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Demons & Hellholes_A Grimmer Legacy novel

Page 7

by Eleanor Rousseau

  This was a high class event, not the kind of thing I would usually go near in a hundred years. Antony had been getting threats lately because of some property he had brought boarded the edge of the troll’s territory.

  He hadn’t technically done anything wrong but trolls were techy creatures. They were always looking for an excuse to crack some heads. Antony span me and I bumped into someone. “Sorry,” I said softly.

  “May I cut in,” said a familiar voice as he rested a hand on my hip to steady me.

  I blinked.

  “Ah, sure,” said Antony.

  Avon pulled me close.

  “What are you doing here?” I whispered.

  He kissed my neck, “Following you.”

  “I’m working, Avon,” I said as I tried to keep an eye on Antony. He was backing into the crowd, luckily Cas came up beside him, shooting daggers in my direction. I relaxed.

  “It looks like it,” he growled.

  “I’m playing bodyguard for Anthony, he’s had threats from trolls.”

  “And abandoning your charge that would get you into trouble?”

  “Yes, big trouble. Now please let me go and do my job.”

  “I think not.”

  “Oh really?”

  He grinned, baring teeth, “Really.”

  “Are you still stuck on the whole ‘revenge’ thing?”

  “You betcha.” He dipped me and as he pulled me up he kissed me hard. He ran a hand through my hair, messing up the curls that Amber had meticulously tamed into a style.

  I gasped when he pulled away.

  He winked at me, squeezed my ass and let go, disappearing into the mass of people. “God damn it.” I clenched my jaw and turned to face Antony and Cas who stood four feet behind me.

  Avon had danced us right back over to them. The jerk.

  Cas was giving me a flat stare. “Just when you’d convinced me there was nothing going on between you two.”

  “He did it on purpose, he’s evil!” I exclaimed.

  “I didn’t see you pushing him away.”

  I huffed, “He used his crazy Jedi mind tricks.”

  “He was acting possessive.”

  “It’s because he’s evil!”

  His eyes narrow, “Just don’t leave Antony alone again.”

  I pouted, “Okay, thanks.”

  He shot me one last disapproving look before leaving us.

  “I’m really sorry about that, I had no idea he would be here, or that he would do... that.”

  Antony waved me off, “I assume there’s some kind of history there.”

  “Some fairly recent history. I lied to him, for the sake of my job, and he’s decided to get revenge by making himself a constant irritation in my life.”

  He smiled a little, “You didn’t seem all that irritated a moment ago.”

  “He has a way of getting in my head.”

  He nodded, “I can understand that. I presume he’s a supernatural?” He took my arm and began to lead me towards the drinks table.

  “Yes, one with a questionable history, so my family would never really be okay if I were ever to be with him. Not that I would,” I added quickly.

  He smiled, “He’s never done anything to hurt you, or gone against your wishes?” he asked.

  I considered the question carefully before answers, “Not really.”

  “Then is seems to me that he is just trying to get your attention.”

  “There are easier ways,” I pointed out.

  He took two glasses of champagne and handed one to me. “From what I saw he could easily seduce you in a single night.” I opened my mouth to protest but he held up a hand to stop me. “It’s nothing against you, I just saw the way you were together. As I was saying, if he is choosing to enter your life only for breif moments, long enough to make an impression, then it’s more than a seduction.”

  I took a large swig of champagne. “You see my predicament, right?”

  “Absolutely. You’re not quite sure what it is you want from him.”

  I stared at him for a moment. “Yeah, I think that’s it.”

  “It’s perfectly normal. You’re conflicted, you're family disapproves but you feel drawn to him,” he said.

  I looked at him suddenly, as if I were seeing him for the first time. He wasn’t just some spoilt rich kid, he was shockingly insightful. “How did you get so smart?” I asked him.

  He shrugged, “I make a habit of watching people, once you understand what makes a person tick you can get in there head and then doing buisness with them is a whole lot easier. I also have one of those faces which makes people want to tell me their life story.”

