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Hard To Handle (Teach Me Book 2)

Page 12

by RC Boldt

  It was late February and, finally, the three women had arranged to have their ‘subs and girl talk’ time at two o’clock on a Sunday afternoon.

  “They’ve been doing the nasty,” Tate said, matter of fact, before taking an enormous bite of her sub.

  Laney stared at her friend. “Did you not get fed as a child?”

  Raine peered over at Tate, before turning back to face Laney. “I swear, she’s had the same tapeworm for years. I think it’s been a pretty symbiotic relationship, though.” Tate’s full mouth prevented her from saying anything more than a grunt.

  “So, you’re ‘doing the nasty’, huh?” Raine looked thoughtful. “Thought you guys would off one another before that day would ever come.” She took a bite of her own sandwich.

  “Yeah,” came Tate’s muffled response now that she had swallowed a portion of her food, “you guys were worse than being around ‘mean girls’.”

  “Ooh! Good comparison, Tate.” Raine nodded at her.

  “Or like Thor and Loki,” Tate offered. “One’s always good and the other’s, meh, not so good. But they’re both really hot.”

  Laney barely resisted the urge to roll her eyes. “Right.” Deciding to steer the conversation in another direction, she clapped her hands together with mock excitement. “Ooh, I know what we should do! We could totally trade stories. I’ll talk about Zach and you can talk about Miller,” she suggested, pointedly.

  Tate choked on a bite of sandwich and Raine pounded on her back a few times before she finally regained her color.

  Eyes flashing, her friend glared. “I have nothing to say about Miller.”

  Raine held up a hand. “Now, hold on a minute. I have to argue this point.” Pointing her finger at Laney, she said, “Don’t think I’m forgetting about you.”

  They turned their attention to Tate. “What’s the deal with you and Miller? This has gone on far too long already,” Raine asked.

  There was heavy silence before Tate finally blew out a long breath. “Fine. Miller and I may have gone to school together.”

  “High school or college?” Laney asked.

  “High school … and part of college.”

  Raine and Laney exchanged a surprised glance. They’d known that Tate had grown up in Ohio and had transferred down to the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa at some point. After deciding Alabama wasn’t where she wanted to end up long-term, Tate ended up applying for teaching positions at schools in the Jacksonville, Florida area, having vacationed in nearby Amelia Island in years past.

  With a sigh, Tate sat back. “Miller Vaughn and I went to high school together. Then we went to the college.” She shrugged it off casually before taking another monster bite of her sandwich, indicating she was finished divulging information.

  Laney met Raine’s gaze, exchanging a glance. Talk about baggage and unresolved issues. Sheesh. There was more to the story, that was certain.

  Raine raised her eyebrows expectantly. “Okay, so what’s going on with you? Brief synopsis first.”

  “Somehow, I found myself at Zach’s house after the wedding—”

  “Typical sappy, wedding hormones hard at work, there,” Tate interjected. “Then, she “found herself” stuffed full of his cock later on that night.” The drink of water Raine had just taken sprayed from her mouth. She and Laney stared at Tate.

  “A little warning would be nice,” Raine choked out, wiping herself with a napkin before turning her attention back to Laney.

  “So, yeah. We, uh, had sex,” she stumbled over the words because it felt as if she were insulting what she and Zach had done. It had been amazing. Scary as shit, but amazing, just the same.

  “And?” Raine prompted, leaning closer.

  “And what?”

  Raine rolled her eyes. “And was it amazing? Deliciously good? Did he rock your world?” she prompted.

  Yes, yes, and yes.

  Laney made a face. “It was all right,” she tossed out casually.

  Raine looked to Tate who answered, matter of fact, “He fucked her six ways to Sunday. It was phenomenal.”

  “What the hell, Tate? I never even said that!” Laney cried out.

  Tate gave her a droll look. “Honey, trust me. You said it with what you didn’t say.”

  “That doesn’t even make sense!”

  Tate’s eyes found Raine’s. “Does it make sense to you?”


