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Page 11

by Victoria LK Williams

  Calling Barney to her side, Megan looked at Paul and nodded for him to introduce Tom to his own mother. Walking fully into the room, Paul led Tom to stand in front of the two women on the couch. There was enough tension in the room to pluck like a banjo string, but Tom seemed unaware.

  “Bob, this is my cousin Megan. And sitting next to Charlotte is her friend Beth. Beth Jamison. Ladies, this is Bob Stump”

  The man shook Megan’s hand in a friendly manner and then turned to offer the same gesture to Beth. There was a hesitation as he accepted her hand and he tilted his head in puzzlement. There was something there on the edge of his memories, just waiting to click, but it just wasn’t enough yet. Charlotte, Paul and Megan exchanged disappointed looks, and tried to act as if nothing was out of the ordinary. Beth hid her shock well; she didn’t understand what was going on, but her motherly instinct took over and she went along with Megan’s lead.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Bob. How do you like living out by the orange groves? I would imagine it can be pretty quiet out there.”

  Megan’s lead was for small talk and the others followed along. Beth swallowed hard and Megan could see the glimmer of tears in her eyes. The woman showed remarkable restraint and patience, more than Megan knew she would ever be able to do. The five of them discussed the cleanup process going on in the area around Citrus Beach and kept the conversation moving along. Megan could see Tom giving Beth puzzled looks, each one getting longer as he tried to figure out for himself what was pulling at his memories. He felt like there was an answer in front of him, but he was unsure of what the exact question should be.

  “Oh my, gosh, Nana, you are not going to be able to hold yourself back when you see the cake that Ruth has made! The icing alone tastes like a little bit of heaven. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to just barge into the conversation. What poor manners I’m showing. I’m - DADDY!”

  Taylor and Lucy had come back out from the kitchen, laughing as Taylor had licked icing off her finger that she had swiped out of the mixing bowl.

  She was talking a mile a minute before she realized that she had interrupted the conversation going on in the living room. Turning to the newcomer, she had started to introduce herself before she saw the man in front of her was her missing father. Her cry brought silence to the room and everyone held their breath for a second before reactions set in. Taylor started to run to her father, but Lucy held her back watching the man in front of them turn ash white. Tom shook his head a bit and swiped his hand over his eyes as if to clear the haze that was holding his memories back. He looked hard at Taylor, then to Beth. The color drained from his face and he swayed on his feet.

  “Paul, he needs help!” Charlotte commanded.

  Moving swiftly, Paul helped the man to the chair opposite the couch and pushed his head down between his knees to help with the dizziness that had overcome him. Taylor broke away from Lucy’s restraining hand and knelt in front of her father. She didn’t say anything, knowing somehow that the man needed to collect himself before she could ask any questions. After what seemed like hours, but was actually only a few minutes, Tom pulled his hands away from his face and looked into his daughter’s eyes. She held his gaze, barely breathing as she willed him to say her name. Without a word, she reached out and took the hands that had seconds before been over his eyes and held on tight. It seemed as if her touch broke the lock on the cage that was holding his memories locked away from for so long. Nothing came back with clarity except the knowledge that the woman in front of him was his daughter.

  “My Taylor,” he whispered, tears running down his cheeks. That was all she needed; Taylor threw herself into her father’s arms laughing and crying at the same time.

  Chapter Twelve

  To say the next few moments were chaotic would be an understatement. Both Beth and Taylor were crying and hugging Tom. Tom was still looking confused but hugging them right back. Megan and the others stood back giving the three a few moments of their own. Finally Charlotte, in her most effective way, stepped forward and gently pulled Beth back.

  "Beth, let's give him a moment, this is all happening very fast. Why don't the three of you move over to the sofa and sit, we will try and piece together what happened to Tom."

  Beth nodded her head, appreciating Charlotte's common sense, helping Taylor back to her feet, the two of them moved with Tom to the sofa. After everyone had settled themselves, Megan took a deep breath and asked the question that was on everybody's mind.

  "Tom, how much do you remember of what's happened to you? Is your memory at all clear? Can you remember anything about how you came to be injured and abandoned?"

  As Tom took a deep breath, he seemed to hesitate as he searched his brain for memories. With a frustrated sigh, he realized the memories just weren't there yet.

  "Megan, I wish I could say that everything is clear is a bell, but the only thing I'm sure of is that Taylor is my daughter. Beth-- Mom, I wish my memory of you were clearer but, unfortunately, they're still very hazy. It feels like everything is right on a ledge ready to fall off and when it does, I will remember."

  With tears in her eyes, Beth nodded her head in understanding. She held her son's hand in comfort and support and whispered that time is a healer and she would be there every step of the way as his memories returned. Then, with determination, she nodded her head and looked to Taylor; she asked the younger women to fill in some of the details of her personal life since her father had disappeared, reminding her not to overwhelm Tom with too much information too fast.

  Charlotte sat by Beth's side for support while the other three took Barney and went outside to give them some privacy and discuss this newest turn of events. Once they were out of range of the others’ hearing, the conversation turned from one of deep-set family support to the more probing question; the conversation dealing with the disturbing fact that Tom had been attacked and left to die. With his memory not returning fully, they still had the puzzle of what had happened to the man and what his memories were hiding.

