Alfred Russel Wallace

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Alfred Russel Wallace Page 41

by Peter Raby

  Egypt 93–94

  Elaphomia wallacei 136

  Eliot, George 190

  enclosure 17–18, 218

  Entomological Society: Wallace at after Amazon expedition 84–85; Wallace President 206, 208

  Epping Forest 218–21, 222, 228, 230

  Erycinidae 50

  Ethnological Society 176

  Etna 137, 140

  Euxine 93

  Faraday, Michael 186

  Fernandez 115

  ferns 109

  fife birds 54

  finches 27

  Fitch, Walter 87

  flies, horned 136

  Flores 155

  Flower, William Henry 164, 170, 225

  flower-peckers 114

  Forbes, Edward 102, 104, 128

  Forbes, John Murray 239

  Foster, Mr 216

  Freemantle, Captain 92

  Frith Hill 223, 227

  Frolic, HMS 92

  Galapagos Islands 27–28, 103

  gallo de Serra see cock-of-the-rock

  Galton, Francis 190, 197, 208, 214, 252, 254, 259, 278

  Geach, Frederick 154, 155, 166, 193, 204, 209

  Geikie, Sir Archibald 194, 278

  Gentiana affinis 248

  Gentiana calycosa 247

  gentians 247, 248, 263

  George, Henry 229, 236

  George, Wilma 287

  Gibbons, Dr 244

  Gilolo (Halmahera) 129, 130, 141, 143, 150, 152

  Gladstone, William Ewart 223, 225, 226, 234

  Gnoll Estate 25

  goat-sucker 151

  Goram 147

  Gosse, Edmund 234, 236

  Gould, John 85, 164

  grackle 136

  Gray, Asa 129, 168, 174, 224, 237, 238, 291

  Gray, George 143

  Gray, J. E. 85, 164

  Grays 209–10

  green barbets 95

  green gaper 95

  Guama river 45

  Guaribas rapids 43

  Guía 61, 64, 65, 73, 84

  Gunther, Albert 179, 225

  Guppy, Mrs (medium) 209, 212, 214

  Gurney family 268

  Gymnurus rafflessi 106

  Haekel, Professor 278, 280

  Haetera esmeralda 41

  Hall, Spencer 22, 23

  Halmahera see Gilolo

  Hampden, John 206–7, 227

  Hanbury, Sir Thomas 269

  hare-lip monkey 107

  Harpactes reinwardti 158

  Hart, Captain 154

  Haughton, Samuel 174

  Hayward, Charles 168, 227

  Helen 80

  Helmes, Ludwig 105

  Hertford 8–10

  Hester Helena 135, 140

  Hewitson, William 166, 210

  Hibben, Mrs 242

  Higham Gobion 15

  Hill, Abraham 20, 21

  Hislop, Captain 48, 50, 51, 80

  Hoddesdon 13, 15, 20

  Holland: colonial government 144–45, 157

  Holmes, Oliver Wendell 238

  Home, Daniel (medium) 193, 197, 208–9

  honeysuckers 95, 114

  Hood, Thomas 11

  Hooker, Joseph: Darwin’s pall-bearer 230; letter missing 290; natural selection and 129, 139, 276, 277; Wallace, estimate of 172, 179, 224–25, 291; Wallace, pension for 221–22, 223, 224, 225

  Hooker, William: consignments to 41; plant collectors and 29, 30, 50; prints account of Mount Ophir 96; Spruce and 182; and Wallace and Bates’ Amazon expedition 30–31; Wallace, reviewing 90, 91

  hornbills 106

  Horsfield, Thomas 30

  Humboldt and Bonpland 18, 62

  Humboldt, Alexander von 21, 48, 66, 67

  Hume, A. H. 273

  humming-birds 39

  Hunt, James 175, 176

  Hurstpierpoint 182, 183, 188, 194, 195

  Huxley, T. H.: ‘Anatomy and Development of Echinococci in the Liver of a Zebra’ 86; Anthropological Society and 176; Darwon’s pall-bearer 230; Evidence as to Man’s Place in Nature 170, 174, 175; Owen, argument with 168, 170–71; spiritualism and 188, 189, 190; Wallace: chides 291; friendship with 167; pension for 223, 225; praise of 174; Zoological Society and 86, 164

