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The Battle for Houston...The Aftermath

Page 42


  Tim O’Shaw moved into the admiral’s old apartment and would now be Mo’s neighbor and caretaker.

  Welcoming eighteen people to the White House, President Mallory addressed the group, “Thanks all for coming and, we will enjoy the tuna, you brought with you for dinner tonight.” General Patterson was missing, but Admiral Rogers and Generals Austin and Watson and three aides were at the meeting. Mo and Lee Wang were also there, as well as the three lieutenants from Seal Team Six, and six more Seal Team Lieutenants Preston had seen but never met. Mo’s new wife, Lee’s Wife and daughter, and his sister Lu and her children were also in attendance.

  Not often were children included in an official meeting in the Blue Room of the White House.

  “This meeting is to initiate our new external governmental departments, including our external eyes around the world. We have no more FBI or CIA, or any external eyes, apart from a couple of people around the world who have our satellite phones and can communicate with us at Andrews. These new departments are now called U.S. Official External Operations and are on a need-to-know basis only, and under military command, not political command. As you know Andrews Air Force Base is being modified into the new Pentagon for the future and a hangar is being prepared for the leaders of our military to work together.

  “As Carlos explained to all of you at our last meeting, our current four-satellite system will only last a decade or two at the most. Let me give you our latest good news. The Russian satellite was successfully launched from Harbin yesterday and, under the guidance of Michael Roebels and three former NASA professionals, they will be setting up its three-satellite payload in orbit during the next few weeks. These new satellites will give us extended viewing coverage over Western Europe and parts of Asia, including eastern areas of China.

  “I will also give you the details of my speech to the new House of Representatives tomorrow, since many of you won’t be there. In the last week we have had virtually zero crime or reports of violence across our country for the first time in the eight months since New Year’s Eve. Thanks to the efforts of millions of farmers and helpers, we now have enough food stored for the coming winter. The lower temperatures are helping eradicate many onsets of plague and other lesser diseases in the northern areas of the country and, diseases and other problems in the southern area are now down to minimums. Thanks to the U.S. military and foreign aid from the Mexican Government, our southern areas are now safe, and will be under military control with 500,000 servicemen and women, who will be joining a group of 100,000 farmers and planting crops over the winter and into early next year. Another million acres of disease-free and good farming areas have been opened up in the southern states where only these farmers and helpers are allowed in.

  We currently have three dozen canning and bottling operations now running 24/7 across the country. Yesterday, Michael Roebels’ team got a small coal-fired electric plant operational in Virginia. There is enough coal at the plant for the first half of winter, and we will have three trains a day taking coal to the plant beginning in February next year. This plant has enough capacity to light 100,000 homes in the area. Unfortunately, it will take us two more years to manufacture the grid parts needed to light the homes, but we have a fantastic new program in the planning stage and I will launch it during my Next Year’s Eve Address. Until then power from this plant is being fed to seven large canning and bottling plants in the area, and Virginia is now producing half of our canned and bottled goods. Good news is that half of the canned goods are meat products like corned beef.”

  Martie looked at Preston and smiled sweetly.

  “As many of you heard, our good friend, the last president, told us that some of our aircraft had been delivered, and more will be offered to other countries. Four months ago, we were asked for one aircraft from Australia and one of our five A380 Airbuses was delivered to the new Australian government shortly afterwards. We had a satellite phone report from the Canberra government a few weeks ago that the aircraft is working 24/7, and is being used between Australia, New Zealand and Tasmania, delivering food and necessities around the area. They would like a second one, but currently we have decided to wait until next spring before we look at their proposal of swapping any needed supplies in return for a second aircraft.

  ”One Airbus A380 aircraft was sent into Russia at the same time; it lasted three flights and crashed; the same happened in China. That aircraft only made two flights, its last into Beijing for some stupid reason, and into the high radiation area. Nobody wants to go in and get it back, so Mo and Lee Wang have agreed to become our eyes in China and they are going to return there and base themselves at the Harbin Airport. The Harbin area is now empty of the supplies; we have transported everything we could into the San Francisco area and we still have the Harbin Airfield locked down with a battalion of Marines, and a second battalion guarding the base where the Russian missile is still being dismantled. The missile will be brought back to the U.S. and rebuilt, the rocket section at least. Carlos stated the missile could be useful for a yet unknown cargo into space.

  “Mr. Mo Wang, one of our newest U.S. Citizens as of yesterday, and his wife Beatrice, also a new U.S. Citizen, will head a delegation to find out why the aircraft we really needed over here lasted less than a week.

  “Preston and Martie Strong, I would like you two to head into Ramstein, Germany in about a week. We also sent an Airbus into Germany and the fifth one into Cape Town, South Africa just two weeks ago, and both have disappeared. General Patterson and I have decided that we need to reestablish Ramstein Air Force Base as a European/American base and will be sending over soldiers and the container ship still loaded with equipment. The navy has her at anchor off Norfolk Naval Base. This equipment was originally from our British bases.

