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No Fear (Bomar Boys Book 3)

Page 15

by Jess Bryant

  “Touch me!”

  “I am touching you.” He traced a finger between her breasts and she shuddered in response.

  “I need more.”

  “You need me.” He corrected with a growl that shot straight to her core.


  “Say it. I want to hear you say it.”

  “I need you, Remy. Pease.”

  “You have me.” He murmured softly, “You’ll always have me and I’ll always give you what you need.”

  The hand that had been trailing across her belly dipped lower and she gasped as he finally, finally, touched her. Her legs fell open wide, allowing him access where no man had ever touched her before, and he groaned in response. She was so wet she couldn’t just feel him spreading her open and teasing her, she could hear it. She knew she was wet, soaking, embarrassingly wet, but she couldn’t find it in herself to care. There was no embarrassment with Remy. He’d done this to her. Only him. And he would be the only man that ever had or could.

  His fingers were magic, stroking and petting her until she was writhing against him. She bucked so hard the entire table moved across the floor but he only chuckled and used his other hand to hold her hips down. Somewhere, dimly, in the back of her mind she knew that she should be touching him too. She wanted to touch him too. But then he found that secret bundle of nerves and as an earth-moving orgasm barreled through her she forgot everything but the name of the man giving her such sweet pleasure.

  “Remy. Remy. Remy. Oh God… Remy!”

  For a long time she couldn’t hear anything but the sound of the blood rushing through hers ears but when her hearing returned she heard Remy’s answering groan, “So goddamned beautiful and you’re mine, all mine.”

  “Remy… I…” She panted, trying to reach for him, to pull him close and tell him, something… but he was suddenly gone.

  Rachel gasped and then moaned loudly as she felt the first swipe of his tongue on her overstimulated clit. Her eyes rolled back and her hips shifted up to get more of his attention. She felt boneless and soft after her orgasm but as soon as Remy tongued her slit, she was right back on the edge. Electricity sparked in her veins, that coil in her belly tightening all over again, and she whimpered.

  “Remy. Remy, please.” She didn’t know what she was begging for but she couldn’t stop.

  It was too much and not enough and everything she’d ever wanted all rolled into one beautiful act.

  Her hands landed on his head again but his hair was too short to grasp. She opened her mouth, wanting to tell him, warn him, that he was going to make her come again, but the sound of his groans, his pleasure in doing this to her, propelled her back over the cliff and all that came out was a high-pitched scream.

  Her entire body convulsed, electricity zinging through every cell in her body. She’d had orgasms before, by her own hand and by his not minutes ago, but nothing compared to this. Wave after wave rolled through her body and all she could do was cling to Remy and pray that he would hold her so she didn’t float away. She jerked and thrashed as it went on and on and when it finally began to wane and she started to come down, all she saw was Remy.

  Remy. Her Remy. Her gorgeous, sensitive, protective Bomar boy.

  “Never gonna let you go now, baby. Never.”

  Tears flooded her eyes at the sweet promise and Rachel turned her head, trying to hide them and failing miserably when a choked sob escaped her. Remy cursed and then he was there. He pulled her up and off the table. He sat back in his chair and cradled her to his chest. His touch was firm but gentle as he stroked her back and the soothing gestures only made her cry harder.

  “Shh, it’s okay. It’s okay baby. Let it out.” He muttered softly, “I’m sorry. I’m so damn sorry, Rachel. I never should have pushed. I’m so sorry.”

  She raised her head to look at him and even through the tears she could see the regret and fear in his eyes. The self-disgust on his handsome face stopped the tears cold. He was blaming himself and she couldn’t have that. She shook her head but he only buried his face in her neck.

  “I’m so sorry, Rachel. It was too much, too soon, too fast. I knew it I just… Damn it, I’m sorry. Please don’t hate me. I’m so so sorry.”

  Rachel forced his head up until he met her gaze, “I’m not crying because you hurt me. You didn’t. You never could. I’m crying because… well, because I had no idea it could be like that.”

