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Talosian Chronicles 1: Olympus

Page 27

by Ben Winston

  “Command to flight ops,” Ian called with his comm.

  “Flight ops,” John Harris’ voice replied.

  “I have a mission for one of the centurions. How fast can you get one ready?” Ian asked.

  “Only as long as it takes the crew to change and get to their ship. I’m issuing the alert now,” John replied.

  “Good, tell them to cloak immediately after launch, and head towards Earth. I’ll brief them once they’re launched,” Ian said.

  “Yes sir, they’re getting ready, and their ship is being brought to the flight line. I’ll have them call you once they’re away,” John replied.

  “Thanks John. Command out,” Ian ended the call.

  “Well, I know I, at least, have to get back to work. Are you girls coming?” Beth turned and gave Ian a kiss before heading to Jenny.

  Cindy and Talena hastily followed suit, and the three left Ian’s ready room. Jenny cleared her data from Ian’s terminal before give him a kiss to resume the duty on the bridge.

  “I’ll brief Chekov on what’s happening so he can put it in the log,” she said as she left the room.

  That night, the feeling that he’d overlooked something had evolved into a nagging worry, and kept him awake. Finally, he got up, got a cup of tea, and sat on the couch to think about it more.

  A few minutes after Ian had left the room, and very pregnant Beth came out too. She smiled at her lover, and got tea for herself.

  “So, what’s keeping you awake, Ian?”

  “The situation on Earth, I can’t shake the feeling that I’m overlooking something important,” Ian replied. “They’ve got a defense shield, missile launchers and laser cannon. Outside of orbital bombardment, nothing should be able to touch them.”

  “It sounds to me like you got everything covered. Besides, we’ve got Ty and his people down there, they would surely tell you if you’ve overlooked anything,” Beth replied reasonably.

  “I know, that’s one of the things that makes this so difficult. I’ve tried working on something else, slowly walking through all the precautions we’ve taken, and gone through all of the incident reports Ty has sent me for a second and third time. Still, nothing comes to the surface except this damned nagging feeling.”

  “Well, I can give you something to help you sleep if you want, and tomorrow you can go see Janet; maybe she can help,” Beth said.

  “I would but she’s on planet for a few more days. I’m just gonna have to work this out on my own,” Ian smiled at his wife.

  “I think... I love you, Ian. You know that. But I think the problem you’re having has less to do with over-looking something than it does with the fact that you’re up here, and, so far, the action has been on the planet,” Beth replied tenderly caressing his face. “What did you think of the newsletter being sent out?”

  “I thought it was great. But I almost didn’t recognize Talos in the pictures. It sure has come a long way from what we left down there just a few weeks ago.” Ian looked thoughtful a moment. “I have been worried about the ‘incidents’ that have been happening down there. I guess it has been bothering me that I haven’t been there for them. I am, after all, responsible if something happens to anyone down there.”

  “Says who? Ian, you’re no more responsible for what happens down there than I am! Your job is the command of this ship, and to aid the settlement on the surface if it’s requested! The whole point in hiring people like Ty, Luke and Elias was so they could take the responsibility over from you when the time came. That time has come and gone, love.” Beth knew her words were getting through to him, so she continued.

  “Sweetheart, trying to be responsible for everything will kill you. It’s gotten too big for one man, and it isn’t showing signs that will ever change. Let our friends handle the planet, I think keeping the system protected is a plenty big job by itself.”

  Ian nodded. “Yeah, it is. In fact I’ll probably need help with that eventually as well. Considering the situation, we’re going to have to make sure the moon base has some pretty good defenses too.”

  Beth raised her eyebrows at Ian. “You seem to have accepted my explanation of your worry pretty easily, far easier than I would have expected you to.”

  “Oh, I haven’t accepted it. However, I feel you might be on to something, so I’m trying to ignore it, and start to think and plan like I should be. If you’re right, once I convince myself that you’re right, the feeling should simply die away,” Ian said, with a half-smile.

