided smile and winks.

  Drunk Ben is adorable… and really horny.

  “I was checking out your ass in that bikini while we were on the beach,” he tells me.

  “Oh? Did you like what you saw?”

  “I wanted to bite it. I think your sister caught me staring.”

  I laugh. “I’m sure she’ll get over it.”

  He plunks down next to me on the bed. Sliding his index finger down the top of my shirt, he pulls the fabric of my tank top toward him, shamelessly peeking down my shirt.

  “Hello, Julia’s tits. I miss you,” he murmurs mischievously down my shirt.

  “You’re very handsy when you’re drunk,” I say, rolling my eyes.

  “Why don’t you take them out for me and wrap them around my dick. I hear it’s awfully pretty.”

  I tilt my head back and laugh. If he doesn’t remember this conversation tomorrow, I’m reminding him. It’s too good to let him live down.

  “I think it’s time for you and all your pretty parts to sleep it off.”

  He stands, wobbling while he kicks off his shoes and tugs off his shorts, leaving them in a pile on the floor. He walks in front of me in just a T-shirt and his boxer briefs.

  “I want a kiss goodnight,” he says.

  “That’s good. I was planning on kissing you goodnight.”

  He tilts his groin toward me. “Kiss it,” he commands with a crooked grin.

  “You can’t be serious.”

  “It needs attention. Look.” He juts his chin down toward his groin.

  His raging hard-on is staring at me in the face, straining to escape his boxer briefs.

  “I’ll kiss it another time. Lie down and get some sleep.”

  “Give it a quick peck,” he coaxes.

  I sigh. “Will you go to sleep if I do this?”


  “I’m not following it all the way through. You’ll have that hard-on all night,” I warn. Drunk Ben is a stubborn over-sexed perv.

  “Don’t care. Kiss it.”

  “Fine.” I grab the elastic waistband of his boxer briefs and pull it down slightly. He’s so hard; I barely have to move it before Mr. Happy-To-See-You is staring back at me.

  I lean toward him and kiss it, giving him a bonus lick around his tip.

  His head leans back and he moans softly.

  All the muscles below my waist clench, the familiar butterflies in my stomach fluttering wildly. When he moans like that, it stirs something deep inside me. I want more. But I know we can’t. Not here. I straighten myself up and gaze at him.

  There’s a fire in his eyes that I know I’m reflecting back; watching each other, wanting each other, needing each other. I glance at his erection still peeking out of his waistband and lick my lips. I should never have agreed to that, one taste of Ben and I won’t be satisfied until I’ve devoured him.

  “You better get some sleep,” I say quietly, fighting my urge to straddle him.

  He nods and readjusts himself. I stand and he gets into bed and lies down.

  “Lie next to me for a minute before you go,” he says.

  “I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”

  “No funny business. I promise.”

  “Okay, just one minute.” I lie down next to him, facing him in the tiny twin-sized bed.

  “I want to fuck you so hard,” he whispers.

  “I’d like that.”

  “I want to make you scream out my name,” he murmurs.

  “You’re very good at that.”

  “I want to feel your nails dig into my back when I’m deep inside you.”

  Did someone shut off the air-conditioning? It’s getting fucking hot in here.

  I can’t answer him. I’m too busy remembering how to breathe.

  “I want to glide my tongue all over your naked body and taste you.” He takes my hand, puts my index finger in his mouth and sucks it, swirling his tongue around it.

  “God, Ben. You have to stop. You’re killing me.” My hormones are in a frenzy, nipples hard, between my legs wet, muscles clenched. The whole horny she-bang.

  “You do know that I love you, even when I’m fucking you, right?” he asks, concerned.

  It’s actually pretty sweet how serious he is. God, I love Drunk Ben.

  I smile. “Yes. I know.”

  “You’re so beautiful, Julia. I’m a lucky son-of-a-bitch.” His speech is slowing down and he yawns. His eyes are glassy; all the booze and sunshine has finally caught up with him. He’s absolutely irresistible when he’s sleepy.

  “I’m going to leave and let you get some sleep.” If I don’t go now, I’ll never leave.

  “You are perfect,” he says. Despite the fact that they’re bloodshot, I see the sincerity in his eyes.

  “I’m far from perfect,” I say, shaking my head.

  “You’re my perfect,” he says sleepily. He closes his eyes as he drifts off. I kiss his forehead and slide off the bed. As I’m walking out of the bedroom, I hear Ben turning in bed.


  I turn to face him. “Hmm?”

  “I’m glad I’m your boyfriend,” he says softly.

  Even half-asleep, he makes it so hard to leave.

  “I’m glad too. Goodnight, Ben.”

  “Night,” he mumbles, drifting off to sleep.

  I lean in the doorway of my brother’s bedroom, watching Ben sleep it off and smile. My family may be ridiculous at times, but you can’t help but feel good after spending time with them. Okay, maybe Ben feels a little too good once they broke out the shot glasses, but he needed this: A day to escape from the pressures of life and laugh for a little while.


  After an exhausting long holiday weekend of family time, it’s Monday morning and time to head home. Ben has this remarkable way of waking up refreshed after tying one on. I don’t know how he does it. No bags under his eyes, no ashy color of death, no foul mood.

  After breakfast with my parents and loading up the car, we take a quick walk up the street to get one last peek at the ocean before heading back to New York.

  The seagulls are flying over us, squawking. They better not bless us with any air bombs. Two birds are fighting over a fish on the sand near the shoreline. There are a few early risers jogging along the shore and two kids flying kites with their father. It’s so quiet on the beach now, just the sound of the ocean’s thunderous roar and the birds. Perfect.

  “I’m glad we got away for a few days.” He stands behind me, holding me close with his arms wrapped around my waist, his chin resting on my shoulder.

  “Me too,” I agree.

  “I still want to fuck you until you scream my name.”

  I chuckle. “You remember that conversation? I thought you’d forget.”

  He laughs. “I remember. And I plan to live up to it. But for now, we better get going. I’m hoping we beat traffic by leaving early.”


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