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Chosen of the Orb

Page 4

by Kate Steele

  His arms tightened involuntarily and Lira stirred, sighing. She gave a little wiggle, settling herself comfortably against him as a yawn took her. Tal rubbed his chin in her hair. “Awake?”

  A husky “Mmm,” was her reply.

  He grinned, knowing he should be exhausted after the night’s excesses. Instead he felt renewed, ready to face the day. Mischief lit his eyes as a thought crossed his mind. Deciding to act upon it, Tal rose and pulled Lira up into his arms.

  “What are you doing?” she rasped, her voice still rough from sleep.

  “Bath time,” he pronounced with a grin.

  Lira began writhing in his arms. “No!”

  Ignoring her struggles, Tal held her firmly and ran for the river. Taking a deep breath, he plunged the two of them in as Lira screamed. She surfaced, sputtering and spitting, ready to turn her ire on him as he emerged beside her. The gleefully boyish look on his face melted her anger. She resolved to take a different approach.

  “Tal?” She sidled up to him, a sweetly innocent expression on her face.

  “Yes, Lira?” he replied, as caution overshadowed the twinkle in his eyes.

  She ran a caressing hand over his chest, trailing it past his waist and over his stomach until it came to rest on his stirring manhood. “If you ever do that to me again, I’ll remove this,” she squeezed his growing cock gently, “spit it like a kinti, and roast it for dinner.” Her eyes met his as a smile curved her lips. “And that would be a terrible waste.” Lira laughed at the alarm that filled his eyes and the way his shaft defensively deflated, drawing close to his body for protection.

  Realizing that she was teasing, Tal chuckled, relieved she wasn’t really upset. Just when he thought he was safe, Lira twisted and swept his feet from underneath him, dumping him into the water. It was Tal’s turn to spit water. But it was worth it, he decided, for the decidedly erotic view of Lira emerging from the water, the clear fluid sluicing from her every well-formed curve as she returned to their camp. Oh yes, he thought, she was truly magnificent.

  * * * * *

  After their impromptu bath, they had dried, dressed and fixed a quick firstmeal. Tal, finding himself reluctant to part company with Lira, decided to return to Feratil. They rode companionably, conversing with the ease of those long known to each other.

  With each passing hour, Tal enjoyed her company more and more. He found himself wondering how long she was going to stay, and if she would consent to spend time with him. He even began wondering if he could persuade Galatin to encourage her to test her luck with the Orb. It came as something of a shock to find the idea had appeal. There was only one problem. As each step brought them closer to their destination, he faced the unpalatable task of revealing his true identity.


  He started, realizing that his mind had wandered. While formulating and discarding several ways to bring up the subject of who he really was, Lira had asked a question.

  “You seem distracted, is everything all right?”

  Tal faced her, seeing the concern in her eyes, hoping it wouldn’t turn to anger at what he had to reveal. “There’s something I need to tell you, Lira. The name I gave you, Tal, is actually a short version of my real name. My full name is Talrion.”

  “Talrion,” she repeated.

  “Yes.” He could see the understanding dawn in her eyes.

  “Talrion Finn Mal. High Chief Talrion Finn Mal.”

  “Yes.” Tal waited for the explosion. It never came.

  “I see. Why did you not tell me?” she asked, her voice low and steady.

  Tal glanced at her. Her eyes, her expression gave nothing away. “Leadership sometimes weighs heavily on a man. I did not mean to deceive, it’s just…I wished to be accepted for myself, not my position.”

  Lira made no reply as they rode slowly forward, Feratil looming just over the next rise in the road.

  Desperate for some hint of her feelings, Tal asked softly, “Would it have made a difference, Lira, a difference in what happened between us?”

  Inborn honesty compelled her answer. “No, Tal, it wouldn’t have. I wanted you from the moment I saw you.”

  Before he could reply, he was hailed by several townsmen as they arrived at the outskirts of the village. They rode sedately through, Tal answering each greeting. A scant mile ahead stood the residence of the High Chieftain and the compound of the warriors of clan Finn Mal.

