My Baby Is A West Coast King 4
Page 31
Veronica left the room and I just took a few moments to myself before following her. We made it out to the parking lot, and after chatting a little bit about the next move, we parted ways.
When I got into my car I just sat there for a little bit, wondering what was going through Hudson’s mind. How could he just want to forget about Jayde? I understood not wanting anything to do with me, but I didn’t want anything to do with him either yet I was still willing to deal with him for Jayde’s sake.
Pulling my iPhone from my purse, I dialed Hudson and it rang a few times before pausing and going to voicemail, so I knew he’d hit ignore on me. I just decided to shoot him a text.
Me: Are you seriously gonna sign over your rights to Jayde? I will be changing her last name to Benjamin if you do.
Hudson: Yep. And I bet you can’t wait to do that since you enjoyed your ex beating me up in front of the whole fucking neighborhood just before telling him he could fuck you whenever. Don’t text me again.
I chuckled angrily as I backed out of the texts. I guess that’s what this was about; he felt emasculated. So what I left him groaning and needing help on the porch after he got fucked up in broad daylight, he shouldn’t have been trying to get me into trouble with Chaz. Not to mention, I’d told Hudson a lot, including how crazy Chaz was and how he could switch in a second or less. Not my fault he didn’t heed to Chaz’s warnings and got embarrassed. Plus, that was good for his ass since he couldn’t keep his hands to himself. And as far as me still willing to fuck Chaz… Hudson just should get better dick.
I sped out of the parking lot and headed to my neighbor’s house so I could pick up my baby. After that, I drove over to Deyana’s because she wanted to hang out for a little bit.
I was staying with Adrian until I found a place, but I felt bad for fucking with her best friend under her roof. So now that Deyana had her own place, I didn’t feel as horrible.
Deyana was just a lot of fun, whereas Adrian felt more like a relationship. I was starting to think I just wasn’t a relationship person. I liked to have fun and have sex, without being fussed at when I didn’t show enough love and support. Chaz, Adrian, and Hudson wanted too much from me, and the only person I gave my all to and would ever give my all to was Jayde.
By the time I made it to Deyana’s, Jayde was passed out in her car seat, letting her ice cream melt all over her little hand.
“Jayde!” I frowned and quickly unbuckled my seat belt to get out the car. I grabbed some wipes from the trunk, and then removed the cone from Jayde’s hand before wiping it down. Of course she woke up crying and reaching for the cone.
“Mommy!!!” she wailed loudly as I pulled her from the seat.
“Baby, it’s melted. I’m gonna get you another one, okay?” I kissed her small wet face. “Okay? Mommy is gonna get you another one a little bit later.”
“K.” She pouted as I kissed her again.
“Need some help?” Deyana stood in the doorway of her home, smirking.
“Yeah, actually. Could you get me a plastic bag or something so I could toss this?” I frowned, hating the sticky ass ice cream that was covering my free hand.
Deyana went to get what I asked for by the time I was in her doorway, so I just dropped it into the bag.
“Hi, cutie!” Deyana smiled at Jayde who was lying her head on my shoulder.
“Hi!” Jayde waved.
Deyana closed the door behind me, and I immediately went into her kitchen to make Jayde a snack so she could busy herself, as Deyana tossed the plastic bag. Once I was finished, I sat Jayde on the middle seat cushion of the couch, and then plopped down next to her.
“Let me show you something.” Deyana came out of the kitchen.
“No, I’m tired and I want to relax my feet for a bit. I told you I had that divorce meeting today and it was weird.”
“Hudson wants to give up his rights to Jayde.” I looked up at Deyana as she stood over me.
“Wow. Adrian said he was an asshole.”
“Really?” I chuckled and she nodded. “I guess she was right.”
“Come on, I have something for you!”
“Oh my gosh, fine!” I turned to my baby and said, “Don’t move. Mommy will be right back okay?”
“K!” she nodded and bit down on her small sandwich.
