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Unbroken (Unarmed Trilogy #2)

Page 29

by Nina Monroe

  The stench was beginning to set in and Will nearly ran from the room and to the stairs. He was only a few steps down before people that asked about their loved ones bombarded him. Unable to handle the pressure, Will brushed past them and burst through the small crowds that formed around him. As he approached the nobility wing, the crowds lessened and Will heard Paul’s voice explaining that the battle had been won, but not without casualties. Will had lost men, but not because they were not skilled. The Johansson men were resilient, rising after blows and stabs that could have killed the average man. They were all larger in stature and muscle mass than the Northmen, but if you have little skill, these things won’t save you in the long run.

  Will pushed the door to the nobility wing open. He found mostly women sitting in circles, wine goblets in their hands. They were laughing as if someone had just made a jape; like there wasn’t a battle outside that killed men of all ages. Will felt his disgust rise up in him but it was quelled as he found Tamzin. She sat in the corner of the room, surrounded by Katya, Hanna, Nicola, and surprisingly, Seraphina. Nicola was the one that sat closest to her and was cradling Liam in her arms.

  Tamzin looked up and found her husband, still bloody and dirty from battle, as he stared at her openly. She pulled herself to her feet and rushed to him, her feet shuffled across the dirt floor and launched herself into his arms. Despite the blood and grime, Will wrapped his arms around her and tightened enough to lift her clearly off the ground. With their faces level, Will wound his fingers in her chestnut hair and wanted to tear his armor off to feel her body fit against his. He heard her soft sob in his ear and pressed his lips to her pulse point.

  “It is alright, my love,” Will whispered in her ear, and laughed to himself that he was comforting her after what he had endured. It didn’t matter to him; all he wanted was to crawl into bed with her next to him and Liam on his chest. The war could wait.

  “We could hear them. The sounds of the men and I feared that some of the sounds were from you,” Tamzin sniffled as she pulled away and brushed some dirt off his cheek with her thumb. “What happened?”

  “My father fled and I had the chance to kill him, but I couldn’t do it. I had him on the ground and I was on top of him, but I couldn’t do it,” Will’s voice cracked and his teeth latched onto his bottom lip. “I could have ended it.”

  “You’re safe and our boarders are safe. That is what matters,” Tamzin soothed as she kissed his bearded cheek. “Can we move above ground now? You need a bath and some food, as do your men. Do they need my help?”

  “You’re not a full day out of the birthing bed. You and Liam are returning to our chambers and I will see to your bath and food,” Will commanded lightly as he cupped Tamzin’s cheek. “I need to have a council meeting about the state of Garrett and Seraphina.”

  “I think it would be useless to question her. She is frightened and she assures me that she had nothing to do with it, Will,” Tamzin explained, much to the shock of Will.

  “Weeks ago, you were convinced she was a spy and was carrying my father’s child. Now you think she is innocent in all,” Will asked as he put her back down on the ground, his height difference apparent with her own.

  “She is frightened of something, but I do not know if it is because she has been caught or accused of something she did not do. She should still be questioned, yes, but she is swelling with child, so you mustn’t be so rough with her,” Tamzin said before she looked over her shoulder. “Liam has just fallen asleep.”

  “May I still see him?” Will asked as he watched Nicola gently shuffle Liam in her arms.

  “Of course,” Tamzin grinned as she felt Will brush past her and approached Nicola.

  She immediately offered Liam to him and didn’t speak as Liam was placed in Will’s strong, but still unsure, arms. Holding his son still felt awkward and Will was sure, most times, that he would accidentally hurt Liam. But Liam didn’t wake and curled into Will’s accommodating arms. Tamzin stood next to him and gently raised Will’s arms so Liam’s head was now resting against Will’s chest.

  “You will become used to it. Soon, you won’t ever want to put him down,” Tamzin said as she ran her hand up and down Liam’s back. “I had to hand him to Nicola because my arms had become so tired that they ached.”

  “I don’t want to hurt him,” Will said as his fingers gently touched Liam’s hair.

  “You won’t. You know what to do, but you’re just having a difficult time learning it. It will come to you,” Tamzin said before the other soldiers began to enter the wing.

  “Your Grace, the council has assembled. His Royal Highness, King Aidan, has asked that you lead the council and the questioning, as Garrett Mason is under your jurisdiction,” the soldier said before he bowed to both Will and Tamzin. Will nodded to the soldier before he turned back to Tamzin.

  “I will take you to bed before I attend the meeting,” Will said as he ran his fingers up and down her arm.

  “I want to attend the meeting,” Tamzin spoke out just loud enough for only Will to hear. “Unless you think it will be interfering?”

  “I don’t know what he is going to say. It may be something you do not want to hear,” Will said as he placed Liam in Tamzin’s arms. He reached down and fixed her robe to cover her completely before he leaned in and kissed her forehead. “If you think you are up to it, you are more than welcome to join me. Please don’t question him. As of right now, Garrett is not our ally.”

  Tamzin nodded and Will wrapped his arm around her shoulders and gently led her up the stairs. She moved slower than usual, due to Liam and the pain between her legs, and had to stop at the very top of the stairs. Will listened as she took a deep breath and his hand massaged her belly.

