Capri's Fate

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Capri's Fate Page 6

by Devoré, Daryl

  Shuffling forward at the pace of a sloth, Capri cleared security, grabbed a salad at a deli and sat in the lounge at gate seventy-three. Inhaling her overpriced, under flavored meal, she sent a quick text to Kat letting her know she wouldn't be at yoga for a week or so. She'd be away on business. She'd send details later. And yes, she'd bring her a souvenir.

  Intrigued with her destination point, she did an Internet search on Indonesia and Flores. Finished, she shut off her phone and pulled the Quarterly Report from her briefcase. Without completely breaking her focus, Capri rose and followed the other first class passengers when their boarding call was announced. She stowed her purse and briefcase, clicked her seatbelt, accepted a glass of champagne and settled down to continue reading.

  The five-hour flight was non-descript. Plane went up, flew across the country and landed at LAX. Capri exited the aircraft and walked to the next departure lounge. Having never been to California before, she peered out the first window she saw. Hey. I thought the line in the song was 'it never rains in southern California'.

  As she sat on a lounge chair and stared at the rivers of rain streaming down the windows, she crossed her arms and frowned. Hells bells. Raining in New York. Raining harder here in California. What's it doing in Indonesia? A cyclone?

  Chapter Nine

  The sensation of falling stopped. Thall opened his eyes and glanced around. Hmm. Never been in one of these before. Airplane hangar, I think.

  The sonic boom of a thunderclap startled him. He dropped whatever was in his hand. It landed on his foot.

  "Ow." He looked at the long, metal tool resting beside his shoe. I felt that? I shouldn't have. Thall nudged the tool with his shoe, moved it then raised his eyebrows. This is weird. Placing his hand on the small plane that he stood beside, he slid his fingers across the cool metal. He tapped the tip of his finger on the metal and listened to the sound it made.

  A flash of light drew his attention to the open hangar doors and the storm that raged beyond them. He walked closer and stood just inside the building, protected by the roof, but able to smell the wet coolness of the rain and hear the bass deep rolls of thunder as they rumbled across the sky. He closed his eyes. "Lachesis. Mother. What have you done?"

  Her voice filled his mind. "For the moment, you are human. You have all the memories you will need. Of course, if you run into a problem, ask."

  "You didn't slip me in to someone else's body, did you?" He glanced at his hands expecting to see decay and rot. But was pleased to see tanned flesh splotched with grease.

  "No, Thall. It is your body, but I changed your look. Since she is angry with you, this will give you a chance to know her, before you reveal yourself. Your eyes will remain one color. I believe humans call it dark chocolate. Having never done this before, I do not know if something will cause you to revert to your true self."

  "Do I still have my domain to respond to?"

  "Yes. Now enjoy your time."

  Her voice disappeared leaving him to his own thoughts. With one last look at the storm, Thall returned to the airplane, bent over and picked up the tool he'd dropped. He held it in his left hand. "Oh, you're a screwdriver." A picture flashed in his mind. "Okay, you screw with it. Makes sense." He glanced up at the plane's engine. The cover was open. He climbed the ladder and peered inside. "So hoping I'm not expected to fix this."

  Curious about the mechanics of the machine and not paying attention to the physics of a ladder, Thall lost his balance and grabbed the side of the engine, dropping the screwdriver. After steadying himself, he climbed down and bent over to pick up the tool.

  "Excuse me?"

  "What?" He lifted his head and smacked it on the tip of the propeller. "Ow. Shit." Walking toward the voice, he rubbed the sore spot. "I don't think I like pain."

  "Not many of us do."

  Thall stopped in front of a tall woman who was busy shaking the rain off her coat and umbrella. "Do what?" He checked his hand for blood.

  "Like pain. Not many people like pain. Although I understand some love it and in some instances it can be very erotic, but that's not why I'm here." The woman stood upright and stuck out her hand. "Capricious Gray."

  "That's nice." He held up his greasy hands. Capri dropped hers and smiled. With the loose ends of her hair blowing about in the breeze from the doorway and the wrinkles in her clothing, Thall noted Capri was the most beautiful jet-lagged woman he'd ever seen.

