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Convergence (The Dragon Within Saga Book 1)

Page 13

by Roberto Vecchi

  Undoubtedly, when "The Unyielding" attacked the University, this was the door they were seeking to find. Though before his time, every wizard knew the legend of this door, yet only a select few were aware of its actual existence. Before "The Unyielding" attacked, the door was known to the members of the High Council as well as some of the higher level of Ascendants. And on occasion, the Ascendants were even granted entrance, supervised of course. However, after the devastating attack it was deemed necessary by Darkinian The Great, that the secrets contained within and the items beyond the door were of such a vital importance that only the Grand Wizard should know of their existence. Not necessarily agreed upon by the entirety of the Council of Wizards, Darkinian The Great found himself, along with a few of his allies, set against considerable opposition of a rather heated disposition. Although Wizards thrive in a structured environment for learning purposes, and seek obedience to the laws and governing rules they create, they are very much agitated when said rules are applied to themselves ultimately causing a limitation to their well-deserved freedom.

  As such, the opposition to Darkinian's position was so great and his own position was so solid, that at one of the Council meetings, a grand battle resulted. Wizards have been used to tip the scales in large scale wars on many occasions, but never had a battle of the thirteen greatest Wizards of the time been seen until that day. It was said that the collective release of magical energy was felt all the way to the Great Green Forest of the Elves in the far northeast region of Avendia. The Dwarves of Gindinor told tale of feeling the resulting energy release in its deepest halls, well below the heart of their mountainous empire. Those closest to the battle said they saw lights shining and flickering so much they believed the heavens themselves were real and colliding with the earth. Left standing among the destruction was Darkinian and his followers. He subsequently erased the memories of the Ascendants and High Wizards, and organized a task force to track down those who possessed the knowledge of the door who had already left the confines of the University's halls.

  As it was when Intellos assumed the formal position of Grand Wizard, the youngest in history, the only individual who possessed the knowledge of this door was the outgoing Grand Wizard. After having been shown the entire scope of responsibilities from Eborune for the office, there was one final task. Intellos remembered the descent as vividly as if he was still being lead there by the outgoing Grand Wizard.

  "Now young Wizard Intellos, I cannot impress upon you with a greater amount of seriousness than I speak now. This last and final task as Grand Wizard has been the source of discontent amongst Wizards, eventually leading to bloodshed and the loss of much knowledge. As you follow me down the hallways and stairs, commit to your memory the emotions and visions that will be presented to you," Eborune did not speak again until they reached its conclusion. But that is not to say that there were not several other impressions, visions, and understandings that were imparted to Intellos during their audibly silent journey through the halls. As part of communicating the severity of the responsibility, several spells of recollection were instituted to allow the accompanying wizard, in this case Intellos, to become emotionally part of the events leading up to sealing the knowledge of the door and its contents beyond.

  In one moment, he became Darkinian, at least an emotional companion, but not an active participant in the events gone past. He was able to bear the weight of the decision and its consequence as he chose to defend the knowledge of the door against even his colleagues. Such was the gravity with which Darkinian treated the knowledge. In another instance, he was transported back to the first and only semi-successful attack against the University. He became witness to the levels of pain and loss. He mourned over those who were not known to him beyond the significance they held to those who survived the encounter. He lived through the years of rebuilding following both the mental and physical destruction caused by "The Unyielding". And most importantly, he saw inside the awful reality that the wizards, by organizing into a formal institution, drew the attention of beings beyond what they had previous believed to exist; beings who were, at their very heart, opposed to all representations of the newly formed Wizard community. The final vision was that of Darkinian standing alone in his study, over a single flickering candle while staring deeply into this mirror, vowing never to allow the propagation and advancement of knowledge and power to be responsible for the destruction it had brought unto itself.

  Almost unconsciously, Intellos committed this journey, both through the physical halls and emotional pathways, to his wizard's memory and set it behind a metaphorical iron gate never to be forgotten. When he and Eborune had stopped, they stood in front of a normal sized, solid black door. Eborune finally broke silence as he turned to face the new Grand Wizard, "As the last act of being Grand Wizard, an act one day you will also perform, I will impart unto you the necessary spell to reveal the secrets held behind this door. There can be only one who knows how to cast it and only one who knows the secrets. For our protection, and more importantly the protection of all knowledge everywhere, it must be so. After I show you the spell, I will then fall into a deep sleep like state. During that time, I will be under the influence of a very powerful spell that will remove any and all recollection of this door and its contents therein. I will, however, remember everything of this day until I began to lead you to this place. Once inside, you will find a portal. You will need to step through that portal with me. It will take you back to my study where you will place me in bed. I will arise the next morning completely healthy and refreshed, but with no recollection of these events. Are you ready to begin?"

