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Raging Heart On: Friends to Lovers Romance (Lucas Brothers Book 2)

Page 20

by Jordan Marie

  I’m holding William and he picks now to cry out. His sister must be very in tune to him because she joins him. “I think they’re hungry again already,” Gray says.

  “You just want to see me breastfeed again,” CC jokes tiredly. She’s much calmer and definitely sweeter, now that the babies are here. She’s beautiful, but you can tell she’s worn out too, which is our cue to leave the babies and new parents alone.

  “Guilty as charged,” Gray laughs easily, hugging his woman closer. I walk around CC’s bed. Gray is lying on a small portion of it just to hold CC in his arms. It’s good to see my brother so happy. Of all of them, besides Cyan for obvious reasons, I never thought Gray would settle down. He was almost as set against it as I was. I hand William off to him.

  “I think it’s time Kayla and I get out of here and let you two have some time alone,” I tell Gray, but I’m looking over his shoulder at Kayla, who is giving a fussy Violet back to her mom. I guess it just takes the right woman to make a man want to settle down. Now, I can’t imagine anything better in life than having Kayla with me through every minute I’m on this Earth and whatever comes after.

  “You don’t have to run off,” CC protests.

  “We do. You need your rest and you’ve had all the Lucas clan here driving you nuts. We’ll come see you guys tomorrow,” Kayla tells her as I walk around to her. She immediately slips her hand into mine. It’s a simple move, but damn it feels good.

  “Thanks for coming by,” Gray adds. We say our final goodbyes and head out of the room. Mom and all of the others had left already. We only stayed so long because Blue and Black had been hogging the babies. They felt it was their duty since they were the reigning twins of the Lucas family to be doting uncles. I just think they were being greedy bastards.

  “Weren’t they the most precious things you ever saw? I swear Violet is going to look just like her Mama. William looks completely different. Strange, since they’re twins and all.”

  “Buttercup, they’re only fraternal twins,” I laugh, knowing she gets that especially since they’re not even the same gender.

  “I know, but usually twins have much more similar characteristics. I always hoped someday I’d have twins, but then you see all these women and they have these beautiful children that all look just alike and you have to wonder how on Earth they manage to tell them apart.”

  I can’t help but smile at her words. We’re down the hall almost to the waiting area and elevators when I have to stop her. I tug on her hand so she falls back into me slightly. She looks up at me with a soft gasp. My free hand finds its way into her hair, much like it always does, as I use my thumb to stroke against the side of her face.

  “There’s one thing I know beyond a shadow of a doubt,” I whisper, my lips close to hers.

  “What’s that?” she murmurs, her breath feathering against my skin.

  “The kind of mom you will be, Buttercup. You would absolutely never have any problem telling your children apart. You will know what each cry means. You will even know what each smile means.”


  “It won’t matter if you have one child or ten at the same time. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, you will know everything about each child,” I tell her truthfully. I watch as her lips slowly move into a full smile. Her small giggle escapes and the sound dives down inside of me somehow and I’m pretty damn sure that from this moment on, I will always be able to hear that laugh in my head when I think of Kayla. A laugh full of happiness and love. I know it’s love because I see it shining in her eyes.

  “If I have ten kids at one time, I won’t even know my own name. Did you see how worn out CC was from having just two?”

  “You might have a point,” I grin. “I might have exaggerated a bit to get my point across.”

  “I love you, White,” she whispers, and those damn words settle inside of me with the force of an explosion. “I love you so much.”

  I’m a man and I think by design alone we’re not made to handle emotion—at least, not well. When Kayla gives me those words, her eyes so earnest and the truth of them beaming from everything she is, there’s a moment where I can’t breathe. I’m choking on things I should say. Things I need to say. I want to give her these flowery words, these sonnets and poems and a million other things a woman like Kayla deserves. That’s not who I am, however. That becomes even more evident when all I can do is let out a growl like a caveman, move my hold from the side of her face to her neck, and take her lips.

  My brain is misfiring. All I can hear over and over is one word: mine. It doesn’t matter that we’re in a crowded hospital waiting room. It doesn’t matter that it’s late and a minute ago I was just looking forward to getting Kayla home and holding her while we slept. Nothing matters except this overwhelming need inside of me to make sure she knows that she is in fact mine.



  Kissing White always transports me away from reality. This time is no different. When we break apart, it takes a few minutes for my brain to register that he just kissed me like that in front of an area full of strangers. I don’t think it’s bothering him, however, because when I try to pull out of his arms, he doesn’t let me.


  “You picked a bad time to tell me that you loved me.”

  “Um… you said you already knew I loved you.”

  “I may have thought it, Buttercup, but I never heard you say it. That makes it real,” he explains, and his thumb massages at the corner of my mouth again. His deep blue eyes are staring down at me and he’s so beautiful. He feels like something I shouldn’t hope to touch or want, and yet I do, and he’s mine. He’s made that clear and finally I’m starting to believe it.

  “Why don’t we go home and I’ll show you how much I love you?” I ask him boldly, suddenly having more courage than I ever have before.

  “I thought you said sex at my Mom’s was a no-go?”

