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Mary had a little harem

Page 3

by Arizona Tape

  "Miss, your tickets?" the guy from the booth held up a roll of colourful tickets. Hastily, Mary grabbed the end of the roll and hurried after Louis. With a trail of pink paper tickets fluttering behind her, she ran after him. She grabbed him by his arm and forced him to a halt.

  "Oi! What's going on? Where are you going?"

  Frustrated, Louis snatched his arm away from her grip. "Cut it out!"

  "Cut what out?"

  "That act. Don't think I can't see through your little tricks!"

  Mary tilted her head in confusion. He couldn't have possibly realised she just wanted to get a quick lay. And even if he did, what guy would pass that up?

  "I don't think I know what you mean," she hesitantly said, quite surprised at his outburst. He didn't seem like the angry type.

  "I know Valerie sent you," Louis half-yelled, glaring accusingly at her.

  "Valerie?" Mary scratched her neck as she racked her brain. Did she know a Valerie?

  "Don't play dumb! I know my ex sent you."

  "Sent me? Nobody sent me?"

  "Then why are you here?" Louis scoffed, sending daggers with his eyes in her direction.

  "Let's see... You attacked me with a tree in an elevator and then I accused you of being a burglar. Mrs. Smithfield practically forced us go on a date, so, naturally, you showed up as Santa Claus. You ate half my pretzel, we got engaged, and you seem to be a decent shot. After that you stormed off and now you are blabbering about a Valerie?"

  Louis carefully studied the woman in front of him, surprised when he realised he actually believed her. The storm swirling in his stomach turned into gentle snowflakes that fluttered down. And just like that, his anger melted away.

  "Oh..." he muttered, his ears turning red in embarrassment.

  "What did you think?"

  "I don't want to say..." He muttered, quite happy that his beard was covering most of his face and she couldn't see the blush colouring his cheeks.

  Mary touched his arm, much softer than before. "Tell me?"

  Louis started into her eyes, suddenly noticing how vibrant they were, even in the darkness. If you didn't look carefully, you'd easily mistake them for just a regular grey. But they were so much more. They were both darker and lighter than just a boring shade of grey. Silver grey. Beautiful grey.

  "I just thought..." he started, still unsure whether he'd actually tell her the truth. Telling her how freaked out and paranoid he was, was not really something he'd like to admit out loud.

  "Hey, all my girlfriends flip like switches. I promise you, I've dealt with much crazier," she tried to reassure him.

  For another brief moment, he glanced at her. An honesty he hadn't expected swirled through her eyes and he figured, why not.

  "Okay... This might sound crazy—"

  "I was hoping it would," Mary mumbled under her breath, quickly muttering an apology as he glared at her.

  "I thought Valerie sent you to... I don't know, hit on me and make me crazy?" he explained, staring at a small rock on the side of the road. He glanced quickly at Mary, finding a confused look on her face. "Oh god, you were hitting on me, right? Or did I get this completely wrong? Oh fu—"

  "Yes, I was hitting on you," Mary quickly admitted, not sure why she did. Especially since he hadn't really reacted to any of it.


  "Why what?" Mary narrowed her eyes, surprised at how the cocky, slightly douchey guy had suddenly turned into a rather sensitive and very human man. Not that she minded. It was quite a nice change to be in the presence of someone who dared to speak their mind.

  "Why are you hitting on me?"

  "Why not? You're not bad looking and I'm single," she admitted, looking him daringly in the eye. If he really wasn't interested, she'd know for sure now.

  "Aha..." Louis muttered, studying the slender woman in front of him. As enjoyable as it was to have someone challenge him, he much preferred this version of Mary.

  "Aha what?"

  "Just aha."

  Mary glared at the suddenly unresponsive man, annoyed that he seemed to be fine with her lying all her cards on the table, but hellbound on keeping his own secrets. "I told you how the cookie crumbles, now it's your turn."


  "Are you gay?" Mary asked bluntly as she checked out the man dressed in a complete Santa costume.

  Louis snorted. "Me? Gay? Hah, not at all. What gave you that idea?"

  "Just wondering..."

  "If I were gay, why would I be on a date with you?"

