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Touched by Death

Page 16

by Dale Mayer

  "So now what?"

  "I think he's coming around." Dane said, bending down. "Emile. It's Dane. Can you hear me?"

  Emile groaned softly. Jade watched as Dane ran his hands over Emile, looking for injuries. "He's lying at an odd angle but I can't find anything broken." He lifted his hand, rubbing his fingers together, peering more closely under the dim moonlight. "There's blood on the back of his head."

  "Poor man. It's so damn dark here we can't see anything clearly, anyway." She turned to the path. "I'm going to go and grab a flashlight from the trailers." She stopped. "I don't have the trailer keys with me."

  "I'm not sure that's an issue. He's waking up now."

  She crouched in front of the two of them. "Did you check the back of his head? Perhaps he fell on the rocks and hit his head?"

  "Yeah, there's blood here and on the ground beneath him. Head injuries can really bleed." Dane glanced at her and nodded. "He was probably searching for his father and fell."

  "Let's hope he's not too badly hurt." As she watched, Emile opened his eyes, his gaze widening as he took in his location. Took in them.

  "I'm fine." Emile tried to lurch to his feet and fell sideways. Dane lunged to catch him before he fell again.

  "Hey, take it easy. You've hit your head on a rock."

  "Is that why it feels like a watermelon about to explode?"

  Dane grinned at Emile's truculent tone.

  Jade didn't know how to compare him to what was normal. The few times she'd seen Emile, he'd been reserved and not terribly communicative – about the same as now.

  "Sit and relax for a moment or two." Jade watched as Dane forcibly pressed Emile onto the closest rock.

  "Do you know what happened?"

  "Huh?" Emile peered up at Dane. "What happened?"

  "That's what I'm asking you. Do you know what happened to you? What were you doing here?"

  "I hit my head, you said."

  Oh dear. Emile wasn't connecting the dots. Jade peered into his eyes. Concussions were nothing to minimize and neither were head wounds. "We should take him to the hospital."

  "Hospital?" Emile reared upwards, swaying slightly. "No hospital. Home. Emile go home."

  "Okay. Home it is. Come on. Let's see if we can get you to my truck."

  Jade watched as Dane half-lifted the much smaller man over the rough rocks to the path. She accepted the keys from Dane and ran ahead to unlock the doors.

  Emile settled into the passenger side. Jade ran around and slid into the middle seat and buckled him in. Dane started the truck. Just hearing the engine turn over and seeing the headlights come on made her sigh with relief. Enough had gone wrong this night and her skin prickled with foreboding.

  Taking the road slowly, Dane bounced the truck to John's gravel driveway and pulled in as close to the kitchen door as he could. Lights were on inside. "Wait, Emile. I'm coming around."

  Emile didn't say much and his breath was raspy and unsteady.

  Jade whispered, "Dane, he doesn't look so good. We should take him straight to the hospital."

  "I know." Grimly, Dane headed around the truck and instead of coming to the passenger door, he knocked hard and went into his brother's house. A cry, several shouts, followed by heavy footsteps could be heard as John, Tasha and Dane raced back to the truck. Jade stayed quiet while Tasha howled over her brother's condition.

  John tried to comfort her. Dane tried to talk them into taking Emile to the hospital to get checked out except when the hospital was mentioned, Tasha started screaming at the top of her lungs. Jade had never seen anything like it.

  Actually that wasn't true. She'd seen too much like it in the aftermath of the earthquake.


  He couldn't hear her. It occurred to her that Bruce was a doctor too. In fact several of the team were doctors. Surely one could come and take a look? Their professional opinion might sway this emotional, nonsensical reaction. She hopped out of the truck and walked over to see Dane standing still, staring at the sky in frustration. She tugged on his sleeve and pulled him aside slightly. "Call Bruce. He's a doctor. He won't mind helping out. You've helped us."

  His face brightened. He pulled out his cell phone and made the call. Walking away a distance, Jade studied the very pregnant Tasha in front of her. She looked worse than her brother.