I turned the TV on, removed one of her DVDs from my purse, then had Deyana slip it in and start it.
Deyana and I left the living room, and she led me to her extra bedroom that was decked out. I noticed a kid bed in there as well, along with a lot of toys. What the fuck was going on?
“Do you like it?” she quizzed, smiling brightly as hell.
“I mean yeah, but what is this? Are you getting a roommate?”
“Well I was hoping I could get one. Maybe she can sleep in here, and her baby can sleep in this little bed, and then over time she can move into my room.”
“Deyana, please tell me this is not what I think this is?”
“I mean we like each other and you need a place to stay.”
“I live with Adrian! I don’t need a place. When I do need one, I can buy it on my own. I’m not gonna live with you! I don’t know you!”
“So what are we doing, Jade?”
“Fucking! What did you think; we were entering some romance for the books? We are simply having sex. I’m in a relationship with Adrian.”
“Deyana!” I heard Adrian’s voice call through the house, making my stomach drop. “Hey sweetie! What are you doing here?” Adrian cooed to Jayde before she closed the door.
“Not anymore,” Deyana smirked.
“You did this on purpose. You invited us both here.”
“Maybe I did, maybe it just happened.”
“Jade? Why are you and Jayde here? I thought you were still in the divorce meeting?” Adrian furrowed her brows.
“No, she came over so we could chill, Adrian,” Deyana chimed in.
“No! She’s lying. She asked me to come over and talk about… to talk… she just asked me to come!” I panicked.
“We’ve been fucking for a little while now, Adrian. And you’re right, she does bite her lip sexily when she’s about to cum,” Deyana giggled.
I punched the shit out of Deyana and then stormed past Adrian so I could get my baby.
“Seriously, Jade! My best fucking friend! You will never change and I don’t know why I thought you would!” Adrian followed me through the house.
“Come on, baby,” I smiled, picking Jayde up.
“I’m done with you this time, Jade, really I am.” Adrian gripped the doorknob as Deyana cried loudly from the back. Shaking her head and chuckling angrily she added, “I can’t believe I thought that you had actually changed and that we were finally gonna do this. But I’m done. Don’t bother getting your shit from my place because I’ll have it dropped off at your old house.”
She slammed the door behind herself. I grabbed my purse, and then opened the door to walk outside.
“Adrian, please! Don’t! I don’t even like her!”
“No! I hate you Jade! You’re a selfish bitch and you deserve someone just as selfish as you. That baby is the only thing you care about but I can’t even fault you for that. But I’m sad to admit that I’m a bit jealous of a damn child!” Adrian sobbed hysterically as she yanked her car door open and slid in.
I opened and closed my mouth to talk, but I had nothing to say. She was right; all I cared about was Jayde. I could have chased after her but for what? I didn’t want what she wanted and I’d just be wasting her time. Adrian was a nice girl, and maybe it was finally time I let her be with someone who wanted what she wanted because it wasn’t me.
“Jade,” I heard Deyana sniffle from behind me.
“Fuck you!” I hissed, seeing blood drip from her nose.
“Fuck you!” Jayde repeated.
I kisse
d her before saying, “That’s right, baby.”
I buckled Jayde into her car seat as Deyana watched while crying softly in the doorway. Once my baby was in safely, I took myself to a hotel so it could just be her and I. She would be the only girl I ever gave a damn about; probably the only person period.
“Former model Amelia Adler, of The Models was found dead in her hotel room today. It appears she committed suicide by swallowing pills. Authorities say…”
“Damn, ain’t that old girl?” Mischief quizzed as we sat in my dressing room.
I had another photo shoot for Adidas this morning, but he came because afterwards we were taking Lanai to Knotts Berry Farm. I thought she was too young, but he said they had a theme park within it for babies so we would see. I just wanted a day to spend with my family so I didn’t care where we went.
“Yes, that’s her.” I sighed and shook my head, turning the TV down.
