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Paramour for the Devil

Page 18

by Savannah Hill

  Without warning, Damian’s thoughts opened up to her, and she began to feel his emotions along with her own. His were more like a savage, raging need, greedily indulging in her flesh with his lips and tongue while his hand stroked the urgent hunger in his groin. He seemed to be craving her moans and cries of satisfaction, finding a masculine pride in the sound of them, and Haley lustfully cried out his name. The sound of her own voice echoed strangely as she heard it through his thoughts, and she could feel a prickling at the base of his spine.

  Bending herself backward, she reached for his cock, replacing his hand with hers and tightening her palm in a constricting hold. In her mind’s eye, she felt his carnivorous desire skyrocket. His grazing teeth, becoming almost aggressive, brought her back into her own body for a second, and she squealed at the erotic pain of him biting at her tender mound.

  The sound of her voice increased his sensitivity, especially in the tip of his swollen cock. Haley leaned back further, craning to turn her head, working to get just a swipe of her tongue across it. The mounting fullness in his male flesh was uncomfortably strong, ready to burst, and Haley managed to submerge the very tip of it into her mouth. It slid along the inside of her cheek.

  “Fuck!” Damian’s roar vibrated against her pussy, and her mind was rocked with his powerful determination to gain control of himself, struggling to keep from coming in her mouth. He would not allow himself release, feeling somewhat inadequate she hadn’t found her climax yet.

  Haley realized her own orgasm was directly connected with his, and she suckled on his throbbing tip, nursing it with her lips. “Come for me, Damian. Let me taste it.” She used her mind to speak into his rapid thoughts, but he refused to submit.

  His thick fingers found their way inside of her while his tongue still did its work on her clit. She was richly wet, and he slipped in as many as possible, stretching her with his hand as he pushed in all four fingers. He worked to add his thumb, and she came in a blissful rush as he tried to use his entire fist.

  Her warm mouth moaned around his cock, and he lost control, erupting suddenly. Haley experienced his climax mutually with hers, and her tensed body went soft, melting with satisfaction as she rode her bursting sex on his hand and mouth, simultaneously sucking the flowing fluid from his pumping erection.

  Her mind reached out to Damian during the heady moment of intoxication. His conscious energy responded to her call, moving into her thoughts while they orgasmed together. Their bodies and minds seemed to meld into one, both sharing the other’s climax as they tasted each other.

  She swallowed as much as she could in her awkward position, and dreamily licked his shuddering organ as she came down from the truly spiritual experience.

  Damian gave her lazy strokes of his tongue. His eyelids weighed heavy. He lay frozen still, mesmerized by the miracle he’d just been a part of. He’d been inside women’s heads as they came before, but Haley was the only woman that could read his thoughts as well, and the result was phenomenal. Everything with her seemed to be life changing somehow.

  Draped over him on her back, Haley’s breasts sat perky in the air, and he picked her up, sliding her drowsy limbs to the place next to him on the puffy white bedding. She relaxed into the pillow, bathing in the afterglow of their experience.

  “Jesus, angel.” Damian exhaled. “You are flexible.”

  Haley’s eyes remained closed, her pretty features glowing. She still wore her heels. Her naked body was rosy all over, her beautiful breasts heaving slightly.

  Oh shit. His heart grew warm as he watched her in the romantic lighting of his bedroom. The starlight peeking through the window did nothing to help his masculinity. Foreign emotions overwhelmed him. I could marry this girl. Up until that moment he’d never imagined any realm of his existence that could possibly include a wife. The institution of marriage seemed a little farfetched to him. Maybe he was only considering it because he subconsciously assumed it was something Haley would eventually want. Truthfully, he had no idea what her thoughts on having a husband might be.

  What the fuck am I thinking? Being a husband was not something he was capable of. He was a killer, born in Hell, a creation of pure evil.

  “You are ruining me.” He took off her pale pink shoes, setting them beside the bed.

  She had calmed the lustful animal in him, at least momentarily. As hesitant as he was to admit it, the naked pin-up girl in his bed was definitely changing things. The miserable time he’d spent apart from her had certainly proven that. Setting aside thoughts of the future, he rolled his spent body on top of hers, grateful to feel her soft presence under him once again.