  "Cause you're grandma made you?"

  "Well... Yeah, but still. I wouldn't have gone if I was gay?"

  Mary scratched her chin. "So you just don't find me attractive? Am I not your type? Or just not beautiful enough?" she inquired, already cringing at the prospect of getting an actual honest answer. Maybe she didn't want to know why after all. Ready to take her questions back, she opened her mouth.

  "What? Oh my God, of course I find you attractive. Hell, you're gorgeous," Louis uttered surprised, not believing how this girl could actually think she was anything less than breathtaking.

  "You think so?" Mary asked from under her eyelashes, her cheeks heating up from his sincerity.

  "You're absolutely my type," he assured her, smiling at how human she was. "Beautiful, witty, and just a little bit mean."

  "Oi!" Mary smacked his chest in mock-hurt, but the curl around her lips betrayed her amusement. "We were having such a nice moment and you just had to ruin it, didn't you."

  Louis smiled, admiring the twinkles in her grey eyes. "I don't think I ruined it."

  Mary bit her lip, silently admitting that Louis maybe wasn't that bad of a guy after all. "Maybe you didn't."

  Louis grinned, stepping closer to Mary. If she was saying what he thought she was saying, he was gold. Maybe this "date" would turn out better than most of his genuine ones.

  As careful as he could, much more gently than he'd expected from himself, he cupped Mary's face. He swiped a thumb over her cheek, studying the silver swirling through her eyes. He waited, for her to pull away, for another snarky remark, for something. But as she sighed into his touch, he couldn't contain himself.

  A stray snowflake landed on Mary's bottom lip, melting away before Louis crashed his own lips on hers.

  "Blah," Mary spluttered, pulling away from him as she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

  Gutted, Louis darted back, immediately hitting himself for taking a chance. Why did he think this was a good idea again?

  "Beard," she coughed, pointing at the itchy, white drape of polyester covering the bottom side of his face.

  "Oh fuck," he exclaimed, not believing he actually forgot he was wearing a Santa Costume with a fake beard. "Did I actually try and kiss you with this beard?" he asked, his ears turning red in embarrassment again. She seemed to be able to bring that out of him.

  Mary snickered. "I was wondering if you forgot."

  He narrowed his eyes. "So you were just waiting to see if I'd kiss you with my Santa beard?"

  "Maybe?" she shrugged, but the lights of joy twinkling in her eyes said "definitely".

  "I can't believe I just did that," he muttered to himself, the urge to slam his head into a wall bubbling up in his stomach. Just his luck. Here he was, standing next to a beautiful girl in a beautiful night. And he cocked it up by forgetting about his stupid beard. What an idiot. There went all his chances of impressing the dark-haired beauty.

  "Here, let me," Mary suddenly whispered, gently pulling the beard down. The cold winter air was in stark contrast of the isolated warmth underneath his beard. But not for long.

  Pressing herself up on her tippy toes, Mary snaked one arm around Louis' neck, tangling her hand in the little hairs of his nape. As quickly as the cold came, it disappeared as she pressed her lips against his, sealing the gap between their bodies. The winter breeze no longer able to pass through them.

  Louis’ burlap sack slipped out of his hands as he curled them around Mary's
waist, pulling her harder into him. With the beard out of the way, he finally found out how soft and warm Mary's lips were against his. Both tender and passionate, surprisingly, they both found the kiss to be the perfect match between hot and cold, hard and soft, desperate and gentle.

  Almost reluctantly, Mary pulled back for some fresh air. With glazed over eyes, she stared at the handsome guy in front of her. Even the ugly red costume, the ridiculous beard dangling underneath his chin, and the tacky pointy hat couldn't hide how beautiful he was. How his sharp and chiseled features stood out. How mysterious and deep the midnight blue in his eyes was.

  Louis tangled one hand in her dark locks, guiding her face back to his. Playfully, he nibbled on her bottom lip, groaning as she granted him access.