  “Who are you people?” Laney muttered.

  “So what happens now?” Raine asked.

  Confused, Laney stared at her, brows furrowed. “Nothing happens. It’s just sex. That’s it.”

  Raine’s eyebrows nearly hit her hairline. “Really?” After she nodded, her friend appeared visibly disappointed with her answer. “Huh. Bummer.”

  Her two friends were quiet as they ate their sandwiches.

  “Hey, wait a sec.” Tate held up a finger. “Was that Zach I heard about you having lunch with in your room?”


  Before she could answer, Raine piped up, “Yeah, Mac told me he saw them sitting all cozy in her room, eating and grading papers. So cute!” She put a hand over her heart, melodramatically.

  “Laws told me that Zach nursed her back to health when she had the flu. Made her his famous chicken noodle soup and everything,” Tate added.

  “You clearly don’t need me for this conversation,” came Laney’s dry response. “The two of you are doing just fine without me.”

  Raine fixed a pointed gaze on her. “That’s because we’ve had to do our own recon since you won’t fess up to your best friends.”

  “Yeah, recon. Whatever that is,” Tate echoed, before giggling. “Mac’s Navy terms have clearly been rubbing off on you.”

  Raine stuck her tongue out at Tate. “Anyway,” Raine continued, “the point is, I think there’s a reason you’re not telling us everything that’s going on.” She raised her eyebrows expectantly. Laney merely stared at her in silence.

  Exasperated, Raine blew out a short breath. “Clearly, you’re uncomfortable with things for some reason. Like maybe,” she dragged out the last word, “you have feelings for him?”

  “You mean like utter hatred?” Laney suggested.

  Her friends exchanged yet another look—seriously, this was getting to be annoying—and Raine turned back to her, expression full of disappointment.

  “Seriously, Raine?” She threw up her hands. “What’s with the look? Zach and I have barely tolerated each other over the past however many years for the sake of everyone else. Don’t make more of this just because we’re actually getting along … mainly in the bedroom.”

  Tate had finished her sandwich, sitting quietly. Finally, her friend spoke, her tone gentle. “Laney, what are you so afraid of?”

  She opened her mouth for an instant denial but then snapped it shut. Inhaling deeply, she focused on the view of the ocean before speaking.

  “I … don’t know. I just feel like I constantly have to have my guard up with everything.” She paused before quietly adding, “Because I don’t want to get involved.”

  “Any particular reason why?” Raine asked, gently.

  “You know why.” She paused. “And, I guess, part of me is wondering why he’s being so nice to me all of a sudden. Like, where did this sweet guy come from?”

  Both of her friends fell silent. Finally, Raine spoke. “Maybe he’s being that way because you’re finally letting him.”

  “Even so. He’s still going to … eventually leave.” Her voice became smaller, sounding tiny to her own ears.

  “You don’t know that, Laney.” Raine’s tone was gentle.

  “Nope. You don’t,” Tate chimed in. “He could just be like, ‘Hey, I’m leaving you … to go get a bag of chips and a gallon of milk.’” She raised her eyebrows expectantly at Laney.

  They stared at Tate before looking at each other with wide eyes. Raine shook her head, saying in a loud whisper, “It’s the food coma onset. Makes her cra-zy.” She m
ade the crazy sign with her index finger next to her head.

  Tate huffed. “I’m not crazy. I just meant that everyone leaves at some point. But they come back, too. The ones who are worthwhile and who are meant to be in your life—who want to be in your life—are the ones who don’t leave permanently.”

  Well, shit. That was actually pretty profound.

  “Not everyone is like your dad, Laney.” Raine’s voice was gentle. Laney blinked in surprise. Normally that topic was resolutely taboo and never up for discussion.

  A bit put off, she replied, “I just don’t want to give him the wrong idea about us.”

  “Wrong idea?” Tate asked.

  “That we’re going to be boyfriend and girlfriend or whatever.” She shuddered.

  “Well, I think that Zach would make an amazing boyfriend for that special someone,” Raine mused.

