50 SHADES of EROTICA: Mega Collection of 50 Erotic Stories
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It wasn’t really fair, but men stopped looking at her face after she was about twelve and began talking to her boobs. Before long, she realized that her physical attributes not only drew attention to her, they helped her through what for other girls her age were difficult. It was all innocent enough for her…she got the attention she wanted, but there was no quid pro quo. She remained innocent until she decided that there was more to life than teasing.
Eric Blount was a great father, and his two year old son adored him. Eric’s wife had deserted them both for a flashy, wealthy drug dealer, leaving Eric devastated and little Justin confused. After she left them, Eric had thrown himself into his work and had pretty much turned Justin over to a succession of babysitters and nannies, none of which lasted very long. Eric was…difficult. His experience with his wife had left him incredibly distrustful of women in general and blondes in particular.
Ashlyn was the latest in a very long line of interviewees, right out of high school and just days away from her eighteenth birthday. In spite of his innate distrust of young blondes, there was something devastatingly fresh about the girl, and he felt a pull towards her that he was wary of.
For her part, Ashlyn was taken with Eric Blount the second she met him. Everything about the man exuded sex, and she felt his aura deep in her belly. Even being near him caused a wet spot in her panties. Her nipples were hard and her hormones were raging, and the instant she walked through the door she knew that she was willing to anything he wanted to get and keep his attention.
He was tall, with wavy black hair that she wanted to run her fingers through. His blue eyes peeked out from beneath arched brows over chiseled cheeks and a face that looked as if it had been carefully sculpted by a master. His chest and shoulders were large without being massive, and his belly under the tight tee shirt looked flat and muscled. Just wondering what it looked like uncovered made her knees weak. The large bulge at the crotch of his jeans made her mouth water, and while he was talking to her about the responsibilities of the job she was busy contemplating something she had heard about but never tried…and she would gladly try it on Eric if he would let her. The thought of that lump swelling between her lips made her mouth water. She wondered briefly if she would spit or swallow, but she knew if he wanted her to she would swallow every drop…he was that gorgeous.
Eric didn’t miss her unconscious squirming, and he could see her nipples were hard even through the supportive bra she was wearing. He couldn’t see any of it, the dress she wore was conservative, but with the size of her breasts, there was no way she could wear one of the flimsy bras that many women wore. In spite of his determination to keep his distance from women for a while, he was drawn fiercely to this barely legal teen. He felt relief when he finished her interview and told her he would call her after he had conducted the other interviews he had scheduled. When she left, he sighed and held out for almost fifteen minutes before he had to go upstairs and relieve the pressure in his cock and balls. When he came, splattering his cum across his chest and up onto the headboard of the bed above him, he was mentally holding one of her large breasts in each hand, and her mouth was wrapped around the tip of his cock. In his mind, she was swallowing every drop of his spurting cum with a look of joy on her pretty young face.
Ashlyn made it all the way to her car before she had to lift the skirt of her dress. Staring at the front door he had just gone back through, she thrust her hand beneath her panties and her middle finger located her wet swollen clit. In her mind, she was naked, kneeling before him, and his huge swollen cock was approaching her parted lips. As she closed them around the tip, he was cumming, just like Todd at the prom, huge jets of thick, sticky white cum. The difference was that unlike Todd’s orgasm, Eric’s cum wasn’t shooting onto the front of her prom dress, it was flowing into her desperately sucking mouth. A loud cry of ecstasy escaped from Ashlyn’s lips as she came. It took several moments before she recovered from the sudden shock and the strength of her orgasm. She opened her eyes and looked around to see if anyone had noticed her. When she didn’t see anyone, she hurriedly backed out of his driveway and drove off.
Eric went through the routine of interviewing the others he had scheduled, but he couldn’t get his mind off Ashlyn. In his dreams she cavorted around his bedroom nude, joyously performing any sex act he had ever been able to conceive of, no matter how twisted. Most of the time he was disgusted with himself…she was a barely legal teen and only a sonofabitch would take advantage of her.
He called her on Friday after school, inviting her over for a second interview that evening. When he hung up, he felt dirty…but his cock was swollen and his heart was exultant because he was going to see her again.
Ashlyn called her quarterback boyfriend Todd and canceled their regular Friday night date without a single qualm. Todd was fun and he was sexy…but there was no comparison between him and Eric Blount. Eric was a man, a dreamy sex object that she wanted. This interview was another chance, and she was not going to waste it. Anything he wanted…
She soaked in a hot tub of scented water, honeysuckle, and dressed in a simple wrap dress that tied with a sash in the front. Daringly, she wore no panties or bra…contrary to Eric’s evaluation of her breasts, they were still young and firm, needing no support to keep her hard little nipples tilted up. Ashlyn felt more like a woman than ever before when she got into her car to drive the two miles to Eric’s house.
He met her at the door, there was something more than pleasant surprise on his handsome face, there was open lust. Instantly both of them realized that the interview was a total sham. Both of them were aware that pure lust was the reason for their meeting, and all pretenses towards any other purpose flew out the door before Ashlyn quietly closed it.
