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Friends With Full Benefits (Friends With… Benefits Series (Book 2))

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by Luke Young


  A Friends With… Benefits Novel


  Copyright © Luke Young, 2011

  All rights reserved.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright 2011 by Luke Young. All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. By payment of the required fees, you have been granted the non-exclusive, non-transferable right to access and read the text of this e-book on-screen. No part of this text may be reproduced, downloaded, transmitted, reverse engineered, decompiled or stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form whether electronic or mechanical, now known or hereinafter invented, without the express written permission of Luke Young.




  The Friends With… Benefits Series:





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  Table of Contents

  Friends With Full Benefits

  Friends With More Benefits Excerpt


  Miami hadn’t seen three straight days of drenching rain in more than a year. But as Brian waited to hold a tennis match with Jillian, with her response to his marriage proposal hanging in the balance, the rain came. It came hard. He was fine with the lack of acceptance of his proposal for the entire first day while they were joking about the match “rain delay;” by the second day he was sure she would have accepted his proposal, but she hadn’t. He didn’t really start to worry until Day Three, when neither of them mentioned the proposal or the match or any of it. Everything else was fine in the relationship—actually, it was perfect otherwise.

  Perfect except for that one “little” thing—he’d proposed three nights ago out by the pool, and he still didn’t have an answer. And when she didn’t respond immediately, he’d tried to provide some levity by suggesting they play for it. He was really only joking; he saw it as just a formality. Even if she did happen to beat him when they played, he was sure she would still just say yes. But at 7:00 p.m. on Day Three, he was still waiting. It had stopped raining an hour or so earlier, but the court was still wet. Plus, Jillian’s best friend Victoria had invited them over for dinner, and they were just about to walk out the door. He was in a slightly better mood since he’d learned the next day was going to be beautiful—perfect tennis weather. It was to be an unusual day for late June in southern Florida, eighty degrees with low humidity. He was psyched and ready to play.

  Brian was behind the wheel of Jillian’s car, and she sat in the passenger seat, holding a perfect-looking chocolate mousse ganache cake in her lap. They had baked it together that morning and not had sex afterward. They always had sex after they cooked together. There was something about being in the kitchen together and the sensuality of the whole cooking process that got her worked up, but not today.

  Before pulling out of the driveway, he glanced out the windshield to the sky. “It looks like it’s clearing up.”

  “Mm-hmm.” She gazed out the window, preoccupied.

  As they neared Victoria’s house, he rolled his eyes and thought, “Mm-hmm…mm hmm”—that’s it? Not, “Oh good, we can finally get our big match in”? What the hell is she thinking?

  Jillian said, “I shaved my pussy for you today.”

  “Really?” he replied. Talk about changing the subject—that was the best non sequitur he’d ever heard. The best by far.

  “Let’s both get drunk tonight and just have sex; like, amazing sex. We’ll walk home if we have to.”

  “Okay.” He grinned excitedly, thinking that this was really getting good. He had just been promised clean-shaven pussy and drunken, wild sex. His favorite…

  “I’m sorry I’ve been such a bitch lately. It’s the rain. It makes me depressed. I think I have a touch of that thing where if you don’t see the sun, you’re in a bad mood. What’s that called again?”

  “I don’t know, but I know exactly what you’re talking about.”

  “That’s why I live in southern Florida. It hardly ever rains here.”

  He nodded in agreement as he pulled into Victoria’s driveway.

  As he opened the door to get out of the car, she put her hand on his arm. “Wait.” He met her gaze, and she gave him an uneasy smile. “We’ll play tennis tomorrow. Then…” She gave him a wistful look. “I really want to play you.”

  “Oh, I know you do. I can’t wait.” A big smile spread across his face as they walked to the front door.

  Victoria, Brian, and Jillian sat around the table in Victoria’s dining room, enjoying a glass of wine after finishing a delicious meal that Victoria clearly had not prepared, because she never cooked. In fact, her oven was used mainly for storage. Instead, she had the meal delivered from a fine local restaurant.

  “The food was amazing.” Brian patted his full stomach.

  “Yes, it was delicious.” Jillian shook her head with a smile.

  “It’s not easy putting together a meal like this.”

  After they all shared a laugh, Victoria asked, “You guys feel like sitting by the pool?”

  A few minutes later, the women sat on comfortable lounge chairs enjoying the beautiful night, while Brian prepared after-dinner drinks in the house.

  Looking at the house directly behind Victoria’s, Jillian’s eyes widened. “You never mentioned how your date went with your hot neighbor.”

  “It was… okay.”

  “Did you keep your promise?”

  “What promise?”

  Jillian gave her a look. “About not having sex with him on the first date.”

  “Sure did.”

  “Good, so what does he do?”

  “He’s the head coach of the football team.”

  “At the U?”

  Victoria nodded with a frown.

  “That’s an important job. Does he actually have any free time to date?”

  “I think so, but I don’t know.” Sighing, Victoria stared down at the concrete patio.

