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Page 15

by M. T. Ossler

  Then it time for everyone to sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to me around a delicious chocolate cake, my favorite. We eat while hanging out in the bar. Gigi insisted we have cake before Gio had Dusty escort her to her room for the night.

  Now, the real party can start.

  Gator hands us each another shot, and we toast to ‘Family.'

  A slow song comes on, and Gio takes my hand leading me to the dance floor. Ed Sheeran ‘Kiss Me’ is playing as he takes me in his arms. Ace has Jules in his arms dancing with her. I also see Gator and Sam along with some of the other guys and their girls.

  As Gio glides me around the dance floor, he’s sing low in my ear. He has an amazing voice as I float in his arms. I never in my life thought I could ever be this happy and content.

  The only thing that would possibly make this better is if I could share it with my family. Hopefully, I’ll have my brothers and Ces back in my life soon. I want them all to share in my happiness, I need them all in my life.

  The past is the past, and I want to leave it dead and buried there. Today feels like the start of my new life with the love of my life, the man of my dreams. He’s my present and my future. He’s My Prince Charming and My Happy Ever After. I’ve known for years my heart belongs to him, now I get to share that with him.

  I have my head resting on his chest, then I lift my head to look in his eyes. He bends down and kisses me, and we play tonsil hockey right here in the middle of the dance floor surrounded by his brothers and the girls.

  Gio’s hands are around my waist on my lower back. He pulls me closer to him leaving no space between us. I can feel his hard member pressing into my stomach.

  My hands are in his hair relish in the silky feel against my palms and fingers.

  Thirty people or so are around us, watching us in our very public display of affecting. For once, it doesn’t bother me in the least. It excites me, and I don’t feel embarrassed or ashamed for the first time in a while. I’m in a good place and sharing it with everyone in this room feels right. I can feel the love and loyalty all around me.

  After a few minutes, Ace breaks our kiss up and dragging us back to the bar for another shot. Jules and I have a few more shots with the guys.

  The alcohol running through my system is relaxing me and letting me let loose. I'm enjoying the moment.

  “How about you girls get up on the bar and dance for us. Show us what you got, Coyote Ugly style,” Ace says with a wink and a mischievous smile on his good-looking face.

  Jules and I stare at each other for a second wonder what the hell he means by ‘Coyote Ugly Style.' Doesn’t matter, we’ll figure it out.

  He doesn’t give us long to contemplate before he says, “I dare you.” That’s all we need to hear. “Game on, bad ass biker boy, we got this,” I say smirking with a giggle.

  “There goes that sassy mouth again. Beast, you need to handle your woman,” Ace says through his laughter.

  Jules and I don’t take dares lightly. We down another shot making that close to a dozen double shots so far tonight. I’m feeling fabulous, total drunk and up for this dare.

  Jules and I remove our shoes, and I take Gio’s hand as he helps me up onto the barstool then on to the bar.

  The guys are playing Theory of a Deadman ‘Bad Girlfriend’. We love this song!

  I take Jules’ hand, and we dance around shaking our asses when the song says too. We shimmy our breast to the guys and stomp our feet on the bar.

  We whip our hair around being sexy. We dirty dance together grinding on one another. The guys hoot and whistle at us to keep going.

  We’re so drunk it doesn’t take much to egg us on.

  Letting loss like this feels liberating, I feel recharged and brand new. Life is defiantly on the right track. It can only get better from here, right.

  The song changes to Buckcherry ‘Crazy Bitch’ and we continue to dance.

  We live it up for them, playing and acting out as if we’re a couple. I scratch down her back, and she does mine, just like the song says.

  We give the guys a nice little show as we shake our asses and whip our hair for them.

  Red is tending bar tonight, and he hands us another shot. I think this is to keep us wild for the guys.

  Damn, these bad ass bikers really know how to party it up and keep us girls happy.

  Chapter 12


  Holy shit, standing here and watching my girl dance on top of the bar is killing me. With her rockin’ body and the way, she’s shaking her tits and ass. Damn, she’s giving me the perfect view to see up her dress, right to her black lace thong, and it’s about to do me in. If my cock gets any harder, it’s going to bust through my zipper of my jeans to relieve the throbbing pressure. I don’t think I’ve ever been this hard for a girl in my entire life. I may explode in my pants if I don’t get some relieve very fuckin’ soon. A fuckin’ miracle it’ll be if I don’t cum in my pants like a goddamn teenager.

  I’m trying my best to keep my brothers back far enough from her and the bar. I need to prevent them from seeing what’s mine. It’s helping to kill my bones, somewhat. I have to stop thinkin’ about her naked, and maybe I will survive the rest of this night.

  I still can’t believe she’s finally mine and I get to keep her forever. And fuckin’ forever I will if it kills me.

  The way she’s been letting loose tonight is good for her, really good. She needed this and she sure as hell deserves it after everything. I knew this party would be a great idea. My brothers and the girls really pulled through for her and me. She’s been happy today, happier than I’ve seen her in since she’s been back in my life.

