Alfred Russel Wallace

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Alfred Russel Wallace Page 42

by Peter Raby

  Wallace, Alfred Russel, writings: ‘American Museums’ 250; ‘Answer to the Arguments of Hume, Lecky, and Others, against Miracles’ 208; ‘Anticipation and Hopes for the Immediate Future’ 272; ‘Antiquity of Man in North America, The’ 250; Bad Times: An Essay on the Present Depression of Trade 235; ‘Birds of Paradise in the Arabian Nights’ 273; Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection 206; Darwin and Wallace 283; Darwinism 251, 252, 266; ‘Defence of Modern Spiritualism, A’ 214; ‘Depression of Trade, The’ 235; ‘Development of Human Races under the Law of Natural Selection’ 201, 205; ‘Disestablishment and Disendowment: with a Proposal for a really National Church of England’ 211; ‘Disguises of Insects’ 193; ‘Epping Forest’ 220; ‘Expressiveness of Speech, The’ 264; ‘Free-trade Principles and the Coal Question’ 211; Geographical Distribution of Animals 215–16; ‘How to Civilise Savages’ 184; ‘Human Selection’ 254; ‘Ice Age and its Work’ 262; ‘If a man die, shall he live again?’ 273; ‘If there were a Socialist Government – How should it Begin?’ 272; Is Mars Habitable? 272; Island Life 222, 224, 266, 271; ‘Land Lessons from America’ 250; Land Nationalisation: its Necessity and its Aims 229; ‘Law Which Has Regulated the Introduction of New Species’ (Sarawak paper) 101–4, 111–12, 116, 130, 205, 289, 290; ‘Limits of Natural Selection as Applied to Man, The’ 205; Malay Archipelago 5, 96, 107, 128, 132, 141, 161, 195–96, 198, 199, 200, 201, 204, 293; Man’s Place in the Universe 271, 279; ‘Measurement of Geological Time, The’ 204; ‘Mimicry, and other Productive Resemblances among Animals’ 196; ‘Museums for the People’ 199; My Life 141–42, 273–75; Natural Selection and Tropical Nature 253; ‘On the Geographical Distribution of Animal Life’ 174; ‘On the Great Bird of Paradise’ 125; On Miracles and Modern Spiritualism 214, 273; ‘On the Monkeys of the Amazon’ 86; ‘On the Natural History of the Aru Islands’ 125; ‘On the Progress of Civilisation in the Northern Celebes’ 180; ‘On some Anomalies of Zoological and Botanical Geography’ 174; ‘On the Succession of Species’ 128; ‘On the Tendency of Varieties to Depart Indefinitely from the Original Type’ (Ternate paper) 132–33, 134, 137–40, 205, 288, 289; Organic Law of Change 101; ‘Origin of Human Races from the Theory of Natural Selection’ 175–78; Palms of the Amazon and Rio Negro 87, 90; ‘Philosophy of Birds Nests, The’ 193; ‘Pigeons of the Malay Archipelago’ 184; ‘Problem of Utility, The’ 264; Revolt of Democracy, The 283; ‘Scientific Aspect of the Supernatural’ 187, 188, 190–91; Social Environment and Moral Progress 283; ‘South Wales Farmer, The’ 274; Studies Scientific and Social 266; Travels on the Amazon 5, 45, 66, 72, 87, 88, 90, 199; Tropical Nature and Other Essays 218; ‘Vaccination a Delusion’ 254; ‘Varieties of Man in the Malay Archipelago’ 175; Wonderful Century, The 265, 266, 271, 272; World of Life: A Manifestation of Creative Power 279–81, 282–83; ‘World of Life: As Visualised and Interpreted by Darwinism, The’ 279

  Wallace, Annie (wife): Bertie born 194; botanising 262; marriage 176; in Switzerland 263

  Wallace, Eliza (sister) 6, 9

  Wallace, Frances see Sims, Frances

  Wallace, Herbert (brother): on Amazon 45, 46–47, 53, 56–57, 76; illness and death 76, 78, 86, 182; mesmerism and 56–57; Neath and 24; spiritualists and 186

  Wallace, Herbert Spencer (son) (Bertie): birth 194; death 212, 213; health 206

  Wallace, John (brother) 6; in America 47, 65, 244; apprenticeship 10; childhood 7; as dairy farmer 29; death 263; in London 13; marriage 14, 86; Neath, joins Wallace at 24; son born 116; Wallace visits in America 244

  Wallace, John (grandson) 285

  Wallace, Mary Anne (mother) 6–7: death 199, 210; housekeeper, employment as 20; Wallace’s help 166

  Wallace, Richard (grandson) 285

  Wallace, Thomas Vere (father): character 7; death 20; pupils 9; reading 11; social changes and 6–7

  Wallace, Violet (daughter): birth 199; country living and 206; in Switzerland 263; teaching 262, 282; Tulgey Wood 282; Wadhurst, moves to 270–71; Wallace chided by 264–65

  Wallace, William (brother) 6, 10: Alfred apprenticed to 15–16; business affairs 23–24; death 23–24; debts 10; mediums and 242

  Wallace, William (son): America, works in 267; apprenticeship 263; birth 210; medium warns of danger to 218; Rugby, transferred to 271; school 236

  Wallace’s Line 5, 215

  Walsh, H. 207

  Wanumbai 124

  Ward, Wilfred 233

  Wartzbergen, Herr 118

  Washington 239, 242

  Water Lay 112

  Waterhouse, George 85

  Waugh, Arthur 274

  Webster, Mr 10, 13

  Wedgwood, Hensleigh 190

  Weismann, August 197, 254, 280

  Welburn 194

  Westermarck, Edward 258

  Westwood, John 167–68

  Wilberforce, Samuel 164, 168, 170

  wild cow 145

  Wilde, Oscar 273

  Willard, Judge 242

  Williams, Mr (medium) 190

  Wilson, James 92

  Wilson, John 286

  Wilson, Thomas (uncle) 10

  Wimborne, Lord 269, 282

  Wokan 120

  Wollaston, Thomas 85, 153

  Wood, Reverend J. G. 242

  Wright, Mr 16

  Wright, Mrs 17

  Zoological Gardens 86

  Zoological Society 84, 160, 162; Wallace elected Fellow 163

  Zoologist 25, 28, 44

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  Epub ISBN 9781446498170

  Published by Pimlico 2002

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  Copyright © Peter Raby 2001

  Peter Raby has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work

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  First published in Great Britain by Chatto & Windus 2001

  Pimlico edition 2002


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