  Haley awoke alone in bed the next morning. Slinking against Damian’s ruffled pillow next to her, she pulled it close. His comforting male scent was all over it, sparking memories of the night before. She couldn’t help the delighted smile that crossed her lips, despite the gloomy weather. Pressing her nose into the plush down pillow, she let herself slumber a little while longer.

  Her excited heartbeat made it difficult to fall back asleep, and she hazily sat up in the cloud of bedding. Scanning the room, she expected to find her dress in a heap somewhere, but the floor was clean. She slipped out of bed, shivering at the cool air on her bare skin, treading lightly toward the bathroom.

  It took her a few minutes to figure out the settings for his futuristic shower. She stood on the soft, cushiony mat, pressing buttons until the water came out of numerous spouts inside the massive space, and stepped in, shutting the heavy glass behind her. Water sprayed from the walls, massaging her whole body.

  After a long, hot shower, her muscles felt wonderfully pliable, and she reluctantly decided it was time to get out. Drying her hair with a big, luxurious towel before wrapping it around her dripping body, she ran her fingers through her hair, and bit her thumbnail for a second. She had nothing to wear. Noah could be in the house, so she had to at least put on something. Hanging the towel on the wall, she went back into the quiet bedroom, awkwardly moving toward his large dresser.

  With a sudden sense of guilt, she pulled open the top drawer, hoping she wasn’t about to stumble upon something private, relieved to find just boxers and T-shirts. She unfolded a black shirt and put it on, instantly cloaked with comforting warmth from the soft cotton and the smell of Damian. It fell below her hips, enough to cover her backside, and she closed the drawer, moving toward the door.

  She headed through the deserted house, silent except for the sound of sprinkling rain outside, and down the large staircase. The gray sky cast a dim shadow on everything in the vacant living room, and Haley tried to ignore the slight panic that set into her chest as she swept by. He didn’t just leave. He would have at least left a note. She hadn’t even checked the nightstand. Passing the desolate dining room, a fleeting memory sparked of an episode of Sex and the City where Carrie had been dumped through a post-it note.

  She smiled at herself. He’s not going to do that to you. A nagging worry still clouded her head as she approached the kitchen. Damian stood at the stove, wearing just a pair of gray sweatpants, hanging low enough to send her thoughts directly to sinful things. She couldn’t keep from staring at the chiseled lines leading down to his barely covered groin. He used a spatula to flip an omelet over in the pan and turned to her.

  Haley forced her sensuous gaze up from his half-naked body, catching his approving look at the sight of her curves draped in his shirt. “You shaved your beard.”

  “Yeah.” Damian brought a palm over his coarsely shaven jawline, still groping her silhouette with his gaze.

  “That’s a shame.”

  “You liked it?” He slid the omelet onto a plate, turning off the stove burner. “I looked like a mountain man.”

  “Ruggedly handsome.” Haley tilted her head, leaning against the door frame. His naked skin drew her gaze again, and her voice came out low and honeyed. “I especially liked how it felt…here.” She had his fixed attention as her hand traile
d down her stomach, and she tapped her finger against herself. Arousal sparked in her sex at her own touch, and she gripped the bottom of his shirt, lifting it a little in the process. Her breasts strained against the cotton.

  “Shit, Haley.” His eyes darkened as he stalked toward her. “What are you wearing under this?” He brought chills to the fragile skin at her neck with his heated breath, and gently raised the T-shirt.

  “Nothing.” She became very aware of her painfully stiff nipples under the loose cotton as he held the shirt up around her waist, exposing her naked lower half.

  His eyes were riveted to her bare privates. “God, you’re so fucking delicious, I want to eat your pussy.” His words came out heavily muffled. “Show me your tits, Haley.”

  She promptly obeyed, pulling the shirt up over her breasts so they fell free. Her pink nipples pouted up at him in the chilly morning air.

  “You want me to put my mouth on them?”

  Haley whimpered her agreement.

  “Oh fuck, hey, sorry.” Noah sailed past them, and Damian jerked the T-shirt down to cover her.