  “I can carry you,” he offered before Tamzin shook her head.

  “I will need a bath after this, but I am fine,” Tamzin said through gritted teeth as Will placed both his hands on her arms to keep her steady. “I don’t want the men to think I cannot sit through a council meeting.”

  “You don’t need to prove anything to them. If a man cannot respect a woman enduring the birth of a child, a Prince no less, than he should have no place on my council,” Will replied slightly menacingly before he noticed Ethan approaching them. “What is it?” Will asked.

  “Do you need me to escort the Princess and Prince back to your chambers?” Ethan asked as he peaked on his sleeping nephew.

  “We are joining you,” Tamzin said as she showed Liam to Ethan. Liam’s eyes opened slightly before he let out a small cry. Tamzin then pressed him against her chest and he settled down. Ethan didn’t reply to Tamzin, but peered at Will with an uncertain gleam in his eye.

  “Some of the council members won’t approve of a woman in the War Room, especially a woman with a newborn,” Ethan began before Will gave him a stern look.

  “I don’t live to serve the Bradford Council,” Will said as he steered Tamzin away from his brother and towards the hallway. At the end of the hallway was the War Room, which had the door wide open. Will entered the chambers first, and found the council sitting in a circle. Men sat behind wooden tables and in the center was a small, wooden chair. Will’s place was in the top center of the circle and he led Tamzin towards the seat. Instead of taking the seat himself, he sat Tamzin down in the cushioned chair and stood behind her, with his hands on her shoulders.

  As Will stood amongst the council, his eyes were trained on his wife and newborn son. He should have made her return to bed; the birth could have been significantly worst, but Will still felt uneasy at seeing her up and about so early, especially when she refused to be parted with their son.

  Liam rested on her chest, his full lips parted as he breathed in deeply during his sleep. The boy favored Will more than he initially thought; no one, not even Gregory, could dispute that this was his son. Will was aware that the rumors still floated about that Junior Johansson had gotten Tamzin with child, when she was his captive.

  Garrett was escorted
into the War room and stood in the center; the surrounding men unsheathed their swords and placed them on the table as a warning. Garrett had promised Will he would explain everything and now that Will had a temporary victory against his father, now was the time.

  “State your name for the council,” Paul said in a monotone voice as he picked up his quill, ready to take notes on what was happening.

  “Lord Garrett Mason of Thurston Territory,” Garrett replied as he placed his hands behind his back in a proper stance. “I am here to inform the council that, for the past few months, I have been an informant for His Royal Highness William Thurston.” His admission caused the council to mutter softly and Will looked to his stepfather and half-brother for their opinions. “If I may continue?” Garrett asked, though he looked to Will specifically. Will nodded.

  “The girl in our care, Seraphina, was once a girl I had relations with. She worked in the kitchens, and after we parted, she and I stayed friends. She was present, delivering dessert, to Gregory Thurston and King Turner Roth when the Roths arrived for Will’s wedding to Tamzin. Turner informed Gregory that Lucy Johansson was a Southerner, though Seraphina did not hear him say she was, specifically, a Johansson. After hearing a Southerner was in our midst, Seraphina became suspicious of Lucy. She informed me of what transpired between Gregory Thurston and Turner Roth in their discussion.” This comment earned more whispering from the council, but Will stayed focus on Garrett, as he rested his hands on Tamzin’s shoulders.

  “Over the course of Princess Tamzin’s poisoning and our arrival in your aunt’s territory, it became obvious to me that something was amiss. When we were attacked in the forest, I tried to explain to Gregory Thurston how odd it was that two Southerners, Duke and Lucy, knew the roadways, but to no avail. When Gregory told me I had nothing to worry about, I instantly became suspicious. It was then that Gregory began to send letters, more so than usual. Seraphina was able to steal some letters, which Seraphina brought to me. In these letters, Gregory spoke of his hatred for Will and that Tamzin was meant to be poisoned to start a war with the Roths, in hopes that Will would be killed in battle…”

  “And Duke? The Johanssons? Where do they come into play?” Tamzin asked as she, absentmindedly, stroked her son’s dark hair.

  “I don't know. I do know more than Will does, but the information is scarce. All I know is that Gregory promised to marry a Johansson girl, if the Johanssons followed him. I speculate that the Johanssons are nothing more than a pawn and a vessel. But what I know is that Gregory hates you, and will not rest until all of this is over," Garrett spoke gravely to Tamzin.

  “During all of this, Seraphina and I were together. When we were in the war against the Johanssons, I drank too much and woke next to Seraphina; she later informed me I had gotten a child on her, which Gregory was not aware of. She risked her life to continue to steal the letters and tell me what Gregory was up to. When I was caught with a letter, before we received news of Thurston burning, I told him I wanted to help him."

  “How did you convince him?” Will asked as he took a deep breath from nervousness.

  “I told him I was resentful and I felt forced to marry Kendall, which was a lie. Gregory’s spies then discovered Seraphina was carrying my child. He used that as leverage, telling me that Will would side with Tamzin and I would be pushed out of my role as Will's second-in-command. Gregory vowed to protect my child,” Garrett said as he looked to Will, the pain etched on his face.