  Tate laughed and pointed at Raine, imitating a voice that sounded old and crotchety. “My Zach would make an amazing boyfriend for that special someone.”

  Raine frowned. “I’m serious, though.” Turning back to Laney, she asked, “So what you’re saying is, you’re not interested, at all, in being Zach’s girlfriend?”

  Wellllll … Wait. What the hell? What was with her inner waffling on this topic?

  “No. Absolutely not.” Laney shook her head vehemently.

  She watched as the women exchanged yet another look, Tate with her blue eyes wide while Raine’s lips quirked at the corners. Laney really felt like she was missing something.

  Raine’s lips pressed together firmly before she spoke, nodding. “Well, that’s unfortunate. But we totally understand. Don’t we, Tate?” Was it just her or did Raine’s green eyes seem like they were sparkling with humor?

  Tate chimed in with a mischievous grin. “Yep. We totally understand.” Then, the two each let out what sounded like a giggle covered by a cough.

  Laney leaned back in the chair and closed her eyes with a groan.

  She really needed new friends.

  * * *

  “So what’s the good word, man?”

  He turned to Mac from where they were seated at the bar, watching the sports newscast on one of the televisions above them. Before he could answer, another voice chimed in.

  “The good word is that blondie, here, has been getting lucky with a certain brunette. Schwing!”

  He and Mac both turned to stare at Lawson. “What? Was the ‘schwing’ too much? I thought it added good effect.”

  Dismissing him, Zach turned back to answer his friend. “The good word is I’m giving it a shot.” With a shrug, he turned his attention back to the television. “It’s slow going, at best.”

  “That doesn’t sound like the honor roll report I’d been expecting.” Mac’s brows were furrowed.

  Zach grew uneasy. “You’re expecting reports from me on this?”

  Lawson chimed in, “He’s not. But his wife is.”

  Ah. Now, that made sense.

  “Raine was hoping for more. But she wanted me to tell you that she gave you an 8.0 on the lunch thing.”

  “Only an 8.0? I think that deserved at least a 9.5,” he scoffed.

  Lawson clicked his tongue. “Ah-ah. It doesn’t get the honor of passing 9.0 because you threw your own game off with the sweet tea. You had her up until that point,” he told him, matter of fact.

  “How the hell do you know about the sweet tea?” Zach demanded.

  “Dude. I was doing recon from around the corner, of course.” Lawson reached out to high-five Mac.

  Recon? Seriously?

  “It was two teachers having lunch at a school. Not a Navy SEAL mission, for God’s sake,” muttered Zach.

  Mac’s dark blue eyes met his intently. “If something means that much to you, then sometimes you need to treat it with the utmost seriousness.”

  Zach shook his head. “Well, the only time I felt like I was making progress was …”

  “When you’re bumping uglies?” Lawson’s lascivious grin immediately vanished when they both sent stern looks his way.

  “Sheesh, chill.” Lawson held his hands up. “I just refuse to say anything remotely sappy, so you’re on your own when it comes to talking about making looooove.” He made a face. “Blah.” Mac’s dark blue gaze was filled with censure. As was the norm, this didn’t appear to faze Lawson.

  “Laney’s different and she gets spooked. No offense, but some of it’s reasonable since the two of you have been at odds for quite a while,” Mac reminded him.

  “Try forever.” The comment was a cough-mumble from Lawson. The two men ignored him.

  “I know, man. I’m trying to get past that. But she just wants …” Zach trailed off.

  “She only wants you for your body? Do you realize that men everywhere would kill to have that kind of issue?” Lawson interjected. They both shot him a ‘shut the fuck up’ look.

  “Sorry, I’m done,” he told them and pretended to zip his lip shut. As if that ever worked with this guy.

  Mac looked remorseful. “Man, I hate to say this, but have you considered the possibility that Laney might never—”

  “Accept more from me? Want to be with me? Yeah, man, I have.” Zach focused his gaze on his beer. “I consider that possibility every day,” he replied, his tone subdued.