  "Tom's reaction isn't at all unusual according to the research that Charlotte found regarding amnesia and head injuries. These memories could return piece by piece, slowly over a long period. We’re just going to have to be patient and help out wherever we can." Explained Lucy

  "I guess I was expecting it to be like in the movies where the man gets hit on the noggin and all his memories return at once," laughed Megan

  "If only life was that simple," said Paul, "but the more serious outcome of this is that Tom is still in danger, and we have no idea from whom. That also means that anyone around him will be in danger. We need to stay on our toes and look out for each other as well as Tom."

  "Well, an easy way to solve that problem would be to convince him to come up with Taylor and me to Lady Fish Bay. Not only would that give him the opportunity to get to know his daughter again, but there will also be plenty of people there to keep an eye on both of them. I believe Charlotte has told Robert to plan on being there until everything is completed and tomorrow the volunteers start arriving. We'll just need to make sure that the volunteers are people that we know or that we can quickly clear their backgrounds. With the two of them safely up there, I can continue to work on the background of Tom's company, because I think that's where everything lies."

  Megan then filled Lucy and Paul in on the research that she had found about the import company that Tom owned. She also expressed a feeling of something not being quite right with Tom's partner and her instinctive dislike of his wife Gina.

  "Megan your instincts always seem to be right on the mark, but I want you to be careful. Don't do anything without talking to us and if it feels like we are getting in over our heads, we all have to agree that we will call in the Sheriff."

  Paul looked sternly at his cousin and then over at his wife, making sure that they both understood he was serious about this. There was no way he wanted any of them to risk their safety or Tom’s. The two women nodded their heads in agreement. />
  "But what do we do about Tom contacting the people from his past. It's going to have to be done, I mean it's only right that it's done. His wife has the right to know that her husband is still alive."

  "You have a point, Lucy, but who do we trust? In all fairness, the woman has moved on with her life; so what's a couple more days of her not knowing going to hurt? We need to convince Tom to hold back on contacting his wife and business partner, at least until we have discovered a few answers or when more of his memories return-- whichever comes first."

  "Then I think we better get back in there and get the others to agree to this before somebody makes a phone call down South and sets Tom up as a target once again."

  Nodding his head towards the house, Paul indicated that they should go back inside. The women agreed and with Barney leading the way, they went in to join the others. Once inside, they found that the initial shock was starting to wear off and Tom was enjoying finding out about his daughter. Hating to bring down everyone's spirits, but understanding the necessity of talking about the danger Tom was still in, Paul interrupted the family to express their concerns.

  “It’s important that we keep your location secret from everyone for the time being. With you still not having your full memory, you’re still in danger Tom. Let us contact Sheriff Green, he’s a good friend and will be able to help us decide what steps we need to take to safely to announce your discovery.”

  “I can agree to that. But not today. Today I want to spend time with my daughter and my mother. No one is going to notice if I reappeared today or three days from now. Give me that time, please. Maybe as Mother and I talk more, she will be able to jar some more memories loose.”

  “That is a perfect solution. Tom, don’t even go back to the cabin. Spend the night here with Beth and me. That invitation includes you as well, Taylor.”

  Megan gave a nod of her head in agreement with Charlotte before she added her suggestion of Tom coming up to the cottage at Lady Fish Bay with Taylor. Explaining that there would be plenty of people around and plenty of work to keep him busy, she added that he could just act as one of the volunteers and no one would question his presence. While Paul and Megan had been outlining their reasons for keeping Tom under wraps, Lucy noticed the odd look on Taylor’s face. However, it quickly passed and she was joining right in on the conversation, agreeing with Megan that her father should come to Lady Fish Bay.

  “We have already found some of the things Nana had in storage, Dad. Maybe there will be more, and it will trigger something in your mind. You used to go up there as a child with Nana, it could be that you will recognize the area once you’re there. It’s worth a shot. Please say you will.”

  As Tom looked at his daughter, a faint memory stirred in his mind; somehow he felt that his daughter had pleaded with him before on simple matters like reading a story or getting a new toy. He was certain that he had given in easily to her, just as he was about to now. Nodding his head, he agreed to spend the night at Charlotte’s home and return with his daughter to the cottage in Lady Fish Bay.

  As if that was her cue, Ruth came to the living room and announced that dinner was ready. Talking all at once, they followed her into the dining room and were soon enjoying a wonderfully prepared meal of baked ham. It was an extraordinary meal and they ate while filling Tom in on the events of the last few years. They sat talking long after the plates were put in the sink to wash and coffee poured. Finally, Megan stood up and announced that she and Barney needed to go home. That was the cue to break up the party and it wasn’t long before Lucy and Paul were leaving to walk next door to their home as well. They walked Megan to her car, wishing her a pleasant evening and promising to go over everything again in the morning. Lucy gave Barney a quick nose rub before Megan closed the door, and after a final wave to the others standing in the door frame of Charlotte’s home, she put her car in gear and backed out of the driveway. Once on the main road, she headed west to her home and Fred, her faithful pet who would be delighted to see them.