  Remy’s dark eyes searched her face, “Like what?”

  “Beautiful. Perfect. I… you…” She dropped her gaze to his chest and realized he was still fully clothed, “That was absolutely incredible for me. Life-changing. But you didn’t take your own release.”

  He scowled at her, “I will never, ever, take anything from you, Rachel. You give. That’s how this works.”

  “I… well… okay.” She fumbled to figure out just how badly she’d messed up their beautiful moment, “Do you want me to…”

  “No.” Remy smacked her hands away when she reached for his erection, “No, that’s not what this was about. This was about you.”


  “It was about you.” He growled and then softened his voice with a deep breath, “What just happened between us, that was the most beautiful, intimate moment of my life too, and it doesn’t matter in the slightest that I didn’t get inside you this time. We have plenty of time for that. What matters is that I’ve never shared anything like that with anyone else. I couldn’t have. It was you.” He brushed a soft kiss across her lips, “It was us, together. Understand?”

  She nodded slowly, “I think so.”

  And she did. As it sank in and as Remy simply held her close, she finally started to understand. This wasn’t about sex. It was so much more than that. What they had, it was bigger than simple attraction or lust. Their hearts were in it, the both of them, and when it happened, whenever it happened, it would be a first for the both of them.

  He would take care of her. Even in the throes of passion, he would take care of her. Nobody else had ever done that. Put her first, made her feel important, loved her. She chewed on her lips as they sat there, holding onto each other, wondering if it was possible. If he really could have fallen in love with her as fast and as easily as she had him.


  “Yeah, baby?”

  “Does this mean that you’re m-my… boyfriend?”

  He chuckled and nuzzled her ear, “Baby, I’ve been yours since the first day we met. Damn right, I’m your boyfriend.”

  Remy groaned as he stretched out on the couch. His belly was full and for the first time in what felt like forever, his heart was too. His soul was at peace and he was… happy. God, he was happy. He knew they had a lot to work out, to figure out, but having Rachel here, in his life and in his home, it felt so damn right.

  After they’d cleaned up earlier, she’d insisted on cooking dinner for them and he hadn’t been able to refuse a home-cooked meal. He wasn’t even sure where she came up with the ingredients for the spaghetti she’d made. He certainly had no memory of buying pasta and sauce. When she’d teased that some other woman had been filling his cabinets he’d actually felt a little bad admitting it was true.

  Jemma and Skylar had been making sure he was fed properly since he moved out to the trailer on Bomar land. He’d tried to tell them he was used to taking care of himself but they’d ignored him and he’d taken his brothers words to heart. Cash and Colt had both told him not to bother arguing so he hadn’t. If he was honest, he appreciated the girl’s efforts. It had been a long time since he had anyone take care of him and he liked that they fussed over him, even if it sometimes made him feel like a child instead of a grown man.

  When he thought of Rachel taking care of him instead, he definitely didn’t feel like a child though.

  Watching her tiptoe around his kitchen, pulling ingredients from the cabinets and making him dinner had made his already painful erection even more difficult to live with. Watching her eat had been far
more erotic than it should have been. He’d had to adjust himself more than once when he caught himself staring at her lush mouth and imagining it wrapped around something other than her fork.

  He was hard as stone and one touch from coming in his pants. He was going to have blue balls for sure. He might need to ice himself after she fell asleep tonight. Either that or he was going to have to excuse himself to the bathroom and tug one out because there was absolutely no way he was going to push Rachel for more.

  They’d already gone too far tonight. He should have shut it down the moment she climbed onto his lap. He certainly shouldn’t have stripped her naked and laid her out on the table to feast on her. He’d had his fingers inside her, his tongue inside her and his cock wanted to be next.

  He shifted as discreetly as he could when Rachel curled up next to him on the couch. No, not next to him. She curled up against his side, all but on top of him and he had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from moaning when her breasts brushed against him.