  Isánna river 62

  Isidoro (Amazon) 38, 39, 42

  Jacare tinga 52

  jaguar 68

  Jakarta see Batavia

  James, William 238, 240–41

  Jardiné, Sir William 153

  Jauarite 75

  Java 152, 156–58

  Javíta 68, 69–73

  Jekyll, Gertrude 228, 242, 248, 261

  Jenyns, Reverend Leonard 51

  Jessel, Sir George 218

  Jevons, William 25

  Jordeson 81–82

  Joule, James 222

  Journal of Botany 96

  Jumaat (New Guinea) 140

  jungle-cocks 114

  Juno, HMS 92

  Ke Islands 118, 146

  Kembang Djepoon 113

  Kesim 107

  King, Robert 47, 50

  king-crows 114

  king-hunter 136

  kingfishers 95, 114, 136

  Kingsley, Charles 169–70, 192

  Kington 16, 18

  Knapp, Sandra 286

  Knollys, Lord 278

  Kuching see Sarawak

  Lake District 262

  Lamarck, Jean Baptiste 27, 102

  Land Nationalisation Society 228, 231, 250

  Land Tenure Reform Association 228

  Lankaster, E. R. 217, 278

  lansats 109

  Latham, R. C. (Robert) 86, 129, 175

  Lawrence, William 27

  Le Gallienne, Richard 264

  leaf insects 188

  Leavens, Mr 39, 41, 42

  Legge, Colonel 279

  Leicester 20–21

  lemur 159

  Leopoldinia piassaba 90

  Leslie, Lewis 166–67, 172

  Leslie, Marion 171–72, 180–81

  Lesson, René 135–36

  Lewes, G. H. 189, 190, 197, 198

  Lima, Senhor João Antonio de 57, 59, 61, 65, 73, 75, 77, 80

  Lindley, John 18, 19

  Linnean Society 85, 163: natural selection presentation at 138–39, 142: 50th anniversary 276–78; Wallace awarded gold medal 276; Wallace awarded Royal Medal 259; Wallace elected Fellow 210; Wallace’s grave and 285

  Lippitt, General 240

  Llanberis 188

  Llandidrod Wells 17

  Lloyd George, David 283

  Lobb, Thomas 112

  Lobo Raman 159

  Lombock 113–15

  longicorns 95, 105

  lories 136

  Loudon, John Claudius 19

  Lowell, James Russell 235

  Lowell, Professor 272

  Lowell Institute 235, 236

  Lubbock, Sir John 85, 223, 225, 230, 276

  Lucanidae brookiana 111

  Luiz (Amazon) 46

  Lunn, Dr Henry 263, 265

  Lyell, Sir Charles: Antiquity of Man 174, 210; death 221; letter missing 290; natural selection and 130, 139, 141, 153; Principles of Geology 18, 102, 104, 112, 201; spiritualism and 214; Wallace’s relationship with 167, 178; Wallace’s Sarawak paper and 112, 134, 289; Wallace’s Ternate paper and 133, 289; Wallace’s theory of Higher Intelligence and 203

  Lyell, Lady 167

  Lyon, Jane 192–93

  Macassar 112, 114–16, 117, 124, 128

  macaws 103

  McDougal, Bishop 110

  McKenzie, Alexander 220

  McKinney, H. Lewis 287, 288

  Macmillans 235, 266

  Magury 39

  Malacca 95

  Malta 161

  Malthus, Thomas 11, 255: Wallace, influence on 21, 131

  Manaos see Barra (Manaos)