  “Well, it wasn’t my intension to make you distrust your instincts, so please don’t take it that way. I just think it might be the case in this one instance,” Beth clarified.

  Ian pulled the young woman closer. “I knew what you meant, love. Have I told you lately how absolutely beautiful I think you are?”

  Beth put her hand against his chest and gently pushed. “No, you haven’t, but before you kiss me and totally derail my thoughts, I would like to satisfy my curiosity?”

  Ian chuckled softly and nodded to her.

  “What did the Centurion you sent out find?” she asked.

  “Ah, that. Well, not much really, they did find a trace of the trail but too much time had passed, and it simply wasn’t strong enough for them to follow. They spent a good deal of time searching along the last known trajectory, but still didn’t find anything. If Star Dancer had been there, we might have been able to find the trail. However, a Centurion’s sensor suite is almost as sensitive as ours,” Ian explained. “Now can I kiss you?”

  Beth tried to look haughty, but given that she was totally nude, failed completely. In a ‘snobbish’ tone of voice, she replied. “You may begin with kissing; however, I have a much more arduous task planned for you, young man!” she said caressing his bare chest.

  Ian sighed in pleasure. “I’d hardly call it arduous!”

  Chapter Thirty

  The next morning, Chief Dommer reported to Ian that, barring unforeseen hang-ups, the ship should be ready to launch in two days. Now, all he needed was a couple of fighter squadrons ready to launch, and they’d be set.

  That reminded Ian to do something he’d been meaning to do for a couple of weeks now. He called all the department heads, and asked them to make a decision regarding Talena. He was petitioning the Chiefs, on behalf of Talena but without her knowledge, to emancipate the girl.

  She was the best pilot, and also the most learned. She had actually gone all the way through the Flight Academy curriculum. None of the other pilots that would be graduating had. The need for pilots is too great to give them the full course that Talena had taken. Her knowledge would be of great use if they’d have to fight. Besides, after everything Talena had been through to get here, she deserved to finally get her wings.

  Ian had saved the Flight Officer as the last to be called. The recent trend for calls aboard ship was to use the system as a video phone. Ian thought it was kinda neat too. In response to Ian’s hail, John Harris came on his monitor.

  “Flight Ops, What can we do for you, Commander?”

  Ian grinned at the man. “I’m calling to ask you to schedule the flight school graduation for the day after tomorrow. We’ll be lifting the ship either that evening or early the next day. I would like to be able to have at least a little fighter support in case we need it.”

  “Will do sir. I’ll send out the invitations to the pilot’s families, and schedule more shuttle flights for the civilians,” John said making notes to himself.

  “I think I’ll delay the launch until the following morning so we can make sure all the civvies made it off the ship. I don’t want any visitors getting hurt if we get into a fight,” Ian replied.

  John nodded in compliance. “Anything else sir?”

  “Yes, I’ve spoken to all the other Chiefs. I would like for you to give some thought to approving emancipation for Talena. Since I’m sponsoring, I’ll have to abstain from the vote, so you’ll be running the meeting,” Ian said.

  “What about the XO?�
�� John asked.

  “I think my dear, sweet wives might have ulterior motives for approving this. So they’re not going to vote either.”

  “I’m sure the thought never crossed your mind either, did it sir?” John asked grinning.

  “Major Harris! I’ll have you know the only basis for my sponsorship of Talena is because I think she’ll make a fine pilot that will be a valuable asset to the other pilots,” Ian grinned, playfully.

  John laughed. “As you say, Commander. When will the vote be held?”

  “Sixteen hundred tomorrow, in the main briefing room. Do you think that’ll be enough time for you to come to a decision about this?” Ian asked.

  “Should be, Does she know? I saw them down in the simulator bay, and she seemed normal, not nervous or excited like I would expect her to be.”

  “Nope; she doesn’t have a clue. So if any of you have questions for her tomorrow, you should get candid answers instead of rehearsed ones,” Ian replied.

  John nodded. “I can understand the logic in that, but are we sure this is something she wants?”