  Her hair was mussed and hung lank – her eyes wild. Jade couldn't quite see the whole picture, but she figured Meg would know what to do or suggest. If Meg were here. Jade ran to Dane. "Have him bring Meg, if she's there."

  Dane frowned at her and repeated her request. After closing his phone, he said, "Why Meg?"

  "She's a doctor and a psychologist of some sort too. I can't remember exactly what her degrees are."

  He stared at her, not comprehending.

  With a quick glance in Tasha's direction, she lowered her voice. "Something's not right with Tasha?"

  His eyes widened and he turned to study his sister-in-law. Grim lines settled in. "She really doesn't look very good, does she?"


  "Let's hope someone can help. Things are deteriorating on all sides here." Even as he finished speaking Emile slumped. "Hey, watch him!" He raced over to Emile's side and helped John who was struggled to hold Emile upright beside the truck.

  "I'm fine. Leave me alone." Emile staggered, tried to swat away their hands and stumbled to the door.

  The two men stayed close, managing to get Emile inside. Tasha stood outside and stared at the moon. As Jade approached warily, she could hear Tasha muttering under her breath.

  "Tasha come inside. Let's go in and sit down. Get you off your feet." Jade suggested gently.

  But Tasha just turned her head and her black eyes wide and dark as obsidian, latched onto Jade. "It's too late."

  "What's too late? Are you feeling okay?" Jade couldn't hide her concern now. Fear radiated around her. From the size of Tasha's belly, Jade guessed she wasn't far off her due date, a month…two at the most. Jade gently put an arm around Tasha's shoulder and urged Tasha into the house.

  Tasha went meekly. Jade led her to the first chair they came across. The men had Emile reclining on the couch. A plaid blanket had been thrown over him.

  Another brightly colored blanket lay over a second chair. Jade picked it up and draped it around Tasha's shoulders then gave her a quick hug. She gently patted Tasha's distended belly.

  There was no response. Lucky baby; it was getting to sleep through this nightmare.

  Jade felt beyond useless as she wandered the kitchen area, waiting. She noticed there was no tea kettle in the kitchen.

  As she turned back to the men who argued in the middle of the living room, she stopped and felt her insides pinch. She looked and noticed the small, three- or four-inch-high papier-mâché dolls hanging to dry on lengths of cord throughout the living room and eating area. Like the ones in the market. Tasha reached up and offered one to Jade. Not wanting to offend the woman, Jade accepted one and put it in her pocket. For the first time, Tasha smiled at her. Briefly. Then her face went blank again.

  Creepy... She remembered the old woman's warning and felt a shiver across her back as she felt the bulge in her pocket. She'd throw the doll away first chance she got, good or bad magic be damned.

  Jade gulped loudly, her hand leaving her pocket to massage her tight neck. What the hell was going on here? She stood and stared and ducked. She didn't want to walk under those damn things.

  And in the middle of the living room, under a doll hanging low enough to tease his hair, Dane argued violently with his brother.

  His brother, shorter, chunkier, younger, was arguing back just as strongly. She didn't want to know what it was about but couldn't help overhearing because it was either stay in the room and watch, or deal with Tasha. A sidelong glance toward the silent woman had turned her back toward the men as they argue
d but she could still hear.

  "He needs to go to the hospital."

  "He won't go."

  "He's unconscious now; he doesn't have any say in the matter."

  "He'll be pissed when he wakes up."

  "That won't matter because he may not wake up if he doesn't go." Dane ran his fingers through his hair and his elbow accidentally hit the doll. He glanced and half ducked. "What the...?" He gazed around the living room as if seeing it for the first time. "Jesus, there are even more of them now."

  "Yeah, I commented on them earlier and she started screaming that it was all my fault," John said. "That everything bad that happens is because the grave was being opened." He stared at his now-almost-catatonic wife, a bitter look crossing his face. "I'm wondering if maybe she's to blame for everything instead."

  Jade gasped softly.

  Holding out his hands, John closed his eyes. "I'm sorry. I don't mean that. But God, Dane, I don't know what to do anymore."

  "Jesus. This is like a bad zombie movie."