  I nodded, “Yeah, you do. My aunt Jackie has one of those faces, it’s why I avoid her.”

  He smirked. “Well unfortunately for you you’re stuck with me for the remainder of the evening.”

  I took another small sip from my wine as a couple approached us. Antony introduced me to Mrs and Mr Davis but then they began to take business and I tuned them out. I wasn’t an expert on the stock market and I really didn’t care to become one.

  Mrs Davis seemed to have a similar mindset, she just smiled and nodded along. I used the opportunity to scan the room for threats, I spotted the twins, both nearby, talking to random people while discreetly keeping an eye on the two of us.

  No one was staring daggers at Antony and no one was paying much attention to him at all, with the exception of Mr Davis and a young lady in a revealing red dress who was clearly wondering whether or not she could seduce him away from me. She was welcome to try.

  “I think we’ve suffered long enough, let’s go,” Antony said some time later.

  I discreetly signalled the boys and by the time we stepped outside them were both already there, Wes was holding open the door to the limo. We all climbed in. There was a tense silence as we pulled away until I finally turned to Wes, “If you’ve got something to say, just say it!”

  “You can’t cavort with a Demon,” he said, his tone flat.

  “Why not?”

  He blinked. “It’s not done.”

  “He’s only half demon.”

  “Half is enough.”

  “You’re half cat, does that mean I should get you a scratch post for christmas?”

  He closed his eyes, as if praying for patience. “Kia, be reasonable.”

  “No, you know what, I am tired of defending myself. It’s clear that you all want to believe I’m doing the dirty with a demon, clearly you’re all just like mum.”

  He jerked back like I’d slapped him. “This is not about that.”

  “You say that but she’s the woman who raised you, you’ve got to wonder if subconsciously her views haven’t rubbed off on you. I’m still a teenager and what’s the best way of getting a teenager to do something?”

  His expression suddenly became conflicted. The car pulled to a stop. “I’ll see him up,” I said, climbing out.

  “I don’t even know what you were talking about but I knew that was mean,” said Antony as I shut the door behind him.

  I bit my lip “Maybe I took it a little too far but I’ve had enough of everyone expecting things from me and telling me what to do.”

  We stopped outside the door. “Take it easy on them, chances are they’re just looking out for you. I’ll see you around, Kia.”

  “Bye,” I called as he stepped through the doors.

  Then I moved back to the car. Neither of the boys said anything as it drove away. Once again it was up to me to break the silence, “I’m sorry.”

  “You just said what you were thinking,” said Wes.

  “No, I wasn’t thinking that, I just said it to get you off my back.”

  “You had a point. I should start throwing you at him if I want you to run the other way.”

  I smiled and moved over to their side to hug them both. “You’re good guys, even if you are annoying and judgmental,” I said as the car pulled to a stop.

  “Get out of here, you witch,
” growled Cas.

  I squeezed them once more before releasing them and climbing out the car. The first thing I did in my room was shove the window open. Then I undressed, pulled on my nightie before sinking into bed.

  “WHEN DID YOU LAST HEAR from him?” asked Anthony.

  “It was that night, I haven’t heard from him since,” I said, taking a bite out of my bagel.

  “And you’re disappointed?” His gaze was on me, watchful and far too perceptive.

  “Honestly, kind of. I’ve never really had that kind of thing with a guy. No one's ever really challenges me, you know?” I couldn’t get the guy out of my head.

  He nodded, “You’re smart and beautiful, I imagine it’s hard to find someone on your level.”

  I smirked, “I like how you get me.” He was good for a girl's ego.

  “Did you apologise to Wes?” he asked.

  I huffed, just when I was starting to like him. “Boy, you’re not gonna let that go, are you?” I took a sip from my coffee. “Matter of fact I did, I was out of line and I acknowledged that.”

  “Good, and have things between you improved since then?”

