Book Read Free


Page 27

by M. T. Ossler

  I hated leaving her, but club business calls.

  If I stay inside her any longer, we would never make it out of our room tonight. Which in some ways would be great. If we didn’t need to do her tat this evening, I might have considered it.

  Reluctantly, I watch her head to the shower. I quickly dress in my sweatpants and t-shirt. Then I grab our things from the foyer and leave our clothes and her bags on the bed before going to find the guys.

  When I open our door, the guys are waiting for me out in the hallway. I let them in so we can get this shit over with fast. I see they had enough time to grab a shower and change.

  The three of us gather at the dining room table to make our call.

  The guys don’t mention anything about what they heard. Which is a good thing on their part. They know me and know I would tear them a new ass for disrespecting my woman.

  Ace calls Gator on speaker allowing us to hear. Blaze and I wait to listen to what’s goin’ on.

  “Hey, Gator, I got Beast and Blaze with me now. Talk to us, brother,” Ace says, and we wait patiently. I’m anxious to hear what’s going on.

  “I hear your honeymoon is going well, Beast,” Gator says sarcastically, and I growl.

  Shit, he was on the phone with Ace and heard Bella too. Her screams are meant for me only, not these assholes.

  “Yeah, you could say that. Can we hurry this up? We have reservations, and I have to get ready. Tonight’s the big night, I’m inking Bella,” I say to hurry him up to get this over with before she comes out of our room.

  “Sure thing, man,” he says.

  “Snake reported back to me this afternoon. He confirmed those motherfuckers have a warehouse in Orlando and Miami by the port. They’re both filled with guns and ammo, and both are linked to the Cartel in Mexico. I spoke with Axe this afternoon and told him our deal is off and he has till next Friday to be out of Florida and take his shit with him.

  “He threatened war, which I expected when all this shit went down.

  “Animal and I also spoke today. The boys are on high alert down south. Skull has the West covered, Blade has the North West covered, and Joker has North East covered. I got to get with the other chapters and let them in on all this shit.”

  Animal is the Prez of our sister chapter in Miami. Skull is the Prez of the Tampa chapter. Blade is the Prez of the Pensacola chapter. Joker is Prez in Jacksonville. Animal and Blade are Gator younger blood brothers and the others grow up with them. Their fathers were part of the main chapter, our chapter. They’ll have our back same goes for if they ever needed us in a fight.

  “Any sign of trouble and the brothers are sending their men to us to help out. We’ll have to go on lock down.

  “Beast, I know your girls not good being around men she doesn’t know. I warned the guys to let their men know she’s off limits. Also, I’ve already told them they need to keep their distance from her little sister.

  “I had the guys moved your stuff to your apartment yesterday. Your other things were delivered today and placed in your room. If worst comes to worst, she can hold up in there with Shorty.” He takes a deep breath, and I’m pissed. I never trusted those fuck faces; now we may have a war on our hands. I can’t drag my girls into this shit on top of all the other shit going on. Fuck, thing keeps turning to shit fast.

  “On the other front, everything is quiet. The news hasn’t hit them just yet. You boys are still on schedule to return Monday. If things stay on course, you should be good. I’ll keep you boys in the loop of any new developments,” Gator finishes.

  “Text me the pictures Snake took at the warehouse. I want to see for myself what’s in them,” Ace says and hangs up.

  “I never trusted those fuckers. They’re going to fight dirty on this one,” I say pacing and raking my hands through my hair.

  “Fuck, we can’t go to war not with all the other shit going on. My girls have gone through enough shit, how can I add this to that list?”

  In the middle of my pacing, Bella walks out of our room, and the three of us stare at her. She’s breathtaking, like usual to me. She’s wearing one of her new dresses she purchased today. It’s a short burgundy lace baby doll, spaghetti straps, and low V-neck front. Her hair is down over her shoulders in waves, and her makeup is natural. She has on her beige wedge sandals.