  “We have heard that there has been trouble in England, and it will be safer for us to set up a new sea base in Gibraltar, using our Chinese container ships and its airfield, and then fly equipment into Ramstein as our first European land base. At Ramstein there are a couple of Europeans, friends of our last load of troops, who only left there a couple of weeks ago, and are pleading for military help. We have a friend over there, a Mr. O’Meara who has one of our satellite phones and he and several others have defended the base and want help. Unfortunately, they only have a couple of hundred men; their army, we presume, is fighting back others daily, and trying to keep our base intact. I’m sending men in tomorrow. Preston, Martie, you have a week to clear up your airfield and get over to Germany.

  “Also Preston and Martie, Sally and Carlos have permission from the Headquarters of U.S. External Operations, shortly to be placed under Admiral Martin Rogers’ leadership at Andrews, to join you if they wish. We will have our Asian and our European sections and, the U.S. External Operations Department will branch outwards from there into the rest of the world. At Ramstein, Preston, there is a small air force of older English aircraft; I have been told three are now based at our old base and they need fuel and ammo.

  ”Apart from the new official U.S. Diplomatic transportation our diplomats will travel in, Preston, Martie, you will be taking your two Mustangs, three if Carlos wants to join you, and his wife’s Super Tweet, her Colombian wedding present; all of these aircraft will be lifted aboard the flat surface of the container ship by a Jolly Green Giant, with tons of fuel and ammunition, and will be sailed over to Gibraltar.

  “General Patterson is already there, and a Seal Team will be heading out later tonight with three 747s full of equipment. Seal Teams Four and Five will be relocated with you, Mo and Lee Wang. Preston, Martie, Seal Team Six will be your official bodyguards while you are in Europe. We have heard that the above ground fuel reserves at Ramstein have been destroyed, but General Patterson thinks that the top-secret underground fuel tanks holding hundreds of thousands of gallons of jet and aviation fuels are still intact. If not we will supply you from here.

  “Your job, Mr. and Mrs. Strong, since you have already decided to accept it, is to help
the good people of Europe to become our allies and second, to see what we can do to bring peace and growth to Western Europe. Mo and Lee Wang, you will have the same job in China. My aim, ladies and gentlemen, is to have friends and allies around the world, ready to offer us aid and get aid from us in return.

  “To get back to other matters here at home and to fill you in before you leave: The American currency will not be brought back until it is needed, and hopefully not on my watch. I have over a hundred of my most trusted assistants working the food and supply distribution points around the country. We have nearly a thousand old computers up and running, checking the food delivery systems daily. The new government’s plan is to make sure everybody has their fair share of supplies handed out weekly; a mammoth task using a million people. Strict laws have been put into place for theft and misuse of our valuable supplies. Any misuse of supplies by anybody is a lousy new job— promotion to the Inspections Teams,” stated President Mallory smiling. “A small, but I will assume, growing group of people who will lead others into the diseased areas looking for new problems! Not a position everybody wants right now.

  “We are slowly bringing this country around, trying to make it a peaceful and enjoyable place to live. Many laws will be tough, but I’m trying to be as fair as possible.

  “Last, due to the lack of electricity, the banking system is history, Wall Street and the whole monetary system is history, world communication systems are history and the entire GPS system, as Carlos told me, is total history. Virtually everything we, as a nation used last year is now nothing more than to be written into our future history books. Michael Roebels stated that he needs a decade to get parts of the country up and running, and three decades for the whole country. I will make sure he keeps his word; I certainly won’t be president then, and many of us may not actually be alive then.

  “It will be up to our next generation to see this country to its new future; Little Beth, Clint and you other children that is why you are here today. It will be up to you and the other children out there to lead our future country to become the great nation it once was.”

  Upon leaving the long meeting, many said their goodbyes to the White House. Many at the meeting wouldn’t see it for a while, some a long while, and they were transported back to Andrews.

  The president would not be visiting “Prestonville” as often, but the wife and children of the late president had decided to move into the recently built log home on the airfield and become new citizens of Prestonville. Their gift to the town, organized from Washington and with help from the air force, would be a new school house.

  Washington did have several new residents. The Smart family moved into a new government house, the old Chilean Embassy, to be part of the new government. The Smart kids promised the kids in Prestonville that they would visit often.

  Joe was also moving north to Washington to be a proud member of the Confederate part of the new Government, leaving his farm to be run by his sons, and David, who was about to leave and try to return to Israel.

  Most of the old and empty Embassies in Washington were housing the new members of the House of Representatives. Washington was now full of a new kind of politics, and many hoped that would be the way it continued.

  When the group flew back into Andrews, they saw that two freshly painted Gulfstream V’s were waiting for them outside one of the hangars. Both jets looked like much smaller versions of the old Air Force One 747. Both had the official markings of diplomatic aircraft and both had “The United States of America–External Diplomatic Communications” in bold letters across both sides.

