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Broken: A Mountain Man's Romance

Page 53

by Mia Ford, Bella Winters

  My hands went to her mouth and I licked my lips as she sucked her juices off my fingers, grinding against my cock and squeezing her own breasts. She moaned with my fingers still in her mouth and I let her grind only for a few seconds before grabbing her waist and moving her up and down on my cock. Her pussy was so wet it slipped in and out with ease and I slammed her body down, making her cry out in ecstasy. She moved her knees further to the side so I could push deeper inside of her. I tightened my fingers around her waist as she let go and let me control how she fucked me. Up and down, I lifted her as the water met with our bodies on the shore. She moaned loudly over and over again as her body readied for the climax.

  “I'm going to come, baby,” she cried out. “Don’t stop.”

  I could feel my own orgasm simmering and with those words, I knew I couldn’t hold back much longer either. I let go of her waist and she leaned forward slapping her ass up and down, my cock going in and out as fast as she could move her body. As she screamed out in orgasm I pushed her body up and thrust my hips into her, feeling her pussy contract around my cock and push me over the edge. She bared down hard as she screamed in pleasure and I pushed upward, exploding inside of her and letting the groans escape my throat. As her body twitched and writhed above me, I pushed several more times, my cock swollen and sensitive. Finally, my body collapsed into the sand and she fell forward, her head resting on my shoulder.

  “Wow,” she gasped breathlessly. “That was amazing.”

  I chuckled underneath of her, completely agreeing with her sentiment. It was fucking unbelievable and I already couldn’t wait for more. We got back up and found our suits, dressing quickly and heading back to the yacht, completely famished and ready for lunch. It was mind boggling to me that I just fucked her and as I helped to lift her onto the back, my cock hardened staring up at her ass. This was going to be an exhausting but amazing honeymoon, I could already tell.

  When we got back to the yacht, we pulled on some clothes over our bathing suits and lounged around the deck eating food and watching as the sun dropped lower and lower toward the horizon. Casey asked to call our son so I had the captain send down the boat phone since our cell phones were pretty much useless all the way out here. I smiled as Casey called, immediately brightening at the sound of our son’s voice on the other end. She asked him about his day, listened to him talk about his buildings, and discussed what he would be having for breakfast. It was adorable and I found myself missing him more than I thought I would. Suddenly, she stopped and looked over at me, telling Seth to hold on one second. She pushed the phone toward me with a smile.

  “He is insisting on speaking with you,” she said.

  I put the phone to my ear, feeling emotions swelling in my chest. His little voice immediately hit me and I started to get choked up. I realized at that moment that Seth really loved me and that I loved him more than anything in the world. He was my son and I finally felt everything that came along with that, from love, protection, and friendship, to the need to be close to him. Everything we had been through brought me to this point and I knew I didn’t regret one single moment with Casey. That Christmas Eve when I took her on her couch was the defining moment of my life and I couldn’t be happier that it happened. I didn’t know what I did before Seth and I couldn’t imagine my life without him now. I hung up with Seth after telling him I loved him and I turned to Casey.

  “I want you to know,” I said, fighting back tears. “There is nothing between us that I regret. I am so happy that we made love that Christmas Eve and I am so proud to be part of that little boy's life. I love him more than anything in the world.”

  Casey wiped a tear from her eye and stood up, pulling me to my feet. She wrapped her arms around my waist and hugged me, her tears soaking through my shirt. These two were the best things that had ever happened to me and I was no longer going to hold back telling her that. I would tell her over and over again for the rest of my life. She leaned back and looked up at me, tears staining her sun-kissed cheeks.

  “I love you so much,” she said. “And Seth and I are so lucky to have you in our lives. I couldn’t think of another man that I would want to have a family with. Thank you for fighting for us even when I pushed back.”

  We embraced again and turned toward the setting sun, watching the golden colors over the ocean. It was like something out of a story book and I really thought there was nothing that could ruin this honeymoon. That is until one of the crew members appeared on the deck with a message in his hand. He apologized for interrupting and handed me the folded paper. I looked at him, confused for a moment and then realized that someone had contacted the boat looking for me. Casey turned and sat back in the chair watching the colors disappear as stars twinkled overhead. I opened the paper and read it, anger beginning to bubble in my stomach. It was from my VP, contacting me about my client in Caracaras.

  I walked over and sat down in the chair as I reread the message. There was an emergency with the acquisition I had been working so hard on. I left for my honeymoon before it was complete with full confidence from the seller that we would finish the deal when I got back. Well, it seemed this asshole was trying to play games and was pissed that I had left before settling. He was now telling the company he was considering backing out unless all of his demands were met immediately. I could tell my partner didn’t want to call but he knew there was nothing else that could be done, I had to be the one to close this deal. They needed me to return right away to fix the issue or we would lose all the work we put into the new resort.