  They finished the journey in silence, dismounting before Tal’s home. Handing off the horses to be cared for by the waiting grooms, they mounted the stone steps, crossing the wide, columned portico. Before they reached the front door, Lira placed her hand on Tal’s arm, halting him with her touch.

  “I understand about wishing to be accepted for yourself. More than you’ll ever know.” Her smile held a hint of rueful sadness, then her eyes narrowed in mock sternness. “Now, take me to my cousin before I make good on that which I threatened you with at the river.”

  Tal grinned, relieved that he was forgiven. “I thank you, Lady Huntress.” He ushered her in, then took the lead. “This way. Guardian Galatin should be in the Hall of the Mother.”

  So relieved was he at his reprieve, Tal forgot there would be the usual gaggle of females waiting to take their turn with the Orb. He entered with Lira then stopped, hesitant to approach the milling throng.

  “Galatin is there, at the altar,” he pointed out, “If you wish, give him your greetings, then return to me and I’ll show you to our guest chambers. I don’t know about you, but I’m looking forward to a bath.” At her narrow-eyed look, he threw up his hands in mock surrender. “No tricks, I promise,” he assured her with a teasing grin.

  She nodded. “I’ll be back in a moment.”

  Tal watched her long-limbed, graceful stride as she made her way to the altar. Galatin and Lira embraced. They spoke for a few moments and as one their gaze moved to him. Unfortunately, they weren’t the only ones who turned to look.

  Some of the waiting candidates spotted Tal. Those nearest him began to move in his direction. Those closest to the altar began jostling forward, eager to test their luck in Tal’s presence, sure that with him there as witness, they would be chosen. The Orb was taken up by the first to slip by Galatin, who had stepped some small distance away to greet Lira.

  In the rush to get to the Orb, pushing and shoving began. The woman in possession of the Orb was shoved off-balance. As she made a desperate grab for something to hold on to, the Orb shot from her grasp, arcing into the air.

  A general gasp of dismay was torn from the suddenly still mob. They watched the Orb descend, sure its destruction was imminent against the unforgiving marble floor, until a hand reached out, catching it easily. All eyes rested on that hand. The steady hand of Lira Senn Var.

  “I’ve got it!” she called out gaily, then gasped as the glow of the Orb intensified. A pearlescent aura of light traveled the length of her arm and further, encompassing her entire body until she was encased in the throbbing glow.

  Tal’s heart echoed that throbbing beat of light as he watched Lira become engulfed by the Orb’s power. Irresistibly drawn to her, he made his way through the crowd. Lira’s eyes were wide with uncertainty, her breath heaving in her lungs as his eyes met hers.

  “Help me,” she whispered unsteadily.

  “It’s all right, Lira,” he assured her softly. Tal reached out, taking her clenched hand in his. His other hand ran gently over hers, encouraging her to relax. “Open your hand.”

  Lira complied, unfurling her fingers to reveal the Orb nestled in her palm. As their eyes locked on the Orb, it began to reabsorb its light, until all that remained was the soft glow that surrounded the crystal itself. As the remaining light began to dim, the Orb grew ghostly pale, insubstantial. Sinking into Lira’s palm, it disappeared.

  Tal smiled into Lira’s disbelieving eyes. Hesitancy and hope filled him. “See?” he teased, “It’s all right. Tezza.”

  Chapter Six

  Lira saw nothing of
the beauty of the garden before her. Instead she brooded, her mind replaying again and again the scene that took place in the Hall of the Mother. How could this have happened? It had to be some terrible mistake.

  Pandemonium had ensued after the Orb disappeared. All those women, with their accusing, acrimonious stares and remarks. Thank the Mother that Galatin and the Handmaidens had been there to restore order. Galatin had been quite firm in his statement. In short, by the Mother’s will the Orb had chosen. By the time he’d finished, all were subdued and resigned to the inevitable.

  One particularly saucy candidate had made the suggestion that perhaps Talrion’s warriors would console the losers? Laughter and good-natured teasing resulted, restoring the harmony of the room. Awash in the lighter mood, many of the women gave their congratulations to Lira and Tal.

  Lira had been in a state of shock. She’d stood there, smiling, accepting their attentions, all the while wanting nothing more than to quit the room and find a way out of this mess.