  The guys stay quiet staring at her taking in her beauty. I can see it’s making her uncomfortable. I walk up to her and take her hand spinning her around. She giggles relaxing from my touch.

  “Baby, Sei stupenda.” I can’t take my eyes off her. I’m mesmerized by her beauty. How did I get so lucky?

  She places her hand on my chest over my heart. “Grazie, mio amore,” she says then looks down at the clothes I’m wearing. “You’re not dressed, and we have to leave soon.” I shake my head waking myself up from my dreaming. I need to get my ass in gear. Shit.

  “Give me five minutes,” I say and kiss her lips before hurrying to the bathroom. As I enter the room, I hear the doorbell and Ace say he’s got it.

  I rush taking a quick shower and dress in just over five minutes. I’m wearing blue jeans, royal dark gray t-shirt, and my kutte.

  When I open the bedroom door, I’m greeted by three beautiful ladies. They outdid themselves tonight.

  I’m momentarily stunned as I take a closer look at Gigi. She’s wearing the same dress as Bella’s but in white. She looks so much like Bella did the night I kissed her for the first time over a decade ago. She was the same age as Gigi is now.

  “Porca puttana,” I mumble shocked.

  “I think I was just transported back in time.” Bella walking to me giving me a weird look. I take her in my arms, and everyone’s staring at me like I just step off of Mars and lost my damn mind. Maybe I have because I’m living in a dream with this gorgeous woman in my arms.

  “You okay, man,” Blaze asks me confused by the look on my face. I have to explain to them what I just experienced, or they’re really going to think I’m certifiably insane.

  “Yeah, I just had a flashback of a night a long time ago with Bella. Bella was Gigi’s age at the time.” I turn to Bella.

  “Do you remember that night of the summer party before I shipped off to boot camp?” I ask her, and she smiles big, lighting up her face.

  “I could never forget that night in a million years. I was Gigi’s age at that party. That was the night you kissed me. My very first kiss and our first kiss, you held me in your arms by the lake. What made you think of that night?” she asks me curious as the room stays silently waiting for my answer.

  “That night you wore a sparkly white dress. I remember that under the moonlight you shined like an angel. Seeing Gigi in a similar white dress took me back to that night. She looks exactly like you did that night,” I say, gently caressing her cheek with the back of my hand.

  “I can’t believe you remember that night? That night would have ended a lot different if you hadn’t saved me from…” she says sadly shake her head of the memory. She remembers what had brought us out to the lake that night. Him.

  “Principessa, don’t go there. You’re here with me now and forever. I don’t want you to think of him again. He’s dead, got it,” I say firmly, and she nods. “As for that night, I could never forget it. Thinking of that night got me through some hard times. That evening rates in my top ten favorite nights. All of them with you, mio amore.” I kiss her tenderly. We stand there kissing and embrace for a while enjoying our memories.

  “I hate to break this little love fest up, but we gotta get out of here. Our reservations are for seven, man. That only gives us 20 minutes to get to the restaurant. Let’s roll,” Ace say ushering Jules and Gigi to the door with Blaze and Dusty following. I take Bella’s hand, and we head down to the cage. We all pile in and head out.

  We make it to the restaurant with two minutes to spare. I decided to take the girls to The Melting Pot for fondue. I knew they had never been to a place like
this before and they would get a kick out of dipping their food in the fondue.

  The guys protested when I told them, but eventually gave in. The girls tend to have that kind of effect on all of us guys. They have all us guys eating out of the palm of their little hands especially Gigi. All they have to do is smile, and all bets are off. My girl has the same effect on me every damn time. Blaze may make fun of me, but he gives into them too.

  As I anticipated, the girls are on cloud nine with my choice. The hostess seats us at a long rectangular table in the back. Gigi, Bella and I take one side of the table with Bella in the middle. On the other side of the table is Ace across from me, Jules sits next to him in the middle. The kid, Dusty, across from Gigi. Blaze took the end of the table between Dusty and Gigi to separate them.