She turned to face him in the silence of his hallway and her hands languidly reached for the sash that held her dress together. Amazed at her own calmness, Ashlyn unfastened the sash and dropped her dress in a pile on the foyer floor. Standing before a grown man fully nude except for a pair of three inch heels for the very first time in her life, she felt absolutely no shame. She reveled in the heat of his glance as his eyes took in the soft smoothness of her skin. When she saw his eyes stop at her baby smooth (and recently shaved) pubic mound, she moved her right leg a tiny bit to the right so that he could see the slightly swollen lips of her labia and the engorged and protruding button of her clit. Her breath came faster and more ragged as the lump at his crotch stretched the fabric of the dress pants he was wearing.
Ashlyn sank to her knees very slowly, watching his face to ensure that every move she made was pleasing to him…she knew full well that he harbored doubts about her youth, no matter how horny he was for her body. She was determined to prove she was not only a woman, but that she was up for anything he wanted to try…it could only bode well for her. If she removed his doubts, she would have all the time in the world for him to provide her with what she needed…willingly and enthusiastically.
Reaching for his pants, she fondled the thick bloated lump with both hands, her face only inches from his hardness. She felt Eric’s hands in her hair, and she smiled eagerly as she unzipped him and freed the thick column of flesh. Marveling at the contrast between the baby soft skin and the hardness of the muscle and cartilage beneath it, she inhaled deeply. The man smell was powerful, and sexy as hell. Suddenly, she wanted to feel him inside her…anywhere, just as long as he was inside her body. She wanted to own him.
Eric held his breath, scarcely believing that his horny daydreams were actually coming true. Her body was fabulous, and her parted lips promised the heaven he had dreamed of as they opened wider to take in his swollen glans. His hands clenched in her hair and pulled her closer, and he felt her hard nipples brush against his thigh. “Oh…my…god,” he gasped. “I’m never going to last…”
Her mouth came off of his hard cock and she held him tightly in both hands as her eyes locked on his. “I don’t care,” she breathed. “Cum in my mouth now Eric, I want it…
I want it bad. I’ve been dreaming of this since the first interview.” Her hot breath was driving him crazy. “But you have to promise you’ll fuck me after…”
Unable to speak, he thrust his cock towards her mouth and she took him in, all of him. This was no tiny, frail girl, she was a grown woman and if she had a gag reflex, he couldn’t tell…every inch of his long thick cock slipped inside her eager mouth and her nose bumped against his pelvic bone before she drew him back out until only the tip remained inside. Smoothly and swiftly, she sucked him back in, and then she began to move her head faster. They were both moaning as he pulled her long blonde hair.
The splash of his cum in her throat was electric, and Ashlyn felt herself peaking with him as she swallowed, something she had not thought possible. She’d had warm sexy feelings and even some tingling in her pussy when she had taken Todd’s cock in her mouth, but it had felt nothing like this. She had to make an effort not to bite down on Eric’s cock as she came.
When it was over, she stood weakly, panting and hornier than she had been all week. Swallowing his cum had made her even hotter. “Fuck me!” she begged in a shaky voice. “I need you…” The last had been a husky, sexy whisper, and Eric lifted her naked body in his arms and carried her down the foyer and into the hallway leading to his bedroom.
He couldn’t just walk, he fastened his lips to the closest rigid nipple after raising her up high enough to get at it, and he carried her to his bed as she moaned. When he laid her on his bed, his white teeth clenched lightly on the nipple he had been sucking and his tongue skittered madly over the rigid flesh.
Ashlyn’s legs spread of their own volition, and without even thinking she pushed his head down, his tongue exploring her rounded belly and her shaved pubic mound. She held her breath as he licked the soft skin at the juncture of her thighs, and then lifted her knees and whimpered as his tongue sought and found the soft skin of her pussy. “Aaaaah god!” she cried as he brought her to orgasm. It had taken no time at all. Her legs spread lewdly, her hips writhing erotically and her pussy humping up and down.
“Put it in me Eric, stick that hard cock inside me!” She lifted her arms and wrapped them around his neck, pulling him over her. She managed to catch the tip of his cock between the swollen lips of her pussy and lodged it against the hard swollen nub of her clit. She gazed deeply into his eyes as she took a deep breath, and shoved her hips upward, lodging the tip of his cock against her cervix. Ashlyn began to howl as her body exploded.
Eric wasn’t certain how long it had lasted. They were drenched in sweat and the bedclothes were wrecked. Ashlyn was fast asleep, her angelic face turned to one side and her breathing smooth and even. The last thing she had done before she had fallen asleep was tell him not to make any plans for the night. When they recovered, she promised, she would do anything he wants. Then she had sighed and wriggled sexily as his finger explored the tight puckered ring of her ass. “That would be a nice place to start,” she whispered.
