Capri's Fate

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Capri's Fate Page 5

by Devoré, Daryl

  "I’ve only had three women under my domain, Capri. Elvina back in the 1600’s and that nun."

  "This is it!" Botta jumped out of his chair. "Cardinals are down by one and have a man on second. They need a home run to win the series." He rubbed his hands together and sat on the edge of his seat. "Last batter, last pitch and he invoked the Fates."

  I tossed my empty beer onto the floor. Why did he invoke us? Why can't humans just do things themselves?

  Everyone focused their attention on the screen. The pitcher positioned the ball in his hand, checked the man on second, inhaled and hurled it toward the hitter. The batter riveted his gaze on the sphere racing toward him. He shifted his weight and lifted the bat.

  Botta closed his eyelids for a moment. All movement on the screen stopped. "The request was to let the Fates decide. What’s your vote? Does the batter swing and miss and the game ends now? Or does he crack a home run out of the park and win the series?"

  I leaned my head back on the headrest, closed my eyes and voted. Swing and a miss.

  A wisp of a breeze tickled my nose with the sweet aroma of gardenia. I'm home. And free of that infernal human body with its itches and swellings. Reaching out with my mind, I searched for Capri. It was late evening where she existed. She’d be asleep. Shifting to her bedroom, I hovered beside her bed, listening to her breathing. It was shallow and slow.

  Look at her. So stunning. So magnificent. A human woman full of passion and a deep ability to love. I swirled above reveling in the scent of her being and the warmth of her body.

  Capri shifted and moaned. "Thall."

  I focused and formed a hand from the ethereal mist that is my natural existence and caressed her face. But it passed through her flesh. I felt nothing. I suspect if I were fully human, an emotion would overwhelm me. Sadness, if my guess is correct. While I gazed at her beautiful face, I pondered how to become totally human.

  Chapter Seven

  Sitting beneath the Tree of Life, I tossed a pebble into the brook. The aquamarine water rippled as the rings expanded. I held out my hand and the tiny brown rock returned and settled on my palm. I tossed it back into the stream.

  "This is what my son does all day? Toss the same stone over and over again." A swirl of warmth wrapped around me then floated nearby. "I sense you are troubled, Thall. Does someone under your domain cause your grief?"

  "I cause my own grief. I wish to feel, not just sense." I held out my hand, waiting for the pebble to return. "And don't tell me I'm a child of the Fates and above the prosaic need of touch. I am quite aware I am a child of you, Lachesis; she who determines the length of life." I caught the pebble and flung it back into the water. "I find myself in a quandary."

  Lachesis reached under the Tree of Life and pulled out a withered root. "What worries my son so?"

  "Not a what. A who? Capri."

  Lachesis shimmered. "This root I hold is hers."

  I spread my mist along the root, trying to shield it from whatever was causing it such pain. "Her life string cannot be this short."

  "No. It was much longer but she suffers a broken heart. The pain makes her life-force look like this as she grieves for a lost lover."

  "Lover? She has had no one in her life for many years. Not since she pushed that low-life, two-timing leech of a husband out of her house."

  The twinkle in Lachesis' voice matched the sparkling glitter in her mist. "Tell me what you observed about this human."

  "Telling you would take hours. Let me show you."

  Scenes clicked by like a fast changing slide show. The University of Chicago's campus. Capri in her graduation gown, diploma in hand, standing next to her parents. A small café. A young man offering a cup of coffee to her. Capri glancing up from her laptop and smiling at him. A beach. An ocean. Two naked bodies intertwined in the waves. Tears streaming down her cheeks as a man knelt before her holding out a diamond ring. A white dress. A church. Capri in a sleek business suit sitting at her desk. Same picture, different suit. Same suit, different haircut. New office.

  The pictures blurred as they sped past. Day after day, the same photos, Capri exiting house, briefcase in hand. Capri at desk. Capri asleep. Alone.

  Like hitting a wall, the images stopped and one remained in focus. Red brimmed eyes with tears overflowing. I pulled the focus back and Capri's splotchy face came clearly into view. Her eyelids were wide apart, eyebrows raised and pupils dilated.

