Home > Other > SAVING HIS PRINCESS (DRAGONS FURY MC Book 1) > Page 10

by M. T. Ossler

  It tears me apart hearing her screams. Every time I listen to the way she screams for help and for him to stop, I want to rip every one of those fuckers that were in her home that night to pieces for not stopping him.

  Knowing what that sonofabitch did to her is too much. I will never let him get away with what he did. NEVER!

  Physical, she'll be all right, I’ll make sure of it. Mentally, is a whole other story in and of itself?

  She’s not just grieving for her parents; she’s dealing with a traumatic, violent attack on herself and she has to be strong enough to take care of her younger sister.

  If a few breakdowns are what it will take to help her heal, I’ll be her punching bag like I was tonight. I’ll hold her through every single one of them.

  Maybe in a few days, I’ll take her out to the clubs shooting range and gym we have here on the property. It could help her take back some control in her life and get out some of her aggression.

  I’ve been reading women’s stories about being raped, online. How they have coped and moved on. I want to be able to help her adjust and move forward with her life, with me.

  She told me she loved me when I held as we left the hospital. I just hope she feels that way once she finds out what I’ve done in my life and the things I will still have to do, for my club and her.

  I hold her words near and dear to my heart every day, but loving me is one thing. First, I have to get her to love herself again.

  According to those women, they all lost themselves in one way or another. Finding themselves again took time, but once they did it helped them heal and move on.

  My girl has a huge support system, not just myself and Jules, she has the whole club too. They all want to help her through her grieving.

  Gigi too, even though she’s not fully aware of what happened to Bella. Jules and I agreed to keep it from her until Bella was ready to talk to her about what happened. Gigi knows she was attacked the night her parents were killed. Jules couldn’t keep that from her because of Bella’s face and her being in the hospital sick. That’s enough for her to deal with, for now.

  After lying here for over an hour, there's a soft knock at my door. I untangle myself from my beauty and cover her up with the blanket, and getting up to answer it. I see Gator and step into the hall closing the door behind me.

  He’s a tall, muscular man with shoulder-length blond hair tied back. The man is built like an athlete and full of tattoos.

  “Hey, man, how’s your girl doin’?” he asks uneasily.

  Bella may not have met all the guys and their ol’ ladies or the club girls’ official, but they’re all concerned about her and want to help.

  Gator and Ace are the only two that know her whole story. The others still want to help her in any way they can.

  We respect women in this club and hitting a woman goes against everything we stand for here.

  If the brothers knew Anton had not only hit her... I can’t even say the word if they knew they would be out for blood and want to put him to ground as bad as I do.

  They have all taken Jules and Gigi in as part of our family helping them adjust to club life. Club life in some ways is like Mafia life.

  Gator’s friend/fuck buddy Sam - since he hasn’t claimed her - is also a doctor at a local hospital for the last four year. She has been taking excellent care of my Bella for me.

  I prop myself against the door and rub the back of my neck with my hand to relieve the tension. “She’s sleeping peacefully, for now. The sedative Sam gave her kicked in about twenty minutes ago,” I say moving from the door and start to pace the hallway running my hands through my hair. “Man, watching her go through all this is killing me. I hate sedating her, but I don’t want her to hurt herself. I don’t know what else to do. She’s always been a strong person. Growing up seeing the shit she did, you’d have to be. I’ve only seen her cry once before I left and now it seems like that all she does. This has broken her spirit completely, and I want to put her back together for herself, but I don’t know how to do that.” I ramble, pausing still pacing. “My girl…” I swallow hard, shaking my head. “Man, I have to find her brothers and end this shit. Val should be the head of the Family, not Antonio, Val should have been there to protect his sister from all this fucked up shit. Hell, I should have gone back for her years ago and claimed her ass.” I know I can’t stop rambling.

