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Unbroken (Unarmed Trilogy #2)

Page 20

by Nina Monroe

  "If I can't trust my father, then I can't trust them," Will agreed as he looked over her shoulder at the closed doorway. "Do you remember when we talked about running away and living somewhere far away? I still want that."

  "You have no desire to be a King?" Tamzin asked as she pressed a kiss to a scar on his chest.

  "No one wants to be King when they learn what it entails. I want peace. I want to be left alone, to be forgotten. I could become the greatest King and no one would forget that I left you in Thurston with no soldiers. They say I am such a great commander but that I let something so stupid happen. No one knows what really happened," Will said as he gently ran his fingers over her shoulders. "They don't know I planned to leave two hundred able-bodied men behind but that my father derailed that plan and told me I was a coward to do so. I should have known then."

  "It's not your fault. You know now, and now you know what you must do." Tamzin pressed another kiss, this time to his neck.

  "My father is enemy number one," Will said as he stared up at the ceiling. "He's in the South. He murdered the people of that town. He probably killed my aunt as well. What do I do?"

  "We live now. You train the Bradford men, and you get to know your family. I deliver our son and when I am healed enough, we return to Roth. Today is today and tomorrow is tomorrow, so all we have is now. And right now, you are going to forget about everything and make love to me like a husband should," Tamzin said as she ran her fingers through his curls. "Soon, all of this will be over."

  Chapter Seventeen

  Will laid back against the pillows, his pale skin covered by a thin sheen of sweat. His hair clung to his scalp as he felt Tamzin shift off his lap and lie down next to him. Both were naked, and like Will, Tamzin was covered in sweat, but had a bright smile plastered on her face.

  "How did you go from weak and sickly to a vixen in bed so quickly?" Will asked as he wiped his forehead clean. "Where did you learn those moves?"

  "My family has a very extensive library and some of the books have pictures," Tamzin teased as she curled against him. "I may have gotten bored from time to time."

  "I am happy to reap the benefits of your boredom," Will smiled, though he felt her shift uncomfortably in their bed. "What's wrong?"

  "I may be hungry," Tamzin said bashfully as she hid her face in his chest. "A girl becomes hungry after activities like that!"

  "And what exactly do you want?" Will asked as he gently removed her from his chest and sat up. He breathed heavily and felt Tamzin's hand slide up his back. Slowly, Will stood up and reached down for his discarded breeches. As he slid them over his legs and hips, Will turned to see Tamzin on the bed. He felt his jaw go slack as he observed her naked body.

  Her skin glowed and her cheeks were flushed a bright pink. Will knew she felt embarrassed about the marks on her stomach from her skin stretching, but they weren't as bad as she thought. Her mother had given her an oil to rub on her belly, which had lessened them somewhat. She did look like she was ready to give birth at any moment, but Will was quite certain she only grew more beautiful to him.

  "I want something good," Tamzin smiled as she sat up and pulled the sheet over her nakedness. "Please go get me something from the kitchens!"

  "I will accompany you to the kitchens, but that's all," Will said as he sat back down. "I don't know how I feel about leaving you alone here."

  "Nothing bad has happened since we have come here. Well, nothing terribly bad," Tamzin frowned as she rolled out of bed and walked towards the water basin. She dropped the sheet and took the wet cloth out of the basin and gently washed her skin clean of sweat. It wasn't the bath she wanted, but she could wait until the morning if she could at least do this. In her trunk, Tamzin grabbed the silk nightgown she hadn't worn in months, as it was too cold for the North and she hadn't needed a nightgown in front of Will. The silk felt like cool air on her hot skin and it fit her perfectly, framing her stomach like nothing else.

  "I disagree. It is rather ironic that the discovery of my mother was the worst thing I have experienced," Will said as he slipped on his sandals and extended his hand to Tamzin. Her sandals were also slip on, a gift from her mother, which made getting ready that much easier for her. "Come on. The kitchens can't be too far."