  “Don’t ever doubt it, John. Just before we moved up to the ship, we were talking and she admitted to forgetting that she is still a minor. Technically, she shouldn’t even be allowed into the simulators anymore. No, I think if we don’t at least consider giving this to her, she’ll be crushed when we bar her from the combat areas of the ship,” Ian replied. “Besides, what’s she going to do with her free time? She wants to be a pilot. Granted she has education in other areas, but that was to fulfill a requirement in the academy,”

  John held up his hands. “You don’t have to convince me Commander! Hell, she’s more mature than most of the kids I got working for me!

  Ian chuckled. “Okay, I’ll leave you alone about it. Talk to ya later.”

  John nodded. “Yes sir.”

  “Sir, I think we have a problem,” Sam’s voice said in Ty’s ear. She was in the security control center, and was monitoring all the sensors for the property.

  “Whatcha got, Sammi?” Ty asked.

  “I’ve got a passive lock on two Air Force F-22’s approaching at really low altitude. If I didn’t know better, I’d say they were going to attack,” Sammi replied.

  “Shit! We can’t take the chance that they won’t. Activate the shield, and warm up the missile batteries, but don’t lock on to them yet. Let’s see if they’re planning on dropping ordinance on us,” Ty said.

  “Sir, if they are planning on it...” She hesitated to draw the right conclusion.

  “I know, Sammi. If they are then we’ll know that, somehow, the US Air Force is getting its orders from the Caldarians. I’ll be right down there,” Ty finished.

  Ty worried all the way down to the control center. If the two crazy pilots got too close to the town, they would crash into the shield. However, if they intended to bomb, they would need the shield to make sure no one got hurt. By the time he got to the control center, he was convinced that either the planes were stolen, or the pilots thought they were going after a ‘mock’ town and didn’t know it was occupied. Either way he couldn’t find out without the pilots knowing that this wasn’t a normal, small little town.

  “Have you gotten their frequency yet, Sammi?”

  “Just about, they’ll be overhead in about a minute and a half,” The harried looking Sam replied, as she typed frantically on the terminal. Suddenly the voices of the two pilots issued from the speakers mounted on the walls, as well as a picture of the two planes from one of the sensors.

  “... breaking off to start my run, Phantom Leader. Good luck with the command center.”

  “You just worry about the warehouses; I know there is no way that you can take them both out with one pass,” the other pilot replied.

  “You’re buyin’ the drinks if I do, phantom leader! I’m in position, ready when you are,” the first pilot said.

  “Get ready to lock onto them, Sammi. Sensors say they’re carrying live stuff. We can’t let them get to where they can use it. You know, there should be an observation post close by with a view of the town,” Ty said. “Can you scan for them as well?”

  Sammi was nodding in agreement. “They’re about a mile south-east of the Guard shack. They should have a good view of most of the town.”

  “Phantom flight, the range is clear, you are free to fire,” a new voice said from the speakers.

  “Bastards! They can clearly see the people moving around up there! Those fuckers are intentionally attacking us!” Sammi said.

  “Lock on to them Sammi, and make damn sure they know we’re locked on to them. Also issue an alert to the rest of the team. I’d really like to have a few words with that observation crew,” Ty said as he left the command center for the arms locker.

  “Phantom Leader, someone just got a hard lock on me, both IR and Radar. I don’t know how they did it, but I don’t remember anyone sayin’ anything about SAMs out here!” One of the pilots almost screamed.

  “I just got locked onto as well. The odd thing is, I can’t tell where it’s coming from! OP, what the hell’s going on down there?” The flight leader asked, and Sammi grinned at the panicked sound of his voice.

  “Stand-by Phantom, we’re tryin’ to find out for you,” the observation post replied.

  Apparently, Phantom Leader didn’t like surprises. “You do that, OP. In the meantime, I’m exercising Command Authority and aborting this mission. Let’s break the lock, and get the hell outta here, Jimmy.”

  “Dropping chaff, flares, and bugging out. Jesus, Boss! There’re people down there!”

  “Someone really screwed up this time. We could have killed hundreds of civvies today,” Phantom Leader said.