She looked just like Faye had when Bram had met her in high school. It was weird seeing a doppelganger of his wife all these years later, and it was weirder still when Faye hired her as their babysitter. Bram Tilman didn’t have a clue that his life was about to make a radical change for the better until he heard “You’re right, I’m reflected in you…”
The very first time Bram Tilman laid eyes on Jemma he knew damned well he would have to remain as far away from her as possible. Unfortunately for him his wife Faye introduced Jemma as their new babysitter as a fait accomplish rather than a request or a suggestion. He had been married to Faye for almost fifteen years, and the woman had stayed in great shape, especially for someone who’d borne to rowdy sons. Still, she had changed a bit over the years. A sag here, a droop there, a wrinkle that wasn’t there a few years before, it all added up. She had been the sexiest thing Bram had ever seen and he had fallen madly in love with her their senior year in high school…and he had been madly in love with her ever since. He had never once even considered cheating on Faye, their sex life was great, though not quite as frequent as it had been in years past, and Faye was an imaginative and creative lover.
Jemma, whether Faye noticed it or not, except for the way she styled her hair, was a carbon copy of Faye at eighteen…and therein lay the problem. Jemma, like so many girls of this day and time, was very conscious of what she wore, and of how sexy it made her look. The way she looked when she left her house was rarely the way she looked when she got to school, and never the way she looked when she was out with her friends. Since she had started working for them as a babysitter for the boys, Bram had often seen her at the park, the grocery store, and other places on his way about his business…and he was helpless not to gawk at her. When she was out in athletic clothing, or the shorts and top she wore when babysitting, the girl put her hair up in a ponytail and the transformation was amazing…she could have been Faye’s identical twin in high school.
Jemma rarely wore a bra, and the panties they sold in the stores now were so skimpy as to make a man wonder why women bothered with them at all. When the girl came in to babysit the boys, she generally displayed more of her own skin than Bram had seen of Faye’s until they were married. As a consequence, whenever Bram was around her or thought about her, he sported a huge erection…which he desperately tried to hide from all concerned. He thought he had been pretty clever about it so far, but he was not as clever as he thought.
He and Faye had gone out on Friday night, and returned home late to find Jemma asleep on the sofa and the boys upstairs in bed, as it should be. Faye told Bram to wake up Jemma while she went upstairs to check on the boys.
Jemma was fast asleep on the sofa, and her face was angelic in repose. She looked so much like Faye had at that age that it was painful to even look at her. Bram tapped her shoulder and she half turned, murmuring something indistinct. He shook her shoulder again and when she turned this time, the skimpy top she was wearing stayed where it was, and two small firm young breasts with puffy nipples and a hard, flat, naked belly were exposed to Bram’s. The erection he had sprouted as soon as he saw her lying on the sofa began to leak precum at an alarming rate, and he feared he would cum in his pants. He turned his head away and shook her shoulder harder.
Jemma awakened to see Mr. Tilman’s hand on her shoulder and his head turned away from her. She was immediately aware that her breasts were bared and realized what had happened. She also noticed the huge bulge in the front of his pants. Licking her lips, Jemma decided that Mrs. Tilman was a very lucky woman. Bram Tilman was not only a very good looking older man, but he had a helluva big dick on him. From the size of the lump, he was even bigger than Moose Evans…and she hadn’t seen a cock bigger than his except in internet porn videos. Moose was a football player at the high school, and it had been all she could do to fit him inside her tight little pussy after the prom. She had turned eighteen just before prom, and Moose had been her present to herself.
Jemma sat up on the sofa, rubbing her eyes and pretending she didn’t know her shirt was rucked up. She liked it when men looked at her, and it was exciting to know that she was the cause of an erection…and too, she had a little bit of a crush on Bram Tilman. It was easy enough to shift her shoulder after he had turned around and make the top fall into place, but she had waited until she was sure he had gotten another good look at her tits before she had covered them. He had gotten one of those looks on his face like a deer gets when your headlights catch them in the middle of the road at night, and he had immediately plonked himself down on the sofa and dragged one of the throw pillows over his lap.
Bram fumbled uneasily for his wallet, not even looking to see what he was giving her for the night’s work. Jemma glanced down and noticed that he had handed her three twenties and giggled. Bending forward, and making doubly sure Bram had a peek down the scooped neck of her thin shirt at the braless breasts beneath, she handed him back one of the twenties and gave him
a quick peck on the cheek. “You aren’t supposed to pay me that much,” she whispered. She giggled again at the look on his face and turned to find Faye standing directly behind her. “Good night Mrs. Tilman,” she said with a straight face. She knew the way to the door, but Faye followed her to make sure she got to her car alright. Jemma smiled brightly and waved as she got into the front seat of the convertible her dad had bought her and drove away.
Faye returned to the living room and watched as her stunned husband reached for the remote control and fumbled through a few channels. “Aren’t you coming up to bed?” Faye asked him in the voice she reserved for ‘playtime.’ Teasingly she grabbed at the throw pillow in his lap.
“I’ll be up in a few minutes,” he stuttered, “I want to catch the latest news.” Faye stood up, unfastening the buttons of her blouse and exposing the lacy half bra beneath it.
“Why baby?” she asked, still using her playtime voice. “It would be a shame to waste that magnificent woodie you’re hiding under that pillow.” Her blouse hit the floor and her skirt followed immediately. Bram was aghast that she knew about his erection, and he made no effort to stop her from removing the pillow when she tugged at it. Obviously, he was well and truly caught.