  “What is it?”

  Victoria glanced up at her face. “It’s just… I haven’t had sex in over a month, and I’m not sure it’s really going to work out with John and me.”

  “Why not?”

  “I think he has a premature ejaculation problem.”

  Jillian looked confused. “Did he tell you that?”


  “Okay, then how do you know?”

  “Well, he came, like, five seconds after I went down on him. That’s how I know.”

  Jillian was staring straight ahead, looking confused, when Brian walked out carrying two cosmopolitans. He handed them off to Jillian and Victoria. “I’ll be right back.”

  “But you said you didn’t have sex,” Jillian said.

  “We didn’t. He’s pretty good at eating pussy, and I really enjoyed that part, but—”

  “Let me see if I understand you correctly. He performed oral sex on you?”


  “You performed oral sex on him?”
  “For five seconds.”

  “Okay, it was short, but his penis was in your mouth, right?”

  “Right. So what’s your point?”

  “Sounds to me like you had sex.”

  “No, we didn’t.”

  Looking at Victoria in complete bewilderment, Jillian’s jaw dropped. Brian returned with his own girly drink, placed it on the table, and fell into a comfortable chair. “What the heck are we talking about?”

  Jillian made a face. “Do you consider oral sex, sex?”


  Victoria folded her arms across her chest. “Well, I don’t.”

  “Who are you, Bill Clinton?” Brian scoffed.

  “If that definition works for a former President, then it works for me.”

  Turning to Brian, Jillian asked, “Remember when Victoria said that she would not have sex with this new guy on the first date?”

  “I remember.”

  “Well, he performed oral sex on her; then she did it to him, and—”

  “Only for five seconds before he shot all over my face and in my hair.”

  “Yuck.” Jillian glared at her as if that little detail was totally unnecessary.

  “I had to wash my hair twice, and my eye burned for, like, an hour.”

  After Jillian and Brian shared a look, he looked back at Victoria. “Only five seconds, you say?”

  “Not even.”

  He widened his eyes. “Well, in that case…”

  Victoria looked at him, waiting hopefully for some support. After pondering it for a moment, he nodded. “It’s still sex. You had sex with him.”

  Dismissively waving her hand at him, Victoria shook her head. “Sex is fucking—penis-in-vagina fucking.”

  Jillian’s eyes lit up as if she had the perfect argument to win the case. “Then, do you consider anal sex, sex?”

  After narrowing her eyes to process that little nugget, Victoria let out a sigh. “No… I mean, yes. Oh, let’s just drop it. We had oral sex, but I haven’t had vaginal…” She scowled at both of them. “…sex in two weeks, and I’m horny. The closest thing I have to a sexual partner is a hot, middle-aged guy who shoots before you get your panties down.” After staring at them again, hoping for something resembling understanding and getting nothing, she let out a long, slow breath. “I’m sad, okay?”

  “I went almost a year without having sex once.” Jillian announced proudly.

  “Eighteen months for me… starting in my junior year, until I met…” He motioned toward Jillian with a couple quick head nods; in response, she grinned like a schoolgirl.

  Victoria eyed them both with a condescending smile. “That doesn’t comfort me at all. You guys were kinda like losers in the romance department. No offense.”

  Jillian sneered her way, then they all took a big sip of their drinks.

  After an awkward pause, Brian shifted gears. “So… Victoria, when do classes start?”

  “My summer class starts in three weeks.”

  “What is it?” Jillian asked.

  “It’s called Advanced Sexual Problems. It focuses on case studies of couples whose sex lives are in desperate need of help. I got ahold of the syllabus and found out that I have to do a case study, either on a real life couple or one described in the textbook.”

  “That sounds a hell of a lot more interesting than those finance classes I had to take,” Brian said.

  Victoria took another sip from her drink. “Do you guys have any issues in the bedroom that, uh, might help me come up with a topic? You could be a real-life case study. I’d love to get a head start.”

  Emptying her drink, Jillian shook her head. “Wow, that was strong. Let’s see… um, bedroom problems.” She curled her lip as they each wracked their brains for anything. Jillian shook her head. “No, I think we’re all—”

  “What about…” Brian’s eyes widened. “No, forget it.”

  Jillian gave him a curious look. “What were you going to say?”

  Motioning with his hand for her to let it go, he shook his head no.

  “Come on.” Jillian folded her arms across her chest and pouted. “What issue do you think we have?”

  “You know that time we tried to do, uh… and it didn’t…”

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  He bit his lip then took a sip of his drink before apprehensively looking back at her. “It’s nothing, really.”

  Victoria smiled. This was getting good.

  Jillian’s expression softened a little. “Really, it’s okay, you can say it.”

  He leaned over and whispered in her ear. With enlightenment spreading across her face, Jillian nodded. “Yeah, that didn’t go well. We should really try again—like a year from now, or something.”

  Her curiosity piqued, Victoria asked, “What didn’t go well?”