  Normally, I won’t have brought the prospect with me, but he and Gigi have developed a sort of bond, and I knew she wanted him close. I know Bella doesn’t like it because of the way he looks at her and I can’t blame her. He gives her the same look I used to give Bella at that age. I’ve had many talks with the kid on what’s acceptable and not. Blaze is here has my extra insurance to make sure no kisses are stolen, or hands are held.

  But like I said before, Gigi has us all wrap around her little finger. She wants him with her, and I couldn’t deny her. She’s happier and livelier when he’s around. So, I allow it and Blaze will stay on their tails at all times. I told him to make sure the kids stay PG at all times. He laughed at first then it hit him. Gigi’s like a little sister to him now. He said he would kill the kid if he tried anything and I believe him.

  The waitress shows up with our order our drinks, I took the liberty of ordering dinner when I made the reservations. Seven Classics dinner for everyone, it’s the biggest meal they serve. The girls will never finish their meals, so the guys will have their leftovers to hold them until we get to our shop and order some pizzas.

  The Classic comes with Angus Beef, Pork tenderloin, White Shrimp, Chicken Breast and Teriyaki-marinated Sirloin. The fondue sauces are scattered around the table.

  The waitress fills the girl's wine glasses with a Domino Moscato. My girl loves her fruity wines. The guys and I get Guinness, and Dusty and Gigi have Root Beer soda.

  “Gio, I love this place, it’s so fun to dip your food. Can we come back again?” Gigi asks me sweetly with a smile.

  Who in their right mind could say no to that sweet face? “Sure, Mini Princess we can come back,” I tell her then I have a bright idea.

  “You know, we could make this at home, all we need is fondue pots. I’m sure we could find one for you and Bella.” Her face lights and she giggles. She and Bella start discussing all the meals they can prepare for us.

  The meal goes by smooth with a ton of talking and laughter. My heart is so full seeing my girls happy. Having Bella relaxing around my brothers is the icing on the cake for me.

  The guys are even having a blast and enjoying the food. By the time we are done with our main course, there isn’t a scrap left on the dishes. The guys and I cleaned up the girl’s plates happily.

  Dessert arrives, and all you hear are the girl’s gasps and three pairs of glowing eyes on me. I know chocolate is the girl's weakness and they love it.

  I also had them bring strawberries, bananas, pineapples, marshmallow treats, pound cake and brownies for us to dip in the dark chocolate and white chocolate.

  “Mini Princess, I have a surprise for you and la mia Principessa,” I say as the waitress brings out with Cookie ‘N Cream Marshmallow Dream for them.

  My girls love Oreo cookies, and I knew this would be a hit for them to share. I’m right, Gigi squeals and gets up from her chair coming straight for me. I barely have a second to register as she leaps onto my lap and Bella’s arms wrap around my neck. The table erupts in laughter as do the surrounding tables and our waitress.

  I have Gigi on my lap and Bella wrapped around me. I’m in my glory with both of my girls in my arms. I am one of the luckiest sonsofbitches in this world. My girls are getting excited over chocolate, it’s good to see them happy.

  They say the simple things in life can make the ones we love the happiest. I say that’s damn true.

  “Oh, thank you, Gio. You’re becoming my favorite brother. I love you,” Gigi whispers as she leans into hugging me.

  “Thank you for loving my sister, she’s happier with you than she’s been in... I can’t remember the last time I saw her smile like she does now. She needs you more than you know,” she whispers in my ear.

  I lean into her ear and whisper, “I love you too. You never need to thank me for loving your sister. I would do anything for her and you. And she makes me the happiest I’ve been in years too.” I kiss her forehead, and she kisses my cheek. Then she gets up off my lap and heads back to her chair.

  I keep Bella under my arm, and she comes closer to me kissing me on the lips. I embrace her pressing her against my chest. I want to deepen the kiss, but we have an audience, so I won’t. Plus my cock is throbbing in my pants, and I need to control myself. I break our kiss and stare in her eyes.

