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Demons & Hellholes_A Grimmer Legacy novel

Page 4

by Eleanor Rousseau

  “Cas, I’m a grown woman, even if I was doing that it’s none of your damn business.”

  “Damn it, Kia, you’ve taken it too far this time.”

  I bared my teeth at him “Back off, Cas.”

  He clenched his fists “Look, I don’t want to fight, why don’t I call the others and we can help you out of whatever mess you’ve gotten yourself into.”

  I flicked my hair over my shoulder, “I’m not in a mess, I know exactly what I’m doing!”

  “Doesn’t look like it from where I’m standing.”

  “Maybe that’s because you’re standing with your head up your ass.”

  He paused as he let that sink in. Then he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “Just come home with me and we’ll drop the subject.”

  “No, I’ll tell you exactly why that’s not going to happen. Because I’m not a child, I’m not an invalid and I’m not mentally deficient.”

  He glared at me. “I’ve spoken to Jay and I’m pretty sure he doesn’t know what’s going on here, if he did he wouldn’t be letting you run around the city.”

  Wait, he knew exactly what I was doing and he decided I wasn’t going the right way about it. He was going to tell on me and try to get me pulled off the case. Shit. “Jay trusts me, which is more than I can say for you!”

  “In case you haven’t noticed Jay hasn’t been making the best decisions lately, he sent you after a powerful Demon Blood!”

  I glanced at Grant, “Make him go to sleep or something.”

  Grant smirked, “Go to sleep, young Grimmer.” His voice was heavy with influence and seductive.

  “Fuck.” Cas collapsed onto one of the beds.

  I straightened my shirt, “Thanks, I didn’t want to hurt him.” And the way he’d been acting I was very tempted to hurt him. “He’ll be okay, won't he?” I asked.

  Grant nodded, “It was temporary, he’ll wake up in a few hours back to normal. I’ll go see about finding that car.” He shot me one last grin before hurrying away.

  Avon stepped up to me again, his eyes hard. He dropped to one knee and raised my shirt again to check on his handy work. “Are you okay?” I asked, concerned.

  He clenched his teeth, “It took everything I had not to attack that condescending ass,” he growled, running a finger across the line of the wound.

  “I’m glad you didn’t, he may be an ass but he’s my brother.”

  Avon nodded, eyes slightly glazed as his fingers caressed my bare skin idly. Then he blinked, snapping out of it. “It looks good, you might want to shower next time we get the chance to get the blood off,” he told me.

  I nodded, “It feels a lot better.”

  He squeezed my hip and rose to his feet. “Good, we should go and meet Grant.”

  I followed him out of the room. “Where did you learn to heal?” I asked curiously as we stepped out into the cool night air. I pulled my jacket from around my waist and put it on.

  “When you grow up in a family like mine you either learn how to heal or you don’t live to see your teens,” he said casually, as if he were only exaggerating. I got the sense he wasn’t.

  “My family aren’t so bad, they just like to interfere, often.”

  “I think I’d rather take a beating than a lecture.”

  I laughed and he smiled, letting his hand rest on the small of my back as he led me through the parking lot.

  We found Grant lying in the front seat of a rusty old truck, trying to hotwire it. “Nearly got it,” he murmured, and suddenly the engine started up.

  “Move along,” said Avon.

  As Grant moved to the passenger side Avon gently put pressure on the hand that was still at my back and I climbed in, moving inside so he could get in the driver's seat. “There’s a hotel right across the road from the location, we’ll go there to clean up and plan our next move.”

  I nodded, “You think we could get some fresh clothes too?” I asked.

  “Sure thing.”

  About ten minutes later he pulled up in the parking structure behind a shopping complex. “I’ll wait with the car, you two go,” said Avon. It was probably for the best as both his shirt and jacket were bloody.

  You couldn’t really see the blood on my jacket and it covered my shirt. “Okay, we won't be long,” I said as Grant climbed out and I hopped out after him.