  Will opened the door and looked out into the hallway. It was empty, even free of guards as they came out into the hallway. He remained shirtless; the heat was too stifling to wear any more clothes than necessary and Will wasn't expecting to come across anyone at this time of night. At the end of the hallway, Will found he could continue to go straight or take a right. He knew the door on the left was someone's chambers.

  "Aren't the kitchens usually on the bottom level?" Tamzin asked as they came to another hallway. This hallway was much more lit and seemed to have more activity. Will turned around to face her and put his index finger to his lips. Tamzin nodded and squeezed his hand. Will slowed his movements to make sure his sandals didn't make any noise on the floor. They slowly approached the open door, which was well lit. As they advanced, Will could hear various voices. It was Ethan, Katya, and Hanna.

  "He's awful," Ethan said as Will watched him take a swig from his goblet. He was nearly drunk, as was Hanna, as Katya watched from an armchair. "He's so honorable, that Will Thurston. He's a pain in my arse."

  "He's very handsome," Hanna slurred as she poured more wine into her goblet. "His wife is so big! She's like a whale!"

  "She's due to give birth soon, and she's a Princess. You should show some respect," Katya scolded as she looked down at the book in her lap. "She is as beautiful as they say. She's very kind, too."

  "Her husband is still a pretentious imbecile," Ethan said as he leaned back in his seat. "He's only nineteen?"

  "Didn't you hear him? He commands the finest army in the North or South! That is so impressive," Hanna giggled. "He could command me to do anything."

  "You're disgusting. He's your brother-in-law," Katya said with an eye roll.

  "And my wife," Ethan said with an upturned nose. "And he's going to be King."

  "Did you hear them? Katya and I were supposed to bring the Princess a new set of sheets and she was moaning so wantonly. Will Thurston may be boring and self righteous, but she certainly sounds like she enjoyed herself. And you know what they say about Tamzin Roth," Hanna said as she curled her finger in her hair. "How many Southerners questioned her maidenhood before she was shipped off to the Thurstons? They were the only ones who actually believed she was still a virgin."

  Will felt his jaw tighten as he looked to Tamzin. She had a look of anger and shame on her face, but Will knew the truth. He felt her maidenhead when he first entered her, heard her slight gasp of pain, and the blood afterwards. This lowly girl had no right to question his wife's chastity before they were wed. Before Will could enter the room, Hanna continued.

  "Do you think she is actually carrying the heir to the Thurston Territory? What if she..."

  "What if she what?" Will interrupted as he and Tamzin sauntered into the room. Will was not arrogant enough to show off his physique, but he wanted these Southerners to know who they were dealing with. Katya sprung to her feet and Ethan and Hanna stared at him like they were unsure if he were real or not. Tamzin stood behind him, her hand curled around his bicep. "There seem to be quite a lot of rumors here, about myself or about my wife. Did the rumor of what happened to my uncle reach your ears?"

  "No, Your Grace," Ethan's voice quivered lightly as he focused his eyes on Tamzin.

  "My uncle, whom I had never met, invaded and tried to kill Tamzin after he discovered she was swelling with my child. He was going to die when I got my hands on him, but he insulted her in front of me. I cut out his tongue for speaking his words, then I cut off his hands, which were used to harm her before I let him burn to death. I don't take kindly to people who speak of lies, especially about the most important person in my life," Will said as he gritted his teeth as he approached Ethan. "My father is a terrible man, but I, at least,
was taught to never speak ill of another man's wife."

  "We are sorry, Your Grace," Katya said as her eyes shifted from Tamzin then to the ground.

  "I heard enough to know that you didn't say anything," Will said as his eyes traced Katya's face. "As for you two, you will apologize to Tamzin, not me." It was then that Tamzin took a step around Will and stood in front of him. She was not afraid of them; she never was, but what Hanna said was humiliating. She was a virgin in her marital bed, the child she carried did belong to her husband, and since their marriage, no other man had touched her with her consent.