  She hadn’t put the bra back on. Little tease. Not that he could be mad about that. Hell no. He was damn proud of her for taunting him with her sexy body. He hadn’t realized she had it in her but she’d certainly kept him on his toes tonight.

  They’d somehow gone from talking about their first, horrible, traumatic sexual experiences to wiping away their pasts by making new memories together and that had been all her. He would have stopped them. He would have insisted they talk more. But Rachel had known what she wanted and she’d taken it.

  Some tiny voice in the back of his mind pointed out that she’d crawled into his lap to stop their painful conversation but he ignored it. Maybe she had but that certainly hadn’t been the only reason. She’d wanted him, needed him, and once she was in his lap and all but begging for him, he’d been powerless not to give her what she was asking for. He’d told her that he would always give her what she needed and that hadn’t been hyperbole or passion fueled words. That had been cold, hard truth.

  He was completely at the mercy of this girl.


  “Hmm?” He pulled her hand away when she began to stroke up his thigh and instead laced their fingers together.

  “What’re we watching?”

  “Uh…. I don’t know.” He snickered, caught completely ignoring the television, “Some old action movie?”


  There was something in her voice that he didn’t recognize and he turned slightly. He used his free hand to tip her chin up and swallowed hard at the expression he found there. Her eyes were warm with things neither of them were ready to say and she was chewing her bottom lip again. He used his thumb to pop the plump flesh from between her teeth and when her tongue darted out, brushing his fingertip, he groaned and pulled it away.

  “Watch the movie.” He ordered, his voice more gruff than he’d intended since it was thick with desire.

  “What if I don’t want to watch the movie?” Rachel whispered softly as she nuzzled his chest.

  “What do you want to do?”

  Rachel surprised him again when she lifted up suddenly instead of answering him. She slid a leg over his lap, straddling him, and he groaned as she settled against his aching erection. He was forced to lean back to look up at her as she planted her hands on either side of his head and braced herself above him.

  “I… I want to thank you for earlier.”

  He immediately frowned, “No.”


  “No, Rachel. That’s not why you touch me. Ever. Not because of gratitude or repayment.” He reached up and gripped her chin, pulling it down until they were eye to eye, “You only ever touch me because you want to. Understand?”

  Her lips pursed, “I-I do want to.”

  “Because you want to thank me for making you come earlier?”

  “No. Yes.” Rachel huffed out a breath, “I always want to touch you. I just… I want to make you feel as good as you made me feel earlier. I know you said you wouldn’t take your release but I know you need it, Remy, and I want to give it to you. You said you’d only take what I gave and I want to give you an orgasm.”

  He groaned when she shifted slightly, putting pressure on his throbbing cock. Why was he arguing with her about this? His body was fully on board with whatever she wanted to do to him. It was only his brain that said he needed to slow this down.

  “I hate to break it to you, babe, but you’ve already given me more orgasms than I can count.” He smirked when she tilted her head curiously, “I’ve been jerking off to fantasies of you for weeks.”

  She bit into her lip again and her cheeks flushed prettily, “Really?”

  “Yeah, baby. I’m not sure how I’d keep count at this point but I owe you way more than a handful… pun completely intended.”

  Rachel licked her lips, shifting again and his entire body shuddered in response. Shit. He was supposed to be shutting this down. He wasn’t supposed to tell her that he jerked off thinking about her soft hands and soft mouth and even if he did, it wasn’t supposed to turn her on. She was sweet and innocent. No matter what the men in her past had tried to do to her, she was still a virgin. He needed to get a grip but his blood had left his brain hours again and his cock was trying to assert its authority.

  “Does that turn you on, Rachel? Knowing that I touched myself thinking about you?”

  “Yes.” She whispered softly, her breathing picking up. “I-I-I… what did you think about?”

  “This. You. Having you in my lap. Getting my hands and my mouth on those beautiful tits of yours. Finding out how sweet you taste. Sinking inside you and watching you ride me. Wondering what it would feel like to fuck that luscious mouth of yours.”