  By the time Megan pulled into her driveway and waited for the security gate to open and let her through, she was yawning and rubbing the back of her neck with fatigue. As much as she would have liked to talk with Janice and the rest of her staff, she was relieved that the parking area was void of any cars, and the office appeared to be closed up.

  Barney was the first to notice that there was someone sitting in one of the wicker chairs on her porch and he barked happily as he saw that Fred was also sitting next to the chair. Megan just sat there, with her mouth open in surprise. How had someone gotten past the gate and how had he gotten her dog out of the house? Then the person stood up and, seeing who it was, she threw open the car door, letting Barney rush forward as she almost fell out in her haste to get out to hug the handsome man walking towards her.

  “Aiden! What in the world are you doing here? No wonder I couldn’t reach you by phone, you must have been in flight. Is everything alright, did you wrap up the Neptune case already? Oh my, gosh, I’m so happy to see you. Give me a hug so I know it’s really you.”

  The tall, muscular man pushed back his sun-streaked brown hair and pulled Megan in for a hug. The normally serious look vanished with the warm smile he gave her and, without thinking he bent down and added a kiss to the hug. Flustered, they both pushed back and looked at each other, not sure what to say. Barney, however had no hesitation in showing his affectionsand was pawing at Aiden’s knee with a sharp bark, waiting for the man to notice him too. Laughing a bit self-consciously, he bent down and said hello to the puppy. While he was giving Barney the attention he demanded, Megan took a second to pull herself together and looked around her to see if there were any other unexpected surprises.

  “Where’s your car, Aiden? How did you get here? Oh, I have so much to tell you.”

  “I bet you do, Megan. I don’t know what you’ve gotten into this time, but I’m here to find out. You seem to have captured the attention of the entire FBI team and, they have sent me in to figure out what’s going on. Why is it that I always seem to find you in the center of things that normal people would never get involved in?”

  Megan looked at him in puzzlement, not sure if he was upset with her or just joking. The look on his face told her that it was no joking matter, but the affection assured her that he was not upset.

  “I’m not sure what you are getting at, Aiden. Why in the world would the FBI be looking at what I do?”

  “Let’s go inside and I’ll explain. By the way, I was dropped off by Sheriff Green after he picked me up from my helicopter flight from Miami. Is that triggering any spark in your mind as to why I might be here?”

  She looked at him in surprise, but made no comment. She figured that it might be wiser to hear what he had to say before she opened up about what she and the others had been involved with in the last few days. Moving ahead of him, she opened her front door and let both dogs in while she held the door wide for Aiden to follow her to the kitchen. Dropping her purse on the counter, she reached inside the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of wine she knew he liked. Holding it up, she gave it a little shake and pointed with her other hand questioning if he would like to join her in a glass? Aiden nodded and pulled out one of the chairs and sat down waiting for her to join him. There was tension in the air that Megan didn't understand; when she had last seen him, there had been a growing attraction between them that was warm and open. This tension made her uncomfortable; Aiden was holding something back, and it involved her.

  "I'm not sure what's going on, Aiden, but somehow I think you're here not just to say hi, but because it's also work-related. Am I right?"

  "If I wanted to be here just to say hi, I would've been here a couple days ago. No, for some reason an old case that I was involved in, when I was the lead investigator with the FBI, has simply blown wide open. And all the new information that my old team is processing is leading back to an Internet connection under your name. So, Megan, you said you have so much to tell me �
�� just what’s going on and why are you suddenly in the middle of an old FBI case?"

  Megan looked at as if him he was off his rocker. She had nothing to do with the FBI, other than dating Aiden, and surely the FBI wasn't interested in her cleanup project in Lady Fish Bay. She grabbed her glass and poured the wine almost to the top; she had a feeling there was going to be an interesting discussion ahead of her. Putting the second glass in front of Aiden, she pulled out another chair and sat down with him.

  "Okay, Aiden, spill; what’s going on and what does it have to do with me?”

  Aiden took her hand to keep the contact between them open and with his other hand took a sip of his wine as if to fortify himself before proceeding.

  "Megan, you’ve been going on Internet sites all over the web trying to find out information on the import company and its principles that we have had under surveillance for years. At one point, we thought we had in a break the case that would blow the investigation wide open, but our informant suddenly disappeared and was later declared dead. With no hard facts and no witness to collaborate our findings, we found ourselves dead in the water waiting for something to happen. Then suddenly this week things have started to get active again."

  Megan looked at him in astonishment, she knew immediately what he was talking about; there was something funny going on at Tom Jamison's import company. For a moment, she had a little feeling of vindication, knowing that her intuition had set her on the right path. But then she realized, with the FBI being involved, it was much more serious than she had imagined.

  "Oh my, gosh, Aiden, you’re not going to believe me when I tell you what's been going on. Believe me I had no idea I was involving myself in one of your cases. I think you're going to be interested in what I have to tell you, because I have good news and bad news about your case. But first, please tell me Tom Jamison is one of the good guys."


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