Book Read Free


Page 13

by Victoria LK Williams

  “I take it that Malcolm maintained control over the Bonded Warehouse side of the business?”

  Aiden stretched his arms over his head as he answered, the hours of traveling were beginning to catch up with him.

  “Tom still had sixty percent of the shares of the business, but yeah, he did turn the Bonded Warehouse operations over to Malcolm.”

  “Tired?” she asked with concern in her voice as she looked over at him.

  “A bit, but I’ll sleep soundly tonight.”

  “Okay. So Malcolm now has basic control over this newest venture, which if I am reading this right can, for all intents and purposes, make his scheme of smuggling goods in and out even easier. Because with a bonded warehouse, the imported goods are held there prior to going through customs. These goods are waiting in the facility while the warehouse uses a customs broker to facilitate the process. This can include arranging transportation, covering the insurance, and providing logistics support. The Bonded warehouse also files entry documents on incoming materials authorized by CBP, pays duties, arranges for examination, and finally releases the imports.”

  “That’s right, the US Customs and Border Protection department, or CBP, processes the documents that are provided to them with the cargo disposition. Once the imports have been cleared, they are released and able to be removed from the warehouse. But before the CBP has all the documentation, those crates are being stored in the bonded warehouse.”

  “It’s while these crates and bins are waiting in the warehouse for clearance that Malcolm is messing around with them, I bet. Who is going to question the paperwork that’s signed off on with the proper documentation from the CBP and from a bonded facility that has such high clearance and standings in the community? Malcolm was able to use Tom’s good name and reputation as the perfect cover.”

  “You’ve hit it right on the nose, Megan. Malcolm had created the ideal scenario: he was in charge of the holding location for cargo coming in from China, rich with priceless antiques and coinage. He was part owner, so if he was looking into the cargo for any reason, who would dare question him? Not the employees. Then there is the fact that we are almost positive Gina Jamison was also involved, as well. She worked on keeping Tom out of the warehouses and dealing more with his established clients. She and Malcolm were suddenly bringing in new clients for a whole new type of imports: teas and spices from the Caribbean.”

  Megan looked at Aiden in surprise at this piece of news; she hadn’t noticed those details in his reports.

  “Why the sudden change in types of imports? From hard goods to consumable goods? And from a completely different part of the world as well, that doesn’t make any sense to me.”

  “I didn’t understand this either. But the night that Tom called me, he was suddenly convinced that they were up to something and that he wanted to help put an end to it. He said something that made me sure that he understood what was going on. He wouldn’t fill us in on any details, but promised that everything would be clear and explained when the next large shipment was due into port. And you know what happened that night.”

  “In reality, none of us do … except Tom. And unless his memory returns, we may never know all the facts and details. How frustrating this must have been for you, Aiden. I know how much you like nice, orderly, detailed accounts of the activities around you; be it in your own life or one of your cases.”

  “I’ve felt frustrated and guilty. After all, until an hour ago, I thought the man was killed on my watch. The man who was willing to lose everything in order to bring this smuggling ring to a close. When Tom disappeared, we had no idea what he had as evidence. We only had the facts about the case that were in front of us. Added to that was the fact that Gina and Malcolm both didn’t want to provide us with any kind of additional information. I mean, they answered all our questions and were completely cooperative, but there was always the feeling that they were holding back on us. There was more information and leads out there, but they were not going out of their way to help pursue them.”

  “What did you do when Gina had Tom legally declared dead?”

  “At that point, our hands were pretty much tied. So, we did what we had to and put the case in the ‘need to pursue’ file. We checked in on it periodically, but there were never any new developments. And to be honest, there were plenty more active cases that required our attention.”

  Megan nodded in understanding. She had witnessed the type of work load Aiden had as an FBI consultant, she knew as an agent it must have seemed overwhelming at times with the amount of research, planning, and paperwork that had to go into each case.

  “So now, thanks to my nosing around the Internet at such specific sites that related to Jamison Imports, the case is active again?”

