Book Read Free


Page 3

by Mj Williamz

  “Fuck you, Meyers. You focus on defense and let me focus on offense.”

  “Suit yourself, but if you need to talk, I’m here.”

  Ronda was on the sideline again when O’Reilly was called to go in. Ronda watched and Canfield looked much more coordinated. Ronda smiled to herself. She was glad Mallory wouldn’t look like a fool on the field.

  * * *

  Saturday evening arrived. It was a time Ronda had been dreading. Gayla had booked her for another fundraiser. This one was to benefit a local children’s program. Ronda was all about helping raise money for the kids, but she was exhausted and didn’t feel like pressing the flesh.

  She dressed in a black suit with a white shirt, which she knew would be appropriate. She’d already checked with Gayla. Gayla was as excited as she could be. Ronda was barely able to relax with a drink due to all the texts Gayla was sending.

  Gayla showed up at Ronda’s house early. She looked dynamite in her blue cocktail dress. It was a tight number, with a strap over her right shoulder. It showed off her cleavage in the most delightful way.

  “You look great, babe.” Ronda kissed her cheek.

  “Thanks. So do you.”

  “Should I put on a blue shirt? You know, so we match?”

  “No. You look fine just how you are.”

  “You know, you’re crimping my style, booking all my Saturday nights with events. I need to be able to go out and let loose sometimes.”

  “I’m sorry, loverboi, but the closer we get to the season, the more events we have.”

  “Ugh.” She sat in her favorite recliner. She seemed to have forgotten Gayla was there as she took another sip of scotch. “I’m sorry. I should have offered you a drink.”

  “I know where to find the booze.” Gayla crossed the room to the bar. She came back to stand in front of Ronda.

  “Do I have any showings tomorrow?” Ronda said.

  “Nope. Remember? You asked me to clear the day for you.”

  “I don’t remember that at all. Thank God you’re my brains.”

  Gayla sat on the couch across from Ronda and crossed her legs.

  “Baby, I’ll be whatever you need me to be.”

  “You just keep being my brains and my part-time bedmate and I’ll be happy. Which, by the way, I’m hoping you’ll want to be tonight. Because, babe, you’re on fire.”

  “I love that you think so. If you do, so might everybody else.”

  Ronda wondered anew if Gayla truly dressed for the crowds or if she was the one she tried to impress. It didn’t matter. The crowds would appreciate her as Ronda’s date for the night.

  “So, what’s the deal tonight? How long do we have to stay?”

  Gayla laughed.

  “You’re funny. We’re not even there yet and you’re trying to leave. Relax. You just might have fun.”

  “I might. But I doubt it.” She set her drink down and called for the car. “We’ve got about ten minutes.”

  “Just enough time to mess up my makeup,” Gayla said.


  “Never mind.”

  “Oh. I get it. Very funny.” She looked hard at Gayla.

  “What?” Gayla said.

  “Nothing. Sometimes I wonder.”


  “How serious you are about me?”

  “Serious? Please. You’re not the only one who goes out and lets loose.”

  “Okay. I’m sorry. I guess it’s just my ego.”

  “No, dear. Okay, well, maybe partially. But it’s also your unnatural fear of commitment. I’m surprised you invited me to stay tonight. That’s two Saturdays in a row. Anyone else might start getting ideas.”

  “I know you won’t. I might momentarily freak, but I know, deep down, you know better.”

  “I think the car’s here.” Gayla walked to the window.

  Ronda crossed the room to stand behind her. She ground herself into her ass. It felt good. She reached around and pulled Gayla back into her.

  “You sure you don’t want to skip this thing?” Ronda said.

  “We look too good to waste it.”

  They climbed in the car and were whooshed off to the Children’s Museum. As Ronda stepped out, the flashes began and didn’t stop until she and Gayla had made their way inside.

  “How many photographers were out there?” Ronda whispered in Gayla’s ear.

  “Not that many, I don’t think. I think a lot of regular people were out there, too.”

  A woman who looked to be in her fifties approached them.