  Unsure whether to share this information, Jillian eventually shrugged her shoulders at Brian. “You might as well tell her. She held your penis in her hand for, like, two minutes, for God’s sake.”

  Victoria chuckled. “He told you about that?”

  “He tells me everything.”

  Brian Brian grinned. “Not everything.”

  “I was only trying to help him put… everything away,” Victoria explained.

  Rolling her eyes, Jillian gave her a half-smile. “Okay, yeah.”

  “So what is it? I’m dying to know.”

  “It’s, uh…” He exhaled deeply. “Anal sex. We tried it, and… it didn’t exactly go well.”

  Victoria’s face lit up. “You two haven’t had amazing anal sex yet? You’ve come to the right place. I’m an expert on backdoor pleasures.”

  “You must be proud.” Jillian cracked a sarcastic smile.

  “Don’t knock it until you’ve tried—I mean done it successfully. You’ll never have a bigger orgasm.”

  “Really?” Brian asked.

  “Oh, yes, especially if you combine slow, gentle anal penetration with clitoral stimulation.”

  Jillian wore a sour expression. “Do we have to talk about this?”

  “Oh, lighten up.” Victoria dismissed her with a wave of her hand.

  He moved to the edge of his seat. “But how does everything fit? I mean, is it really supposed to fit in there?”

  “You’d be surprised. That area can open up a lot more than you think. Much more than the vagina, in fact.”

  “I didn’t know that.” After nodding mesmerized for a moment, he turned his attention to Jillian with his eyebrows raised.

  Jillian made a face. “I really don’t want to talk about this. It’s, uh…”

  “Well, what do you want to talk about?”

  “Can’t we just sit here and enjoy the night?”

  Brian lounged back in his chair, and they all sat in silence for a nearly a minute.

  While looking down at her empty glass, Victoria suddenly smiled. “You guys want to smoke a joint? I got some of that same stuff you both enjoyed that night in the pool.”

  The blissful couple shared a grin.

  Twenty minutes later, the three were all half-baked, and Jillian had changed her attitude slightly about sharing details of their anal sex issue. In fact, she wouldn’t shut up about it. Victoria listened, captivated, while Brian wore a silly grin. The combination of wine, vodka, and marijuana was creating a sort of mellow, sensual, open vibe at the small gathering.

  “He was licking my ass, and it felt, uh… incredible.”

  “Oh, God, I love when a guy does that to me, and…” Victoria looked away with her words trailing off as if she were reliving the memory.

  Jillian raised her eyebrows. “His penis is so thick.”

  “What?” Victoria whispered breathlessly, still caught up in the fantasy.

  “His penis. It’s really thick.”

  Victoria returned her attention to Jillian. “I know.” Glancing over at Brian, she caught his proud look.

  “It felt great as he rubbed it against me back there.
Really amazing… you know, before he tried to put it in. But I moved my hips the wrong way or something, the head slipped in, and it really hurt.”

  Brian put his hands behind his head and simply watched them, smiling and loving being the topic of conversation.

  Victoria put her hand to her chin. “Did you use enough lube?”

  “I think so.”

  “Did he prime you first?”

  Giggling, Jillian looked at her in confusion.

  “Did he use a lubed finger first to get you ready?”

  “Oh, primed… that’s a stupid word.” Jillian looked at Brian for the answer.

  He looked at them, insulted. “No, I didn’t. I did not put my finger in her ass.”

  “Well, that’s part of the problem,” Victoria said smugly.

  Jillian nodded at him. “See, this was your fault.”

  Pulling his hands from his head, Brian’s jaw dropped. “Look, it was our first time. We were bound to hit a few speed bumps.”

  Victoria sat up in her chair and asked accusatorily, “And Jillian, when he tried to put it in, did you push out like you were trying to go to the bathroom?”

  Jillian looked at her horrified. “I definitely didn’t do that.”

  “That’s very important.”

  “Really?” Jillian stared back at her with a furrowed brow.

  “It’s pretty much the most important part.”

  Brian gave Jillian a snotty look, and she shrugged her shoulders back at him. “Sorry. I’m not like your friend, Natalie. I don’t do this with every guy I meet.”

  The three broke into laughter. After they composed themselves, they each took another hit. Jillian and Brian sat back in their chairs, particularly high but a touch depressed. Victoria studied their lost expressions and grinned. “Hey, you guys want to watch some porn? It will be educational. I’ve got this great backdoor scene. It’s one of my favorites. It’s really hot, and it just might help.”

  He widened his eyes at Jillian, and she looked to be on the fence. “Come on—it’ll be fun, and we might just learn something.”


  Jillian, Brian, and Victoria sat on the sofa together as the X-rated scene began on the screen.

  An attractive woman wearing a tight, short skirt peered through a telescope as she stood on a balcony of a large mansion. The woman stroked the side of the telescope seductively. The scene cut to the view through the telescope: a house, evidently nearby, where a man was watching two nude women masturbate. The scene cut back to the woman looking through the telescope. A tall man came up behind her and got on his knees.


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