  Capri glanced about the large hangar. A gleaming white jet was parked off to the left, and where the mechanic had been working was a plane with propellers and a blue and red swirl along the length of it. "This is T. Hall Charterways?"

  Thall nodded and wiped his hands on his overalls. He reached for Capri's luggage, but she stopped him with a smile. With a click, she extended the handles and led the luggage deeper into the hangar as if she were leading her champion Pekinese.

  Stopping near the jet, she released the luggage and dug her tablet out of her flight bag. "I have a flight reservation for—"

  "Flight? Lady, you looked outside? It's a freakin' cyclone." He scratched the back of his neck. "You know what a cyclone is?"

  Still holding the tablet, Capri crossed her arms and glared. "Me. When I'm angry."

  A grin slid across his face. "Ooh, lady got attitude when she's pissed."

  Capri sighed and lifted her left hand to her forehead to rub between her eyes. "No, actually the lady has attitude when she's really tired. It was a long flight from LA. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have lost my temper. It's been a long day."

  Thall dipped his head. "Apology accepted." He pointed to the storm still thundering away outside the hanger doors. "But you still can't fly."

  She sighed and shifted her weight. "Is the pilot around? I'd like to speak with him."

  "He's gonna say the same thing. Can't fly in that storm?"

  "What? Is he afraid of getting his plane all wet?"

  "No, he doesn't like smashing it into the side of a volcano or something."

  "I'll double his fee."

  "And cover the insurance for the plane?"

  Capri nodded and rubbed between her eyes.

  He shrugged. "I'll talk to the pilot and see what I can do. Would you like a coffee while you wait?"

  Still rubbing her forehead, she nodded.

  "Cream. No sugar."

  She dropped her hand and raised her gaze to his.

  Thall lifted his hands. "You look like the cream, no sugar type. There's a seat over there by the desk." He pointed to a small table and chair near the nose of the jet. "Sorry. No VIP lounge here."

  He crossed the hangar to a small office, opened the door and peered inside. Lachesis. I know how to use a coffee maker, but this is just a jar of coffee and a kettle. Now what?

  A YouTube video flashed through his mind.

  Thank you. He turned the tap on and filled the kettle. After plugging it in, he leaned back on the counter and waited. How can a woman be so beautiful that even when she's jet-lagged, tired and angry, I still want to hold her and experience her? I want to inhale the scent of her being. Feel the warmth of her arms. And lips. To be kissed by a woman. Being human might have some advantages after all.

  He checked three coffee mugs before he found a clean one, sprinkled dark brown crystals into it and poured boiling water to the rim. When he picked up the mug, he spilled some on to his hand. He hissed in pain. I think I might like being human, but this whole pain thing sucks.

  With the mug, a spoon and the small milk from the refrigerator, he crossed back to Capri and placed them on the table next to her. "Here's a magazine. From a couple of years ago. Sorry. We don't have a lot of guests."

  She poured the milk and stirred her coffee then added a bit more. "Strong." She took a sip and sputtered. "Really strong. Thank you." Capri handed the milk container to him.

  As he wrapped his fingers around the container, he brushed the tops of hers. Her skin felt warm and soft. The sweet fragrance of her perfume lingered. He'd seen her spray i
t on in the mornings before she left for work. It was in the little bottle on her dresser with a number five on the side. The fragrance reminded him of happiness. It made him feel full of joy. He didn't want to leave. He just needed to stand beside her and inhale that incredible aroma.

  He rubbed his face and shook his shoulders. "I'll see if I can find the pilot."

  Thall walked back to the little office and returned the milk to the refrigerator. Now what the hell do I do? I'm not letting her go up in a plane with some pilot. He leaned against the counter and crossed his arms. In his mind, he pictured the procedures need to fly a plane. Hmph, I know how to fly a plane. Cool."

  Lachesis 's lilting laugh filled the air. "Trust me. You just have to let the memories guide you."

  He picked up the black pilot's cap from the counter and exited the little office.

  Capri sat in the chair, gazing off into the distance. When he cleared his throat, she jumped. "You?"