  “It’s a good day. I’m willing to make an exception,” I tell him, feeling the heat rise on my face.

  “What if I can’t wait that long?”

  “Huh?” I ask like a dummy, not quite catching on.

  “It’s a good thirty-five, forty minutes to Mom’s from here. I don’t think I can wait that long,” he tells me, bringing my hand to the zipper of his jeans and moving it down so I can feel the prominent outline of his cock. I squeeze against the firm shape, feeling the heat emanating from him. I’ve heard the term raging hard-on, but I’m not sure I’ve taken the time to admire and feel one close-up. This definitely applies. I look around and am thankful to find that no one seems to be noticing what we’re doing.

  “White,” I whisper uneasily.

  “I got this,” he says, and I’m not one to argue, but my heart is beating hard. It’s pushing against my chest in a mixture of fear, excitement, and worry. He turns us around and we’re going through the hallway that leads to the rooms. At first, I guess because I’m apparently slow, I don’t realize what he’s doing. No, I’m busy thinking we’re going back to see CC and Gray. I start to question him, but before I can, he pulls me inside a room. It’s a room much like CC’s birthing room, except this one is empty. There’s a hospital bed in the middle with a curtain that pulls around it, and the rest of the equipment is pushed to the corner, unused.


  “I love when you wear dresses,” he growls. Then, I find myself lifted in the air. I wrap my legs around his waist, afraid I might fall. I shouldn’t have worried; his hold on me is solid. He closes the door behind us and then walks me over to the bed.

  “White, I’m not sure I like that look in your eye. It’s a hospital. Anyone could come in and we really—”

  “Don’t worry, Buttercup,” he says, reaching up and pulling the curtain around the bed.

  “A curtain? Really?”

  “Yeah, and as for the look in my eye, that shouldn’t bother you either.”

  “It shouldn’t?” I ask, almost afraid to. In ans
wer, he grabs me roughly at the hips and twirls me fast so I’m facing the bed, my back to him. I grab the bed to keep from falling, my heart beating a frantic rhythm. “White,” I gasp, unsure of what else to say. In the end, there’s nothing to say. He says it all when he leans in, his breath against my ear, his chin in the hollow of my neck, and his five o’clock shadow tickling my shoulder.

  “You won’t get a chance to see my eyes,” he whispers at the exact moment his hand slides up my leg and under my dress to grab my ass cheek hard.



  I turn Kayla around so she’s facing the bed. I give her a second to catch her breath. It’s ragged and echoes in the room, even louder than my own. I watch as her fingers bite into the mattress on the hospital bed. Her fingers clench as she tries to get herself under control. I’m not about to let her get control of any kind. My hands lock on her hips and I pull to maneuver her right where I want her. I slowly glide my hand from her hip to the middle of her back. I love the way she stretches against my touch, inviting me to continue. I don’t. Instead I push down on her back, forcing her to bend over, getting her head closer to the mattress, while at the same time pushing her ass higher in the air—exactly where I want it.

  Using the hold of my other hand, which is still braced at her hip, I pull her into me, letting her feel the way my cock is begging for her, grinding against her ass so hard that there’s a possibility I could come just from this. I won’t, but she’s tempting me just the same. I gather her dress, pulling it up so it exposes her ass.

  “Please tell me you’re not wearing another pair of those panties. I warned you against that,” I growl, just half-joking. My plan is that eventually she stops wearing underwear altogether.

  “I’m at a hospital! Of course I’m going to wear panties!” she hisses. I’m using my finger to move along the edge of her panties, feeling her thighs tremble.

  “I told you I didn’t want to see this shit on you anymore,” I remind her, wondering what she will do.

  “These aren’t the same,” she defends, trying to push into me when I wrap my finger against the lace at her leg. “They’re boy-cut! Some men find them sexy.”

  I know Kayla isn’t trying to upset me, but just the mention of other men seeing her underwear causes anger to coil in the pit of my stomach. I tighten my hold on the thin lace and it pulls taut, and then I hear a ripping noise as the material gives. I toss the remnants on the floor once I can tear it from her body. I know I’m not being gentle. I even know that it’s made marks on her in places and probably hurts. I also do not give a damn. I’m an asshole, I know it, but I’m also pissed off. The thought of another man seeing what is mine makes me want to punch walls.

  “It doesn’t matter what the fuck some men like. They won’t get the chance to see you again. We got that clear. Right, Kayla?”

  “I was just saying…”

  “It’s clear, right? No one sees this pussy,” I tell her, letting my fingers slide between her legs, and then I reach under and push against her lips. They part magically, letting one finger push in, her sweet cream surrounding me at once. “No one touches this pussy but me.”

  “What? I—”

  “Say it, Kayla.”

  “Of course they don’t, White. That’s not what I…” Her sentence trails off and ends with a loud gasp as my hand cracks down hard on her ass. I can feel the cheeks of her ass vibrate from the hit. Heat moves through her, flushing her skin a bright pink. My dick jerks in reaction.

  “No one touches this ass, but me.” I hear a whimper. She pushes against me. What I don’t hear is her agreement, so I bring my hand down again, and bastard that I am, it’s even harder this time. “No one touches this ass but me, Kayla,” I tell her, harsher this time.