  Mac slapped him on the back. “As long as you know what you’re up against, you’re on track. That’s what we used to say back in the Teams.” Then, he leaned in closer. “You’ve got this, man. You’ve just gotta give it your all.”

  Yeah. Give it his all. What happened if he did that and still lost?

  Then, he’d be left with nothing.


  IT WAS THEIR USUAL KARAOKE Saturday at Shenanigans and, finally, everyone was in town for the first weekend of March. Laney was getting ready for the evening after having spent time earlier laying out at the beach. It had been much warmer than usual and she had enjoyed basking in the warm sunshine, rereading one of her favorite paperbacks.

  After smoothing moisturizer on shoulders that were a bit pink from the sun, Laney was applying light makeup when her phone began to vibrate on the bathroom counter, signifying an incoming call. Looking down at the screen, she faltered at the name flashing.


  Reaching out tentatively, she picked it up and answered.

  “Hello?” Why did her voice sound so timid?

  “Laney.” She sighed inwardly. How did he manage to make her name sound so sexy when he said it? “I wanted to see if you’d like to drive over with me tonight.” He paused for a moment. “It seemed like a great night to ride in the Chevelle.”

  Laney’s eyes fell closed on a silent moan. Oh, he was playing dirty. He had to know how much she loved classic cars. And that Chevelle of his? It was an SS 396 that had been restored and painted a dark, cherry red. She had always lusted over it from afar, but had never ridden in it before. Because, well, they hadn’t exactly been bosom buddies or anything.

  “Laney?” he prompted her after her silence.

  Clearing her throat before responding, she said, “Sure, that’d be great. I can be ready in about twenty minutes.”

  “See you then.”

  After ending the call, she headed to her closet, bypassing the dress she’d originally planned to wear. Plucking another one off the hanger instead, she nodded to herself. “This is definitely the one for tonight,” she mumbled.

  The dress was black with a pattern of bright, red swirls, fitted to just an inch from the hemline above her knees where it flared with a small ruffle. It had a slightly scooped neckline and thin straps, and Laney felt like it flattered her body type the most. Then, she rummaged through her shoes until she found her black wedge slides.

  Running a brush through her hair one last time, she unplugged the flat iron she’d used and went in search of her purse and keys. Just as she was ensuring her small wallet was in her wrist purse, the doorbell rang. Walking over to it, purse in one hand and shoes in the other
, she set the shoes on the mat before opening the door to Zach. And instantly faltered.

  Whoa. Did he somehow get hotter?

  It wasn’t like he was dressed all fancy or anything. He merely had on a pair of dark-washed jeans which accentuated his trim waist, a short-sleeved, dark blue button-down shirt displaying his tanned, muscular arms and his usual leather flip flops on his feet. Laney sighed internally. He was too handsome for words.

  “You look gorgeous.” His eyes swept over her before returning to meet her gaze. “You’ll be beating those guys off with a stick tonight,” he told her, the corners of his mouth quirking up. For whatever reason, something made Laney step toward him.

  “Maybe I’m hoping to only have that issue with one guy in particular tonight.” She felt her eyes go wide, mirroring his own, her comment surprising both of them.

  Where the hell did that come from?

  Zach gave her a slow, sweet smile, bending to press a tender kiss to her lips. “I’d be honored to be that one guy. Ready to go?”

  Laney merely nodded, sliding on her shoes, grabbing her keys from the entryway table to lock the door behind them. Walking down the stairs to the driveway where Zach’s car was parked, Laney let out a long sigh.

  Zach turned to her in surprise. “Was that sigh for my car?”

  She ran a finger lightly over the side of the hood before jerking her hand back. “Oh! Sorry, I just really love this car.” She paused. “It’s so beautiful.” Her voice had a breathless quality to it.

  Zach was so quiet that it made her turn back to him, finding him staring at her with a stunned expression.

  “You love my car?”

  “Yeah,” she exhaled. “I kind of have a thing for classic cars.”


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