  Mary grinned against his lips, pressing herself harder into him. She pushed his Christmas hat out of the way and tangled her hands in his hair. Annoyed by his prickly beard, she yanked it all the way down, the knot untangling behind his head. Without tree branches or silly Christmas garnish hiding his face, Mary was able to admire Louis' face. She briefly noted that he was honestly, really beautiful and backed up that statement by passionately answering his kiss.

  "So... Your place or mine?" Louis proposed, raising his eyebrow cockily. Mary snorted, pushing him away.

  "Both. I'm going to mine and you back to yours," she retorted. Even though the date had gone well and she certainly had warmed up to him, she wasn't ready to just jump into bed with him. Even though she was sure that underneath his Santa suit, he was sculpted like a Greek God.

  "You're going to make me walk home all by myself? What if someone tries to take advantage of me?" he pouted, making Mary chuckle.

  "You can hit them with your sack," she proposed, a giggle escaping from her lips. Horrified, she clamped her hands over her mouth. Oh no, she was actually giggling? That was never a good sign.

  "Fine, fine," Louis sighed, not in the least dejected. To his surprise, he liked Mary. He wasn't too sure why, but there was something about her that he enjoyed. Maybe it was her no-nonsense kind of way. Or how she had a quick retort for everything. Or maybe how she drew a part of him to the surface that he usually didn't have the courage to show. A cockier and wilder part of him.

  "So am I seeing you again?" he asked, his voice softer than before. He genuinely wanted to see her again and part of him hoped she did too.

  Mary hesitated briefly. Fresh flakes of snow rained from the night sky as they added an extra glint of winter to the scenery. Apart from Louis being dressed as Santa, it had been a near perfect date. Of course, she would never admit that to him. Or to herself. But still...

  "Maybe," she omitted the question, stretching out her hands to catch one of the stray snowflakes.

  Louis turned, a strange glint in his eyes. Surprisingly gentle, he cupped her hands with his. Soft like a stray snowflake, he pressed his lips on hers again.

  And for a moment, she forgot to breathe. Forgot to move. Forgot to think. All there was, was Louis.

  With a sigh, they broke apart.

  "I should wear my Santa costume more often when I go on dates," Louis joked, staring deep in Mary's eyes. He was surprised by how well they fit, even if they seemed to bring out each other's competitive side.

  Mary groaned. "Don't go ruining a perfect moment. Again."

  He chuckled. "Sorry. I can't seem to help myself." He pulled her closer into him. "So... Am I seeing you again?"

  Mary patted his satin costume. "I'll get back to you on that."

  * * *

  The lock clicked hard as Mary pushed the door open to her flat. She threw her keys on the dresser and stomped the last of the snow from her shoes.

  What a strange turn of events. What she expected to turn into a disaster, had turned out to be an actual date. And not just a mediocre one. A pretty decent one.

  "Huh," she muttered, flicking on the light in her bedroom. Did she actually wind up liking Louis? "Stranger things have happened."

  She kicked off her boots as she let herself fall down on her bed. The sheets were cold and crisp and somehow, Mary couldn't shake the thought of Louis warming her and the bed up.

  Maybe she shouldn't have said no, after all.

  "No, that's crazy," she reprimanded herself. She just got out of a long and complicated relationship, she didn't need to jump in a new one. Not even if it was just about sex. Sex always, always complicated things. But then again, a nice bout of stress relief would be most welcome. Maybe she should find herself another guy, just for the physical side of things. Because as much as she wanted to deny it, she liked Louis too much to just turn it into a physical thing.


  She threw her sweater onto a pile of laundry and glanced at the frame on her dresser.

  The picture of a handsome man was smiling at her, one corner of his mouth curled up in his signature smirk. Kurt.

  It'd been almost a month since they broke up. Well, since he dumped her, more like it. And up till now, she had been convinced he'd come back. That he'd realise what a huge mistake he made by picking that blonde bimbo over her.

  "Tssk," she huffed, still not sure how the bitch managed to convince Kurt to go monogamous for her. Any other guy, maybe. But Kurt... The king of polygamy. He couldn't possibly be happy right now, could he?

  But then why hadn't he called?

  Mary snarled. He wasn't missing her at all, so why should she miss him? There were enough men around that would jump on the opportunity to be with her. Men like Louis.