My phone buzzed as I stood up to put my tennis shoes on. When I looked down I saw Kady had sent a message to group text with Cassie, Erynne, and me included.
Kady: Guess we know who snitched.
Cassie: Jude is a savage. Lmao.
Me: I know! Wtf!
Erynne: Didn’t think he had it in him.
Kady: Now Kordell won’t have to kill his ass.
Cassie: Yessss!
I slipped my phone into my duffle bag, and just as I did so, there was a knock on my dressing room door. Mischief cut the TV off that we had on in there and picked Lanai up to put her into his lap.
I opened the door and saw Evan, the guy who would be overseeing the line I put out through Adidas. My heart started to beat out of my chest because I was hoping he wasn’t about to be on his same flirty tip. We’d met a couple times since the first, for business, and he clearly thought he had a chance. He also didn’t know what type of nigga I had; he couldn’t have.
“Hey,” I whispered, only opening the door enough to peek my head out. “I’m leaving soon.”
“Yes, I know. I heard you were shooting this morning and I wanted to bring you some flowers and chocolate to congratulate you beautiful.”
“This isn’t a good time, Evan I—”
“Why are you whispering?”
“Who is that?” Mischief’s deep voice came through, startling both Evan and me.
“Just…work.” The last word trailed off as Mischief pulled the door open all the way to see Evan standing there with candy and flowers.
“That shit you holding bet not be for her,” he stated sternly, looking down at Evan as I moved out the way. There was nothing I could do at that point.
“Well, I was just—”
“Give me that shit.” Mischief snatched the flowers and tossed them over Evan’s head, then he yanked the box of candy and opened it up, throwing the top at Evan. Taking one out, he shoved it into his mouth, chewed for a little bit while staring Evan down and said, “Shit is nasty as fuck, bruh.” He inspected the candy box. “Step ya game up when approaching a woman on my wife’s level.”
“Shai!” I exclaimed when he turned the tray of candy over and let it fall out over Evan’s head.
“Don’t let me catch you bringing my girl cheap ass candy and flowers again, homie, or I’m gon’ snap ya fucking neck with my bare hands.” Mischief chewed the last piece of candy in his mouth. “And clean this up.”
“My apologies, sir.” Evan quickly started picking the candy up as Mischief closed the door.
When Mischief turned to look at me, I just shook my head and smiled. That was my husband for you.
“I should have fucked him up but I know this is yo’ work.” It took a lot, I could tell, for him not to go upside Evan’s head.
“I know, baby, I know.”
Late that evening…
I was in a bubble bath resting my body after a long day at Knotts. We did a lot of walking around Camp Snoopy aka the baby part of the theme park. It was so cute seeing my little Lanai get on the mini rides even though she cried her little eyes out the whole time. Mischief’s crazy ass would just give her pep talks, and she’d nod her head as if she understood, only to cry on the next ride. Only rides she liked were the ones I got on with her. The pictures we took were downright adorable and hilarious.
I washed my body then let the water out, and when I came out into my bedroom in a towel I saw my grandmother waiting.
“Ma, I’m tired.”
“I just want to apologize, Laine. I know what I did was wrong, and I guess I just wanted you to have your mother because I thought you needed her.”
“I don’t want or need her, Ma. I’m fine with just you.”
“I get that now, and I promise I will never try to force her on you again, okay? She doesn’t deserve you.” She half smiled and I nodded. “Do you forgive me?”
“Of course.” I made my way over to her and hugged her tightly. “Where is Shai?”
“Down in the den. He and Lanai are both asleep in front of the television. I tried to turn it off but he swears he’s still watching. Knotts must have tired them both out.”
We both laughed before she left the bedroom so I could change into my pajamas. The family I had was the only family I needed.
A week later…
I sat in the back of the restaurant waiting for my mother. She said she wanted to talk to me and like always I was gonna give her a chance to. I figured by now she knew that if she wasn’t saying what the fuck I wanted to hear, then I would leave her ass sitting at the table by her fucking self.