  “I thought you left.” He glared in Noah’s direction.

  “Ginge sent me in here for road snacks. I, uh, I didn’t really see anything, man.” Noah looked uncomfortable, rummaging through cupboards, grabbing chips and a box of wrapped cupcakes. “I’m getting a new place though, so keep that in mind before you try to gouge my eyes out.”

  “What? You’re moving out?”

  “If she’ll have me.” Noah shrugged, still shifting his glance to avoid a mortified Haley. “We’re driving to the Salish Lodge for the weekend, getting couples massages and shit. I’m gonna propose at Snoqualmie Falls.”


  “Yep, got the girl a ring and everything. I’m nervous as fuck.” He scooped up the snacks, making a beeline for the doorway.

  “Well, I’m happy for you man, good luck.”

  “Thanks.” Noah gave him a nod, averting his gaze. “Sorry about my shitty timing.” He threw a brief wave at Haley before disappearing around the corner.

  Damian ran his palm over the freshly shaved hair on his head. “I can’t believe he’s moving out.”

  “Ginger’s gonna be ecstatic.” Haley turned to the counter, and her gaze leveled on the two neatly folded cheese omelets resting on plates. “You made breakfast for me.”

  Damian looked distracted, folding his arms across his chest. He glanced over at her. “I didn’t know if you liked omelets, but I’ve seen you eat eggs Benedict before. It’s not really the same thing.” He shook his head, grabbing the plates, and Haley followed him to the dining room.

  “It’s perfect.” She took a seat at the solid table made of rich wood.

  “Thanks, baby.” Damian’s mouth slid into a genuine half-smile as he grasped a fork.

  Haley’s cheeks ran hot. Butterflies floated in her stomach every time he called her that. Pulling her legs up to sit cross-legged in the large wooden chair, she took another bite of the delectable breakfast. They ate in an easy, comfortable silence for a few minutes.

  “It’ll be different without Noah living here.” Damian stared down at his food. “I should have expected it, but it still caught me off guard.” He chewed thoughtfully for a second. “It’s gonna be weird not having him in the garage all the time.”

  “I’m sure you guys will still work on your cars together.”

  “Yeah.” Damian nodded. “I’m glad he found a girl he’s crazy about.”

  Haley ate a stray piece of chopped tomato from her plate. “We’re most likely going to be in their wedding.”

  “In their wedding? What does that mean…?”

  She caught his confused expression before replying. “I mean, you’ll probably be Noah’s best man, and I’ll be in the bridal party.”

  Damian took a bite, eating quietly for a few moments. “I don’t really know anything about weddings.”

  “Oh.” Haley looked up in surprise. “What about what you’ve seen in movies?”

  He remained silent, pondering for a moment. “I don’t watch a lot of movies.”

  Haley nodded. She couldn’t keep the hint of a smile from her lips. What a peculiar thing, it had all seemed like very common knowledge to her. “Is it just the ceremony, or the marriage aspect too?”

  “No, that part I understand.” His gaze darted away from her as he reached for his coffee.

  “Well, that’s all right.” She shrugged. “Every wedding is different anyway. Ginger’s been planning hers since 4th grade.”

  “It’s that important?”

  “No, not really.” She let out a giggle. “Some people get a little obsessive about it I suppose.”

  “And you?” He caught her gaze as Haley sat back in her chair with an enchanted smile.

  “It’s not something I think about very often.”

  “Is it something you want?” Damian took a sip from his coffee cup, staring at her as if he was hanging on her next word.

  She pushed up one shoulder, cocking her head toward it, and stood up from her chair, finished with her breakfast. “Sure. Someday, yeah.” She reached for his empty plate, and he grasped her wrist, briskly yanking her onto his lap.

  All at once aware of his barely clothed body, Haley ran her finger along his collarbone, dragging her gaze across his naked skin. “What are we going to do today?” She adjusted herself on his lap, suffering with an echoing throb from her earlier arousal.

  “What do you want to do?”