  “Ronda Meyers? This is such a pleasure. I’m Carleen Brynes. I’m the chair tonight.” She extended her hand and Ronda took it. It was soft and Ronda fought the urge to press her lips to it. Her face was kind and her short-cropped silver hair really showed off her blue eyes. She was gorgeous. Ronda felt the familiar twinge deep inside. It took her a moment to recover.

  “This is Gayla Adkins,” she said as she stepped aside. “Gayla, Carleen.”

  “It’s wonderful to meet you,” Gayla said. “And Ronda has been so excited for this event. She loves children.”

  Ronda listened and made herself not shake her head. Something happened to Gayla at these events. She just transformed into someone else. Ronda wished she could do the same thing. She supposed she must to some extent. Otherwise, no one would invite her to them.

  “Well, let’s get you two some champagne,” Carleen said. She linked her hand through Ronda’s elbow. “Lead on, mighty one.”

  Ronda laughed, a genuine laugh. Gayla arched an eyebrow at her as she walked along on the other side.

  “So, Carleen,” Ronda said when they reached the table of champagne. “How did you end up working with this organization?”

  “I love children and I love books. It was only natural that I set up a foundation to get children more involved in reading.”

  “That’s awesome.”

  “Are you a big reader?” Carleen said.

  “Ronda really doesn’t have time to read much with her busy schedule,” Gayla said.

  Carleen looked over as if she’d forgotten Gayla was there.

  “I do read the sport section of the paper,” Ronda said. “To follow our competitors, you know?”

  “Of course.” Carleen laughed and placed her hand on Ronda’s forearm.

  Ronda really liked Carleen and wanted to get her away from the crowds. She wanted to see if this lover of children was also a lover of women. But that didn’t seem likely to happen as the crowd pressed in on them.

  “I think we need to mingle,” Gayla said. “I’ll head that way and you two head this way?”

  “I think that sounds wonderful,” Carleen said. “Come on, Ronda. Let’s press the flesh.”

  “I do love pressing flesh,” Ronda said. Gayla shot her a look. What was it? Jealousy? Ronda didn’t know. She smiled at her and allowed herself to be guided by Carleen.

  As they moved through the crowd, they stopped to sign autographs on balls, posters, and books. Someone asked Ronda how she felt about the foundation.

  “I think it’s great. Kids reading means fewer kids on the street,” Ronda said. She received a warm round of applause. She caught Gayla watching her. She arched an eyebrow and was treated to a smile and a nod.

  “Are you getting warm?” Carleen said. “We could step outside for some air.”

  “I don’t know that it won’t be just as warm out there, but at least the air will be fresh,” Ronda said.

  They stepped out onto the back patio.

  “Oh, this is nice,” Ronda said.

  “It really is. You’re doing wonderfully in there. You’re a natural. You must really enjoy these events.”

  “I do okay,” Ronda said. “Sometimes they’re hard. But thank you. You’re making this one easy.”

  “It’s my pleasure. To escort one of Houston’s most eligible bachelorettes for an evening is no skin off my nose.”

  Ronda laughed a deep belly laugh.

  “That’s fun

  “You are, you know. There are a lot of women who would kill to be me tonight.”

  “I don’t think so. But thank you. You’re certainly good for my ego.”

  Carleen stood in front of Ronda and looked deep into her eyes.

  “I’m quite sure of it. I’d be a fool not to recognize that.”

  Ronda stood still, unsure what was expected of her. Should she kiss Carleen? She wanted to, but was Carleen just playing the happy hostess? Ronda was saved when Gayla walked out onto the patio to join them.

  “People are asking where you’ve gone,” she said. “My whole side of the room is geared up and ready to meet you.”

  “I just needed a little fresh air,” Ronda said. “We can get back to it now.”

  “Great. Come on.” Gayla linked her hand through one elbow while Carleen did the same with the other. They went to the opposite side of the room and the people there erupted with cheers when they saw Ronda.

  “Ronda Meyers!” someone yelled.

  “You’re the greatest!” someone else called.