  He shrugged. "So it seems."

  "Well I've introduced myself and you are…?"

  "Captain T. Hall. Like it says on the sign, T. Hall Charterways."

  She put her empty coffee mug on the table. "I thought you were the mechanic."

  "Pilot. Mechanic. Coffee maker."

  ~ * * ~

  Unsuccessfully trying to stifle a yawn, Capri sniffed and asked, "So Captain Hall, when do we leave?"

  Thall rubbed his chin and grinned. "My mechanic told me he told you about the storm outside."

  "Oh he did, did he?"

  "Yeah. Conversation went like this." Thall removed the captain's hat. "Boss man, there's a pretty lady out there wantin' to go flyin'." He placed the cap on his head. "Did you tell her it's a frickin' cyclone out there." Taking the hat off his head, he nodded. "I did. I told her, but she insisted."

  "It's just some rain." Capri waved in the direction of the storm. A flash of light and a clap of thunder punctuated her statement. "Okay. And a bit of that for effect."

  He hitched a hip onto the table. "Why are you so gosh darn gung-ho on getting out of here?"

  Capri ran her fingers through her hair, which only succeeded in releasing more stray hairs to fall about her face. "This is my first business trip as the new Chief of Operations for the South Pacific Region, and I want to make a killer impression. And I want to get there, but you are keeping me here all because of some stupid storm."

  A gust of wind rattled the doors and thunder rolled overhead. Capri looked at the ceiling. "Oh shut up. And stop raining."

  "Okay." He hopped of the end of the table. "Well then, let's see what we can do for the little lady. I'll make the calls and get the plane ready, and you sit tight."

  Within the hour, the plane had been towed out of the hangar, refueled and the galley stocked. Aini, the flight attendant, introduced herself then escorted Capri onto the jet.

  As Capri stepped onto the plane, she sunk into the rich cabernet colored carpet. She strutted past two snow white leather couches, settled onto the matching club chair and tossed her purse onto the small table. The strap hit the vase holding an eggplant purple orchid, knocking it forward. She grabbed it and moved her purse.

  Behind the partial wall, which was covered by a flat screen TV, she could see Aini bustling about, preparing the galley for flight. The door was still ajar, and the sound of the rain and thunder provided background accompaniment to the flight attendant's actions.

  Curious about the rest of the interior, Capri stood, walked past a small business desk and reached for the door handle of—she giggled—her private jet's bathroom. The light turned on as she opened the door and gasped. The pewter colored marble vanity countertop glowed under the lights and reflected the sheen of the amber fixtures. Flecks of silver glittered in the black tile floor.

  A woman's scream startled Capri, and she exited and headed toward the galley. The flight attendant was not visible as Capri walked through the cabin. Noises outside the door drew her attention. Aini lay at the bottom of the stairs holding her leg. A ground maintenance worker was speaking into his radio. Capri grabbed her raincoat and scurried down the stairs to hold it over the injured flight attendant.

  The airport paramedics skidded to a stop on the slick tarmac. Two rescue workers jumped out and assessed Aini's condition. They braced her leg, strapped her to a gurney, loaded her into the back and drove away. Capri climbed the water slick steps and ducked back into the plane. The door to the cockpit was open.

  "Uh, do you know the flight attendant is gone?"

  The pilot stood and exited the cockpit.

  Capri inhaled as her toes tingled. Out of his greasy work clothes and dressed in a white dress shirt, black tie and pants, Captain Hall looked the part of an airline pilot. She cracked a smile as she remembered her basic rule of life – put a man into a uniform and then rip it off his body.

  "They are going to check around for me. So I guess, for the moment, I get to play flight attendant." He pulled open the galley doors.

  "Going to check around for what?"

  Captain Hall leaned around a gallery door. "For a new flight attendant."

  "Oh." My bad. Shouldn't fantasize so much about the sexy pilot. But then, hells bells, what else do I have to do? Her gaze caught her reflection on the shiny metal surface of the oven. Her skin was pale. Her hair a mess and her clothes rumpled. Well it is definitely a one-way fantasy. With me looking like the Wicked Witch of the West there's no way he's up there dreaming about ripping anything off me.