  Her mind kept drifting to indecent thoughts as she considered his question. Her muscles were clenching, aching to grip onto his thick cock. “Umm…” She lowered her heavy lashes, trying to ignore the urgent sensation. Get ahold of yourself, Hawthorne. Answer his question. “Well, now I’m starting to think we should watch some movies.” She gave him a sweet smile. “Do you want to brush up on your pop culture?”

  “Are you gonna make me watch those girl movies everyone talks about?”

  Haley giggled from deep in her stomach, intensifying the lingering ache there. “No.” She struggled to keep from biting her lip as her thighs shifted uncomfortably. “You can pick the movie.”

  “Keep rubbing your ass against my dick like that, and we’re only gonna be doing one thing today.”

  “OK.” Haley gazed at him, spellbound.

  Damian studied her eyes for a second. “Do you need something, angel?”

  The darkly lewd glint in his eye made her hips squirm as the overpowering urge to grind down into his lap took over her thoughts. The sound in the room around her muffled to white noise. “Yes, I do.”

  “Be specific.”

  Haley ran wet between her legs at the raw ache in his voice. Biting her thumbnail for a moment, she leaned toward him to whisper in his ear. “I need you to stretch me out with your big, heavy cock.”

  Standing up from his chair, he clutched her naked hips, almost hard enough to leave bruises, and carried her away from the table in one swift movement.

  Her heartbeat sped up at his determined stride. The needy ache between her legs had them struggling to open involuntarily. She focused on the rigid muscles in his chest, letting her silken touch trickle down his front, brushing along the rugged scars on his abdomen, and drifting lower.

  Damian groaned in savage frustration, stopping halfway up the staircase to set her down on the carpeted steps.

  He turned her over onto her knees. “I have to fuck you right here, OK, baby…” He tore the T-shirt upward, and exhaled an obscenity. He brought the black cotton over her head and up her arms, twisting it around her wrists and tightly holding the knotted fabric in place at the stair above her.

  He jerked his pants down, touching the tip to the slick flesh between her legs, and she flinched at the contact. The slightest graze sent shivers down her inner thighs, and Haley needed more. With a frantic whimper, she glanced back over her shoulder, barely able to see through her lust-driven gaze.

  Transfixed, Damian watched her slide on
to him, taking him in at a tormenting, slow pace. He pulled the T-shirt taut around her wrists, his fist clutching it deathly tight. She pressed back against him, and he went deeper, leaning over her back.

  Connecting his warm body with hers as his organ filled her completely, he forced her to expand around him. He held himself deep inside, sliding her hair away from her neck, and ravenously ran his mouth along her shoulder.

  When he finally moved, slipping all the way out, a shocking wave of emptiness struck her.

  “Ohhh.” She moaned as he shoved it in again and sucked aggressively at her neck. With every plunging stroke, her tender nipples dragged roughly along the carpet. She cried out in pleasure as his hand found one of her breasts, fondling it softly.

  Haley cried out as the orgasm overtook her. “Oh, yes, God, yes, I’m coming. Fuck me, Damian, fuck me.”

  He gave a guttural groan as he came inside of her, and she slumped against the slope of the staircase, feeling owned and devoured by him in every way possible. Damian let go of the shirt around her wrists, releasing them, and slid out of her.

  Haley twisted on the stairs until she sat sideways on a step, drifting in a dreamlike stupor, her knees and breasts red with rug-burn.

  Damian eyed the side of her throat. “Shit.” He gathered her into his arms, carrying her the rest of way up the staircase. “I didn’t mean to leave a mark.” He brought her through his room and into the bathroom.

  He put her down by the counter, pressing a few buttons on the shower panel. She bit her lip in anticipation of being in the warm, massaging water with him. His gathered brows and deep frown prompted her to turn to the mirror. She touched a finger to the blemish on her skin.

  The little mark gave her an odd sense of satisfaction. Haley caught his gaze in the mirror.

  “It’s all right.” She held her fingertips to the bruise. “I’ve never had one of these before.”

  He grunted. “I’ve never given one before.” Shaking his head, he opened the glass door. “I wasn’t thinking clearly.” He dropped his pants to the floor before following her into the steaming glass room with a shameful confession. “I might have done it on purpose.”


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