  Shopping with Grant was difficult. He had a talent for finding the sluttiest outfit possible. So I mostly ignored him and grabbed a regular pair of jeans, a shirt and a fresh pair of underwear.

  “You didn’t say we were doing lingerie,” complained Grant as he found me after getting his own clothes.

  “Shut up, did you get Avon anything?” I asked.

  “Of course I did.” He held up a pair of skinny jeans and a sleeveless shirt.

  “Put those back I’ll get him something.”

  “Well you did do a good job on the lingerie.”

  I rolled my eyes. Five minutes later I had everything we needed and I met Grant at the counter. He paid by card and I wondered idly whether he had a job. “Come on, dove, lover boy will be getting impatient.”

  We left the shop and hurried to the truck. “He make you get a miniskirt and tank top?” asked Avon with a smirk.

  “None of his suggestions were considered serious contenders.”

  He chuckled.

  He pulled up up in the parking lot of a supermarket, “We’ll have to walk the rest of the way, the hotel only has valet parking and we can’t explain this,” he said, gesturing to the dashboard.

  I pulled the jacket I had got for him out of the bag, “You should put this on to cover the blood,” I told him.

  He switched jackets and left the old one in the truck as we climbed out. “It fits, thanks.”

  “Yeah, I’m a big fan of the whole leather look,” I told him.

  He bared his teeth in a smile, “You’ve got a type,” he accused.

  “I do not!” I exclaimed.

  “I see, you like bad boys. A lot of girls do, remind me to show you my motorcyle,” said Grant as he came round and we started walking.

  “I’m not that predictable,” I informed him.

  “Predictable is not something I’d ever accuse you of being, dove.”

  Chapter Five

  Grant got us a room without any problems and minutes later I was enjoying the exquisite pleasure of a warm shower. “I’m not sure there’s enough hot water, I may have to join you,” called Grant through the door.

  “It’s locked, you’re not getting in here,” I yelled back.

  He made a sound of displeasure and I laughed.

  I cleaned up and dressed quickly, drying my hair as best I could before stepping back out into the bedroom. “That’s a great shower,” I told them.

  “I’ve call next,” said Grant, passing me.

  Avon smiled at me from the bed, “How are the wounds?” he asked.

  “Fine, I actually think you might have healed more than just the one. My werewolf scratches appear to be completely healed too. That’s a pretty neat power you’ve got there.”

  “That metal thing’s come in handy once or twice. You could go into a jewellry show and wreak total havoc.”

  I grinned, “I’ve never considered that before.”

  “Ah, that’s why you need a Daemon friend, to show you how to really be bad.”

  “I always was a little bad. I used to melt knives and forks at the dinner table when I was little.”

  He smirked, “You rebel. I’m not sure you’re safe to be around. This is a shocking development.”

  I laughed “It used to annoy my step-dad so much. He ended up making me use plastic ones.”

  He chuckled and pushed to his feet before walking towards me. He brushed my cheek lightly with the back of his hand. “We should discuss the plan,” he said softly with a sigh.

  I nodded reluctantly. He took my hand and guided me to the window. “That’s the building.” He pointed it out.

  I tried to
recall why the building was familiar. “I think we did a raid there four years ago.”

  He nodded, “It used to be the base for some lowlife thugs but since it’s been handed over to a Warlock.”

  I tensed and he glanced at me.

  “Misha?” I asked.

  He blinked, “How’d you guess?”

  “Misha’s claimed the city as his territory, he wouldn’t let another Warlock enter the city, let alone purchase property.”

  “The Grimmers have a file on him?”

  “An extensive one,” I said between clenched teeth.

  “You’ve met him,” he murmured thoughtfully.

  I took a deep breath, “He’s a psychopath and a mad man.”

  “I’m not gonna make you go in there, you could stay right here and just wait for us to get back,” he said seriously.

  I shook my head, “I’m going with you. Being robbed is the least that guy deserves.”

  He took my chin gently and lifted it until I met his gaze, he studied me for a moment, “It’s personal?”