  "Tell me, Hanna, what have I done to deserve such mistrust and gossip when we have only just met?" Tamzin asked, her voice strong and queenly as she allowed her hand to rest over her belly. "Is that all it is? Just vicious gossip?"

  "Yes, Your Grace. Nothing more than just gossip," Hanna said, though she could not meet Tamzin's eyes. "I apologize for my comments. They were not meant for you to hear."

  "But I did hear them. You know, I never had a sister before and now I have two. I was very much looking forward to Will having siblings, despite how terribly you all were discovered. But perhaps my husband is right to want to keep an arm's length distance? I will keep you as my handmaidens, for the simple fact that I need them, but I am not your sister. I trust no one who carelessly insults myself, my child, and my husband in one sentence," Tamzin said as she raised her eyebrow at Hanna. "You two will bring breakfast for myself and my husband every morning at the ninth hour. You will bring my bath water promptly afterwards. You will comb out my hair and tend to my dresses..."

  "All of that?" Hanna exclaimed as Ethan stifled a laugh.

  "My other handmaidens, the one who betrayed me and the one who took a sword for me and died, were not treated this way. They were my best friends and I loved them dearly, even Lucy. She betrayed me, but she saved me in the end. Lucy was many things, but she never openly questioned my virginity in my marital bed or questioned if Will was the father of my unborn child. She knew I was a Princess and treated me as such. I will make sure you two never forget that when Will inherits the throne for Bradford, I will be his Queen," Tamzin smirked and Will crossed his arms over his chest, with pride beaming on his face.

  "We won't forget that, Your Grace," Katya curtsied and Tamzin did not correct her. "Is there anything else you need?"

  "Yes, I am quite hungry. Which direction is the kitchens?" Tamzin asked with false sweetness, though Will could still sense the anger bubbling just beneath her skin. Hanna and Ethan had both turned away, still embarrassed by Tamzin's words to them.

  "At the end of the hallway is a staircase. Take that staircase down one level and the kitchens will be there. I suppose we will see you in the morning, Your Grace," Katya said with a nod and Will took Tamzin by the wrist. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Hanna and Ethan staring at him and most likely his scars. He ignored them before he turned around and he and Tamzin left the library.

  "I don't think I'm hungry anymore," Tamzin said with a frown. "Do you mind if we go back to bed?"

  "Are you sure? If you're still hungry..." Will began before Tamzin placed a finger over his lips.

  "I'm sure," she said as she tried to smile through her sadness. "Waddling around makes me tired."

  Will didn't reply and took her hand. Together and silently, they returned to their chambers, where Will stripped off his breeches and Tamzin curled against his side. Though her breathing was normal, Will could hear the slight wheeze under her breath. She was upset about what Hanna had said about her and probably wondered if Will ever questioned if he fathered her child?

  "I never believed what people said. I know you were a virgin when we were wed and even if you weren't, it doesn't matter," Will said as he gently scratched her scalp.

  "Thank you," Tamzin's voice quaked against his chest. He didn't say anything as he felt the warmth of a few droplets of tears on his skin. She was quiet and soon Will felt her relax enough to fall asleep. Ethan's voice rang out in his mind with his insults, but Will had heard worst. He was used to people not liking him, but Tamzin wasn't the same. She thrived off attention and love from others, but Tamzin was not as loved as she thought. It didn't matter; Will would love her all the same. How could he not?

  The next morning, Will stood awkwardly by the bed he shared with Tamzin. She laid on her back, with her legs spread open, with Jacque in between them. He was inspecting her.

  "Yes, you only have a few more weeks before you will go into labor. You must avoid stress to stop yourself from going into early labor," Jacque said as he pulled his hands out from under Tamzin's dress. "Until you give birth, we need to have daily checkups to make sure everything is going well."