  Intellos replicated the instruction he received from Eborune all those years ago allowing him passage into the chamber. It was a relatively simple spell, but what set it apart is that its basis was not rooted in the knowledge of how to unlock doors, but how to unlock this specific door. Interwoven within the magic was an innate knowledge of the particular black stone used to create it. It was a rather ingenious spell. Most locking spells focused around the manipulation of the innate energy surrounding a certain object to reject any physical energy applied to open it. This locking spell, and subsequently the unlocking spell, directly manipulated the physical configuration of stone. As a result, one needed to have an in depth knowledge of not only the energy surrounding it, but of the specific material itself. With the completion of the spell, the door, in all its smooth blackness, slid easily open with only a touch of the Grand Wizard's finger.

  The ensuing radiance of magic held behind the door, while not strong enough to cause the wizard pause, was enough to shift his focus from his intended research to the splendor of the secrets contained in this large cavern. Magic was, as its very nature, meant for movement. So much of it was held and stilled behind the door that when it was released, it caused him to feel slightly more alive as its residue washed over the Grand Wizard. There was a brief moment of ecstasy as the cascading flood of power hit him, but he was quick to recover his intent. Breaching the threshold, his eyes were drawn instinctively to the numerous stands and pedestals set opposite each other. Each held one of the items of power that were deemed too dangerous for anyone, including the Grand Wizard to wield. There were rings, sets of armor, weapons, amulets, and several other items not directly related to any specific predefined shape. Again, as he walked passed each one, he knew the strength of power they contained was not the reason they were forbidden, but rather the nature of their power. All of them predated the University, and as such, their genesis and subsequent purpose had not been fully revealed. Each Grand Wizard had initially made it part of his intent to study, in secret of course, each of these items of power; however, each of them, including Intellos was unsuccessful in this endeavor as the other more pressing duties seemed to always intervene.

  Bypassing all of the weapons, leaving him with a sense forlorn longing, he slowly strode into the final stage of his passage and what he hoped would be the end of his quest for knowledge pert
aining to the Angel and its directive. But in all reality, he did not know where his journey would end. So little was the available information upon the topic of Angels that he was not sure he would find it even within The Book of All. Within its pages were said to live the knowledge of that which needed to be known. This book, non-descript in its physical appearance, also predated the existence of the University. It is said that the knowledge in this book is every changing in regards to its reader's needs, but only if the reader was consciously aware of said direct needs. This is not to say the book fulfilled the knowledge for the reader to attain his specific desires, because more times than not, there exists a definitive difference between desire and need. And if there was confusion between what the reader perceived as a need, but was simply a desire, the consequences could be devastating. Because of this, none of his predecessors as Grand Wizard had consulted The Book of All.

  Was he potentially taking an unnecessary risk by consulting the book first? Of course. But then again, from his brief understanding of Angels and their appearance in the world, there were always two distinct principles that seemed to govern their influence: firstly, the Angels appeared when all other options, some known and some unknown, were exhausted leaving their intervention's intent derived from purpose and need; and secondly, the Angels’ appearances either came moments before, or moments after a period of great devastation. Having considered the possibility that this was such a moment in time, as well as the possibility that it was not, he felt an internal force gravitating his attention upon what was quickly emerging has his single course of rational action.

  The Book of All. As it sat open upon a stark white dais standing about four feet above a small elevated area in the very back of this cavern of mysteries, Intellos paused before rounding the dais to stand in front of the pedestal. In all of his life, through all the ages of men, dwarves, elves, fairies, ogres, orcs, goblins, and all other inhabitants of Avendia, he could not help but feel an eminently approaching doom. What was going to face this land now, in this age that necessitated the intervention of Angels? As a Wizard and because of the magic he held within, he was privy to leadings and feelings surpassing the rationally explainable educated guess. And this was one of those times. A deep foreboding began to build beyond his gut and straight from his reservoir and talent. He could not explain how he knew, but he knew, Avendia was entering a very dark time and his role was going to be integral in bringing back the light.

  And then he had it! He had the need of his role to be fulfilled. He hurried around the dais and looked down at the opened book. Pulsing from the blank page came an energy seeking to distinguish the very depth of him. With each slow and piercing pulse, he felt the consciousness of The Book of All delve more deeply within him. As Grand Wizard, and the one who transformed Wizardry from a foundation of outward knowledge to an internal journey propelling its level of control well beyond what it had been prior, he had reached what he believed was the ending of his consciousness. Yet this book, this old magic, was showing him even more fathoms to the ocean of his soul's spirit. Further it searched until it thudded upon the wall of his consciousness. And then, it broke through. As he witnessed the truth of the power behind the charge of the Angel, Intellos Saa'ik Saa'ir saw God.

  Or at least, a mere fractal aspect of a being he could not begin to fully understand. It was clear to him that present within The Book of All was a power beyond his finite comprehension. Its radiance was completely foreign, yet entirely familiar on a basal level that reached into the very bowels of what he believed truth to be; a truth that extended even further than his understanding of knowledge itself.

  Instantly his heart beat increased in intensity matching the pulsation of power emanating from the book. With each transcendent beat, words began to appear on the previously blank pages now being illuminated by a light emanating directly from the book itself. Set against these words, in a language he could not read, was a map. But its usefulness was not readily apparent because the legend was beyond his interpretive skills. Yet somehow the necessity of this particular language was an integral part of his need. And whereas before, he would have questioned the validity of being presented an answer without its apparent completion intact, such as an unknown language, the deep level of truth being conveyed through the brilliant pages caused him to believe instead of doubt. And because of this belief, he had his beginning. He had the language, and there was one person, or rather, being who could potentially possess the knowledge to decipher the map and allow him to follow what was slowly becoming much more than a quest for knowledge. It was becoming a quest for life.