  I nodded. “We’ve called a truce, sort of. Neither of us has brought it up again.”

  He grinned. “And if they happen to hear that you and I went out for lunch they might think you’ve lost interest in Demon boy.”

  “Huh, you know I really didn’t consider that, but you may have a valid point,” I said innocently, suppressing a smirk that threatened to curl my lips.

  He laughed, “I don’t mind. Every man alive wants a pretty young woman to take advantage of them.”

  I smiled and downed the last of my coffee. “You, sir, are my new best friend.”

  He winced dramatically, “And that’s what they don’t want to here.” He laughed so I knew he wasn’t serious. “Anyway, I have a date on friday and I’d like some advice.”

  “Good, I’m great at advice. What do you want to know?”

  “Is it okay to have a first date at my place?”

  “Normally I’d say yes but your’s is probably a mansion. Do you really like this girl or are you looking for a one night stand?”

  He was thoughtful for a moment, “I think I could really like her.”

  “And what were you planning to do at yours?”

  “I was going to cook and then put a movie on.”

  I raised an eyebrow “You can cook?” He was just full of surprises.

  “Oh course I can cook, I’m a grown man.” He was also rich enough to hire a staff to cater to his every need, hence my surprise.

  I considered his predicament. “Okay, here’s what you do, you grab all the ingredients you need, a bottle of wine, the film and you take them to her place. Wait, does she live alone?” He nodded. “Okay, so you do that and then you cook for her. This way she’ll feel comfortable in her own territory and she’ll still get to see what a good cook you are, plus she won't be intimidated by your wealth.”

  He nodded thoughtfully. “How do you know she’s not also rich?”

  “Well, I assumed you wouldn’t be planning something so lowkey for a rich chick, plus you seem like the kind of guy who would like a girl that’s more down to earth.”

  He smiled. “You’ve got me. I’ll make sure to consult you when it comes to the second date.”

  I shrugged, “There may not be a second date, you could really screw up this one.”

  He chuckled and was about to respond when a hard body slid onto the booth beside me and an arm was flung over my shoulders. “Working again, are we, dove?”

  I blinked. “Grant?”

  “I won’t tell the old boy if you don’t,” he said, squeezing my shoulder.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked.

  “Kidnapping you but I’m in no rush, feel free to finish your meal.” He reached over to snag one of my few remaining fries.

  Anthony raised an eyebrow quizzically, “Should I call the authorities?”

  “No, I can handle this.”

  “You can handle me anytime, dove,” whispered Grant against my ear.

  I’d totally seen that coming. “Behave.” I slapped his stomach, which was very firm.

  “Afraid your boyfriend will get jealous?” he asked.

  I looked at Antony, “Great, now they’re doing it.”

  He smirked in amusement, “Pretty girl like you, you can’t have male friends.”

  “That’s what it is! I need to stop wearing makeup and doing my hair...” I smirked. “It’s funny because I never bother to do either of those things. I could dress worse- nah I only really put in about 40% effort into that anyway.”

  “Don’t you change a thing, beautiful.” Grant nuzzled my neck.

  “Okay, I think you should kidnap me before you do or say anything too embarrassing. This was nice, we should do it again,” I said, the last part to Anthony.

  He smirked in amusement. “Good luck.”

  Grant stood up and pulled me up with him. I gave Anthony a little wave as Grant guided me from the restaurant. “You are a devious little thing,” he informed me as we stepped outside onto the street.

  “You’re not mad at me too are you?”

  “Of course not, dove. I’m intrigued, I’ve never known a girl immune to my powers. Now, is it a partial immunity or complete immunity?” he asked curiously.

  “Complete immunity, so don’t try anything.”

  “Wouldn’t dream of it, dove.” He stopped outside a car and opened the boot. “Get in.”

  I laughed, opened the passenger door and climbed in.

  “So far this isn’t the best kidnapping I’ve ever executed,” he complained as he dropped into the driving seat.