  With a loud smack, the frame hit the opposing wall. Stupid Kurt. He didn't know what he was missing.

  Angry, she yanked her phone from her pocket. With fast thumbs and hard keystrokes, she sent a quick message to Louis.

  — Yes, I'd love to see you again. Xxx Mary —

  Her phone beeped immediately with a reply from Louis. A self-satisfied grin curled up Mary's lips. He definitely was interested. And there was no way she wouldn't take advantage of that.

  Chapter 5: Admire My Elf

  "You look... Something," Louis muttered, his eyes trailing up and down Mary's figure. That was not how he expected her to look.

  Mary grinned, twirling around in her elf costume. "What, you don't like it?" she innocently asked, batting her eyelashes at him. Internally, she grinned. Devilishly. Yes, this was the baffled look on his face she was going for. That would serve him for showing up dressed as Santa.

  "You're... All green," he mumbled in disbelief, part of him cringing at all the people staring lewdly at her, another part of him admiring her bold move. That took guts to show up in a flimsy elf costume in the middle of winter. And the fact she did it just to spite him, that made it even more perfect. That was something he'd do. Hell, it was exactly what he had done to her on their first date.

  Mary pulled up an eyebrow, twirling around her axis so Louis could admire the funny bells on the back of her belt.

  "Isn't it beautiful? I figured you'd show up in your Santa costume again, so I thought I'd dress to match," she innocently grinned, but Louis could swear he saw horns and a tail protruding from her. She really was a devil. And he liked it.

  "It's... something," he replied, annoyed he couldn't shake off his surprise. She’d really got him there. Damn. What a woman.

  The green fabric was clinging tightly to her every curve, enhancing the dip of her cleavage and the sway of her hips. Now this was the kind of elf that made you want to get on Santa's naughty list.

  "Are... Aren't you cold?" he managed to ask, concerned about the icy wind blowing through the streets.

  "Just a little. But I figured you could just warm me up," she flirted, brushing against him.

  A lump appeared in his throat. Damn.


  Mary chuckled, pulling a massive coat out of the bag she was holding.

  "I brought a coat. I'm not that crazy. It's freezing! But I took it off for... Effect."

  Louis was both relieved and saddened to see her petite body disappear into
the duffle coat. At least he'd actually be able to focus on what she was saying and not get distracted every five seconds his other head thought about Mary.

  "So what did you have planned for today?" she inquired, hiding a smug grin behind the lapel of her coat. Yes, she definitely got the response she was hoping for.

  "Ummm... I was planning on a museum, but I don't think they'll let you enter like that," he mumbled, suddenly relieved she was wearing an elf costume. A museum sounded boring as hell. Why did he think that was a good spot for a date?

  "I like museums," Mary quipped, surprised he'd pick something like a museum.

  "You do?"

  "Yes. Although it depends on what kind of museum. If you're taking me to the sex toy museum, I might have to raincheck you," she chuckled.

  Louis tilted his head. "No, I was thinking something like the National Museum. They have a new exhibition and I thought it was worth checking it out."

  "Why not?" Mary smiled, careful not to show how much she was looking forward to the exhibition. She'd wanted to go, but hadn't been able to convince any of her friends. And now here she was, on an actual date with a guy who wanted to take her to the museum. And she was dressed as an elf.

  She lightly shook her head, wondering how she had her priorities so skewed. Instead of taking it seriously, she’d actually rented an elf costume and showed up in it. Just to spite him. And then here he was, taking her on proper dates.

  "You're an ass," she muttered to herself.


  "Nothing!" she quickly waved away, her cheeks burning. She really needed to sort out the talking-to-herself spiel. She didn't want him to figure out what a loner she was.

  "Okay?" Unsure what was racing through her head, Louis decided to drop it.

  Beep beep.

  Louis pulled his smartphone out of his pocket. "Ah shit."

  "Everything alright?" Mary asked, nervousness swirling in her stomach. That was never a good sign. He was going to cancel on her. Damn. She’d really pushed it with her elf costume.

  "I forgot, I promised I'd meet the boys," Louis groaned, glaring hatefully at his screen. How did he get the dates mixed up?


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