Home > Other > SAVING HIS PRINCESS (DRAGONS FURY MC Book 1) > Page 11

by M. T. Ossler

  I enter Gator’s office quietly seeing Blaze and Snake are occupying the chairs in front of his desk. So I opt for the couch next to Ace.

  They’re discussing the run that is a support to take place Tuesday evening, in two days for the Rockin’ Macks MC.

  Those assholes want to evade our territory, and Gator is seriously allowing them. He says they’re just riding through once a week and it will bring more money into the clubs and our pockets. I’m all for anything that helps the clubs. As for me, I’m more than comfortable with money, not like most of the guys.

  I see trouble with them crossing through our territory. Unfortunately, majority ruled this one and only time will tell.

  When our business is completed, I get a call from Prospect Torch, a package has arrived for me at the front gate. I retrieve it and head back to Bella and the girls. When I come back at my room Dusty is gone. He must have taken Gigi so the girls could speak in private.

  Like the jackass, I stand by the door with my ear press against it listening to them before entering. I don’t want to interrupt them, but I need to know what they’re saying. I hear Bella and Jules talking and sobbing. This causes my breathing to stop and a lump to form in my throat from hearing Bella tell her about that night Anton attacked her.

  I want to go in and comfort her and take all this pain away from her, but I can’t bring myself to move.

  I want to hold her close to me and keep all the evil in this fuckin’ world from touching her. That’s what my girl needs from me. Unfortunately, at this moment I can’t give it to her that, and it slays me.

  I stand here frozen, listening to her play by play, reliving her worst nightmare. My blood is boiling, and red is blurring my vision. I have her box in one hand, and my fist is clenching the other. My jaw is iron-tight, I may just break it this time.

  While listening to her story, a storm brews inside me from hearing how brutal that bastard attacked her.

  My breathing is erotic, red blinds my vision, bright fuckin’ red. I have to get out of here and get myself under control before I see her. I place the box gently on the floor in front of the door and storm off down the stairs.

  When I enter the bar, I collide into Ace on my way out the front doors. I need to hit something or shoot something or maybe both.

  “Hey, man, what the fuck?” Ace says grabbing onto my shoulders halting me. I shot him a murderous look, and he backs up from me with his hands in the air defensively. I calm my breathing and thoughts for a second. “Send Sam to see Bella. Now! I’ll be in the fuckin’ gym,” I say seeding with my whole body shaking. I race out the fuckin’ door to get away from everyone before I hurt one of my brothers. As I get to the door, I turn back to Ace. “Stay with Bella! Don’t even think of fuckin’ touching her or I will fuckin’ kill you! Just watch over her!” I leave and hear him yelling, “I would never touch her, I’ll watch over her. You go cool yourself the fuck off before you come back to her.”

  I run straight to the gym and thank fuckin’ God it’s empty. I need space, and no one near me or I may hurt someone. I remove my shirt throwing it to the floor and head straight to the punching bag not bothering to glove up or tape my hands. I walloped the bag seeing that sonofafuckin’bitch’s face with every punch I throw.

  This whole fucked up shit storm is a colossal mess. I still can’t find her brothers or her best friend. I’ve gone through all my dad’s old contacts and the family I know in Italy searching high and low for the guys. I even check out a few contacts I had, no one has seen them since they left. So they must be laying low underground, I just need to find out where. The biggest problem is figuring out if they’re still in the country or in Italy. I hope for the girls’ sake they’re all alive and in hiding or this will destroy them. I have no information on their cousin in Italy that runs the operations there. I never got into too much of the business with dad, I never wanted to be part of that world. I’ve known Val my whole life and know he’s a smart and resourceful man. I just pray to God that the four of them are safe because, with Anton’s connections, they could very well be six feet under, never to be found again. The guys are the only one who can help me shut Anton down.

  Fuck, I need to calm my shit down and get back to Bella. Staying out here isn’t going to help her. I don’t know how long I’ve been here hitting this bag, but my hands are bloody and hurting. My arms ache, but I keep pushing myself through the burn. All I know is I’m drenched with sweat and still reeling. I’m infuriated by this whole fucked up situation. I’m still no closer to figuring out how to get my hands on that motherfucker and end his miserable fuckin’ life.