  Gator comes up to me, gripping his hand on my shoulder stopping me from moving. I face him and see the pain on his face mirroring my own. He’s a good, an honorable man. He took over the club four years ago after his pops was killed on a run. We served together; he was my Sergeant. Blaze, Ace, Snake, and Hawk were all in our unit. After our tours, we all chose to follow him here and joined the club when he took over. We decided to stick together as the family we’d become out there in the war zone.

  We’re standing here in the hall facing each other silently, almost in a standoff. Staying this way until Blaze interrupts us. “Man, you love her, and from what I saw in that cage on the way back here, she loves you too and needs you. She trusts you and knows you’ll never lay a hand on her. You’ll put her back together, she just needs time and support.” He comes closer to us. “You have us, she has you, and we’re all here for both of you. Give the poor girl time to process the shit storm that her life has become. She’s been through more fucked up shit in a week than most of us have to deal with in a lifetime.” He takes a deep breath. “Don’t live in the past, man, that’s never good for anyone. It just adds to the fucked up shit storm in our lives. Live for today, live for your girl in there.” Blaze may be an ass most the time, but he’s a smart man, and he’s right. He’s one of my best friends and closest brother. He doesn’t know the whole story, and I feel bad about not talking to him about it. I just couldn’t do that to Bella. He and the other brothers believe Bella was beatin’ almost to death by Anton and I never confirmed or denied it. He did hit her, on the face and back. She also had bruises on her waist according to the hospital records. No one has seen them, but Sam.

  “He’s right when you love someone, and they hurt you want to take their pain away,” Gator says sympathetically. “She’ll heal and come out of this stronger. You’ll help her, and we’ll help you both through this. We’re family and family takes care of each other. Her little sister and best friend are part of our family now too. We’ve got your back, brother, whatever you need. Get some rest you look like shit. Don’t worry about the next couple of runs; I’ve got the boys covering for you for as long as you need.”

  I go to walk back to my room to my girl. La mia ragazza.

  Inspiration hits me all of a sudden. I’ve wanted to do something to make her feel better, I think I have the perfect plan.

  I freeze with my hand on the handle and spin around facing the guys before they head back downstairs to the bar.

  “Gator, Blaze, wait a second.” They both stop on the steps and turn to me. “Can you help me with something?” I ask running closer to them not wanting to yell. They give each other a look then turn to me. “Sure.” They both say. “Bella’s birthday is next week, Tuesday and I want to throw her a party, here. Can you get Gigi and Jules to help you set it up?” Gator gives me a concerned look. “You sure that’s a good idea, man. She may not be up to partying or being around a lot of people,” Gator says. “Run it by Jules, but I’m pretty sure this will be good for her,” I say, and they agree to help and talk to the girls.

  I head back to my room, to la mia ragazza.

  My sleeping beauty is still out for the count looking peaceful. I decide to join her, stripping off my jeans and grab a pair of sweatpants from my closet before climbing back in bed taking her back into my arms. Subconsciously, she senses me and crawls up laying half over me with her head on my covered chest near my heart. Her small hand lays on my stomach, and her leg is draped over one of mine. I watch her for a while running one hand through her long hair of her ponytail. My other hand is placed ove
r hers that is on my stomach. Laying with her in my arms fills my heart and soul with happiness and love that I haven’t felt in a long time. She fits in my arms like she was always meant to be here, which she was. I take in her smell of almonds and lavender. I think it’s becoming one of my favorite smells. I always knew God sent her here for me to have and it finally feels right to have her as mine.

  I'm thinking of the shit storm of the last couple weeks and the more and more I think about it I know throwing her a birthday party will be good for her. She needs a break from reality, to let loose and unwind.

  It’s defiantly been a long day, hell it been a long week. My body is exhausted, but apparently, my cock hasn’t gotten the memo this week. Hard as a rock in pants and in need of release again, yeah again. There is going to be a lot of hand jobs in my future, I won’t be touching the club whores again now that I have her back. My girl, yeah my girl is too fragile to have me fuck her anytime soon. I won’t push her; I’ll wait as long as she needs. When the time is right, I’ll take it nice and slow making it special for her. The way her first time should have been, with me taking what was rightfully mine from the day she was born.