  “No one,” she whimpers, her ass bucking against my hand. I rub the red skin, admiring the print of my hand on the pale white flesh, carefully rubbing against the walls of her pussy without entering.

  “I think you like being spanked, Buttercup. You were wet before, but you’re drenched now. Listen to the noises this sweet pussy makes when I slide my fingers through it. You don’t want them to leave, do you, baby? Do you want me to get you off right here?”

  “Yes, please, White,” she moans. The need in her voice makes me feel so powerful that I thrust two fingers inside of her in reward. Her muscles cling to my fingers and she tries to suck them in deeper. She rides my fingers so tightly, I think she might break them. I thrust them in and out a few times, giving her only a small taste of what I really want to give her. She does her best to rise up, but I don’t let her get away with it. Instead, I push harder on her back, making sure her body stays low and angled perfectly for me.

  Regretfully, I take my fingers away. Kayla cries in protest, doing her best to rear back. She looks at me over my shoulder and I grin at the mixed look of anger and need on her face. I bring my fingers to my lips and let her watch as I lick her cream from them. Her eyes go large.

  “You taste good, Honey.”

  “White, please…”

  “What’s wrong, Buttercup? Do you want my fingers back?” I ask her, letting them move back down. I slide them against her clit and then further down, skirting her entrance, pushing against it but never going inside.

  “You’re killing me,” she whimpers.

  Her cream covers my fingers and I use it to push against her ass, painting the opening generously, then diving down to get more. I repeat the action several times, the last time sliding the tips of my fingers through the tightly locked ring of muscles of her ass. Her body goes still. Every muscle she has locks in place, as if she’s afraid to move. If it wasn’t for the breathless sounds leaving her mouth, I’d be worried she wasn’t getting oxygen. I lean down and kiss along her spine as I push my fingers in a little further. One finger goes inside just past the knuckle. She’s so fucking tight there, she may destroy my cock when she takes it inside, but she will do it. I will own every part of her.

  “You like this, Honey?”

  “White,” she whispers and I can hear the need in her voice even as her body shakes in what is probably fear.

  “I’m claiming your ass, Kayla. It’s going to take my cock all the way inside. I’m going to go so deep you won’t be able to move for weeks without feeling me.”

  “Jesus,” she sighs.

  I kiss down her spine and along her ass while pulling the finger back out. I let my teeth graze one of her cheeks and then bite into it, letting her feel the sting and claiming her ass the only way I can right now.

  “This is my ass, Kayla,” I tell her over her squeal of shock when I bite her—a squeal that only deepens when I thrust my finger back in, and this time, I go as deep as possible.

  “It will hurt,” she says, but her body is moving in all the right ways. She wants this. Fuck, she’d let me take her right here, right now if I wanted. She’s not ready, though. We’ll have to work up to that.

  “Aww, Honey, that’s not my plan. I’m going to make you feel good. Real good,” I tell her, leaving her ass with a small kiss. Then I unzip my pants, pushing them out of the way. My poor cock could almost sing in relief as I let him out. It’s a miracle he didn’t rip through my pants. I take my cock in my hand to let the tip push against her ass, just enough so she knows what I want.

  “White,” she whispers, but before she can let her mind be ruled with fear, I slide my dick down the slick, cream-coated path to her pussy and plunge inside of her. “White!” she calls out louder this time as I sink up to my balls inside of her.

  “Hold on, sweetheart. This is going to be a hard ride,” I warn her, and then make good on that promise.



  “Mom, I thought I told you I’m not drinking this crap!” White says from beside me.

  We’re sitting at the breakfast table eating and White is staring down at another one of Ida Sue’s “healthy” shakes. This one is green with a touch of brown and it smells like a skunk.
The place is relatively quiet today. Petal hasn’t been home in two days and Green is on the road. That leaves Jansen, who is sick in bed with the flu, and Cyan, who isn’t himself and left the same minute White and I came into the kitchen. He kissed me on the forehead and just disappeared. I’m more than a little worried about him, but when I asked White about it, he just shrugged.

  “You need it. I haven’t been told you and Kayla have made me a grandbaby yet and until that happens you need all the help you can get, White Hall. Now drink up.”

  “What kind of crap is in it this time?”

  “Never you mind. Just drink.”

  “It smells like roasted ass.”

  “Roasted ass? Really?” I ask White, shaking my head. In hindsight, I probably shouldn’t have because he moves the glass under my nose and I have to agree. “Well, at least you seem fond of asses,” I murmur to him.

  “My woman has jokes,” he whispers back, capturing my lips in a quick kiss that manages to make my pulse go crazy and heat rise in my face.

  “Love you, Buttercup,” he whispers, our foreheads pressed together. My breath lodges in my throat long enough for my heart to fill to the point where it might burst.

  “Love you too,” I whisper.

  “It’s about damn time!” Black comes in. White and I pull apart and I instantly miss him.

  “Look what the cat dragged in,” White grumbles, looking at me with a wink.

  “Shut it, old man,” Black growls, sitting down beside me. He wraps his arm easily around my back, pulling me away from White and into him.

  “You do realize that you’re not that much younger brother?”


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