  She’d watched Tal as he smiled and spoke to those gathered. He seemed happy, totally unconcerned that the Orb had chosen the worst possible mate for him. Could he not see? Did he not realize how very wrong this was? Instead he’d accepted without protest. She recalled again the shocking quiver that shook her body when Tal had called her tezza.

  Even more confusing were these emotions she kept experiencing. When the Orb had joined with her it felt as though she’d been wrapped in a warm, welcoming hug. Smug approval, delight and contentment seemed to radiate from some unknown source within her. Unknown until she realized it was the Orb. Somehow it was communicating its awareness to her.

  Her wandering steps took her near the wall that enclosed the garden. There, under the sheltering branches of a fully flowered, weeping zar tree, she took refuge on a stone bench and continued to ponder the situation. Lost in thought, she failed to hear the approaching footsteps until the murmur of voices broke her reverie.

  “The guard said she came this way.”

  Lira recognized Tal’s voice.

  “Perhaps she’s gone to the stables. As a Senn Var, Lira’s love of horses is great. She may have gone to make sure hers is receiving the proper care.”

  “Let’s go down and check,” Tal answered. “But first, I’d like to give you my thanks, Guardian, for hounding me into the ritual.”

  “After what you told me about your parents’ unhappy match, I now understand your reluctance, High One,” Galatin replied.

  “My mother should never have married,” Tal confessed sadly, “She was not a woman suited for home and hearth. Her wish was to be a merchant, as her father was, but her father, a very traditional man, would not allow it. Her bitterness tainted any hope for happiness she had in the marriage she made with my father.”

  As the men moved off, Lira sat, frozen with horror. “Oh Tal, I’m so sorry.” she whispered, for she knew she would never be able to make him happy. How could a huntress become a homemaker? Even had she the wish to do so, which she did not, she knew she would make a mess of it. The situation was impossible. With that thought she began her plans for leaving on the morrow.

  * * * * *

  “Lira? Are you all right?”

  Lira turned to find Tal behind her. The setting sun blazed behind him, bathing him in light and shadow. Her eyes drank in the sight. So tall and strong, his golden brown hair awash with glinting highlights of red and gold. The sincere concern in those moss-green eyes, so intense and focused on her, warmed her deep inside and sent a tingling quiver that started in her heart and ended between her thighs.

  She forced a smile to her lips. “I’m fine, Tal, just thinking.”

  “I imagine there’s quite a lot to think about. Yes?” he inquired softly.

  Lira nodded. “To say the least.”

  Tal stepped forward, killing the distance between them. “I know how much of a shock it must be, Lira. I…I’m not unhappy with the Orb’s choice. I promise I won’t push. We’ll take it slow. To start, will you share evening meal with me?”

  Lira had intended to retire early, but seeing the vulnerability in his eyes, she was lost.

  “I would very much enjoy sharing evening meal with you, Tal.”

  Tal’s face lit with his smile. “I don’t think kinti is on the menu tonight, but I’m sure we’ll find something worthwhile to feed you.” He offered his arm.

  Lira’s brows rose at his gallantry. With a mock sigh of resignation she took it, allowing him to lead her inside.

  During the meal they talked. Tal asked questions about her family and what her life was like. While speaking of her life as a huntress, she subtly tried to make Tal understand how much her freedom meant to her. She willed him to understand, as she hadn’t the heart to tell him she was leaving.

  Those thoughts of leaving began to weigh heavily on her, until Tal was left to carry the lion’s share of the conversation. Lira absorbed his every word and move. The tone of his voice, deep and rich, was so soothing and yet so stirring. She focused on his hands, the fingers strong and broad. There were calluses from the use of sword, knife and bow. She shivered at the memory of those calluses sliding over her skin.

  “You’re miles away, Lira.” Tal’s voice brought her back with a start.

  Her eyes locked with his, twin pools of deep blue, inundated with desire.

  “Make love to me, Tal.” The words were spoken with a husky intensity that surprised them both.

  Tal rose and offered her his hand. His arm wrapped around her waist, and as he led her into the bedroom Lira began to pull at the laces of her tunic.