  “We’ll just say that I was called in as a consultant to look into the sudden spike of interest. Once I meet with Tom tomorrow and personally verify that he is still alive, I’m going to have to let the FBI know what is going on and wait for orders on how they want to proceed.”

  “I want to stay involved in this, Aiden. Don’t let them shut me out. You know me, I’ll keep digging with or without their approval.”

  “I know you will and the best way to work around that is to classify you as my consultant. If I tie you into the case in a manner other than a witness, then they can’t be so dismissive of you. I have already been told that I will be brought back in with full clearance to bring this case to completion.”

  Aiden yawned again and stood up to fully stretch his tired body. Pulling Megan to her feet, he hugged her and kissed her lightly.

  “I hate to do this, but I need to catch up on my sleep. If this case breaks open the way it looks to be, then there is going to be little time for resting. I’m going to say good night and head over to the apartment. Paul informed me that it suffered no damage and he opened it back up for my return. Put your papers and computer away for the night, Megan, and get some rest too. I’ll be back over in the morning, and we’ll drive over to Charlotte’s together. I am hoping that Tom’s time with his family will have reset those missing memories of his.”

  Megan returned his kiss and nodded her head in agreement. They walked to the door together, as Aiden dug out the key to the apartment over the barn. Telling her good night again, Aiden left her standing in the doorway as he walked out into the dark and headed over to the other building. Megan closed the door behind him and following his advice, closed down her laptop for the night. After making sure both dogs were settled in for the night, she followed her cats to the bedroom, ready to settle in herself.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Megan had slept soundly, it was the sound of someone running water in her kitchen that woke her early the next morning. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she listened to the sound and then smiled when she recognized Aiden’s voice as he talked to the dogs. Grabbing her robe, she put it on as she walked towards the kitchen.

  “Sorry to just make myself at home, but I forgot that there was no food over at my place. So I thought I’d borrow from you and, in return, make breakfast for both of us. Hope you don’t mind.” Aiden said to her as she walked into the kitchen.

  “As long as you made coffee, it doesn’t matter to me. Give me, give me!” she laughed as she took the coffee cup out of his hands.

  Aiden laughed out loud as he handed her his cup of coffee, his rich baritone filling the kitchen. Megan took her first swallow and sighed with pleasure. In her world, the morning didn’t properly start without her morning cup of coffee. She closed her eyes and breathed in the delicious scent, taking another drink, one step closer to fully waking up. A few minutes later she and Aiden were sitting together on her front porch, their coffee topped off, and ready to plan how they would approach Tom. Megan had decided not to let anyone know of Aiden’s return, and planned to be on the road back to Charlotte’s before her staff was even in for the day.

  “I thought about it last night and I think that being straight forward with Tom right from
the beginning is the best policy. I will let him know who and what I am and, if he has no memory of our past connections, I am going to have to fill him in.”

  “But what about Taylor and Beth? I’m sure they have no idea about Gina and Malcolm’s involvement into this smuggling business. How are you going to protect them from the past?”

  “I’m going to pull Tom aside to talk to him. So, that means that you will need to keep the others occupied while we go over things.”

  “I should be able to handle that. I’m going to run and grab a fast shower, then we can leave. Can you rinse out our cups and let the dogs out? I’ll be ready in fifteen to twenty minutes tops.” Handing him her cup, Megan did not wait for an answer as she hurried back in the house, tripping over the dogs as she raced to her room and a shower.

  As promised, Megan was out of the shower and ready to go within twenty minutes. She had dressed in casual shorts and top, with brightly-colored flip-flops on her feet, and her still damp hair was done in a simple French braid to keep it out of her way. Aiden was just coming back in the house with the dogs as she walked into the kitchen. Without much more than a wag of his tail, Fred went over and curled up in his doggy bed, ready for his next nap. Barney, however, seemed to know she was getting ready to leave, so he sat by the door waiting.