  “And why would he do that?” Will asked gravely as he tightened his grip on Tamzin’s shoulders. She looked up at him and wanted to offer him a smile, but even she knew that what Garrett would say couldn’t have been good.

  “Because Gregory needed a new blood heir after he got rid of you. Someone to continue the plan, if Gregory was indisposed, ” Garrett said softly as his eyes looked to the ground. “And I am your blood. Gregory told me I was your half-brother after I received word that Kendall had died in Thurston and that our home was gone. I had suspected, longed even, that I was your brother, but I didn’t know for sure. He was using my child with Seraphina to be his heir and to make sure I wouldn’t falter against him. Gregory knows I would join him if he vowed to protect the life of my child.”

  “If he wanted to keep Seraphina as an insurance policy, to ensure you followed his orders, why did he let you leave with her?” Will asked as he felt the anger coat his tongue at the word. “Why would he let her out of his sight?”

  “Because Seraphina and I promised him that we would kill you,” Garrett said as he looked up from the ground again. “I told him I would keep my distance from you and attack you when you were down. Gregory trusts Seraphina to keep me in line. He says women are weak when it comes to children. I made him believe I was jealous of you. He’s doing all of this because of his own ego. He is bitter that he could not break you, like his father broke him. It came to a head when Turner Roth refused his initial proposal to Tamzin…”

  “What?” Tamzin nearly screeched, which made Liam stir in her arms. Gently, she pressed a kiss to his head and rubbed her hand down his back soothingly. Will placed his hand on his son's head, feeling dizzy as he used his other hand to grip Tamzin’s shoulder for support.

  “Gregory wanted to marry you first, but Turner laughed. Gregory wanted Tamzin dead to make Roth advance against Will, specifically, but I think he was also insulted that Turner said he wasn’t good enough for you,” Garrett explained as he reached behind his back and pulled out an array of letters that were tucked in his back pocket.

  “I have been writing Gregory since we arrived in Roth. I have lied to him about everything, from the amount of soldiers we have to how your relationship with Tamzin has been. Until today, when we slaughtered his men and took in the rest for questioning, Gregory thought we only have roughly 500 Thurston men that resented you and thought you,” Garrett nodded to Tamzin, “were willing to negotiate a treaty to get out of your marriage to Will. Gregory probably would have married you himself, named myself his heir, and lured Douglas Johansson into a trap to get his land and wealth.”

  “And what would my father have done to my son and myself?” Will asked, though he could only imagine what the answer could have been.

  “I believe he would have killed you eventually, but I know, for sure, he would have murdered your son,” Garrett said as his voice cracked. “Gregory thought, or still thinks, that Liam was born months ago and is a sickly girl. He doesn’t know that Liam is in fine health and full term, as well as a boy. I know that I have deceived you, Will, but you’re my family…”

  “Apparently so is my father. Are you helping him as well?” Will asked with anger as he looked down at his sleeping son. He could see silent tears on Tamzin’s cheeks as she rested her cheek against Liam’s head. The baby stirred softly, but did not wake.

  “You were my brother before I knew for sure. Everyone has viewed me as a lecher, but you think I’m more than that. I want what is best for the Realm and Gregory Thurston is not remotely close. I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you, Tamzin, or my nephew,” Garrett pleaded as he ran his hand through his hair. It was, apparently, a family trait.

  “Read the letters,” Tamzin said with a heavy voice. “Gregory is arrogant and will implicate himself easily in the letters. We will see if Garrett is loyal through clues in the letters.”

  “Please!” Garrett exclaimed. “Read them. Search my chambers, any place you think I would hide. You will also find that Gregory murdered the Johanssons for complete loyalty of the soldiers and the people. That is the smoke we saw coming from the direction of the Johansson Territory.”

  “A smart move,” Will heard one of the council men murmur to another.

  “I will read the letters and confiscate everything you own. You understand that I will keep you barricaded in a room while I investigate. I will keep Seraphina separated from you as well. If everything that you said is true, I will release you and I will consider restoring your standing. You may be a liability, now that
my father knows you betrayed him,” Will asked as his fingers swept across Tamzin’s collarbone.

  “I know that,” Garrett said honestly as his hands came to rest by his side. “I told you in Roth that when the time came, I would explain everything.”

  “And I have yet to see that,” Will responded emotionlessly. “Take him to the tower. Bring him regular meals, but never leave less than two guards outside his door. When he leaves, I will tell you where to place Seraphina,” Will said as he watched a Bradford and Roth soldier place cuffs on Garrett’s wrists. “I hope you have told me the truth.”

  “You know I have,” Garrett smiled as he nodded to Tamzin. “Thank you for defending me.”

  Though Tamzin did not respond, she gave him a meaningful look. He betrayed her best friend, got a child on another woman, but Tamzin was sure Garrett had told the truth; however, Will was smart to investigate further. She looked down at her sleeping baby and pressed a kiss to his forehead. He cooed lightly, still asleep, and snuggled further into her chest. As Garrett was escorted from the room, Willem approached Will with Ethan by his side.


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