  “Jesus…” Her eyes flickered to his lips and then back to his eyes.

  “Yeah, I have a lot of fantasies and you’re the star of every single one of them. I jerk off every night thinking about you. I have since the day we met.” He groaned when her hips shifted again and he fought the urge to buck up and grind against her soft heat until he exploded, “I swear baby, I’m so damn close, one touch and I’m gonna explode so whatever it is you want, you better decide… and fast.”

  “I had no idea you could talk like this.” Rachel leaned forward slightly and licked at his lips, “You’re driving me crazy. I want you so bad. It’s all I can think about now.”

  He tried to suck her tongue into his mouth but she pulled back too soon.

  “Can I see it?”

  Fuck. He closed his eyes and swallowed a groan. He wasn’t going to survive this. There was no way. He couldn’t deny her. He didn’t have it in him. But before they jumped into the deep end he at least had to make sure they were on the same page.

  “Be specific about what you want, Rachel.”

  She worried her bottom lip again, “Take it out, Remy. I want to see you touch yourself.”

  Son of a… his hands were on the button of his jeans before his head could talk him out of this. He wanted it. God, he wanted it. Since Rachel was watching his zipper with rapt fascination and licking her lips, he knew she wanted it too. Maybe he would go to hell for taking advantage of their attraction when she was vulnerable but it felt like fucking heaven having her eyes on him as he lowered his pants as much as he could with her hovering over his lap.

  “Rach, you gotta…” He sucked in a rough gasp as she slid to the floor.

  Shit. Fuck. Damn. Rachel Grant was on her knees in front of him. All of his dreams were coming true. All of the reasons this was a bad idea disappeared in the fog of lust and desire that overpowered him as he shoved his pants down his legs and watched her lick her lips expectantly.

  His cock bobbed and smacked into his abs. He was so hard it hurt and Rachel’s face being inches from his dick didn’t help matters. He cupped his hand around the base and squeezed, hard, trying to rein in the need to pump until he could ease the pressure because he needed to come so bad.

  This wasn’t about him. He was the one half-naked t
his time. He was the one about to explode. But this was still all about Rachel. It would always be about Rachel. No matter when or how they came together, she would be the one in charge because he would never risk scaring her.

  “Wow.” Rachel’s lips curled slightly, a dirty smile making his chest ache as she looked up at him, “You’re huge.”

  He managed a choked groan, “You’re good for my ego.”

  “Well, I mean… I may’ve never seen one before in person but I know enough to know what big is. I read.” Rachel tentatively reached forward and then paused, “Can I touch it?”

  “Me. Yes. You can touch me. Fuck, yes.”

  He made a mental note to ask her what the hell she’d been reading right before she scrambled his brains by wrapping her small hand around his dick. His hips pumped forward automatically and he had to force himself to still when she gasped. Her small, soft hand was too gentle to make him explode but the simple feel of her, the knowledge that it was Rachel touching him, forced him to close his eyes and take deep calming breaths.

  “It’s hot and hard but… soft too.” She moved her hand tentatively in a long stroke and he groaned, “Did that hurt?”

  “No, baby. It feels fuckin’ fantastic but I need more.”

  She met his gaze, “Show me?”

  Remy used his free hand to cup her cheek. God, he loved this girl. So shy and tentative but so damn bold and sexy. He’d had no idea she would be like this. He’d had no clue it would turn him on so much knowing he was the first man she’d touched like this, explored like this. That he was the first man to give her pleasure, to teach her what he liked and what she liked in turn, made every part of him swell.

  With his other hand, he moved his grip up and covered her smaller hand with his. He squeezed until she gasped again and then pumped himself a couple of times. She was a quick study, moving her hand up and down his shaft with just the right amount of pressure and a slow, dragging motion that was sure to set him off if she kept it up.

  “God, Rach…” He closed his eyes and his head fell back. “That’s so good, baby.”


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