  I pulled further away and allowed the whole scene to be visible to mother. The man who Capri had married was lying naked on a brown leather couch. A woman with long black hair and a red and black tramp stamp was kneeling next to him, pounding her mouth up and down his engorged erection.

  I swirled my mist and the man's voice was audible.

  "Suck me, bitch. Suck me hard. You love it, don't you." He reached out and slapped her ass. "Oh, you're so fuckin' good. You suck me better than my fuckin' wife. St…stop. I'm gonna come. I wanna blow all over your tits."

  The picture faded. My gaze met my mother's. "Is that all?"

  I shrugged. "The rest are a series of pictures of Capri drinking, crying herself to sleep and going to work. The drinking ends as does the crying, but she buries herself in her work. Then there is this moment."

  A picture of Capri appeared. She stood before a large wood door, raised her hand and rippled her fingers across the nameplate—Junior Vice President of Operations. With her other hand, she grabbed the handle, turned the knob and pushed the door open. The picture faded as they watched Capri cross the room and confidently sit at her new desk.

  "So that's the past ten years." I linked my fingers behind my head and leaned against the tree. "Does she have ten more?"

  Lachesis formed into human shape and sat beside me. "Why have you been watching her so closely?"

  I gazed at her for a moment. Her long silver hair shimmered in the light. Her brilliant lavender colored eyes were framed with long black eyelashes. "It has been a long time since you appeared to me in human shape. I'd forgotten how beautiful you are this way."

  Her eyes twinkled as she smiled. "You did not answer my question."

  I tilted my head toward her. "Nor you mine. I asked if Capri has another ten years."

  Lachesis nodded. "I see an expanse of time. But if the withering is not ended, Atropos will snip it short."

  "I watch her because I…because I must. Her friend, Kat, sang a funny song about being addicted to love. I'm addicted to Capri. Many, many…too many…nights I have hovered by her bed and listened to her breathe as she slept. I wanted to enter her dreams and dance and sing with her."

  A small, yellow-striped butterfly flew up to Lachesis. She held up her finger and it landed. "You are not happy?"

  "My heart hurts."

  The butterfly lifted and flew away. "You have no heart."

  I dropped my hands from behind my head. My right hand landed on my chest and I absentmindedly rubbed where a human heartbeat would be.

  "Can you tell me why it hurts?"

  "I want to touch. I want to feel." I pounded my chest.

  "Those are a mortal's feelings."

  I lowered my voice. "I know. I've had them for years. Kept them hidden."

  "A long time ago." She patted my shoulder. "I had a man under my domain. He was a protector of his tribe. He fought a fierce battle and was badly injured. His blood poured onto the ground. His life-force ebbed, and Atropos was ready to snip his root. He'd closed his eyes. He was a moment away from death. But he begged for life. He pleaded to be allowed to live to protect his people and provide them food. He appealed to me." She picked at a crease in her gown. "I blew more life into him, and he lived."

  "What's so important about that?" I didn't glance in mother's direction. "You've done that a million times. We both have. We try to maintain the lives of those under our domain."

  "I kissed him. His injuries healed. He became a powerful protector. And we mated."

  I moved so I could face her.

  "You are
the product of that love. Your father was human."

  "The blood of the god of war, Astabis, runs through me."

  "From me. Not from your father." Mother waved her hand across my face. "Close your eyes. Relax. I will mend your heart."

  Struggling not to open my eyes, I felt the ground disappear and I began to fall.

  Chapter Eight - Prelude to Romance

  Capri sipped her coffee and grimaced. Black. No sugar. No cream. That’s like no hot fudge on a hot fudge sundae. But she needed it black. Her lack of sleep these past few nights was catching up to her. If this meeting would start, she'd learn her fate one way or another and the wondering would be over. She took another sip, and cringed.

  Glancing about the executive conference room, she made eye contact, smiled and nodded at several of the other bigwigs in the company. Stella Harking, Chief Financial Officer. If Hollywood ever needed a stereotype of a tight-assed, pinched lipped accountant, Stella could be the poster girl.

  Across the table sat Ray Mitchum, Executive V.P. of Sales. Capri rubbed her upper lip. He’s worn the same blue shirt three days in a row. Wife must be away or got smart and left the… need a good word here… Lecherous old bugger. He’s slept with more young blondes than he’s slept with his wife. Mind you, she’s got the personality of a wet—

  Dylan Dickerman slipped into the empty seat directly opposite Capri. He flashed a toothy grin at her and slapped his hand on Mitchum's back.