  I have her leather kutte in our room, and I hope she’s ready for me to brand her soon. I was going to give it to her earlier today to wear, but I can’t think straight around my girl. I’ll give it to her soon. She still needs a little more time to adjust to club live.

  I’m watching her dance around as her moves become slower. I know she’s not going to make it out here much longer. She's been drinking more than I imagined her little body could handle. What did Jules say to me not so long ago, she hasn’t been drinking since she’s been here. I’ll have to address that with her soon and find out what that’s all about.

  I can tell she exhausted after our long day on my bike in the heat.

  My girl seems to be able to surprise me at every turn, and I love it. I look forward to everything she has to throw my way, knocking me off my feet for sure with her sassy attitude.

  Since starting our mornin’ routine of goin’ to the gun range and the gym, I see how it’s helping her heal a day at a time. I’ve seen it in her eyes lately, and she’s becoming her old self again bring her sass back too.

  She’s gettin’ back the girl I remember from so many years ago, slowly but surely she’ll get back to her old self.

  If I could just find her brothers and Cesare, that might be the final pieces of the puzzle to making her whole again. Or at least as whole as she can be again after everything.

  I can’t wait till the day I get her gorgeous ass naked and under me with my name, my brand on her sexy little body. The tats that she had inked on her perfect body for me five years ago make my heart swell with pride just like a fuckin’ pussy. Damn, she shocked the shit out of me today when I saw her ink peeking out of her bottoms, then her confession.

  All these years she never dated any men all because her heart belonged to me. I imprinted her heart like she had done to mine the day she was born.

  She only wanted me even though she never thought she would be with me, her body and soul belonged to me. She accepted never having a man in her life if she couldn’t have me. She’d been faithful to me, and we weren’t even together.

  In the meantime, I was a selfish sonofabitch and drank myself into oblivion every fuckin’ day for the last four years since leaving the service. I fucked every hole I can find to take my mind off her. Pussy was just that to me, p

  No talking, no communicating, no relationships, and no cuddling involved. And defiantly no kissing that was too intimate for me. I didn’t want intimacy, just needed a hole to get my dick wet in, and I was good.

  Until I thought about her again and the searing pain came back with a vengeance. The black hole in my heart would open up further taking more of my dark soul.

  While I was here enjoying myself - if you could call it that - she wasn’t even living her life the way she was supposed to be. I have a lot of making up to do.

  It pains me the way I’ve hurt her through all these years apart, and Val never mentioned anything to me. I never want to hurt her, that’s why I was hurting myself. Or so I thought. I ended up hurting both of us in the worst way possible.

  So yeah, I mad as all hell at myself for all this shit. I should have been the first and only man to touch what’s always been mine.

  I’ll spend every day making sure she enjoys her life with me, and we have new experiences together. We’ll take life by the balls together and relish in every moment we have together until the reaper comes for my ass.

  Gigi will enjoy the rest of her childhood too. I’ll make it my lives mission to see my girls happy with me. I’ll do what’s need to be done for that to happen. Bella and I will raise her together along with a family of our own one day. My girls will never want for a damn thing, emotional or materialistic, whatever, I’ll give them everything they want.

  I see Red hand the girls yet another shot. They have consumed at least a bottle of that damn Cinnamon Whiskey each tonight. I’m glad they ordered a dozen cases of that shit, the girls are lovin’ the hell out of it.

  The song changes to the most appropriate song for the girls. I see Gator by the jukebox with a devilish grin on his face. That bastard chose this song for them.

  They are jumping up and down yelling excitedly as Pitbull ‘Fireball’ booms through the speakers around the bar.

  The girls grab hold of Sam’s hand draggin’ her up on the bar with them. Gator darts over to help lift her up to them.

  The bar has erupted in chaos with all the guys eggin’ the girls on.

  The girls have finally figured out what Ace meant by ‘Coyote Ugly Style’ with Sam’s help. The three of them are getting’ into a rhythm following my girls lead. Jumping on the bar, shaking their asses and tits all over the place.

  Damn, she’s lucky I love the shit out of her and want her happy tonight, or I would be taking her to our room and spankin’ her little ass red for this show she’s putting on in front for my brothers.

  I should be the only man she shakes her tits and ass for, for the rest of her goddamn life. We will defiantly be having a conversation about this shit. She’ll know this is unacceptable and never to do it again or there will be consequences. Consequences in the form of my hand on her ass makin’ it red with my hand print.

  The bar is fuckin’ wild crazy. I see Throttle is in back on the couch with his dick down the club whore Maggie’s throat. Scorpio’s next to him with his cock down the club whore Jan’s throat. Tally has his ol’lady Margret pinned against the wall in the corner in the game room. There are a couple of guys in the same room playing pool. What the hell is wrong with Tally, fuckin’ your ol’lady should be private. Only the whores should be out here with their shit all out for the brothers to see.

  Unfortunately, this is just another day in the clubhouse and my life, though. My girl’s not used to this life, yet and seeing this shit won’t be good. She’s still too fragile to be thrown into this mess.

  Especially, after what she’s been through and she just starting to make progress. I don’t want to set her back.

  It’s time to call it a night and get my girl out of here and to bed.

