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Biker Chicks: An Anthology of Hot MC Romance

Page 25

by AJ Downey

  “Oh shit,” she moaned as he switched to her right breast, giving it equal treatment. “You have no idea how much I needed this tonight.” He thrust hard back into her and she gasped sharply and bit her lip. After that, speech eluded her as he gave her what she wanted most. He stood straight, gripping her hips tightly, strong fingers digging into her as he set a punishing pace. Her hands gripped the edge of the table to either side of her, breasts shaking, he thrust back into her and their bodies met with a loud slap. The table shook beneath her and she felt that same coiling pressure building up and up and up once again.

  Death watched her carefully, his own breath coming fast in his human body, tension building in the taut muscles he had envisioned into existence. Sweat beaded along his skin and he pulled her further off the edge of the table, large hands cupping her ass as he plunged into her over and over building speed and strength with every stroke until she was arching against the table again. He held her there, just on the edge for several minutes, too overcome to speak or think but not far enough to push her over as he felt his own end approaching.

  Finally, he lifted one hand and placed it flat against her lower belly, fingers splayed across her skin as his thumb found her clit and he rubbed it gently. It was just enough. Just that extra that she needed and she screamed again, the sound seeming to echo up from somewhere very far away and as her muscles clamped down around him he grunted and thrust into her one last time, spilling himself inside her.


  When she was finally able to open her eyes it was to the delicious sensation of his dick still buried deep inside her, her pussy occasionally trembling around him. With each spasm a shiver ran through her entire body. She groaned quietly as he slowly pulled out of her and with his help pushed herself back on the table so she could sit up without falling. They dressed in silence. Danielle couldn’t think of anything to say and she really didn’t feel the need to say anything at all. She’d got what she wanted. And he obviously hadn’t been unwilling to give it to her. What more was there to be said?

  “Thank you,” she said after she pulled on her jacket and zipped it up to the collar. “Tonight started out pretty damn shitty but that was just what I needed to make me feel a little better.” He was just tucking in his shirt and he bowed awkwardly, a smile tugging at his lips.

  “The pleasure was mine, I assure you,” he said and she laughed and leaned forward to kiss his cheek.

  “Maybe I’ll see you around sometime and we can do this again,” she said, knowing as he did that there wouldn’t be another time. “Later, beautiful,” she said and sauntered away and around the building toward the parking lot.

  There was a lightness to her step. A shedding of weight and burdens that she hadn’t even been aware of before in her anger. A loss of tension between her shoulders. She swung her leg over her bike with a degree of ease that she hadn’t felt in a while. Not the physical action. Just an emotional ease, a cooling of the toxic emotions that had been swirling around within her. James was a fucking idiot, she thought, and she was done letting his stupidity bring her down. She glanced at her watch. One forty-five in the morning. Not a bad hour’s diversion at all.

  “Have a good night,” he called and she glanced up to see him standing a dozen feet away, a fob pocket watch in one hand which he glanced down at for a moment before looking back up at her. She pulled on her helmet and gloves, thumbed the starter and tossed her mystery lay a wave before she kicked the bike into gear and turned around and out onto the road. As he watched her pull out of the lot his eyes flared with acid green fire and her information flitted across his vision.

  Danielle Green, twenty seven years old and in excellent health. She would die in three… two… one…


  They say, that when you ride, you ride with Death beside you. The truck horn blared like an air raid siren and she didn’t even have a chance to look up before it plowed into her with a solid crunch. Bits of metal and plastic scattered through the air as the bike went one way and her broken form was thrown another. Death glanced down at his watch.

  One forty-six and thirty-seven seconds in the morning.

  “Right on time,” he said with an almost regretful sigh as its human form melted away, once more to be replaced with robes of darkness and it strode to where the side car still sat, no longer attached to Danielle’s bike. Death took up its scythe and turned, squaring its skeletal shoulders as it strode toward the truck and her crumpled form on the street. This was the part of its job that it neither enjoyed, or hated. Its job was an essential part of the workings of the universe and it simply did it as it had for millennia untold.

  That night however, it came as close as it ever had to resenting and even disliking the task before it.

  “Come, Danielle Green,” it said, voice as impossible as the rest of its appearance as fire flared within the hollow eye sockets. It held out one skeletal hand, the other loosely clasped around the handle of its weapon. “Come, take a ride with Death.”

  A California native and avid reader, for Ryan, making the transition from reader to writer was simply the next logical evolution.

  He enjoys a number of genres from paranormal suspense to dystopian post-apocalyptic. All of his work contains a romantic spin with a decidedly erotic flair.

  LeLe’s Revenge

  Colbie Kay

  Chapter One

  “Stephens, get up. Your time here is done.” I open my eyes to the husky, gravelly voice of the guard. Staring me in the face are the four gray cement brick walls I have looked at every day for the last two years. Very little sunlight drifts in from the single barred up window, but the fluorescent lighting predominates in the six by nine foot prison cell. Every morning at 6 A.M. the lights come on, not a minute earlier or later. That’s the thing about prison, they make you have a routine: wake-up, meals, showering, even my one hour outside. It claws at me and makes me go crazy some days. I’m a free-spirit; go where I want, do what I want, fly by the seat of my pants kind of girl.