  John ran a weary hand down his face, and dropped down on the arm of the couch at Emile's feet. "Yeah, only this isn't fiction. When Tasha found out about Peppe disappearing, she really went off the rails. I didn't understand half of what she was saying. Just something about me not understanding how bad it could get if something came out of the grave. I figured she was talking about bad spirits, but I don't know if that's what concerns her about Peppe's disappearance or not. And no, we still haven't found Peppe." He stared at Dane with bloodshot eyes. "I don't know what the hell is going on anymore. Thing are so out of control."

  "Ya think? Look at your wife, for Christ's sake."

  "I know." John closed his eyes. Worry pleated his forehead. "She's fallen to pieces over Peppe and Emile."

  "Then stay strong. Get someone over here to help her. What about her aunt, cousins...? Isn't there...someone, anyone?"

  "I have tried to contact several people. So far I haven't been able to reach anyone." John turned and walked over to Tasha. He crouched down in front of her. "Tasha? Honey? Look at me."

  Tasha raised her head and stared at John. Tears leaked down her cheeks. He pulled her into his arms. "Oh, honey. It's going to be okay. Take it easy."

  She tucked her head into his shoulder as he rocked her gently back and forth.

  Jade walked over to Dane.

  "Bruce should be here soon." Dane slipped an arm around her shoulder and tucked her close. He dropped a kiss on the top of her head. "Sorry. Not a great end to the evening."

  "Not your fault." Appreciating the warmth and comfort he offered, she relaxed against him.

  Lights of an approaching vehicle flashed in the window. "Oh thank God. That should be them." She almost ran outside, Dane at her heels.

  Bruce hopped out of the SUV and Jade groaned with relief to see Meg in the passenger side. "Hi, Jade. Did you find Dr. Mike? And how's Emile?"

  "Unfortunately, no. We went to the grave in case he'd fallen on the rocks. Instead that's what must have happened to Emile while he was looking for his father. Emile was talking and walking with assistance but refused to go to a hospital. We brought him here and called you. So you've heard nothing on Dr. Mike either?"

  Bruce shook his head. "No, not yet. Where is Emile?"

  "Inside." Dane led the way.

  Jade stayed behind. "Thanks for coming, Meg. I'm sorry about Dr. Mike. This has been a terrible evening."

  Reaching out and giving Jade a quick hug, Meg said, "I'm glad to help. I just don't understand why I'm needed."

  "It's Tasha, John's pregnant wife. And I don't know what you can do for her." Jade shook her head. "Something is definitely not right there."

  "Mentally or physically?"

  "Both. Add in emotionally, too." She led Meg toward the kitchen door. "There's a weird smell to her – I don't know. It's way beyond me." Taking a deep hurting breath, she added, "I'm afraid there's something wrong with the baby."

  Meg's gaze sharpened. "Where is she?"

  "In the living room with Emile. Also, as you walk in, take a close look at the inside of the house. Especially the ceiling." Jade shrugged. "I need you to see it for yourself."

  Meg walked through the open door. "Whatever you say."

  Jade followed behind. She watched Meg take several steps toward the living room…and falter. She came to a stop and studied the shadowed interior, and the closed curtains but especially the dolls. The house was small, cozy even, but gave off an eerie darkness suggesting something was not right.

  Jade whispered, "See?"

  "Very interesting," Meg murmured.

  Jade stepped around her and motioned toward Tasha. "Now look at the mom."

  Meg directed her gaze at Tasha who rocked in the big easy chair, a shuttered look closing her face down. Meg approached slowly.

  "Tasha? My name is Meg." Crouching down in front of the pregnant woman, she tried to study her face but Tasha dropped her chin lower.

  Jade stepped off to one side where she could keep an eye on both patients. Bruce was bent over, checking Emile's eyes.

  Dane stood guard while John chewed his fingers. Dane's comments repeated in her mind and now she understood his concern. John obviously wasn't stepping up to the plate with his wife's emotional breakdown. In fact, he appeared close to sliding into one himself.