  “Okay, I’m ready. How about the two of you? Aiden you don’t mind Barney going with us, do you?”

  “Of course not. I’ve come to realize this dog doesn’t stray too far from your side. Just to be clear, he is the one that rides in the back seat.” Smiling at her, Aiden held the door open as they headed out to Megan’s car.

  Megan got behind the wheel and waited for the other two passengers to settle themselves in and then started out for Charlotte’s home. She made a quick stop at the main office to leave a note and some instructions for Janice before pulling out through her property gates. They did not have much to say about the Jamison case. Instead, they talked about hurricane Arlene’s damage and the state of repairs in Citrus Beach and up at Lady Fish Bay. It didn’t take very long before they were pulling into Charlotte’s driveway.

  As Aiden turned off the car’s engine, Megan admitted to herself that she was anxious about Tom’s reaction to seeing the man next to her. She hoped that they were doing the right thing by putting the two men together without any warning to Tom. Would this be a mind opening experience, or would it be something that would set his recovery back even further? Aiden came around to her side of the car to open the door for her, and she got out with Barney scrambling ahead of her in his haste. Before they could start up to the house, he gave a happy bark and, with a wag of his tail, took off towards the women that had just left the back entry and were heading in their direction. Barney was thrilled to see his newest friend, Taylor in the company of his two other favorite ladies, Lucy and Charlotte--who was talking to her old friend Beth as they walked.

  “Hi, you two. Aiden, it’s nice to see you back!” called out Lucy with a grin. “I’m taking everyone over to show off my latest jewelry order. We won’t be long. Paul and Tom are inside finishing off a pot of coffee if you’d rather join them.”

  “Thanks, Lucy. I think I’ll catch a glimpse later. Right now Aiden and I wanted to talk to Paul. So take your time.”

  Megan gave her friend a long look, silently communicating to her to keep the other ladies occupied for a while and nodded her head slightly towards Aiden. Lucy caught on immediately and Charlotte, who also saw Megan’s look, winked to indicate she also knew to delay their return. Taylor and Beth were both giving the puppy a good-morning pa,t and missed the interaction between the others. Lucy quickly introduced Aiden simply as a friend of theirs and then led her guest across the drive to the pathway that connected Charlotte’s house to Lucy and Paul’s. After waiting for the others to close the door behind them, Aiden took Megan’s hand and tugged her in the direction of Charlotte’s back door and the men inside.

  Once inside, Paul looked taken back when he saw Aiden. Turning to his cousin, he could see from the look on her face that Aiden wasn’t here for a social visit. Somehow, Megan had gotten them all involved with the FBI again. Seeing that Paul was alone for a moment, Aiden quickly told him that he was going to need to talk to Tom in an official capacity, but he did not have the to time to fill his new friend in on the detail before Tom walked back into the room.

  “Good morning, Tom. I hope you had a wonderful evening catching up with Beth and Taylor.”

  “I did, thank you, Megan. I can’t believe my little girl is grown into this fantastic woman I missed so much, but I am so thankful that we have found each other. I want to thank you for taking her under your wing with this project you two are working on.”

  “Oh, she’s a godsend for me. That is one bright, creative thinking girl. How did it go with your memory, Tom? Did talking with your daughter and mother help bring anything from your past to light?”

  Tom shook his head sadly.

  “A few things came through and, of course, Mom was able to fill in a lot of the gaps about my youth and early years of marriage. But there has been no explosion of memories, yet”

  Megan looked over at Aiden and with his nod of approval; she made the introductions, letting Aiden take control of the conversation.

  “Tom, I’m real sorry to hear that you still have no memory of your past. I think that you and I need to sit down and talk. I can fill you in on some details of your life just before your accident. First off, let me inform you that at the time that you ‘disappeared,’ you were working with the FBI to help close down a smuggling operation within your company. I was your contact agent.”

  Tom looked over at Aiden in disbelief, like the man was crazy or speaking in tongues. He shook his head in denial, knowing in his heart that he would never be involved in that kind of illegal activity.