  He rested a wine glass on the counter, then pulled open a drawer and lifted out a corkscrew. "Glass of wine? I think there's a nice 2009 Sancerre."

  Capri blinked. "That's my favorite wine. Yes, please, I'd love a glass."

  "And a snack? Peanuts? Pretzels?"

  Capri's stomach rumbled in protest. She placed her hand over it to cover the sound.

  "Okay, you need something more than pretzels. Have a seat, and I'll see what I can rustle up."

  Capri returned to her seat. She nestled into it like a glove. What a day. Or is that two days? Wonder what time, no, what day is it? I just want to get to the hotel and sleep.

  She blinked and yawned.

  "Ms. Gray."

  "Huh?" Capri opened her eyes. "Oh, I must have dozed off for a moment. It's been a ridiculously long trip."

  Captain Hall pointed to the side table. "I placed your wine and some snacks there. I must get back to the cockpit."

  "Are we about to take off?" She straightened up and adjusted her clothes.

  "No. Now that I have you taken care of, I need to finish my preflight." He tapped his cap in salute, returned to the cockpit and closed the door.

  Capri's gaze followed his firm backside until she lost sight of him. Cockpit. Love the word. So apropos. He's so handsome and charming. Wonder what he's like in bed? Although no one would be a fantastic as Thall. She reached for her purse, retrieved her smartphone and sent Kat a text.

  Made it to Jakarta. On a private jet. Hottest pilot you've ever seen. Only passenger on board.

  Tucking her cellphone next to her, she reached for her glass of wine and swallowed a sip. Capri picked up the plate of snacks, settled it on her lap, and had a mini-feast of crackers, cheese and chocolates.

  Her phone chirped. The text read, Think mile high club!

  Capri chuckled, placed the empty plate back on the end table and sipped her wine. Is this plane ever going to take off?

  "Ms. Gray." His voice sounded over the intercom. "The preflight is done and we're ready to roll. The tower has us twelfth on departure. They're waiting for breaks in the storm. So settle back. This may take a while."

  Oh, joy. She peered out the rain-splashed window. This trip is never going to end. I'm never going to get out of this plane. Or to the hotel. Or sleep in a real bed again. Or make love to the pilot. She sighed, gulped some wine, pulled her tablet from her purse and clicked on the Angry Birds app.

  A half hour later, tired of catapulting birds at pigs, Capri selected a book from her reading lis
t and settled back to continue reading Black Dorn. The motion of the plane interrupted her reading. She glanced out the window and watched the ground roll past.

  The small click of the intercom made caught Capri's attention."Ms. Gray. We're next in line for takeoff. No wandering around the aircraft until we're in flight. Settle back and enjoy the flight."

  She returned to reading her ebook. The roar of the engines enticed her to glance out the window. The forward wosh of the jet pushed her back. Moments later, she heard the landing gear retract into the belly of the plane. At last! We're on our way. Hotel bed, look out, I'm coming! She picked up her glass and swallowed the last of her wine.

  Having finished the book she was reading, Capri tucked her tablet away and stared at the door blocking her view to the cockpit. She picked up her empty glass, walked to the galley, and filled it, then knocked on the cockpit door. "Anybody in there?"


  She raised her eyebrows and opened the door. "No? No is so not the answer the passenger wants to here."

  Captain Hall sat facing the window with his fingers interlocked behind his head. He lowered his arms, turned his head and smiled, then pointed to the empty co-pilot's seat.

  Capri stepped closer. "Is it okay that I'm in here? You know, FAA rules and all."

  "It's fine."

  She slipped into the seat and cast her gaze over the numerous dials, switches and display screens. "Oh, wow. Probably should be able to think of something more intelligent but…" She shook her head. "Look at all the electronics."

  "Flying 101. This is the throttle." He gripped his hand around it. "Think of it as the gas pedal." He placed his hands on the metal object in front of them. "This is the steering wheel of the plane. And see this." He pointed to a small screen in front of him, blue on the top and brown on the bottom. "When it is level like that, life is good."


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