  “So, if that was a civilian town, who locked on to us?” The other pilot asked.

  “I think that’s the scariest part of this whole thing, Jimmy. We were too far from White Sands for it to be them, and we would have detected any ground units in the area,” Phantom Leader replied.

  “Yeah well, they’ve still got me locked up, and they shouldn’t! Hell, I don’t know how they could! If I get any lower, I’ll have to drop the landing gear!”

  Chuckling Sammi switched the scanners back to passive.

  “Mine stopped, are you still getting tone?” The flight leader asked.

  “Now that’s really freaky, Boss. Mine quit too. I guess that rules out equipment failure.”

  “Well, there could have been something in that area that was giving us a false positive. I’m sure they’ll be going over our planes with a fine tooth comb. Switching back to Peterson Control,” Phantom Leader replied.

  Sammi keyed up her comm. “Ty, the planes have left the area. From what I can see, our guests are now very interested in us.”

  Before Ty could answer, several alarms began chirping their message. Since there was still an open comm, Ty heard it too. “What’s going on, Sammi?”

  “Those fuckers on the hill just scanned us. The shield was still up, Boss. There’s no way they could have missed it either,” Sammi reported.

  “Fuck me! Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later. I’ll give Ian, Elias and Luke an official incident report when all this is over. Are those fuckers sticking around?” Ty asked.

  “They seem to be. I think they’re waiting to see what our reaction is going to be. Pretty ballsy considering we could just smoke ‘em from here,” Sammi replied.

  “True, but since none of our people were hurt, I’d rather not tip our hand about offensive capabilities. I’d have you scan them, but I don’t feel like being caught in an anti-matter explosion,”

  “Maybe I should only scan for any type of anti-matter. That way we’d know if they were hot,” Sammi asked.

  “That’s actually a really good idea, but we don’t know what kinds of scans would set it off. It may very well be that any type would be enough to trigger it,” Ty said.

  “Maybe you shouldn’t be trying to capture them at all until we can figure out a way to make
sure they don’t have a surprise for us,” Sammi suggested.

  Sammi could hear Ty’s grin. “I’d agree with you except we have a terrible need for information. Even if we just get to talk to them out here, we could learn something from them. I doubt they’ll detonate prematurely since they need information as well. We’re going to approach in a non-threatening manner, and see if they’ll stick around.”

  “Good luck, Boss,” Sammi replied.

  Ty grinned and acknowledged Sammi’s comment. He knew there was a risk to what he was trying to do, but he didn’t believe the Caldarians would detonate a tactical anti-matter bomb just to kill four Talosians. Especially as doing so could risk exposing themselves to the general population.

  He was wrong about them sticking around for a chat. As Ty and his team got closer, the observers packed up and headed out across the desert, toward the highway. He stood on the hill they had been using and watched as the military issue Hummer turned onto the access road connecting Talos to the main road, and sped away.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Ian’s ladies were starting to get pretty big, and Cindy, being twice the size of her wives, was having an ‘interesting’ time moving around. That’s why, at fifteen hundred hours, Beth sent a hover-chair for Cindy to bring her in for a check-up. Medbay was much closer to the briefing room where the meeting was to take place, and Beth wanted to fill her wife in on what was about to happen without Talena catching wind of it.

  Since they’d been working with the rest of the trainees in Alpha Bay, Talena gave her a kiss and said she’ll see her at home later. There were a few snickers as Cindy got into the chair and sighed in relief. Beth had programmed it so that the occupant was at a quarter earth gravity. At that moment, Cindy thought gravity control was a really, really good idea. Talena smiled lovingly at her as she floated out of the landing bay.

  Talena was taken completely by surprise an hour later when she was summoned to the main briefing room by the Commander. Since it was Ian himself that made the page, and Barb had left ‘for a meeting’ it meant that she was being called before the Chiefs. Instead of searching her mind for a list of possible recent infractions for herself and her wing, she was curious and worried that one of her ‘students’ had been hurt or worse.


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