  Damn, just thinking about fuckin’ her is causing my rock hard cock to throb in my pants. Two times a day isn’t going to cut it with her sexy as hell body press against mine like this in my bed. Her body shit, naked and in the tub earlier. Fuck, I have to take care of this shit, or I’ll never get to sleep tonight. I untangle myself from my beauty and quietly make my way to the bathroom closing the door three-fourths of the way.

  I turn on the showers knob to cool water, remove my clothes relieving my cock from his confinement helps. I step into the shower and stand under the cool water for a second.

  Then I take care of my raging hard cock pumping my hand up and down. I close my eyes picturing her lying here in this tub naked.

  Her beautiful face, pink cheeks, and seeing her grabbing her tits to cover herself up from my view. Her perfect round globes and perky pink nipples barely covered by her tiny hands. Nipples the size of half of my pinky finger.

  I picture her tiny fingers pinching her nipples rolling and squeezing.

  Her other hand travels down her body past her stomach to bare pink pussy. Yeah, it was bare, I caught a glimpse. Her tiny fingers pinching her swollen nubs and rolling her clit in circles. She slides her pointer and middle finger inside pumping them with her thumb drawing circles her clit. Little moans of pleasure coming from her mouth as her climax draws near.

  I pump my beast faster and harder, imagining my girl pleasuring herself in this very tub hours earlier.

  Damn, I cum all over the tile wall before getting any further into my fantasy.

  I feel better after relieving myself, for the third time today. I wash up and dress quickly then head back to bed. I wrap myself up around my world, my love. She’s finally in my arms after all these years where she was always meant to be.

  Chapter 9


  Waking up the next morning to the most gorgeous woman in the world on top of me, what could be better? Well... Having her tangled around me, fills my heart more than I ever could have dreamt possible. It’s also causing me to have the worse mornin’ woody I’ve ever experienced. With her still out from the sedative and peaceful I can leave her. I carefully untangle myself from her placing my pillow in her arms. Then cover her with the comforter before heading to the bathroom to shower and take care of business.

  When I finish with my shower, I decide to run downstairs for some breakfast in bed for us. I check on Bella before leaving the room, she’s still out, and I suspect she will be for a little while longer. I place a soft kiss on her forehead before leaving.

  When I enter the hallway, Cowboy’s exiting his room across from mine and catches my eye. “Hey, man. How’s your girl doin’?” he asks compassionately.

  “She’s still out from the sedative Sam gave her last night. I was going to run downstairs and get us breakfast before she wakes up,” I say trying to hurry down the stairs, so I can get backup before she wakes up.

  “Do you want to wait out here in case she wakes up before you get back? She may freak out or something if she doesn’t see you?” That might be a good idea just in case she wakes up and panics if I’m not there.

  “Thanks, man, I appreciate it. I’ll be back in five,” I say rushing down to the kitchen.

  When I enter the kitchen, Jules and Gigi are standing in front of the stove. They’re cooking eggs, bacon, hash browns, and pancakes.

  “Wow, it smells delicious in here. Mornin’, girls.” They both turn to look at me with big smiles on their faces. Gigi comes barrelling over to me with a big hug giving me a look with her big amber eyes. They resemble Bella’s completely.

  “How’s it going, Mini Princess?” She giggles a cute sound from such a tiny thing. “Good, Gio, can I take my sister breakfast this morning? Please,” she asks with a puppy dog look on her face. I turn to Jules, and she nods letting me know something’s up.

  “Sure, you can make her a plate with some eggs and toast. I’ll be up shortly.” I give her a big smile and a kiss on her forehead. Then she let’s go of me so she can make a plate of food for Bella.

  Once she’s gone, I go to stand by Jules. “How’s she doing?” I ask worriedly. She gives me the puppy dog look too. What is up with these girls this mornin’?