  It was all very heady for Ronda, who knew she was the best on the football field, but hearing it from fans struck a note in her.

  “Thank you,” she said and smiled at her followers.

  She proceeded through the crowd and shook hands with the fifty or so fans who were there.

  “Have you made your donation?” she asked every time she stopped to sign something.

  The night progressed smoothly and people were finally starting to make their way out of the place.

  “How are you doing?” Gayla whispered.

  “Get me out of here,” Ronda whispered back.

  “Oh, Ronda,” Carleen said. “Tonight has been such a success. Thank you so much for this. And if I can do anything for you, anything at all, don’t you dare hesitate to ask.”

  Ronda felt her slip something in her jacket pocket but knew better than to take it out and look at it with Gayla there. She hoped it was a phone number. She’d love to spend more time with Carleen.

  Ronda shook her hand.

  “It’s been a pleasure. Thank you for the wonderful work you do.”

  “And thank you,” Carleen said to Gayla. “I appreciate all your help tonight.”

  “My pleasure. Now it’s time for me to get Ronda home before she turns into a pumpkin.”

  “Fair enough.” Carleen laughed. Her blue eyes sparkled. “I’ll see you both around.”

  They climbed into the car and Ronda let out a long sigh, happy the event was over, even though time with Carleen had been enjoyable.

  “So what did I interrupt out there?” Gayla said.


  “On the patio. Something was going on. Had you just kissed her?”

  “What? No. We were talking. That’s all.”

  “She had a guilty look on her face.”

  “Well, maybe she had something goin’ on in her mind, but I didn’t touch her. And who cares if I did?”

  “It’s not a big deal. I was just wondering.”

  “Well, no. Nothing happened.”

  They drove to Ronda’s house and Ronda held Gayla’s hand as she climbed out of the car. She pulled her against her.

  “You’re the only one I’ve been thinking about kissing tonight,” she said.

  “I so don’t believe you, but it’s okay. I don’t own you.”

  “No, but I had promised to be with you tonight, so I don’t want you to think I was hitting on someone else or thinking about leaving you high and dry.”

  “I wouldn’t have been dry, baby.”

  “No.” She smiled. “I don’t suppose you would have been.”

  Ronda kissed Gayla softly on her lips.

  “I love kissing you,” she said.

  “Then do it again,” Gayla said.

  Ronda kissed her again, harder. She let her tongue wander into Gayla’s mouth and felt the familiar stirring that came from kissing her. She released her and led her up the stairs and inside.

  “Would you like something to drink?”

  “Sure. I’d love a scotch.”

  Ronda poured two of them and walked over to the sofa where Gayla sat. She sat next to her.

  “Babe, you rocked that place tonight,” Ronda said. “You outshone everyone there.”

  “I think that would be you,” Gayla said. “You were the most handsome person there, male or female.”

  “Thank you,” Ronda said. “I felt in my groove tonight. I didn’t feel all robotic and on display. I don’t know what was different.”

  “I think it was Carleen. I think you like her.”

  “She was a very attractive woman.”

  “You should have invited her home to play with us.”

  Ronda stopped, glass halfway to her lips.

  “What did you just say?”

  Gayla laughed.

  “What? You’ve never done that before? I have a hard time believing that. You may be younger than I am, but I doubt you’re any more innocent.”

  “Wow,” Ronda said. “Just wow. I can’t believe we’re having this talk. Actually, we’re not. I refuse to have this talk with you.”

  “Fine. But I still kind of wish you’d invited Carleen home with us.”

  “I want to spend this night focused on you. Only you. You took my breath away the minute you walked in wearing that dress. I wanted to peel it off you as soon as I saw you. It didn’t cross my mind to add another variable to our equation.”

  “Fair enough.” She snuggled closer to Ronda. “I just want you to know, if the opportunity comes up, I’m open to it.”

  Ronda felt odd. For a moment, she was jealous. Yes, jealous and she was a big enough woman to admit it. To herself, not to anyone else. But next came the arousal. Watching Gayla and Carleen make love would have been totally hot.