  She couldn't help but think back to Duncan and how he must have felt, watching her decline. Still, with his help she'd pulled herself up, so there was hope John would too. Now if only they could find Dr. Mike. She glanced out at the dark night. The thought of him lost was bad enough, but after finding Emile tonight, she couldn't help worrying that Dr. Mike might be in a similar situation.

  She sidled over to Tasha and Meg. Tasha still wasn't talking.

  Jade crouched beside Meg, and asked, "What do you think?"

  "She needs help. Serious help." Meg studied the large belly, her hand pressed gently, lower down. "How far along is she?"

  "I think seven…almost eight months. I can double check with the father if you need to know exactly."

  "She needs emergency medical care, and fast." Meg stood and motioned toward John. "Is this man the father?"

  "Yes, come on." She led Meg to the men. "John, this is Meg," she said with a bright smile. "She's another member of the team."

  John's face scrunched. He attempted to step away in the small room but backed against a wall in the overly crowded space. "Hi. Thanks for coming by to help Emile."

  Meg, her voice as gentle as a summer breeze, said, "I didn't come for Emile. I came to see your wife."

  John's eyes widened. "Tasha? Why? What's wrong with my wife?"

  Meg raised an eyebrow as she glanced behind him to Dane. Dane stepped around so he could face his brother. "John. You know there's something wrong."

  "You called this woman in?" John's voice sounded like he didn't know if he should be outraged or thankful.

  "Theoretically, yes. I did, at Jade's request."

  "Jade?" John frowned as if he couldn't place who she was.

  Jade grimaced and gave a small wave. "That's me, remember? Your wife and your child need help, John. Now."

  Fear visibly shivered over his body and his eyes panicked. "Is she having the baby now?"

  Meg reached out a gentle hand. "She isn't having the baby right now, although..." Meg looked back over at the woman rocking silently in the chair. "Well, she needs emergency medical attention."

  "That's good then. She'll be much better once she has the baby. Everything will be back to normal then." He made a wide sweep with his arm, taking in Emile and Tasha. Eagerness lit his face and Jade's heart broke. She didn't think it would be that easy to fix this.

  "We need to call an ambulance or whatever service is available here. If it can't get here fast, we need to take her to the closest hospital." Meg spoke to John in a calm voice.r />
  His eyes widened in skepticism. "No. No, she'd never allow that. You don't understand. She, they, don't trust in doctors – not like we do." He spun to his brother. "Dane you know that. I explained that."

  "No. You tried to explain, but I didn't understand. I don't understand. I see that they want their own spiritual leaders and that's fine. Call them. See if there's anything they can do. We're telling you that you need to get medical help for Tasha and Emile – and now!"

  Meg added, "You don't want to hurt the baby. And Tasha needs help."

  Before their eyes, they saw John crumble. "I don't know what to do," he cried out.

  Bruce walked over. "How long to get an ambulance here?"

  Dane shrugged, "Ten, twenty minutes? I don't really know. Depends on how busy they are."

  Bruce's face pinched. "Call them please." He cast a scathing look at John. "You're no longer making the decisions here. Your brother-in-law is going to hospital." He stopped and studied Tasha for a long moment. "Meg? One patient, or two?"

  "Two, actually three. The baby is in trouble, too."

  Both looked to Dane. He nodded and opened his cell phone to make the call. Bruce stood beside him giving the medical details to the EMT service.

  Jade wrapped her arm around John and moved him over to the closest chair. "John, sit here for a bit."

  "What?" Dazed and confused, John blinked several times.

  Jade frowned and glanced around. Dane was just closing his phone. She walked over, calling to him softly. "Dane?"

  He met her gaze, then followed the tilt of her head, his eyes lighting on his brother's features. Dane's face turned grim. "What's the matter now?"

  "Your brother. Is it possible he'd have drugs or something in his system?"

  "Not drugs. At least I don't think so." He bent down and studied his brother. "Hey John. Stay with me here. You don't look so good."

  "I'm fine. A little shaken that's all." He tried to smile but failed miserably. "I'm okay." This time his assertion was stronger. Not quite strong enough to be believable but he was pulling himself up. "And I don't do drugs." He glared at Jade as if she were the cause of all his problems. "Neither does Tasha."


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