  “We heard Bella’s breakdown last night. The guys tried to get Gigi outside once we realized what was going on. She heard some of what she was yelling, got scared and started crying thinking someone was hurting her sister again. She even tried her hardest to fight the guys to get to Bella. Ace, Blaze, and Dusty finally got her out of here and reassured her you would take care of her. They took her to the horses to calm down.”

  Oh shit, that poor kid. How are we going to explain all this crap to her?

  “That’s why she wanted to see Bella this mornin’,” I whisper more to myself confirming my suspicions, and she nods. I wonder if I should give them a few extra minutes before running up there and checking on them. As I'm contemplating this Blaze walks in the room apparently overhearing our conversation.

  “Give them a few minutes alone, you can’t protect them from everything. Unfortunately, your girl needs to handle this shit with her sister, not you man,” Blaze says walking over to me.

  “Fuck, this is so hard navigating through this shit. I want to protect both of them, but I don’t know how to sit back and accomplish that for them when their hurting. It’s just hard to figure out. It’s killing me to see them hurting. And having to watch Bella relive this shit in her nightmares…” I cut myself off shaking my head not wanting to sound like a total pussy. I also don’t want to reveal too much in front of Blaze. It’s hard sitting back and watching the girl I love hurt. Having to see her baby sister hurting too is tough. I need to get my head straight.

  “OhmyGod! You’re in love with her. Aren’t you?” Jules blurts out practically yelling it through the whole damn clubhouse with a huge smile on her face. All I can do is smile back at her and nod.

  “Sweet Jesus, Joseph, and Mary, does she know?” I can’t talk for some reason, my tongue is caught in my throat, so I shake my head no. Jules giggles at me and gives me a big hug. That makes me mad, but before I can respond, she bursts out with a shocker.

  “Gio, you have to tell her. She’s in love with you too, she always has been. To be honest, I really think it will help her since you’re the only the only man she lets near her, let alone touch her. I’m sure if Ces were here it would be the same with him, but he’s more of a girlfriend.

  “When she was in the hospital, and that bastard or his goons would go near her, she would recoil and shake with fear. She tried to hide it for Gigi sake, but I always saw it. With you she’s different…” Jules trails off and walks back to the stove leaving me hanging. I look over at Blaze with my jaw clenched, and he just shrugs.

  Ace walks in the room and over to us
at that moment. Apparently, everyone is in on my conversation this mornin’.

  “She’s right, I’ve seen her with you, and she’s comfortable. When any of us guys come near your room, she shakes unless you’re holding her. You need to talk to her and tell her how you feel, man. It just may be what fixes all this shit for her,” Ace says piling his plate with food.

  Since he’s one of the few people who know the whole fucked up situation with Bella and I trust him with my life, I’ll take his advice seriously.

  For now, I’ve had enough of the Dr. Phil section. It’s time to get back to my girls. I make a plate quickly. Before leaving, I turn to them and say, “I’ll talk to her. Thanks for the Dr. Phil section.” I leave heading back to my room to check on the girls and hear them all laughing behind me.

  When I get to my room Cowboy is waiting for me.

  “Sorry, man, I got caught up with some shit. Thanks for waiting for me. How are they?”

  He smiles a shit-eating grin and says, “Shorty woke her up. They’re talking. Apparently, your girl rattled the shit out of her last night. I think seeing her and talking to her is helping.” I nod walking to my door to check on them.

  I don’t want to engage in any more shit this mornin’.

  And apparently, the guys have nicknamed Gigi Shorty, it fits.

  When I enter the room, I see my girls hugging and crying on the bed. I place my plate on my desk and go over to them.

  After 20 minutes of calming and comforting them, I finally get their asses settled down. We eat together then Jules comes up to check on them and to get Gigi. I give them a few minutes alone leaving Dusty to listen out for the girls by the door in the hall.

  I head to the Prez’s office to check on club business. I know I’m on a break from the club to take care of Bella, but I still need to be kept in the loop.


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