  Casey looked over at me curiously as she sipped her wine. I handed her the paper, now knowing I could include her in the business part of things as she was my wife and it would affect her too. She read it carefully and I could tell she was trying to control her emotional response, knowing that I would be extremely angry about this already. She was always so good at reading me and matching her emotions so that we weren’t both flying off the handle at the same time. She took a sip of her wine, mulling over the words she was going to speak.

  “This is bullshit.” I exploded. “This is my damn honeymoon. There is no way I am going to leave my new wife and head back to Caracas right now.”

  “Shhh,” she said, putting her hand on my arm. “Take a deep breath. It is not the end of the world. All of this is more than I have ever experienced and you know I’ve always wanted to see Caracas. It would be an adventure.”

  “I’m not sure how long we would need to be there,” I said, thinking about Seth.

  “Okay, so we fly home, pick up our son, and take him with us,” she said, smiling. “Make it a family vacation. He would be thrilled.”

  I sat there for several moments thinking about the prospect of taking Casey and Seth with me on this business trip. I had never taken anyone with me but the idea of making a family trip not only seemed like a warm and inviting idea but reminded me of when my father used to take us along on his trips. We saw so many amazing places as kids and it would be so neat to offer that to Seth and Casey as well. The tension released from my shoulders and I took a drink of my whiskey, thinking about how much fun Seth would have in Caracas. I nodded my head and turned to Casey, who was waiting patiently for my response.

  “I think that’s an amazing idea,” I said with a smile. “You and Seth will absolutely love all the things you can do there. I won’t be able to be with you guys the whole time but there are several guides that can take you to all the shops and the events they have for kids. I honestly don’t know what I would do without you.”

  “Drive yourself nuts.” She laughed.

  I stood up and kissed her on the head. “I’m going to go let the captain know we need to go back to port and have the jet ready for our departure. Thank you for being so understanding,” I said, running my hand down her cheek.

  “I get a really cool family vacation out of it.” She laughed. “How could that be bad?”

  I smiled and set off to make the arrangements. This was a new way of doing th
ings and I was lucky to have Casey there to help guide me through the unfamiliar waters. On the flip side, I would get to see my boy, who I missed so much it made my heart ache.

  Chapter 24: Casey

  Since our arrival in Caracas, we were shown the most amazing hospitality. The locals immediately swarmed around us and made sure everything we desired was fulfilled. Seth couldn’t get enough of the desserts they kept sending to our room and I laughed at his wide eyes every time he heard a knock. The suite was bigger than the penthouse and extravagantly decorated with ornate furniture and amazing details etched into every surface. Seth had his own room in the suite and the hotel had made sure to make it kid friendly before we arrived. The view from the suite was amazing and I couldn’t help but stand at the window and look out over the city. There were gorgeous buildings, tropical details, and people all over the streets. This city was like a more rural version of New York where everyone rode bicycles and you could purchase goods from the immense street markets near the center of the city. Dex was in and out of meetings but he made sure we were entertained thoroughly before he left. We hadn’t gone out into the town yet and were planning on doing that in the next day or so. I thought it would be nice to bring my mother and Natalie some beautiful tapestries back from the markets.

  Dex had surprised us by coming back early and taking Seth and me downstairs for a light lunch to spend some together time. He looked stressed but he tried to hide it when he played with Seth. I sipped my tea and grazed on the small sandwiches and salads that had been ordered for us. Seth was content with a plate full of potatoes and eggs that the chef prepared just for him. At first, I thought the extra attention was for everyone but after watching the other guests in the hotel, I realized it had more to do with who Dex was than it did with the hospitality of the restaurant. I smiled as Dex’s partner, Joe, came in, ruffling Seth’s hair and leaning down to whisper in Dex’s ear. Dex nodded and stood, stepping to the side. They were hard to hear but I caught most of it.

  “I am surprised you brought your family,” Joe said. “There has been some serious political unrest brewing in Caracas recently.”

  “I wasn’t aware,” Dex said with a worried look. “Everything was fine since I was last here.”

  “It started shortly after you last left,” Joe explained. “You know how these things are, they escalate quickly. You should definitely go to the security office and hire guards for your family. They should stay here in the hotel, it might not be safe for them out in the streets.”

  Dex rubbed his hand down his face and nodded his head. “Thank you, Joe. I’ll do that.”

  “Are you free for the meeting after lunch?”

  “Yes, of course,” Dex said, looking over at me. I put my head down trying not to show that I was listening.

  “It was good seeing you,” Joe said, putting his hand on my shoulder.

  I nodded and smiled, slight fear bubbling in my stomach. Dex sat back down and smiled at Seth who handed him some of his potatoes. I could tell he was more worried than he wanted to let on. I took a sip of tea before approaching the subject.

  “Will you be taking Joe’s advice?” I asked nonchalantly, peering over my cup at Dex.

  “Of course,” Dex said, swallowing his water with a gulp. “I plan on going directly over there before the meeting and sending guards up to the doors. This is all very unexpected, I should have kept a better watch on things.”