  When the song is over, I take her hand and pull her down to me. She falls into my arms gracefully facing towards the stairs. I intentionally avert her eyes from the back corner of the bar for her own good.

  “It’s time to call it a night, Princess. You’ve had a long day, besides I want you to myself for a little while,” I say in her ear then give her a wink.

  She takes by surprise kissing me hard and demanding. We wave good night to everyone in the bar while still in our embrace as I head to the stairs taking us up to our room. Some alone time is what I want and a whole lot of kisses before she passes out on me. My cock is burstin’ in my pants from this torcher of not being in her. I’ll deal and take what I can get for now.

  When we get in our room, I lay her on the bed leaning over her half way still kissing her. She takes me by surprise again and shakes my kutte off then grabs my shirt yanking down, I lose my balance falling on top of her. Her hands are wild on my chest traveling down to the hem of my shirt tugging it up. I’m lost in passion as we break the kiss, and I allow her to remove my shirt. She explores my abs, tracing every defining line with her very soft delicate fingers. The room’s completely dark, but I can see the glow of her eyes from the sliver of moonlight coming through the blind over the window.

  I keep my hands on her waist controlling myself from exploring her body the way I crave. As bad as I want to grab and caress her breast, squeezing her nipples in between my fingers, exploring every inch of her body, and taste her sweet pussy, I won’t touch her tonight. I’ll keep myself in check for as long as I can.

  She’s drunk which means I can’t let this go any further. Once she’s asleep, I’ll release myself of this poison from my beast.

  “Gio, make love to me?” she purrs in her sexy as hell voice.

  Now, it’s time to put the brakes on for the night. She’s too drunk to make that kind of a decision.

  “Fuck, baby, you’re really fuckin’ killing me here. Fuck, fuck, fuck we can’t do this. You're too drunk to make that decision. You need sleep, baby,” I say caressing her face before getting up from the bed. She grabs my hand, and I stare down at her beautiful glazed over golden brown eyes.

  She finally nods, I help her up, and then she disappears into the closet to change out of her dress and into one of my shirts.

  I do love seeing her in my shirts, it twists me up inside every time I see her with one of them on.

  I quickly throw my shirt back on, before she enters back into the room. I’m sitting at the end of the bed finishing up removing my boots.

  “Come here, Princess,” I say reaching for her hand and placing her on my lap. She’s wobbly on her feet from all the alcohol she consumed tonight.

  It’s after three in the morning, and I know she’s beat.

  “Baby, we good?” I ask her making sure I didn’t fuck anything up or hurt her. I know I’ve become a pussy.

  “We’re good. You’re right I’m drunk, and I don’t want our first time to be like this.” She closes her eyes and places her head on my shoulder.

  “Baby, I love you, and I want our first time together to be perfect when the time’s right. I want to make love to you more than you know. But not here in this room, in the clubhouse. The day will come, and I’ll make it special for you, for us.” She nods relaxing in my arms as her breathing evens out.

  “Let’s get you in bed. You need to rest, baby.” I stand up still holding her and deposit her in the bed under the covers.

  Then I head to the bathroom for a couple of Tylenol for her.

  When I get back, I grab water from the mini fridge and go to her.

  She half out, but takes the pills and water from me. I lay in bed holding her until her breathing evens out again.

  Once I’m sure she’s out for the night, I leave her.

  Now, it’s time to give my cock some attention, even though I’m not the person he wants. He wants in Bella in the worst way, but my hand will have to do for a while longer.


  Today is July 4th, and we’re having a huge family party here and fireworks tonight. We should have a full house. I’m hoping my girl can handle it. She has met all the guys and girls from my club, but there will be a
few here from our sister clubs. This won’t be the typical party she’s used to, along with all the food and drinks the guys and I have a lot of energy to get out. Our ring will be set up out the back for all the fights that have been arranged and bet on. This will be the first time Bella and girls’ will see me fight. I have to admit I’m nervous about how she’ll react.

  Things have been going smoothly since her birthday, almost two weeks ago. We’ve been talking more than I’ve ever talked to any other person in my entire life. She makes it easy for me to open up to her.

  With our magical connection, we just seem to know what the other is feeling and thinking. It’s making my love for her grow deeper with each passing day.

  Of course, we never discuss club business, and she knows her boundaries well.

  Getting her to open to me hasn’t been challenging, for the most part. She’s told me so much about Cesare I feel like I know the guy already. I have to admit I’m a little jealous of their relationship.

  Talking about what happened has been extremely hard on her and me. I’ve digested the whole story, she opened up to me during one of her first therapy sections - she started recently. I was her strength that day as she held my hand like it was her only way of surviving as she kept her eyes on mine. I controlled my temper by savoring in her touch as she took comfort in my touch.

  Sam and I had to convince Bella to see her friend for therapy. She goes to her three times a week, for now, in time it will be less. I go with her to every session, at her request. She said she needs me for strength and moral support. I’ll do anything for her, whatever she needs I determined to bestow upon her. So if that translates into me sitting in a therapy sessions with her, done. I would place my life on the line for my girl, so three hours a week to support her healing is nothin’. She worth every minute and more that I sit here with her.


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