  His hand covered hers. “Let me, tezza. Let me take care of everything.”

  The lump in her throat precluded speech. Moisture sparkled in her eyes as she nodded her agreement.

  With reverent tenderness, Tal removed Lira’s clothing. He picked her up, laying her gently on the bed. Ridding himself of his own clothes, he joined her. Sensing her vulnerable mood, Tal proceeded with deliberate care, consoling her without words.

  His mouth took hers, a soft joining, his tongue gliding over her lips, seeking permission to enter. Lira opened for him, sinking into the sensations evoked by his exploration. As their tongues began a heated dance, Tal’s hands performed their own magic.

  Those calluses made their presence known. The slight sandpapery texture sent shivers cascading over Lira’s skin as he sensuously explored every hill and valley. Lira’s body began an unconscious undulation, yielding to and seeking every sultry touch, every burning sensation.

  Tal’s mouth broke from hers, traveling with agonizing slowness down the warm silky skin of her throat. Increasing heat brought forth the blended and highly erotic scent of spicy zar blossoms and hot, aroused woman. Tal’s cock jumped eagerly.

  His mouth halted at the peak of her breast, sucking her in. Lira bucked under him, crying out her shocked pleasure at his fervent suckling. Tal growled with satisfaction at her response. Lira shivered at the primal sound of that growl. It held a marked contrast to his words as he moved to her other nipple, giving it equal attention. As she felt the tingling brush of his tongue against her moistening skin, Lira’s hands fisted desperately in his long silky hair.

  One of Tal’s hands was again on the move, gliding over her taut belly. Strong fingers combed through the silky pelt that guarded her mound. Those same fingers parted the wet, swollen lips of her sex and dipped into the fragrant cream that coated her yielding slit. Lira spread her thighs wide, welcoming the nimble invasion. One finger swirled in the slick wet heat. She felt it slide from her entrance to her clit. He lay the pad of his fingertip atop her swollen bud. She shuddered at the gentle manipulations, her belly tightening as a small shivering orgasm shook her. She barely heard his crooning words as his finger returned to her entrance, rubbing and swirling in the increasing cream of her arousal.

  “Men are like geysers,” he murmured softly, “The pressure builds, a small bit of liquid escapes, until suddenly the geyser bursts, shooting its l
oad outward.” Tal leaned over her, capturing her gaze. “Women seem to climb steps, each step takes them higher, the pleasure increasing, until they reach the top and plunge over the edge.” His finger again moved upward, finding her clit, working it gently as before. “Let’s climb another step,” he whispered huskily.

  Lira’s closed her eyes, her breath panting as she strained under him, reaching for the next level. She uttered a soft moan and shuddered, her hips bouncing as another small orgasm racked her body.

  “So sweet, tezza,” he growled.

  Tal continued in this vein until Lira was frantic with need. She tossed her head on the pillows, her hair becoming a wild, tangled mass. She couldn’t control the trembling of her body as sweat dewed her skin. Eagerly, she spread her thighs for his touch, her belly knotted with an almost painful, burning need.

  She nearly shrieked with relief when Tal’s mouth plunged in. His tongue lapped at her swollen tissues, his mouth sucking at the thickened petals of her sex. Feet braced, her hips shot up when she felt the thick invasion of two broad fingers, their intrusion accompanied by the noisy slurp of displaced juices. Her pussy greedily clenched and held them captive.

  Feeling the prod of a finger against her lips, she opened her eyes. Tal’s other hand was before her face, his index finger wet with fluid. At his urging she opened her mouth, taking his finger inside. His flavor exploded on her tongue. An animalistic growl rumbled in her throat as she eagerly sucked down the warm pre-come he fed her.

  Tal returned to feasting on her engorged cunt, causing Lira to groan and release his finger. She ground desperately against his mouth, the need for release driving her mad.

  Leaving her pussy, Tal hovered over her straining body. Lira moaned wildly as his mouth found hers and took it in a fervid, passion-filled kiss. The sweet musk of her arousal sent a wave of dizziness through her. Tears leaked from the corners of her eyes.


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