  I laid my hand on his leg and smiled, trying to show him I had the utmost confidence in the situation. Inside, however, my nerves were surging and I quickly realized that being married to a billionaire businessman required a lot of restraint when it came to how I expressed my emotions. It wasn’t so much for the people around us but in support of Dex, so that he could feel more comfortable and be able to concentrate on his business. If I knew anything about Dex though, it would take a lot more than a confident look from me to calm any nerves he might have, especially when he was already pissed about having to come back here so soon.

  “I’m sorry about this,” he said, leaning over and kissing me on the cheek. “I promise we will get this done as quickly as possible and I’ll whisk us all away to a safer place to continue our family vacation.”

  “We will be fine,” I replied. “Just focus on the business, we will be fine. It’s an adventure, right?”

  “Well, that wasn’t quite the adventure I had in mind for my wife and son.” He chuckled. “With the wedding happening so quickly, I didn’t take the time to pay attention to the political status of where we were headed. I guess I’ve never had to really pay attention to that before now.”

  I shook my head, trying to make him feel better. I poured more water into his glass from the pitcher on the table and offered him some of the salad. He refused, his nerves obviously too high to eat anything. In fact, I wasn’t feeling much like eating but I needed to stay calm for all three of us, especially since I didn’t want Seth to know anything was going on. I wanted him to be carefree and have a good time while we were out there, something all five-year-olds should be able to do. In the meantime, Dex would take all the measures we needed to keep us safe should anything start to happen.

  “Dex,” I said, leaning over to him and kissing his cheek. “You cannot take all the blame for this. You did not know anything like this was going on. And besides, I’m equally to blame, I didn’t want to be separated from you for even a second. I haven’t reached that point as your wife yet, I guess.”

  “I know,” he said, smiling at me with that same charming smile. “I just feel bad that you’re going to have to be locked up in the hotel the whole time.”

  “Oh, no,” I said sarcastically. “You mean I have to stay in a luxurious suite with room service out the wazoo, more room than the penthouse, and every movie I’d ever want to watch at my fingertips? How will I manage? Did I get the rich wife thing down?”

  “Perfect.” Dex laughed, wiping his face and standing from his chair. “I have to go my love. I’ll be back as soon as possible and I’ll send the guards over to your door.”

  I watched as Dex kissed Seth on the top of the head and then turned to me, pressing his lips firmly against mine. As he walked away, I sighed and watched him until he disappeared. My love for him was stronger than ever. I knew he would do everything in his power to keep us safe but part of me still worried about his safety. He was so absorbed by everything going on, I hoped he would remember to keep himself safe during all of this as well. I looked over at Seth who was building a town out of potatoes and shook my head, wishing we could all stay together.

  When I was finished with lunch, I ordered some hot tea to be sent up to the room and walked through the lobby hand in hand with Seth. He had never seen anything as amazing as the architecture of these buildings so getting from the restaurant to the suite took us quite a while. He asked a million questions that I didn’t know the answers to and told myself I would do some research when we got upstairs. Inside the elevator, I leaned against the wall, watching the floors tick by on the screen. My thoughts were lost in Joe’s warning and I wondered if there would be anything on the news about it. On second thought, I knew I should probably keep all that to myself so there was no chance that Seth caught wind of it and became scared. The last thing I wanted to do was ruin this for him, he was having the time of his life. He thought the penthouse was the fanciest thing in the world but when he got here, he just about lost it with all the amazing things to do and look at. Not to mention, everyone catered to him directly, making sure he was having fun and always had a full belly. By the end of the trip, we are all going to have to go on a diet.

  When we got into the penthouse, I asked Seth to put his trucks back in his bags so we could keep everything together. In reality, I wanted to get our things settled so that if we had to leave suddenly, there wouldn’t be any issues. While Seth did that, I grabbed our passports and ID’s and stuck them in my pocket so that no matter what, I had them on me at all times. The last thing I wanted was to end up
stuck at customs not able to get back home because we didn’t have any of our identification. Seth wandered through the suite, looking at all the different pictures hanging on the walls. I offered to turn on a movie but he wasn’t really a movie kind of kid, so I grabbed his sketch book and his pencils and sat him down in front of the floor to ceiling windows so he could draw any building he wanted to. He was almost overwhelmed by the amount of choices so I suggested he start with the smaller dome-shaped building below us in the center of the city. He shook his head excitedly and went to work on his masterpiece.

  In the meantime, I went through the rooms and repacked our things in case we had to leave in a hurry. I folded our laundered clothes and placed them neatly in the suitcases, daydreaming about our time on the yacht. I peeked out the bedroom door and noticed Seth was lost in his art so I flipped on the television and watched the news. There wasn’t anything big, that I could tell since they spoke a different language, that was going on at the time so I clicked off the television and moved to Seth’s room. His toys were scattered everywhere so I grabbed his bag and began to neatly pack them, though I knew within an hour he would pull all of them back out. As I packed, Seth walked into his room holding his drawing in his hand. He lifted it up to me and I smiled, looking at the building in the courtyard below. I squinted at the surrounding drawing, looking at little circles all around the building.


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