  Ray sputtered in his coffee and coughed. He glared at Dylan.

  Capri smiled into her coffee. Dickerman. Dickhead. Penis face. Oh, I could go on, but instead I’ll sit here quietly like a good V.P. of Operations who’s about to be promoted to Chief of Operations, South Pacific Region. If Dickhead doesn’t get the position. And who'd be dumb enough to give it to him?

  The conference room door swung open as the President and CEO of Felkins Global Energy and Resources, Neil Felkins III, entered. Behind him, the company founder, his grandfather, and trailing up the rear of the mini parade was Cynthia Hixson—Felkins’ personal assistant and Capri’s informant.

  Capri pursed her lips. Informant was probably a bit strong. More like Source or Deep Throat. Capri stifled a giggle over the thought of straight-laced Cynthia deep throating anybody. Over the years, she'd passed tidbits of information to Capri to help in her struggle up the old boys corporate ladder. After being headhunted right out of business school, Capri hadn't expected to hit such a massive wall of resistance to females in the upper echelon. Business school didn't offer a course, tutorial or even weekend seminar in "How to Play with the Big Boys while Wearing a Skirt." Or having boobs. Capri snorted.

  Cynthia placed a brown leather portfolio at the head of the table then opened it. She smoothed her hand across a page and tapped the right hand side. She surveyed the conference table, adjusted the pitcher of water and glass, placed three pens next to the portfolio and pushed back her boss' chair. Without a glance at Capri or anyone, she exited the room.

  Capri reached for her cell and typed a message to her assistant. "Send C.H. a box of New Haus chocolates and gift certificate for weekend spa. ASAP." If this promotion comes through, I'll buy you the whole damn spa, Cynthia.

  The CEO and his grandfather stopped glad-handing with other executives and settled themselves in chairs at the head of the table. Capri sat tall and went into automatic. She looked alert and interested, took notes, sent texts of importance points and asked relevant questions. But for the entire hour and forty-five minutes, her mind was actually on the piece of paper resting on the portfolio.

  Cynthia had informed her that the paper held two names. One of which would be promoted to Chief of Operations, South Pacific Region. The other would languish on the corporate ladder. One would get a sizeable raise and yearly bonuses. The other – would not.

  Felkins III cleared his throat. Capri's stomach flipped. She folded her hands and forced her face into a neutral expression. While appearing poised and professional on the outside, she was internally hiding a six-year-old who was jumping up and down yelling, "Pick me! Pick me!"

  He looked down at his paper then glanced at his assembled executives. "Dylan Dickerman has been with Felkins for more than…"

  Capri stilled her foot, which had begun angrily tapping as the CEO droned on about Dickerman's un-noteworthy achievements in the company. And after whizzing through Capri's numerous accomplishments, he paused. His hand hovered over the name on the right. He glanced at his grandfather, who shrugged and tilted his head. Felkins dragged his finger across the page to the left hand side and again checked with the company's founder, who raised his eyebrows and twitched his nose.

  Capri released a breath she didn't realize she was holding. Okay, the old guy's not against me and his grandson can't make up his mind. As usual. If the company wasn't run like a monarchy, he'd be flippin' burgers somewhere. Capri passed a hand over her forehead brushing back a few loose strands of hair. Well, I guess it's just up to the hands of the Fates, now.

  In less time than it takes a hummingbird's wings to flutter, Felkins' hand shot to the right side of the page. "Dy…Capricious Gray."

  Dylan Dickerman. Yea. Yea. Happy for old Penis Face. Another promotion to one of the…why is everyone looking at me? Capri glanced around the table. All gazes aimed at her. Some faces smiled. Other's looked annoyed. Dylan looked like he was having a heart attack.

  Her cellphone vibrated and danced on the table. Capri jumped and grabbed it. A text appeared. "You're welcome."

  "Ms. Gray?" The elder Felkins' voice was as wobbly as his knees. "Does the new Chief of Operations for the South Pacific have anything to say to this meeting?"