  Akin’Dra (Warrior Poet).

  Looking upon her beautifully perfect form, while she held her twin blades against the skin of his neck, he could not help but admit that he wished he could stay and watch her deep breaths continue well beyond the years he was given to live. The side of her face, where he had struck her during their battle, was beginning to redden and would, without a doubt, leave a very prominent purplish bruise infused with all the colors of the known spectrum. Yet in his eyes, there was neither blemish nor imperfection that could lessen the beauty he had first witnessed just three days ago. Continuing to encase his memory of her with his soul, he admitted to himself that quite possibly, she was the only one capable of forming the bond with him he had longed for his entire life. He had traveled the world and witnessed all of its beauties from the vastly enormous and equally breathless Drisdine Mountains that overlooked the Pinnacle of Life causing every imaginable color to be harnessed and then reflected in the setting sun, to the darkly mysterious women of the Uloon Desert, who were said to have the ability to mesmerize any man in the deep, oceanic blues of their eyes. On a few occasions, he had been enthralled by both, once at the same time. However, battling this woman, this Soliana, was the closest he had come to forming a true connection in decades.

  Regardless of the company he kept, including the times where his walk saw only one set of footprints, and though he was regaled with the fame and fortune befitting one such as he who possessed unequalled skill with both the blade and quill, he was always alone in his endeavors. That is not to say he was lonely by any means as he was always able to find the company he needed, whether it be on the battle field standing at the head of the army of his current employer, usually across from some form of evil, or on the battle field of his momentary bed next to the woman who surrendered to him as part of the spoils of his persona.

  Desiring to be held by her arms one last time, he tried to take an instinctive step toward her, if for no other reason than to say good bye, but the pressure her blades exerted upon his neck prevented any and all movement. And yet, as saddened as he was that he would never have the opportunity to explore all of who she was, and was yet to be, the warrior within him savagely and fiercely welcomed the moment they crossed blades, not out of the expectation that he might fight an opponent worthy of his skill, but because their blades had met over and over in the intimate and deadly dance of metal on metal, wherein he was allowed to share her space.

  Lingering upon the smoothness of her lips, he had wished only that he was able to taste them again, but was still eternally grateful he had. He remembered their taste being sweeter than the famous mead of the dwarves, a flavor he had liberally enjoyed on more than one occasion. Committing this moment to his memory as a vow to never forget regardless of the ages that could pass before his fortunes were pleased enough with his deeds to reward him with her presence again when she too traveled to the stars, he took a deep breath and steeled himself for what was to come. When he reluctantly released his desire to be with her for his own selfish intent, he could not help but breathe deeply again in an effort to appreciate the floral aroma of her bright, brilliantly blonde locks of hair, now spilling across her neck.

  Dropping his head from the weight of the unexplained and terrible scene that had just unfolded before him, consuming him within its unstoppable avalanche, he closed his eyes because he knew it was time
for him to die. It would not be long before her dark blades entered his flesh requiting him from the Race of Elves, who only days before saw him as one of their own, and no doubt would celebrate his execution at the hands of the duty bound Soliana Solaris. The truth would come crashing down upon their nation when news of King Rendunial's death breeched the joyous celebration of The Iglandonin, the sacred Festival of Greater Consciousness. It was this festival, and his part to be played in it at the behest of his Star Daughter, Princess Glinovia, that drew him back to Meckthenial, the Legendary City of Light, and his longtime home.

  He allowed his eyes a few last moments to focus on her before he surveyed the awful consequence of being him. When he was at last able to avert his gazed from her uncanny beauty, he made himself look upon the faces of each of his fallen foes until he met, with terrible realization, his childhood brother, the now dead King and final victim of his famous blade. The events of the last three days stood in a desperate contrast to those of this final morning. Before embracing the final moments of his life, he looked up toward the gods of the elves who reportedly were as numerous as the stars in the sky. In fact, they were the stars in the sky.

  He silently questioned and bid them to answer how, as numerous as they were, they could allow this to happen. Just three days prior, he remembered walking through the woods of the only land he had ever called home. He remembered the joy in his heart at being requested by Princess Glinovia, his Star Daughter, to be the recognized Drahin of her Indri Primos during The Iglandonin. His would be the honor of the only man who would witness and participate in such a sacred ceremony as the honored title. He remembered how peaceful his mind had become at the thought of seeing the one and only other living person he could and would always call his friend again. But most prominently, he remembered the overall connection he felt when he saw her for the first time, as a blazing, blonde flashing whirlwind, fluidly dancing within a mimicked battle with her twin red blades as he approached the gates of Meckthenial. Though it now seemed like a lifetime ago with no more possibility than that of touching the sun, he still remembered it with as much vivid awareness as he did when it pierced the veil of night to brilliantly rise again.


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