  I hear the door open letting in the evening light streams in. I look up from the bag as they shut and see an angel prancing towards me, cautiously mind you. She’s wearing one of my white T-shirt, that’s huge on her but looks sexy and white capri leggings. All at once from the sight of her, my anger dissipates, and I feel a calmness wash over me. Seeing her face has done more for my soul than this fuckin’ bag. I freeze watching her cautiously come to me until she’s within a foot in front of me. I want to take her in my arms, but I’m drenched in sweat. I grab my shirt from the floor and throw it on not wanting to make her feel uncomfortable.

  She comes a little closer to me, and I see relieve flash in her eyes before she lowers them to the floor. “Gio, are you alright?” she asks shyly in a quiet tone. I want her to look at me and be the strong woman I know she is. I calm my breathing as I walk closer to her taking her left hand in mine pulling her closer to me. She raises her head finally looking in my eyes. I see fear in them; she scared of me. I have to reassure her; I don’t ever want her to fear me.

  “I’m fine. Why are you out of bed, Princess?” I say in a soft calming voice to comfort her. The look in her eyes transforms from fear too anxious in a flash. She turns to the door then back to me. Ace is standing there watching us and waiting for my order.

  “I haven’t seen you all day. I thought you might be mad at me after last night,” she says sadly in a whisper that I barely catch.

  Her words sting me and seeing her like this, I’m kicking myself in the ass, and it’s my undoing. How in the hell could she thinks I would ever be mad at her for expressing herself.

  I take a deep breath and say fuck it. Taking her in my arms not giving a damn about being sweaty, kissing the top of her head. She wraps her arms around my waist and rests her head on my sweaty, covered chest.

  I give Ace a look to leave us alone and wait for him to leave.

  “Princess, I’m not mad at you, I could never be mad at you. I just needed a few minutes to clear my head. I’m sorry if I upset you,” I say, and she relaxes in my arms.

  “It’s almost dinner, and you haven’t been around. Ace’s been in your room with me all day, so I thought I had done something wrong,” she whispers making me realize how long I’ve left her today.

  I don’t answer for a few minutes to compose my thoughts.

  She untangles herself from my embrace, and I let her go.

  She turns to face the door with her back to me and takes a few steps away. After taking a few deep breaths, she says, “I needed you today, Gio. God knows I hate that I did, but I was so upset. I am not this person, and I hate this person he’s made me become.” She pauses to compose herself.

  “Don’t get me wrong, I like Ace, but it makes me uncomfortable being alone with a man that’s not you.” She takes another couple breath, and I stay frozen just listen to her. She obviously needs to get it out, but I can see she also needs me too.

  I move closer to her and take her hand entwining our fingers evoking an electric spark between us. She looks down at our connected hands, and I see the tears streaming down her face falling to the floor. She squeezes my hand as if taking my strength for herself in order to continue.

  “I spoke to Jules and Sam earlier, and they said it’s okay to feel this way and lean on you. Sam says you’ll help me through all this, I want help. I need help n
ot just for me, but because I have to be there for Gigi now.

  “I have to be whole and strong again to be able to raise her on my own. But by asking for your help, I’m so scared and afraid of what you’ll think of me. What other people will think of me for asking for help.

  “I never wanted anyone to know what happened to me, least of all you. It’s embarrassing, and I’m ashamed. I would hate the way people look at me and always feel sorry for me.

  “I knew I would always be alone, never having the man of my dreams and I was okay with that. I just never dreamed anything like this would happen to me. I can’t blame anyone but myself…” She collapses to the floor cry before I can grab her. I immediately follow taking her in my arms hating every word she just said. She shouldn’t feel this way at all, and I won’t allow her too.

  “Why didn’t I fight harder? Why couldn’t I fight him off?” I cut her off from finishing.

  “Princess, first: none of this was your fault, it’s all that bastards fault, at all.