  “Ti amo,” she whispers to me.

  “Ti amo, amore mio,” I tell her and kiss her nose before letting her go. She digs into her dessert with Gigi.

  “It warms my heart to finally see you two together like this. I was certain Bella and I would be spinsters when we got older,” Jules says and we all laugh and Ace makes a face. He whispers something in her ear, and she blushes.

  We finish our dessert and head to Ace, Blaze and my Tattoo Shop.

  Bella has no idea we own this one or any of them for that matter. I never got around to telling her. She’ll find out tonight along with me being the one that’s going to ink her.

  I hop on I4 heading downtown to our shop. I turn on the radio for Gigi hoping Bella will grace us with her lovely voice again.

  She had a couple of glasses of wine with dinner, and I can see she’s tranquil.

  I have a surprise for her, I downloaded a song for her earlier after I had my flashback. I know she and Jules will know it and love it. I find the playlist in my iTunes I made for her a while ago, then I locate the song I want to play.

  The first couple of bets play, and words start, and the guys and I have to cover our ears from the girls’ screams. Talk about being slammed with screams, two in the back and one in the front of the cage. They are so loud the guys at the clubhouse could be heard.

  ‘Fergalicious’ by Fergie blares through the speakers, and the girls sing along. When Fergie’s solo starts, Bella takes the lead. I lower the volume a little, she continues singing in her groove. They all stay quiet listening to my angel sing.

  Her voice is mesmerizing, she captivates you. She’s looking out the side window in a trance.

  The song changes to the next song I have on my playlist for her. Another one of her favorites, I’ve learned recently, Meghan Trainor and John Legend ‘Like I’m Gonna Lose You’ plays through the speakers.

  And again my girl sings Meghan’s part flawlessly, hitting every note with grace. Gigi sings John’s part effortlessly too.

  My girls can undoubtedly sing. It’s a shame they never did anything with their lovely voices. Maybe it’s not too late for Gigi. We could continue her training and see where to go from there.

  The girls keep us entertained until we arrive at the shop.

  Ace opened his big mouth at the stop light before I turn into the lot telling the girls we own the shop. He also tells them we own five others around the state and we also own six bars.

  When I pull in front of the building, Bella gasps looking over at me noticing the name in pink neon hanging on the building.

  Our chain of Tattoo Shops is called ‘Bella Inked’ with a crown hanging sideways on the B. The guys harassed me about it at first when I came up with the name. After a couple of nights of drinking and a few whores, they gave in.

  In full discloser, the name was chosen for her. I couldn’t
resist, I love her name ‘Bella, ’ and it also means beautiful in Italian.

  My girl always consumed my thoughts through the years. She may not have been with me physically, but she was always in my head and heart. No matter what I did or how hard I tried to stop it I couldn’t, she was stuck there. She’s been a part of my soul since the day she was born.

  “Gio?” she barely whispers as she asks me with her eyes about the shop name. I don’t get a chance to answer her because Gigi jumps in crawling up to us from the back.

  “Gio, did you name your shop after my sister?” Gigi asked astonished. It’s the same question Bella’s eyes are asking me.

  “I did.” I nod starring Bella in the eyes taking her hand in mine. The car is completely silent, the engine is off and so is the radio.

  Ace breaks the silence, “I need to get out of this cage. We’ll meet you two inside. I’ll make sure Heather has the room set up.” They all scurry out leaving the two us alone. We haven’t taken our eyes off each other.

  “Why?” she whispers simple and to the point. I take a deep breath. “You know why, Amore mio.” She looks like she doesn’t have a clue what I’m saying. I need to elaborate.

  “Baby, you’ve always been a part of me,” I say hit my chest over my heart. “No matter how hard I tried through the years to deny it. Not because I didn’t want you to be, on the contrary, I wanted you to the point I had to drink every damn day. It covered up the pain I was in from not having you with me, but you were always here.” I hit my chest again and take a deep breath composing myself.


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