  mangosteens 109

  mangroves 101

  Manuel 114, 115

  Marchant, James 283, 286

  Markham, Clements 275

Marshall, Mrs (medium) 185, 186

  Marshman, John 187

  Martius, Karl Friedrich von 38, 55, 90

  Massey, Gerald 235

  Matonia pectinata 96

  Matthew, Patrick 153

  Matthews, William 16

  Maugham, Somerset 292

  mechanics’ institutes 18, 25

  Meldola, Raphael 220, 230, 236, 252, 264, 279, 284

  Menado 144

  Mertensia alpina 248

  Mesman, Jacob 125

  Mexiana 45

  mias see orang-utans

  Mill, John Stuart 228

  Miller, Mr 35, 38

  minivet fly-catcher 157

  Mischief 31, 34, 35

  Mitten, Annie 183, 187 see also Wallace, Annie (wife)

  Mitten, Flora (sister-in-law) 187

  Mitten, William (father-in-law): death 275; as pharmacist 187; Spruce and 182; Wallace, botanising with 194, 204, 211, 263–64

  Mivart, St George 164, 169, 212

  Mohnike, Dr 128

  Moluccas 128, 129–30, 141, 142–44, 146, 147, 155–56

  Montealagre 48–50

  Morpho hellenor 69

  Morpho menelaus 69

  Morris, William 273

  mosquito 69

  mound-makers 114

  mouse deer 106

  Mucura 80

  Muir, John 244, 246–47

  Muka 148–151

  Muntok 159

  Murchison, Sir Roderick 18, 87–88, 92

  Murray, John 172

  Myers, Dr F. W. H. 238, 244

  mygale spider (tarantula) 39

  Mysol 146, 147

  Natterer, Dr 46, 62

  Natural History Museum 286

  Natural History Review 174

  Natural Science 254

  Nature 206, 217, 236, 254, 260, 282, 283

  Nazaré, 38, 45

  Neath 19, 20, 24–26, 29: Mechanics’ Institute 25; Philosophical and Literary Institute 25, 27

  New Guinea 129: Wallace in 134, 135–37, 140–41

  New York 236

  Newman, Edward: collectors promoted by 85–86; Wallace and 92

  Newton, Alfred: natural selection and 140; Wallace and 169, 194; Zoological Society and 164

  nibong palms 101

  Nichol, Miss 185, 188, 209

  nipa palm 101

  Nolloth, Captain 92

  Nordhoff, Charles 240

  Norman, Dr 283

  North, Marianne 252, 270

  Nossa Senhora de Guía see Guía

  Nymphaea gigantea 270

  Obydos 51, 52, 55

  Ophir, Mount 95–96

  orang-utans 106–7, 110

  orchids 109

  Orinoco river 62

  orioles 114, 157

  Ornithoptera brookiana 106, 111

  Ornithoptera croesus 2, 293

  Ornithoptera poseidon 119–20

  O’Shaughnessy, Arthur 179

  Owen, Richard 85, 179: Huxley, argument with 168, 170–71; natural selection and 140, 153, 164; ‘On the characters of the Aye-aye …’ 170; spiritualism 191

  Owen, Robert 14, 255

  Owen, Robert Dale 15

  Paine, Thomas 14

  Palembang 159

  palm trees 39

  Pangerango 158

  panpipe birds 54

  Papilio aenomaus 154

  Papilio androcles 125

  Papilio columbus 84

  Papilio liris 154

  Papilio macedon 125

  Papilio miletis 125

  Papilio rhesus 125

  Papilio telephus 125

  Papilio ulysses 122

  Pará (Belém): decision on expedition 30; first impressions of 34–37; Wallace’s arrival at 34