  “Yeah, I’m up.” I answer while rubbing my eyes, then stretching out my arms and legs.

  “Get your shit ready and let’s go.”

  I hop off my cot, grab the blanket first then fold it up. Next is the sheet and then place my pillow on top. Once I have the stack in my hands I holler out, “Open the door, Adams.” I hear the click of the lock and the metal door opening.

  “Well damn, guess I won’t be seeing your handsome face again after today.” I give him a wink and a half smile. He really is a good looking guy with his crew cut and smooth baby face, not my type though.

  “If you’re lucky. Don’t land yourself here again, Leah. You and I both know you shouldn’t have been here in the first place. Stay away from those people! They’re bad news.”

  “Aww, I thought you could take me on a date sometime.” I respond trying to deflect from what he just said and making a joke out of it.

  “Get your ass outta here Stephens and don’t let me see you again.” He chuckles as we walk down the hallway toward the booking room. Officer John Adams is the only person that believed I was innocent besides my blood family. His belief in me helped us grow close and have an odd guard-prisoner friendship.

  In the booking room I’m left with the female guard, but not before he tells me he will be waiting right outside then shuts the door behind him. I already know the drill strip down, spin around and shame myself to this guard because I have to show every naked part of me. It isn’t any easier this go around than it was the first time I had to do it.

  “Alright, inmate Leah Stephens number 112745. Here are your clothes put them on and come stand at the desk to check out the rest of your belongings.”

  I can’t even begin to describe how good it felt to slip my black leather pants on. Not that fake leather shit chicks wear either; no I wear the real deal leather. I put on the lacy material of my bra, the black and red Blood Makers tank, black riding boots and lastly I put my arms through my cut. Fuck, I feel like the old m
e with my long dark hair flowing down and wearing my own clothes again, not that orange jumpsuit that made up my wardrobe for two years.

  I am a patched member of the Blood Makers M.C., one of the most dangerous clubs in Kansas, alongside the Satan’s Sinners. Their mother chapter is in Wichita, but ours is in Kansas City. When they have their runs to stock up on supply, they come to us. It works for everyone as long as the truce can be kept and no one oversteps their boundaries.

  I check out the rest of my items, which wasn’t much, a cross necklace my mom gave me the day my pop gave me my bike. Also my driver’s license and some cash I had on me the night of my arrest. The guard hits the button next to her and the sound of the door buzzes open.

  I am free to go!

  On the other side of the door stands Officer Adams once again and I give him a smile. “You ready to show me the way outta this joint?”

  “I’m honored to be the one giving you your freedom back.” A grin tugs at his lips, but his brows pull down tightly. I know he is worried about me.

  “Wouldn’t want anyone else. Now come on quit getting sappy on me and get me outta here.” Easing the tension, I give him my best smile while he returns it with one of his own.

  We get to the gate where Officer Adams unlocks it letting me step on the other side of the electrical fence. I swear the smell of the air and the sun shining down is different on this side of the fence. The green in the trees and grass or the blue in the sky is so much brighter, the smell in the air is crisper. I guess this is the smell and sight of actual freedom. On the inside, everything is stifling making you feel claustrophobic. People on the outside take for granted everyday privileges. I took that shit for granted too, until prison showed me to be grateful for when you do have freedom.

  “I’m serious, Leah, stay away from those guys and don’t come back here. Your ride is here by the way.”

  I turn seeing my brother Bobby hopping off my vintage hot pink 1983 Hopper Harley that was passed down from my pop. Before he passed it down to me, he went and had all the parts checked and then gave her a whole new paint job in my favorite color, which is none other than pink. If I wasn’t so excited to see my brother along with my bike, I’d be laughing my ass off that the big son of a bitch had to ride her. Instead I try finding the words, “How did you...”

  “I called him, thought you would want that.” Officer Adams sheepishly replies. I think I almost see a blush forming.

  “Thank you...For everything.”

  Little does he know that as soon as I see my parents, I am going straight for the people or person, I should say, that got me in this situation. I walk over to my brother who is now leaning against my pink baby.

  “Bobby.” I say in greeting, happy as shit to see my older brother.

  “LeLe.” He returns the greeting using my road name. Bobby grabs me around the waist lifting me up in the air and spinning me around in a big bear hug causing me to laugh. “How’s it feel to be free, little sister?”

  “It feels good. Really fucking good.”

  “You going to see Mom and Pop?” Bobby asks as he sets me back on my feet.

  “Yeah and I need some real food and a nice hot shower.”

  “Good thing ‘cause Mom went all out for you.”

  “What are we waiting for then? Let’s go.” Giving each other one last smile, I climb on the front and make him ride bitch. I know the sight is probably hilarious and it makes me want to laugh again because he towers over me. I don’t give a fuck though. I have to ride my girl again, feel that control and have the wind slapping on my face. I turn the key, get her revved up, savor the feel of the vibration for a minute and pull out.