  "If that is what you think is best," Tamzin said as she sat up with some strain. "How are you finding your chambers?"

  "They are pleasant enough, Your Grace," Jacque said as he stood up with unsteady feet and grabbed the bed for support. Since the invasion months before, Jacque had not been himself, but no one was exactly the same anymore. "Is there anything else you need?"

  "If you come across Seraphina, send her here," Tamzin asked and ignored Will's shocked expression. Jacque nodded before he departed from their chambers and Tamzin continued to lie on the bed in her nightgown. She had woken up earlier than expected and she and Will played a few hands of cards before Katya came to their chambers with their breakfast. He and Tamzin had finished their breakfast before Jacque came to their chambers.

  "You want to see Seraphina?" Will asked as he rejoined Tamzin in bed. He wore only his breeches, as he was still unused to the Southern heat. The heat was much worst here than it was in Roth.

  "I would like her to join me when I am asked to have afternoon tea with your mother," Tamzin said as she rolled to the side. It hurt her back to lie down flat. "Besides, I want to talk to her."

  "About what?" Will asked as he reached over her body and massaged his fingers into her lower back. Tamzin moaned lightly as he worked out a kink.

  "I want to know how she is faring with Garrett," Tamzin answered simply. "Garrett does not act like a soon to be father as well. If he is the father..."

  "Not everyone approaches fatherhood the same way," Will said as he stopped massaging her lower back. "I will play this game with you for a second. Say Garrett isn't the father..."

  "I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't..."

  "Then who is?" Will asked.

  "I don't know, but she knows something," Tamzin began as she watched Will sit up and leaned against the headboard of the bed. "Or she's important to someone. Important enough that she has leverage. Is she a native Northerner?"

  "If she is a comfort girl, then she was most likely employed at the brothel before she worked in the Thurston kitchens. Most of those girls are natives. I only visited one prostitute in the brothel before you came along, so I don't know much about Seraphina," Will said with blushed cheeks.

  "You're loyal, even to prostitutes," Tamzin laughed as she stroked her stomach. "You know, Seraphina kind of looks like your mother."

  "Brown hair and brown or hazel eyes are prevalent in the North and the South," Will replied as he stared at the ceiling. "Can we reenter the real world again?"

  "I suppose," Tamzin said as she crawled into his arms and rested her head on his broad chest. "Did you sleep well?"

  "The noises beneath us kept me awake most of the night. I will have to ask Paul how they keep the underground so well ventilated. It's a brilliant idea to keep the people underground," Will said as he wrapped her in his arms. "You are certain my mother will ask you to have tea?"

  "Maybe not tea, but she will ask that I spend time with her, Katya, and possibly Hanna. I want information out of her and she will want information out of me," Tamzin explained as her eyes stared out the large window in front of them. The window didn't oversee the ocean like in Roth, but the front gate. It was a beautiful view, but it wasn't home.

  "When this is over, I want to return to the North," Will
said as he stroked her arm. "I want to raise our children in the North, away from all of this."

  "As long as you permit many visits to my family, I could never say no," Tamzin said with a smile. "We will rebuild your home to be bigger and stronger."

  "My worst fear is that I will never make it back home," Will shuddered at the thought before he reached up and ran his fingers through his hair. "I need a bath."

  "You do stink," Tamzin teased before she felt Will reach over and place his fingers on a sensitive spot on her side. He tickled her and she shrieked with laughter before she kicked her feet at him. "No!" She cried out. "I'm sorry!"

  "I smell delicious. Say you love my smell," Will laughed genuinely as he rolled her to her back as he kept tickling her. "My manly scent."

  "Your manly scent is so fragrant!" Tamzin continued to squeal before the door opened and an 'ahem' interrupted them. Will pulled off his giggling wife and turned around to see Nicola standing in the doorway. She seemed alarmed by the sight in front of her before she watched Tamzin sit up with a broad smile on her face.


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