  Paradisea apoda 116

  Paradisea regia 116

  Paradisea rubra 148, 150, 152

  Parnassia fimbriata 248

  parroquets 136

  parrots 47

  paxiuba tree 39

  Penang 166

  Pengelly, William 205

  Penstemons 247

  Pericrocotus miniatus 158

  Peru 180, 182

  Petermann, August 89

  piassaba 69, 72, 90

  Pictet, François Jules 102

  pig-deer 145

  pigeons 114

  Pimichin 68

  pitcher plants 96, 109

  Pitta celebensis 156

  Pitta concinna 114

  pium 69

  Plyctolophus sulphurens 114

  Pope, Alexander 282

  Portugal: colonial government 153–54

  Poulton, Edward 252, 264, 265, 276, 284

  poultry, domestic: originals for 114

  Powell, Major John Wesley 240

  Prance, Sir Ghillean 285

  Prescott, William 21, 48

  Primula imperialis 158

  Prichard, James 27

  Proceedings of the Zoological Society 110

  Psychic Society 242

  Purple Emperor 251

  puya, blue 270

  Quarterly Journal of Science 196, 217

  Quarterly Review 164, 202, 203

  Rackham, Oliver 218

  Ramsay, Andrew 188, 225

  Rayleigh, Lord 217

  Red Lions 204

  redwoods see sequias

  Rhacophorus 106

  rhinoceros 158

  Roberts, Eliza 223

  Robertson, William 21

  Rockie Mountains 247–48

  Rolleston, George 167, 168, 170

  Romanes, George 4, 190, 236, 264

  Rosenberg, Herr, 140, 147

  Ross, Mrs (medium) 238

  Ross, Charles 240

  Ross, Hannah 240, 241

  royal cowslip 158

  Royal Geographical Society: assistant secretaryship of 179, 261; creationism and 102; Wallace awarded Founders’ Medal 259, 260; Wallace’s introduction to 86; Wallace’s Malay Archipelago expedition 88, 96, 101

  Royal Institution 278, 279

  Royal Society 198, 259; Wallace awarded Copley Medal 278

  Sadong river 104, 105, 108, 109

  St John, Spencer 109

  sandflies 69

  Santarem 47, 48, 50–52, 53, 80

  Santos Innocentos, Frei José dos 64–65

  Santubong mountain 101, 104, 109

  Santubong river 104

  São Carlos 67

  São Gabriel 60, 77, 78–79, 80

  São Jeronymo 75

  São Joachim 73, 77, 80

  sapi-utan 145

  Sarawak (Kuching) 101, 110: Rajah of 87

  Sarawak river 101, 104, 109

  Saunders, William 136

  Saxifraga nivalis 262

  Saxifraga stellaris 262

  Sayce, William 18

  Sayce, William and Morris 16

  Schomburgk, Robert 61, 62

  Sclater, Philip: bird of paradise and 160, 161, 163; Wallace’s pension and 225

  Sedgwick, Adam 153

  Sedingole 130

  Semioptera wallacei 143

  sequoias 245–46, 247

  Serra of Cocoí 67

  Serra de Cobatí 62–64

  Sharpe, J. W. 227

  Shaw, George Bernard 231, 257, 273

  Shaw, Dr Norton 89, 92, 101

  Shaw, Roland 267

  siamang 159, 160, 161

  Sidgwick, Henry 238

  Silk, George: investment and 193; Wallace: friendship with 166; meeting 9; Wallace writes to 150–51

  Simethus bicolor 280

  Sims, Frances (Fanny: sister) 6; in America 23; death 262–63; Paris visit 28; schools 20; Sims, Thomas, friendship with 29; spiritualism and 186, 190–91

  Sims, Thomas: Fanny, financial difficulties 266; Fanny, friendship with 29; photographic business 165, 166, 179; Wallace and 66, 67; Wallace’s help 166; Wallace’s return home and 144; at Westbourne Grove Terrace 165

  Simunjon 105–8

  Simunjon river 104

  Sinclair, Archdeacon 166
br />   Singapore 94, 110–13, 160

  Slade (medium) 217

  Slater, Mathew 275

  sloths 39, 42

  Soulbury 16

  Sourabaya 157

  Spencer, Herbert 91, 167, 174, 178, 228

  spiritualism 240–42 see also under Wallace, Alfred Russel

  Spix, Johann Baptist von 38, 55

  Spottiswoode, William 223, 225, 230

  Spruce, Richard: on Amazon 47, 50–51, 52, 65, 72, 76, 77, 78; character 51; death 263; economics of collecting 29, 30; Hooker and 182; mishaps and 43–44; Mitten and 182; natural selection and 79; ‘Note on the Theory of Evolution’ 78–79; social observations 72; species and 78–79, 127; spiritualism and 192; Wallace and 47, 76, 77–78, 80, 91, 127, 180, 194; Wallace’s homage to 275; Wallace’s Palms of the Amazon and 91