  Preston’s jaw dropped. “It would be fun to learn to fly these as well,” he stated to Martie. “Carlos and Sally will certainly join us now.”

  General Patterson had given him the bad news days earlier, that they would not be getting any 747s; however, newly promoted Colonel Wong, in charge of the newly formed Military-Civilian Aircraft Wing, might give them lessons on the weekly flights down to Colombia. That had put an end to Preston Airlines, but after a few Yuenglings with the departing general, who was heading off to Europe, he remembered his beloved P-51 Mustang.

  Two days later, Mo and Lee and their families said their goodbyes as they left Prestonville, the newest little town in North Carolina, Population: 40, for their flight to China. The Gulfstream left the once again recently extended runway, bound for Hawaii after Beatrice and Marie, and the kids promised to keep in touch. Mo and Lee and their families were excited to be returning to Harbin, and several friends, including Colonel Rhu, and the ex-owner of the electronic production company were waiting for them… but that’s in another story.

  Tim O’Shaw was the new Mayor of Ocracoke, Population: 21, and in charge of Mo’s two homes. He had a detachment of a couple of ex-air force members who had joined him; former Sergeant Perry and his family and several of his tech sergeant mates with their families, were setting up a new engine repair business at the town’s airport hangars. Word got back to Preston that they were working on the dead engines of a fleet of modern fishing vessels of all sizes and, electric car engines were the rage of the day, hybrid to lawn mowers of all things, Preston told Carlos.

  Carlos and Sally had arrived the night before from Bogotá in Carlos’ DC-3, suntanned and happy, to say goodbye. Carlos was dying to check out the new rides and over a couple of Yuenglings, had decided to head over to Europe, as the general had asked, to help Preston and Martie.

  Carlos and Sally tired from traveling headed in for an early night, which left Preston and Martie, Little Beth and Clint, Oliver and Puppy on the softly lighted porch. For the end of September, the weather was cooling, and sweaters were needed to sit outside.

  “Are we coming to Europe with you?” Little Beth asked, sitting close to her brother for warmth. Martie explained to them that they would be, but the first trip was dangerous and they would stay with the rest of the large airfield family until the second trip.

  It was getting late, and it was time for bed. Preston had just twisted the tops of the last two Yuengling bottles on the whole airfield. There were other types of beers, but the Yuenglings had been hit hardest from all the visitors.

  “Martie, do you realize that only nine months has passed since New Year’s Eve?” Preston commented.

  “I know. It feels like a lifetime ago, and so much has changed in so little time.”

  “The quickest I‘ve ever heard of a couple getting married and having two kids!” smirked Little Beth.

  “It’s time for bed, guys!” stated Preston sternly swatting his daughter. “I promise that as soon as it is safe for you to come over to Europe, your mother and I will come and get you ourselves. Until then you will listen and take orders from Auntie Marie and the older kids, understand?”

  “Once I have my last operation, can I become a President of The United States, like Uncle Mike? President Clinton Jefferson Busch… Now that’s got a real nice American ring to it,” stated Clint always serious.

  They all laughed at the tenacity of Clint. He was always thinking ahead of them, and on a totally different wave length… but that is also another story!

  “Go to bed, kids, give the dogs a bone, check on Smokey and we will be in to say goodnight.”

  The kids headed into the house and the screams and shouts died down.

  “Our last two Yuenglings, hey?” stated Martie looking at the frosted bottle. “Maybe it’s the right time to go to Europe. Hopefully they are still producing good German beer somewhere over there.”

  And they sat on the porch, sipping their beers, looking out at the cooling North Carolina darkness, and the beginning of a whole new world.

  To Be Continued in…

  INVASION Europe –

  The European Side of the Story – April/May 2013


  The New Chinese Wang Dynasty – June 2013


  The New America – August 2013

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  Books by the Author:

  The Book of Tolan Series (Adult Reading)

  Banking, Beer & Robert the Bruce – Hardcover and eNovel.

  Easy Come Easy Go – Hardcover and eNovel.

  It Could Happen – eNovel.

  INVASION USA Series (General Reading)

  INVASION USA I – The End of Modern Civilization – eNovel.

  INVASION USA II – The Battle for New York – eNovel.

  INVASION USA III – The Battle for Survival – eNovel.

  INVASION USA IV: The Battle for Houston … The Aftermath – eNovel

  INVASION EUROPE: The European side of the Story – April/May 2013

  INVASION ASIA: The New Chinese Wang Dynasty – June 2013

  INVASION USA V: The New America – July/August 2013

  INVASION USA Series: Paperback Editions

  INVASION USA I: The End of Modern Civilization – August 2012

  INVASION USA II: The Battle for New York – August 2012

  INVASION USA III: The Battle for Survival – August 2012

  INVASION USA IV: The Battle for Houston … The Aftermath – August 2012

  About the Author

  T I WADE was born in Bromley, Kent, England in 1954.

  His father, a banker was promoted with his International Bank to Africa and the young family moved to Africa in 1956.


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