  I pulled free and glanced away. “It is.” I crossed my arms.

  His eyes narrowed slightly, “I could make you tell me.”

  “I don’t think you will,” I said softly.

  His fingers brushed my neck but he let it drop.

  “Security will be tight but I don’t think we’ll have too much trouble taking them out. You can get us past any locks and all we’ll really have to worry about is cameras and magical traps.”

  “A Warlock will have a lot of traps but I should be immune to some of them.”

  He raised an eyebrow, “Part of your witch powers?”

  I nodded. “Warlock magic comes from the same place as witch magic, it will like me.”

  His lips quirked, “Magic can like people?”

  “Yes it can, and I don’t think it would like you very much,” I informed him.

  He stepped closer, “Oh really?”


  I raised my chin and he took a deep breath, as if he were scenting me. “How are you feeling?”

  I blinked, surprised by the question. “Um, fine, I’m good.”

  He studied me, “Moving through the portal while conscious is inadvisable for those whose origins are earthbound. I’ve been told it can have adverse effects.”

  I shrugged, “I feel fine, ever since you healed me.”

  “If you feel anything, anything at all that you shouldn’t feel, you tell me, okay?”

  I nodded, “Sure.”

  “Okay, we’ll be going in the back entrance, if you keep your hood up you should be alright with the cameras. We’ll take care of the guards, you just let us know if you sense magic traps. Got it?”

  I nodded, “Easy as pie.”

  He squeezed my shoulder as the shower cut off. He walked to the bathroom as Grant stepped out, clad only in a pair of jeans. He grinned at me, “Hey, sweetie, think you could help me with my zipper?”

  I rolled my eyes and Avon slapped him around the back of the head as he passed.

  “Ow, he’s testy,” he muttered as the bathroom door closed behind him.

  I smiled, “He told me the plan, you really think it’ll work?” I did my best not to look at his bare chest. It was a tad distracting, especially since he was a Fey and they were all built handsome. He was a little leaner than Avon, his chest wasn’t quite as broad.

  “It has too, it’s important.”

  “I don’t really understand why it’s important.”

  “It’s very powerful.”

  “I don’t really understand why power is important either.”

  He smiled, “That’s probably why you’re a good person.”

  I shook my head, “I’m not a good person, Grant.”

  He frowned and opened his mouth to protest but my phone chose that moment to ring. I sighed softly and stepped away as I answered. “Hello?”

  “Which one are you sleeping with?” asked my mother.

  I signed again, heavily. “Which one were you hoping I’m sleeping with?”

  “Frankly, both, they’re both very powerful respectively. But it’s the dark one isn’t it?”

  “I’m hanging up.”

  “Don’t, come on, darling. We’ve talked about this.”

  I took a deep breath and walked to the opposite side of the room from Grant. “Yes we have and I’ve told you that I won’t be whoring myself out to supernaturals. For God sake woman! I’m eighteen!” I said in a harsh whisper.

  “I had your oldest brother by the time I was your age,” she told me.

  “This isn’t about you, don’t put that on me.”

  “Come on, darling, be reasonable.”

  “This isn’t reasonable, it’s insanity! That’s not what I’m doing!”


  “I’m serious. So, just- back off!” I hung up. I chewed my lip, so frustrated I got lost in my thoughts long enough that I jumped in surprise when Avon touched my shoulder.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you,” he said, studying my expression.

  “I’m fine, let’s go,” I murmured.

  He grasped my arm and glanced at my phone, “Who was it?”

  “Just my mum.”

  “Could she have traced the number?” he asked.

  I shook my head, “Not her. I doubt she’s even looking for me.”

  He frowned. I blinked as I looked at him. He wore the clothes I had picked out for him and he looked good, younger and less threatening. The shirt clung to his broad chest, revealing the definition in his muscles.

  Why was his shirt covered chest more appealing that Grant’s bare chest? In what world did that make sense? “Still with us, little one?” his eyes shined with amusement.