  Sri Lanka (Ceylon) 94

  Stamford, Lord 22

  Stanford, Senator Leland 244, 246

  Stanley, Hiram 254

  Stephens, James 22

  Stevens, Samuel: consignments to 41, 44; economics of collecting trade and 29; Entomological Society, Treasurer of 84; Wallace’s agent, activity 111; Wallace’s cargo insured by 83; Wallace’s investments and 193; Wallace’s letters published by 84; Wallace welcomed home by 83; Zoological Society and 164

  Stockton (America) 244, 246

  Strasburger, Professor 278

  Sulawesi see Celebes

  Sumatra 152, 156, 159, 161

  Sutro, Adolph 244

  Swainson, William 20

  swallowtails 154

  Swansea Literary and Scientific Society 29

  Swinton, A. C. 267

  Switzerland 89, 263–64

  Tapajóz river 48, 49, 50

  Tennyson, Alfred Lord 231, 232–34, 272

  Tennyson, Hallam 232

  Ternate 129, 134, 140, 143, 147, 152, 154

  Thalictrum alpinum 262

  Thiselton-Dyer, William 224, 261, 270, 282, 291

  Thorpe, Reverend St John 286

  Timor 152, 154–55

  Tocantins river 41–44

  Tolstoy, Count Lev 273

  Tómo 68

  Torquay 205

  Trichius fasciatus 25, 26

  Tristram, Reverend H. B. 164, 169, 291

  Trogonoptera brookiana, see Ornithoptera brookeana

  trogons 95, 103, 157

  trumpet birds 54

  Turner, Captain 81

  turtle, painted 79

  Tylor, Edward 189, 208

  Tyndall, John 189, 197, 217, 234

  umbrella birds 54, 55, 76, 80

  United States of America 235–49

  Usk, river 5, 6

  Varley, Cromwell 197

  Vaupés river 61, 66, 73–76, 79–80

  Veitch’s (nurserymen) 112

  Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation see Chambers, Robert

  Villa Nova 52

  Vincente (Amazon) 39

  Vogt, Carl 197

  Volney, Constantin 48

  Wadhurst 270

  Wahai 147

  Waigiou 146, 147, 148, 152, 160

  Wales 16–20, 24–28, 188, 194, 204, 273

  walking-stick insect 188

  Wallace, Alfred Russel: achievements 2; Amazon expedition: consignments sent from 41, 44, 51, 54; daily routine 39; decision for expedition 30; departure for 31; explorations 39–58; man-management on 42, 43, 52–53; return from 81–82; Amazon letters published 44, 84; American tour 235–49, 250; anthropology 2, 20, 165; apprenticeship as surveyor 15; Asian-Australian species, dividing line 114; astronomy 271–72; autobiography 24; beetles and 1, 22, 25, 29; birth 6; books sold 223; Borneo: species, number collected 105; Wallace’s arrival 101; botany, early studies 19–20; brain and 202–3, 209; at British Museum 28; building, early 25; Celtic heritage 3; character 3–5, 45; childhood 7–9; civilisation and 177, 201; civilised life, criticism of 70–72; collections lost 81; collections sold 166, 210; collector, decides to become 28; colonialism and 144–45; common land and 218; Croydon, move to 218; death 284; Dell, The, and 209–10, 210–11, 216; Dorking, moves to 216; education 8, 9, 10–13; employment, search for 15–19, 179, 180, 199, 206, 208, 219, 220–21; enclosure and 17–18; engagement to Marion Leslie 172, 180–81; Entomological Society and 84; Epping Forest and 218–21, 230; experimental farm idea 259; family business affairs 86, 166; fever attacks 77, 80, 81, 95; as field naturalist 1, 2; finances 9–10, 45, 193–94, 198–99, 234, 235; fire, losses at sea 81; foot trouble 122, 136–37; funeral 284; geology, first steps in 15; Grange inspected by 268–69; Hampden’s persecution of 207, 227; health improved 265–66; at Hertford 8; home-colony idea 