  Capri glanced across the table at Dylan then down at her text message. Uh…guessing nanner nanner nanner wouldn't be good. She looked up and smiled. "At the moment, the new Chief of Operations, South Pacific Region is too overwhelmed and humbled to have anything coherent to say." Ain't that the truth.

  The meeting adjourned and people milled about congratulating Capri or backstabbing her depending on whether they'd been on Team Capri or Team Dickhead. Capri smiled, shook hands, made mindless chitchat while waiting for the exact moment to make a corporate-perfect departure.

  Having successfully made her escape, she slipped into the Executive Ladies Restroom, leaned on the counter and dropped her purse beside her.

  After her third deep inhale and release, Capri pushed off the counter and danced around the facility. "I got the job. I got the job. Look at me. I'm da man. Who da man? Me. Me!" She flapped her elbows and bobbed up and down. Then she spun and shook her butt like a belly dancer. Stepping side to side, she snapped her fingers and laughed until tears rolled down her cheeks. She turned and faced the wall-sized mirror. "Who got the job? I did. And you're damn right you're giving it to me. I earned it. Chief of Operations at thirty-two. Going to run this place by forty. Forty?" She shivered. "Gotta text Kat." She pulled her cellphone from her purse.

  Got promotion. Need to parteeeeeee. Dinner. You choose. Don't care when or how much. Suggest Paris.

  Reaching in her purse, she pulled out a small brush and straightened her hair to a less crazy lady appearance. She opened a tube of Dior Rouge lipstick and swiped the color across her lips. Her cellphone chimed.

  Paris? As in France? Can't wait that long for dinner. Congrats on promotion. Xavier's or By the Park? I'll see what I can get.

  Feeling calmer, Capri searched for her Chanel No.5 and spritzed her neck. She loved the smell of Chanel. It was her professional perfume. When she went to work or to a meeting that was the fragrance that enveloped her. It left a positive and business-like impression and besides, on her, it smelled fantastic.

  She picked her cellphone off the counter and dropped it in her purse. It chimed. Pulling it back out, she read the text – By the Park!!! I got us reservations at By the Park. Mind you—you have to pretend to be my boss's wife.

  Capri shrugged. I can pretend to be a rich dentist's wife.

  Another message
flashed. 7:30. In case you wanted to know when. Hugs.

  She lowered her hand and let the cell phone slip to the edge of her fingers. Closing them, she caught the phone and turned it over to check a message. Who had sent her the text moments after she received the promotion? Cynthia couldn't have known whom Felkins selected. The decision was made on the spot and rather abruptly at that. She clicked on the message and checked to see who sent it but there was only 000 000 000. Strange. Capri dropped the phone into her purse, held herself tall and strutted out of the restroom.

  ~ * * ~

  Three days later, with her temper about to snap, Capri stood in airport security, passport and boarding pass in hand. The entire country has to go on heightened alert the day I need to fly out of here? She glanced about. Through the distant windows, it still poured rain as it had for the past few days.

  Had it only been three days? After recovering from a Sauvignon Blanc induced hangover from her celebration dinner with Kat, she reported to her new, corner with windows office. She settled herself in and logged on to her computer to discover plane reservations and a meeting date in Flores, Indonesia. With a day to prepare and pack, she hadn't had the chance to call Kat and tell her she was leaving. At least she didn't have a cat or a gold fish to worry about.

  The line moved forward the distance of one person. Capri shifted her weight to rest on her left hip and glared at the back of the head of woman in front of her. I could walk to Indonesia faster. Okay, at least to L.A. That whole ocean thing is a problem. Her stomach churned. Don't think about ocean. Water. Waves. Seasick. She closed her eyes to calm the nausea that built in her stomach and threatened to unleash itself on the nearest annoying person. Especially, if there was a screaming child nearby. You're flying on a plane. A big, safe plane.

  The rumble of thunder rolled through the noisy airport.

  Okay, you're going on a big, safe airplane that has to fly through a storm. A shiver slithered through her, threatening to inspire her nausea to boil up and spill forth. She glanced down. Not on these shoes. The price I paid for them. She inhaled a deep cleansing yoga trained breath and released it slowly. Looking forward at the people in the security line, all sense of calmness that filled Capri evaporated. Move!


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