  I know this is hard to take in, but I have brought all my files with me and I am hoping that as we go over this information, something may click with you. Let me be clear, you were helping the FBI and not under any suspicion yourself. But I am pretty sure that the night you were injured is the same night you disappeared. I firmly believe that until you regain your memory, or we can piece together what happened that night, that you are still in danger.”

  “And does that mean that those around me are also in danger? I don’t want to put my daughter and mother in harm’s way. Maybe I should just leave.”

  “Tom, your family knows you’re alive now. How soon do you think it will be before others do too? Let’s head them off while we have the advantage. We will need for you to stay ‘dead’ for a little longer. And we are going to have to have Taylor and Beth agree to this too. I made a promise to you years ago that I would do everything in my power to keep your daughter safe … that hasn’t changed”

  The two men stared at each other for a moment before Tom came to a decision and nodded his head. He must have trusted Aiden in the past and he needed to do so again.

  “Alright, let’s look at what you have for me.”

  “Tom, when you were found, there was no identification or wallet or any clues as to who you were?”

  “No, the hikers that found me, just barely got me out of the way of some hungry alligator. They said there was no backpack or anything around the area that they could safely look for. I had some loose coins in my pocket and that was it. I came up with the name of Bob Stump, because the first thing I saw when I came to, briefly, as they were hauling me out of the swamp was an old tree stump. Crazy, huh?”

  Laughing, Aiden assured him that it was a perfectly acceptable name. Looking over at Megan, he included her in his conversation with Tom.

  “Megan, we are going to need to work fast and under the radar of the other parties involved. I am also going to want to keep all three of the Jamisons with people who can look out for them. What do you suggest?”

  “This will work perfectly with the plans that we had already made to have Tom come up to Lady Fish Bay with Taylor. We can include Beth
as well. There will be others around and anyone, who isn’t on the schedule for helping, will stick out like a sore thumb and be questioned.”

  “You’re right, that will work. I can bring in a few agents and have them work undercover as volunteers for additional protection. Tom, just so you understand, Megan and I have worked together on a case in the past. She is going to be working with me again and I know her input will be a big help. Paul, would you mind going over to your house and bringing back the others? I want to talk to them as well. While Tom and I are looking over these files, Megan, would you fill the others in on what is going on? I trust you to know how much too safely divulge.”

  Megan and Paul both nodded their heads in agreement. It was obvious that Aiden was settling himself into his FBI role and taking charge. Paul headed next door to his own home to carry out the task Aiden had given him. While Megan waited for the others to return, she stood behind the two men, watching the files scroll across the laptop screen as Aiden laid out for Tom the information that he had. It wasn’t long before Tom was asking questions, trying to clarify the facts as he saw them. By the time Charlotte walked back into her kitchen, followed by the others, Megan was leaning over Aiden’s shoulder pointing to something on the screen. Charlotte quickly assessed the situation and realized that Aiden was here for reasons other than seeing Megan. Turning to the group behind her, she suggested that they go out to the gazebo in the back yard and enjoy the morning breeze before it turned too hot to enjoy being outside. Laughing and still talking with each other, not aware of the tension around them, they agreed with Charlotte's suggestion and followed her out the sliding doors of the family room to the back yard.

  Paul had stayed behind and pulled out a chair to sit down with the other two men. Aiden looked over at him and then pushed a stack of papers his way for him to read and catch up on what was happening. Looking back at Megan, he nodded towards the direction the women had gone, indicating that she should head out that way too. She smiled at him and then, giving Tom’s shoulder a pat of encouragement, took a deep breath and went to tell the others about the situation that they were now in with Tom’s return. Once outside, she followed the path to the gazebo and the sound of female laughter. She hated to be the one to put a damper on their mood, but they were in a time crunch. Every second that they could stay ahead of Tom’s would-be-killers was time that they could somehow produce the evidence they would need to shut down Malcolm Fields operation within Jamison Imports.


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