267–68; house-building 209–10, 223, 269; human races and 129–30; influences on 102; inheritance and 259; investments 193–94; at Jardin des Plantes 28; nationalisation and 18, 228, 229, 230, 231, 235; reform and 228, 231; language learning 38, 54, 112; lecturing 25, 195, 235, 253; Leslie, Marion: courtship of 171–72; letter missing 290; Linnean Society Fellow 210; Linnean Society Royal Medal 259, 260; literature and 272–73; literature of Far East and 292–93; in London with John 13–15, 20; Malay Archipelago: consignments from 100, 114; daily routine 94–95; decision for expedition 87; expeditions 94–160; geographical aspects of expedition 88; Malay-Papuan racial types 130, 150, 175; passage to 88–89, 92; return from 161; unexplored, relatively 87; mankind, interest in 2, 123, 129–30, 175, 196 see also anthropology; marriage 187; mesmerism and 22, 185; Mitten family and 183; modesty 258; monkey eaten by 41; naivety 4; natural selection: championing of 174, 197; Higher Intelligence and (little heresy) 171, 202, 203–4, 205, 209, 234, 271; man and 175–78; man as special case 178–79, 202–4; mental development and 156–57, 177; moment of vision 276–77; presentation with Darwin at Linnean Society 21, 138–39; natural world, love of 2; Neath Philosophical and Literary Institute, Curator of 25; Nutwood Cottage 223, 227, 251; obituaries 284; Old Orchard/Broadstone 269, 282; Order of Merit awarded to 278–29; origin of species and 1, 27, 28, 101–4, 110; Oxford University Honorary Doctorate 259; Paris visit 28; Parkstone house (Corfe View) 252–53, 261–62, 267; pension for 221, 222, 223–24, 225–26, 227; personal collections 165; phrenology and 22–23, 185; public honours 259–60; public speaking, aversion to 260; railway nationalisation 283; reading, adult 21, 27, 273; reading, childhood 11–12; reading, youthful 14; religion and 12, 14–15; reputation 86, 285–87, 291, 293; Rio Negro, expeditions 53–55, 56, 57, 58, 59–82; Royal Geographical Society’s Founders’ Medal 259, 260; Royal Society Darwin Medal 259; Royal Society fellowship 261; Royal Society Royal Medal 198; at St Mark’s Crescent 182, 188; scarlet fever 9; schoolmaster, employment as 20–21, 22; scientific societies, attendance after return from East 163–64; self-education 3, 15, 18; sexual selection and 196, 255; shyness 4; siblings 6; slavery and 46; snake, brush with poisonous 143–44; social Darwinism and 251; social evolution and 230–31; social issues and 71, 72, 91, 211, 228, 229, 254, 255, 275, 294; socialism and 231, 272, 283; species and 1, 27, 28, 51, 56, 101–4, 130–32: Spruce discussion 78–79; species distribution 113, 144; spiritualism and 23, 184, 185–87, 188–93, 197–98, 204, 208–9, 212–14, 218, 222, 231, 232–33, 237–39, 244–45, 263, 265, 267, 272, 274; surveyor, employment as 24, 25; survival of the fittest 131; Transvaal War, protests against 266; universe, man and 271; vaccination and 253–54, 264; verses 70–71; Wales and 16–20; Wallace’s Line 5, 215; wasps attack 43; watch repairer 16; water wager 206–7; at Westbourne Grove Terrace 165; William’s death and 23–24; William’s disapproval of botanising 19; woman, role of 255, 256; women and 36; Zoological Society: chairs meeting 188; elected Fellow 163; papers given at 86, 164; see also following entry; for relations with other people, see under names of the others


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