  “Second: I want you to depend on me. I can’t change what happened or what I know because it will help me make you realize the strong woman that you are.”

  I breathe in her scent to calm my nerves and the anger I feel towards myself for her feeling this way.

  I lift up her chin to look into her eyes. I tuck a strain of her hair that escaped her ponytail behind her ear.

  I have to set her mind at ease and make her realize she is loved. Not just by me, everyone in her life loves her. Here goes the moment of truth. I just hope it the right time to do this for her.

  “You’re not alone, baby. You’ll never be alone again, you’ll always have me.” Deep breaths, I can do this for her, for us.

  “Princess, I love you. I’ve been in love with you for years, and nothing will ever change the way I feel in my heart.

  “You’re mine now, you always have been and always will be. I’m never going to leave you, I will always be by your side.

  “When you’re ready, in the meantime, I’m here to help you find your way back to yourself. You. Are. Mine. Forever.”

  She stares at me with tears streaming down her face. For a few minute time is suspended and everything is quiet. I’m praying I haven’t screwed this shit up with her and pushed her away from me.

  Stupid fuckin’ asshole, what were you thinking doing this now? Maybe I came on too strong, or it’s just too soon? What the fuck is wrong with me? She has to heal first.

  Now, I have to figure out how to fix this my major fuck up I just cause and hope I didn’t fuck her up more.

  She whips her tears away, and a smile transforms on her face with a sparkle in her eyes. The sparkle I haven’t seen since the night of our first kiss by the lake.

  She places her hand on the side of my face.

  “Gio, I love you too. I’ve been in love with you since I was five and dreamt of being yours. I really have, but are you sure you still want me. Tainted. Damaged. Broken,” she says, the last part dropping her voice down to a whisper.

  She’s lost her smile turning sad in a flash as the word come out of her mouth. My anger skyrockets. Oh hell no, how can she think she’s any of those things? I need to fix this and fast.

  “You. Are. Not. Tainted. Or damaged. As for broken maybe, but broken can be fixed,” I say smiling.

  “You are a beautiful, young, strong, caring, loving and smart woman.

  “You are not defined by what has happened to you, and I’ll spend the rest of my days proving that to you.

  “I promise you, I want you, Bella, now and forever.”

  She smiles at me again, taking my hands on both sides of her face and kiss her on the lips. I just touch her lips with mine for a few long seconds. I run my tongue along the seam of her lips opening her up for me. She allows me to deepen our kiss and before I know what’s happening we’re playing tongue war.

  I pack our kiss full of lust, passion, strength, and most of all love. This is the second best kiss of my life. The first one was the kiss we shared, only our lips touching so many long years ago.

  My shitty day just got a whole lot better. I finally have my girl in my arms where she wants to be and belongs. I’m never going to be an idiot again and let her go. She is my world, my life, my future, and my happiness forever. I will forever show her how much she means to me. This is just the beginning our forever.

  Chapter 10


  OHMYGOD! Gio loves me! He actually just said those words to me after all these years. Words that I never thought I would ever hear him say. I’m still in shock by his admission. He also wants me regardless of what has happened to me. I must be dreaming this can’t be real; it just can’t be. His kiss is proof I’m not dreaming. The second his lips touched mine I felt the spark igniting the fire inside my body heating me up. The desire and lust in his kiss are all I need to know that he actually does love me, the real me, and want me forever, regardless.

  He breaks the kiss, leaving both of us breathing erratically. He leans his forehead against mine looking into my eyes with love. I can feel him imprinting on my soul as we sit on the floor in the gym in a world all our own. A bubble has formed around us, and nothing can touch us. He’s the strength and love I need to heal. I can feel it in my heart, and it’s okay to need him.

  I break the silence after a few minutes needing to know something. “How will this work? You know, you and me together,” I ask not knowing how we make a relationship work. I’ve never been in a relationship of any kind before and with my current situation hanging over us. I don’t know where we start.