Pulling my iPhone from my pocket since it beeped, I saw I had a couple texts messages from different people but I only tapped the one from my wife.
Baby: Don’t be mean!
I sucked my teeth and slipped my shit back into my pocket. Just as I looked up from the table, the hostess of the secluded area I was sitting in was bringing my mom to me. She smiled when we made eye contact, but I kept the same facial expression, not knowing what the fuck to expect from this.
Being a gentleman, I rose to my feet and pulled the chair out for her to sit down as the hostess closed the sliding door to cut us off from the rest.
“This is how you have to eat now, Mr. Superstar?” My mother grinned. Her smile was so beautiful and warm that you’d never know what kind of sick shit went on in her mind.
“I’m not eating, I just don’t want people coming back here. So talk, because I have somewhere to be.”
“Somewhere that’s more important than me?”
“Yeah, with my wife and kids.”
“You know I’m still surprised you got married. You used to treat that Brooke girl so—”
“Well I’ll cut right to it. My therapist said I’m getting much better, Kordell, and soon I will be able to be around Mischief.”
“Yes, soon. But she told me that I needed to start spending time with my other children first, because that will help.” She cleared her throat. “So what do you say?”
“Spending time like what? You ain’t coming to my crib with my kids.”
“I’m offended as hell but I understand. Spending time as in stuff like this, my love, nothing too much just to start. So, can we do that? I hate being away from all of you.”
“And what about Chaz?”
“He said he’ll think about it.”
I stared at her for a moment and said, “Yeah, well I need to think about it too.”
She just nodded in agreement.
Being a fucking mama’s boy, I ended up staying and eating lunch with her ass. We actually had some good conversation, and I could tell she was getting better because she was able to be honest about the situation with Mischief. I don’t think he’d ever forgive her though, and I couldn’t blame him.
After eating with her, I took my ass home because I just wanted to lay up with my wife and squeeze on her booty for a little bit.
When I walked through the b
edroom door, Cassie was sitting on the bed watching TV. She looked exhausted but sexy nonetheless. I took my hoodie and shoes off, then climbed onto the bed to hug her body and lie in her lap as she massaged my dreads.
“How did it go?” she quizzed.
“Good, I think.” I exhaled. “I saw Fatima outside.”
“What?” she damn near screeched as I burst into laughter. “Don’t play like that, Kordell! I told you that hoe was weird.”
“You got some real die hards, baby.” I kissed her thigh.
“Do not remind me.”
“You talk to Ellison?”
“A little bit but not too much. We just don’t mesh well, and I’m perfectly fine with that. Especially after that ‘looking for a nigga to cheat’ comment.”
“She can’t cheat with me.”
“Trust me I know. I would set the both of y’all on fire.”
Chuckling, I replied, “I love you Cassie, for real.”
“I love you too.” She bent down to kiss my temple as I tightened my grip on her waist.
This right here was the life.
That same afternoon…
One of my stylists let me know they’d heard through the grapevine that Helene was in on it with Rodney to get my money. I didn’t want to believe it, but I’d be a fool not to. The bitch acted like she wanted out so badly, yet when she goes home to pack, this fool shows up at my shop asking me for $20,000. It was cool though because they were leaving town and I’d never have to see that bitch again… after today. I didn’t know what Chaz had done, or how he did it, but Helene and Rodney were getting the fuck out of Los Angeles.
I paced back and forth in my office, waiting for that hoe to show up. I just wanted to slap the shit out of her one good time and I’d be good. I had a hard time convincing her to stop by because whatever Chaz had done had pumped a lot of fear into her heart, but eventually she agreed. I told her it’d only take a minute, and it would, because after I slapped her she could be on her way. That’s unless she made the mistake of hitting me back, then it’d take a little longer for me to break my foot off into her ass.