  “Yes, we need to get a move on, put a shirt on, Grant,” I growled. I pulled up my hood and headed out the door.

  I bit my thumb nail and leant against the wall in the hallway.

  Avon followed me out, “What’s wrong?” he asked. He tucked my hair behind my ear, I had let it fall forward to cover half my face.

  “My life’s a bit of a mess right now.” I stepped forward and rested my head against his chest. His arms came around me and he held me tight. “If you’d want to keep me away from that drama for longer I’d be okay with that.”

  “Maybe I could just hold you captive until you get bored of me.” His hand brushed over my hair, pushing my hood down.

  I smiled against his shirt. “That’s not a bad idea.”

  He took a deep breath, pressing his nose against my hair. The door opened behind him and he released me abruptly.

  I leant back against the wall. Part of me wanted to go home, crawl into bed and not come out for a week. I didn’t want to face the Warlock or, worse still, my mother. But I had to because I did have something to prove.

  I had to prove that I could do my job and that I was worth more as a Grimmer and not just some supernatural seductress. Although I totally appreciate the alliteration in that title.

  I could be more and I would be because I wasn’t going to follow in my mother's footstep, no matter how much she wanted it for me.

  “It’s alright, dove, if my mother tried calling me I’d probably just toss the phone straight out the window,” said Grant with a small smile.

  I gave a small half smile. “We really should head out.”

  Avon nodded and headed down the hall.

  Chapter Six

  I pressed my hand against the back entrance and let my magic lose, it came eagerly, practically leaping to devour the metal that blocked our path. I had to rein it in to keep it from spreading further and devouring the whole door. Perhaps Avons magic had also healed my magic, although I wasn’t sure if such a thing was possible.

  The lock moved at my gentle encouragement and I was able to nudge the door open. “Nice job.” Grant slapped my ass as he brushed past me.

  I yelped and Avon growled but neither of us had a chance to retaliate as we hurried after
him. I would retaliate, once we were out of danger.

  With the door open my hands were free to draw my weapons. I chose to stick to the gun. I was more comfortable with the sword but, for the most part, guns were more practical. I held the gun in my left hand, not my stronger side but I wanted my right free in case I did need the sword.

  Besides, if they were close enough to be a threat my aim probably didn’t need to be a hundred percent. Avon walking closely behind Grant and I brought up the rear. “The artefact is supposed to be on the fourth floor, the stairwell is this way,” murmured Avon.

  “You memorise the floor plans?” I asked, it’s what I would have done in his position.

  He glanced back at me, “You know it.”

  We were almost to the end of the hall when I felt a small shock in the center of my spine. I grabbed them both by the shoulder, “Stop!”

  The both froze instantly. I nudged them aside lightly and stepped forward, squatting. I sensed something there, it was like a numbness brushing right at the edge of my senses. I pressed a finger to the floor.

  A glowing gold line appeared across the floor, it also went up the walls and met again on the ceiling. Gold sparks danced around my fingertips. I smiled. I had tried to learn setting traps like this but my magic didn’t like leaving me for long enough to make an effective one.

  Come on, you’ve done your job, you can let go. I encouraged softly. The sparks brightened suddenly and then the magic leapt into my skin. The line started disappearing as it drained into me. I giggled as power rushed through me.

  Suddenly the flow stopped and I took a deep breath as a warth settled in my stomach.

  “How the hell did you do that?” demanded Grant.

  I beamed at him. “Magic.”

  “Come on, you crazy witch.”

  “Say, is it possible to get high on magic?” asked Avon as we started walking.

  I poked his shoulder, wondering if it was as hard as it looked. “Very possible.”

  “Stella,” he murmured.

  It was pretty firm.

  “Keep your head down, there's a camera by the door to the stairs.” Avon ignored my prodding and paused as we came to a corner.

  Grant turned to me and tugged at my hood a little. “And later we’ll teach you the correct way to feel up a man.”


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