  “I imagine it will work like any relationship. We’ll just take things at your pace until you’re comfortable. We have a few things to discuss, mostly about the club, but other than that not much needs to change. You can stay with me if you want or you can stay with your sister and Jules. How does that sound?”

  He’s looking at me with a great big smile on his face gauging my reaction causing me to smile back at him.

  I yawn out of nowhere feeling exhausted as I say, “Okay, I want to stay with you if that’s fine. I feel safe with you, and right now I need that. I also don’t want Gigi to see or hear me if I have a bad dream. I’ll talk to her and Jules.”

  His smile spreads ever wider to his eyes.

  “Great, I love having you in my bed. Going to sleep and waking up with you in my arms is the best part of my day. Now, come on let’s get you back inside. We can talk later it’s been a long day, and I need a shower, and you need a nap before dinner,” he says helping me up off the floor taking my hand entwining our fingers leading me back to the clubhouse.

  The clubhouse is not far from the gym which is good because I’m exhausted and feel weak all of a sudden. I’m defiantly in need of a nap before dinner. We enter the room, our room now. I was afraid it would be awkward, but it’s not. “Go lay down and relax while I take a shower, baby. When I’m done, I’ll grab us some grub. We can eat in bed and watch a movie,” he says guiding me to the bed. I nod feeling worn out from being stressed all day.

  Sam came in this morning to give me a sedative at Gio’s request, and I declined. I can’t keep letting my emotions take me over. I have to talk things out and figure out a way to work through them. I realize I have a support system here, and Sam says that will help me process what’s happened to me.

  Gio kisses my lips one last time before disappearing into the closet for clean clothes than into the bathroom. I remove my leggings, get comfortable placing my head on his comfy pillow and take the other one hugging it to my chest.

  I hear the shower turn on and it’s like a lullaby, close my eyes, and I’m out into dream land.

  I’m back in my childhood bedroom in my big comfy bed, the room is dark, and the house is eerily quiet. Panic sets in me and I’m not sure why I can’t breathe. Why am I back here?

  Then my bedroom door flies open allowing the light for the hall to shine in. I see a built man enter befo
re shutting it behind him. Fear instantly takes over my body. The man stands there for a minute, and I try to compose my breathing.

  Then he lunges at me as I turn to my nightstand to retrieve my gun, but I don’t make it in time. His massive body falls on top of my back causing me to lose my breath. The next thing I feel is him tearing off my panties.

  Then spreading my legs open forcefully. I don’t have the strength to stop what happens next.

  My blood curling screams and cries are vibrating through my body. I scream for my daddy, the guards, anyone to help me. I scream for the man to stop hurting me. I scream over and over again begging and pleading with him to stop. He never stops, the pain is excruciating that I’m feeling.

  I feel my body being shaken and someone calling my name from a distance. The person sounds far away, too far to hear or touch. I can hardly hear anything through my loud heartbeat pounding in my ears and screams. The voice begins to come in a little clearer, I recognize the man’s voice, but can’t place it. It does make me feel safe and loved. I want so badly to run into his arms.

  “Princess! Bella, Bella! Wake up! Bella! Baby! Please, wake up!” I hear the panic in the man’s voice saying my name closer to my ear, but I can’t make out who it is. “Don’t touch me! Get off me you bastard! Please, stop!” I scream at the top of my lungs as tears run down my face. I slowly begin to snap out of my hazy, blinking my eyes open a few times through my tears taking me a few seconds to adjust to the light and my surroundings. Then I see Gio’s face clearly, and I stop screaming. He’s staring at me with haunted eyes, both of us are breathing heavily. He takes me in his arms pressing me to his chest on his lap, he’s wet under me. Oh God, he’s wet and naked.

  “Baby, I’m here, I’ve got you,” he says with his hand caressing the side of my face, and I keep my eyes on his. I can feel his very hard and very thick manhood with something cold and possibly metal poking against my thigh. I must have had another nightmare while he was in the shower and he came running out to check on me. I calm my breathing to match his not moving my eyes from his either. I’m trying to ignore his massive warm hard manhood touching me. Is that a piercing? Oh, my God, I think he’s pierced down there.


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