  “Whatcha thinkin’ handsome?” Gayla said.

  “Just kind of considering that. Wondering what it would be like to have a threesome with you.”

  Gayla hiked her dress up around her waist and straddled Ronda’s lap.

  “It would be just like the two of us but with one more person to please and be pleased by.”

  Ronda ran her hands up Gayla’s thighs until she could feel the heat radiating from within.

  “But it takes so much concentration to please you. I’d hate to miss a suck or a stroke because someone was distracting me.”

  “Ronda Meyers. Are you telling me you’ve never had a three- way?”

  “I’m just saying I can’t imagine a three-way with you. I don’t like to share.”

  “You’re so sweet. Careful. A girl could get ideas.”

  “No, you won’t.”

  She pulled Gayla to her and kissed her again, the taste of scotch sweet on her mouth.

  Gayla unbuckled Ronda’s belt. Next she unbuttoned her slacks and unzipped them. She slid her hand inside and found Ronda drenched. Ronda ground her teeth together to keep from crying out at Gayla’s knowing touch.

  “Relax, baby,” Gayla cooed into Ronda’s ear. “Let it happen.”

  Ronda tried to stand, but found her legs unsteady. Gayla helped her up then knelt before her to take off her shoes. She helped Ronda step out of her slacks and boxers. Ronda liked looking down to see Gayla looking up at her, knowing what she was looking at.

  Gayla kissed up Ronda’s inner thighs.

  “No,” Ronda said. “I can’t hold my balance.”

  She sat down and Gayla spread her legs and licked the length of her. She lapped at her juices and sucked her clit. She flicked her tongue over it and Ronda climaxed almost immediately.

  “Damn, woman. What happened to ladies first?”

  “Not tonight. You looked too good. I had to have you and have you as soon as I could. I didn’t want to wait. I wanted you before the gig, you may remember.”

  “I do remember.” Ronda sat there trying to catch her breath. “That was intense. And it happened so quickly. You’re gonna start rumors I’m easy.�

  “I’ll never breathe a word of it to anyone,” Gayla said. “Now get me out of this dress.”

  Ronda stood and rubbed her hand over Gayla’s exposed shoulder.

  “Your skin is so smooth,” she said. She bent to kiss her shoulder and got to inhale Gayla’s light fragrance. “And you smell so good.”

  “You’re making me crazy,” Gayla said.

  “Just because you got me off so fast doesn’t mean I won’t take my time with you.”

  “Honey, I can’t help but take you fast. I take one look at you and I melt.”

  “Well, let me return the favor. Let’s go back to my room where we can get comfortable.”

  When they got to Ronda’s bedroom, she unzipped Gayla’s dress.

  “I always feel so bad when I take the wrapping off my presents,” Ronda said.


  “You always look so damned good in those dresses. Don’t get me wrong, I love you naked, but it’s a sad thing to have to take the dresses off to get to the goods.”

  “I think I know what you’re saying so I won’t take offense.”

  “Good. Please don’t. I’m a football player. Not a poet.”

  Gayla laughed.

  “This is true.”

  Ronda kissed Gayla on the mouth then as she unhooked her bra and tossed it on top of her dress. She kissed down her body until she got to her panties, which she pulled down and helped Gayla step out of.

  She eased her back onto the bed and sucked one nipple and then the other.

  “Damn, you’ve got the best tits,” Ronda said.

  “I do believe you’ve mentioned that.”

  “I just love holding them and sucking them.”

  “Well, you sure know how to make them feel good, so please keep doing what you’re doing.”

  Ronda continued to suck on her nipple as she ran her hand down her body to where her legs met. She teased Gayla’s clit briefly before entering her. She moved her fingers in and out until Gayla was bucking on the bed, keeping time with her.

  Finally, Ronda moved her fingers back to Gayla’s clit and rubbed it until Gayla tangled her fingers in Ronda’s hair and called out her name.

  “There you go, baby,” Ronda said. “Now you just relax.”

  “How could I do anything else?”

  Chapter Four


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