  Chapter Two

  “Mom, you didn’t need to make all of this.” I tell her as I look down at everything she has prepared. It’s a whole feast of Thanksgiving and Christmas combined.

  “Sure I did! You haven’t had a decent meal in two years and missed holidays because of that God-forsaken place.”

  “Thank you, Mom.” I say as I hug her for the millionth time since I walked through the door.

  After we have all loaded our plates and are sitting at the table eating, my dad asks, “So what are your plans, LeLe?”

  “I don’t know yet. I guess I’ll get settled in and see what happens at the club.”

  “Yeah, that’s a good idea. Those boys have a lot of questions to answer for.”

  “Don’t worry Pop. I’ll be getting the answers I need.” I tell him while stabbing another piece of meat onto my fork.

  “I know you will. I have no doubt about that, but you need to listen to Ranger before doing anything drastic. Got me?”

  “I got you.” I’ll tell my pop what he wants to hear, but I won’t be listening to shit. Why would he be telling me I need to listen to the person that let me get sent up? Have I missed something? I shake off the questions and continue eating.

  “If you need help don’t hesitate to call.” Bobby drops into the conversation between mouthfuls of food.

  My dad retired out of the MC life and my brother hung out at the club a lot. He hadn’t decided if he wanted to become a prospect yet when I got sent away. They love to ride as much as I do so even though dad retired and Bobby was deciding, when we would go for rides as a club, they would join us. My dad still considers them brothers and I guess being blood is more important to Bobby. At least somebody has my back on this shit.

  I give my brother a nod before continuing to clean my plate of the delicious food my amazing mother made.

  After I’m done eating, I go into my bedroom grabbing a new set of leather pants, a new tank, panties, socks, and a bra then walk into the bathroom.

  Once the water is heated and I’m stripped of all my clothes, I step under the steady stream and let it hit my tense shoulders.

  I think about my brothers of the club and wonder how the hell they could have done this to me. The guys of the Blood Makers M.C. were supposed to have my back and protect me. Instead, they dropped me like a bad fucking habit and fed me to the wolves. The run that night was supposed to be easy, a no fail job in and out. Instead something went wrong. I got arrested and convicted on felony gun charges then ended up spending the next two years in the women’s state prison in Topeka, Kansas.

  So now I am out for revenge. I will get what I deserve and kill anyone that steps in my way.

  After I have dressed in my clean clothes and slipped my cut back on, I grab my 9mm Ruger LC9 with pink grips. I slide it into the top of my Shay Harley boot then grab my Lioness fixed blade placing it in my waistband. I grab my cold steel, Tri-lite, pink handled blade last and put it inside my other boot.

  I may be a tough biker bitch, but I got a girly side to me with all the pink.

  I walk downstairs seeing my family sitting in the living room. My heart fills with love at the sight of the three people that stood by my side through all this bullshit and never doubted me for a second. I give them all hugs and tell them how much I love them and that I will be in touch. I walk out the door, straddle my bike, all the while hoping like hell I don’t end up back in prison after tonight. But also thinking it would all be worth it to get the revenge I deserve.

  Chapter Three

  I pull up to the gates of the compound and wait for the prospect to let me through. He must be a new one because I don’t recognize him. He lets me through without any problem and I pull up the gravel lot and park amongst the line of Harleys. Shutting my bike off most people would have nerves at what I’m about to do, me not so much. As I stare at the old warehouse with the Blood Makers’ logo on the side, my anger surfaces.

  This used to be my second home. This is the place I always felt safe and protected. These guys were supposed to be family and have my back, but they turned on me without even blinking an eye. I take off my pink helmet that matches my Harley and attach it to one of the saddlebags. I get off the bike, start heading toward the door and when I open it everything is the fucking same. The look of the bar, the smell of smoke a
nd alcohol lingers in the air, even the rock music blaring from the sound system.

  “Look what the fucking cat dragged in.” I look behind the counter to see Bubbles standing there with the biggest smile on her face. I run over to her as she comes around the bar counter, we slam together in a tight hug. I missed this chick so much. She has always been my best friend. Both of us are in our early twenties and when I came to the club she did too, but for a different reason. Bubbles came because I introduced her to her old man Chancy. She didn’t join the club, but took on the mother role by taking care of all of us and tending the bar.

  “I missed you so much, B.”

  “I missed you too, LeLe. You look good! How’d they treat you in that place? I kept tabs on you through your parents.”

  “I know you did, they told me. I made it out, stuck to myself ya’ know. You look good too.”

  “Well I’ll be goddamn if it ain’t LeLe in the flesh.” Chancy says as he walks up hugging me and then wrapping his arms around Bubbles. “When you get out?”

  “Today, but you’d know that if any of you fuckers would have checked on me. Where is he, Chancy?” I see the wince in his face as I tell him that, but it’s true the only one my parents ever mentioned was Bubbles.

  “Listen to me good girl, there are reasons we couldn’t, and don’t do nothin’ stupid ya’ hear?”


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