  “Well you did announce your intent in the middle of a crowded restaurant, you couldn’t have expected it to go all that well,” I pointed out. “Why did you kidnap me?”

  “I’m in the market for a new sex slave.” He shot me a smoldering look and desire stirred low in my belly, after all, I was only human.

  “Uh huh, and the real reason?”

  “We think we might have made some progress on the Axitross, I’ll let Avon explain.”

  I bit my lip uncertainly, “How mad is he?”

  “Relax, dove, he can’t stay mad at you for too long. And if he does you could just take your shirt off again and distract him.”

  “Hey, I only did it the first time because he told me to.” But he did make a good point, men tended to go dumb when nudity was involved.

  He grinned, “Will you do it if I tell you too?”


  “That’s clearly favouritism.”

  “I no longer have to support your illusions,” I informed him.

  “My illusion that you're under my spell or that there’s no favouritism?” he asked.

  I just smiled.

  He chuckled and after a few minutes of comfortable silence he pulled in around the back of a warehouse. As we approached one of the garage style doors began to open and Grant drove inside.

  It closed behind us and we both stepped out of the car. The space had been converted into a living area, with two beds, a kitchen area and a room in the corner, presumably a bathroom. “You’ve been living here?” I asked.

  “We have.”

  I turned abruptly to find Avon right behind me, in the dim lighting I hadn’t noticed him and he’s been really quite. “Why’d you have me kidnapped?” I asked.

  He leant closer, close enough that I caught a whiff of his masculine scent. “Because I want you here.”

  Mmm, and my knees totally hadn’t just gone weak. “Well, looks like you got what you want.”

  His eyes darkened. “I always get what I want.” He leant closer and gripped my bottom lip between his teeth, biting gently before releasing it.

  I began to swoon and Grant caught my arm to steady me. “Okay,” I murmured, trying my best not to melt into a puddle on the floor. Maybe I was susceptible to some glamours.

; Avon smirked in satisfaction and leant down to kiss my neck. “I need you...” he breathed.

  “Mmm hmm,” I murmured. I needed him too.

  “To do a magic thing,” he finished.

  “Huh?” I blinked.

  He leant back and strode across the room, leaving me in need of a cold shower.

  “Catch your breath, dove, we’ve got work to do.”

  I growled softly but let him lead me across the room.

  “It has origins in witchcraft,” Avon told me as he reached the metal device on the island in the kitchen area.

  I sat on stool in front of it. “Really?” It had a steampunk look to it, with cogs inside, none of which did anything that I could see. I picked it up and sniffed. It smelt like nutmeg. I smiled, witchcraft often had a nutmeg-like scent. I didn’t know why but, having grown up around witches, I found it comforting.

  I studied it closer, “The Warlock wasn’t able to crack it and his magic comes from witchcraft,” I pointed out.

  “The Warlock isn’t you,” said Avon as he pressed his body against my spine. He had to realise what he was doing to me, which meant he was toying with me to get what he wanted. Luckily, we wanted the same thing. “And he wasn’t nearly as motivated.”

  “Mmm, what’s my motivation?” Besides an end to his teasing.

  “If you don’t do it I will do some very very bad to you,” he murmured.

  “Promise?” My voice was huskier than I had meant it to be.

  He bit down gently on my neck. “Promise,” he growled.

  I moaned softly before I could stop myself.

  “Figure it out,” he ordered.

  “Mmm, okay,” I murmured, only half hearing him.

  “Give her some space, bro, she’s not doing anything with you gnawing on her like that,” said Grant.

  Avon growled but reluctantly released me. I ran my fingers over the metal, I couldn’t sense any magic. That wasn’t right, I could smell it, why couldn’t I feel it? I hummed softly; occasionally soundwaves could activate magic.

  Nothing happened so I stopped. I leant down and licked the metal. It quivered in my hands.

  “What did you do?” demanded Avon, his brows furrowed.

  I frowned thoughtfully. “You lick it.”


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