The Ice War
Page 15
Regardless of those issues, the Japanese expeditionary corps in Alba had been completely destroyed, as had most of the Russian and Danish forces. The ruthless Terboven used the situation to consolidate his gains, but he lacked resources for a lengthy aggressive war. Hence the great rebellion petered out in Alba, but raged on unabated elsewhere in the world – the samurai could not yet put his katana on the wall above the fireplace.
About the Author
Anders Blixt is a political science and modern languages graduate from Lund University, Sweden. He has worked as a science journalist covering radiation protection and crisis management issues, served in civilian positions in multinational nation-building operations (e.g. in Afghanistan), and written two books about United Nations’ military observer missions in Asia. Since the 1980s, he is also a professional designer of roleplaying games and he has created and developed dozens of titles for Swedish and US publishers. A few years ago, he published his first novels in Swedish.
Currently Anders lives in Stockholm with wife and three children and works as a tech writer. He enjoys role-playing games with his friends and keeps a keen eye on the exploration of the solar system, in particular NASA’s Mars rovers.
Connect with Anders Blixt
I hope you have had a good time exploring the world of Johnny, Linda and the Republican Rebellion. I plan to return to this alternate-history timeline one way or the other in the future, maybe in other books, maybe in games.
Meanwhile, you can read more about my writing projects at my blog The Dream Forge:
Anders Blixt, Stockholm, May 2015