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Page 20

by Mj Williamz

  “Where’s the restroom?” she said.

  Gayla pointed down the hall and Ronda hurried to throw up. She brushed her teeth with the toothbrush and toothpaste she had brought for just this reason and walked back out to see Gayla standing there.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “Yeah. I mean, I’m sick, but I’ll survive.”

  Just then the couple walked up, precluding any further conversation. Gayla drove off to the next house while Ronda did her best to sell the one she was at. She got the couple to make an offer. She was beyond excited. The couple left and Ronda went back to hug the toilet again.

  The rest of the week passed with a fifty-fifty ratio of offers. That was wonderful, and both Ronda and Gayla were happy about them.

  “You sure seem to be feeling better,” Gayla said after they’d shown their last house on Thursday.

  “I am.” Ronda was still taking her pills, but the flu-like symptoms had subsided. She figured the worst was over.

  “I was really worried about you. You looked horrible yesterday and the day before.”

  “Yeah. The flu hit me hard. I’m not out of the woods yet, but I’m definitely feeling better.”

  “Well, good. You have a nice, restful weekend and I’ll call you when I’ve got our appointments for next week set up,” Gayla said.

  “Sounds good.”

  Ronda drove home. She checked her watch. Twenty minutes until pain pill time. She wondered what would happen if she didn’t take them. She made up her mind to find out. She had cut down to two pills every six hours. If she skipped a dose successfully, she would be one step closer to ending her addiction.

  So she did it. She did not take her pills. She felt a little queasy, but it was nothing like it had been coming off the four pills whenever she felt like taking them. She was exhausted and climbed into bed and slept.

  Friday, her therapist was impressed at how much better she looked. She pushed Ronda hard, but Ronda kept up with her.

  “You know, Meyers, you’re doing a great job. You’ve been so dedicated this whole time, but today something seems different. It’s like you’re even more determined. I appreciate it. You’ve come a long way.”

  “Thanks. It’s taken a while, but I think I can see light at the end of the tunnel.”

  “Sure you can. It’s there.”

  “I just want to make sure I’m a hundred and ten percent for next year. I need to start,” Ronda said.

  “Don’t you worry. We’ll have you in tip-top shape by then.”

  “I’m counting on it.”

  “All right, Meyers. Enjoy your weekend and I’ll see you Monday.”

  “Sounds good. See you then.”

  Ronda drove home feeling better than she had since she’d had her knee blown out. And she had continued to skip doses of her meds. She figured by the end of the weekend, she’d be off the pills altogether. And then she’d be able to tell Gayla and they’d get back together. Ronda was walking on air when she got back to her house.

  And that was when it got hard. She was alone and bored and knew that the pills would make her feel better. She had to do something to get her mind off the pills. She called Gayla.

  “Hello?” Gayla said.

  “Hey. It’s me. I wondered if you might be interested in getting some lunch or something.”

  “I don’t know, Ronda…”

  “Okay, well, if you won’t do that, will you at least come over? I have a favor to ask of you.”

  “Again, I’m not sure that’s such a good idea.”

  “It’s important. Please.”

  “Fine. I’ll be right over.”

  Ronda sat on the couch with her hands clasped tightly in her lap. She didn’t want to think about the pills. She didn’t want to take them, but didn’t know if she was strong enough not to. She got up and walked out to the pool. She sat on one of her chairs out there, but the pull was still strong.

  Damn it! What was taking Gayla so long? She got up and paced around the pool. She was so tempted to go into the house. But she’d been doing so well. At the moment, she was bored and irritated and she knew what she’d been doing to ease those feelings for over ten weeks now. She couldn’t do it anymore. But if Gayla didn’t get there soon, she might not be strong enough to hold out.

  She heard her doorbell ring. Thank God, she thought. She answered it and saw Gayla standing there.

  “Thank God you came.” Ronda pulled her into a tight hug.

  “Ronda, I don’t think that’s appropriate.”

  “But I needed you so bad. What took you so long?”

  “Nothing. I got here as soon as I could. Now, would you please tell me what’s going on?”

  “Please. Come in. I have a huge favor to ask of you.”

  “That’s what you said on the phone. What’s this big favor?”

  “Do you remember earlier this week when I had the flu?”


  “It wasn’t the flu, Gayla. I was coming off my pills.”

  “So you did have a problem?” Gayla said. “It’s nice to hear you admit that.”

  “But here’s where I need your help. I’ve gotten over the withdrawal symptoms. I’m pretty much over the pills.”


  “Yeah, but not completely. I’m feeling antsy and bored and I’m afraid I’m going to take some.”

  “Okay. So, how can I help?”

  “I can’t even look at the pills right now, Gayla. I don’t trust myself.”

  “I understand,” Gayla said.

  “So, I’m going to ask you to go into the kitchen first. The pills are on the counter.”

  Gayla walked over to the kitchen, put the pills in her purse, and walked back.

  “Okay. Now what?”

  “In the medicine chest in the bathroom. There’s another bottle. Go get them, please. And then flush both bottles down the toilet.”

  Gayla left and returned.

  “Did you find them?”

  “I did.”

  “I didn’t hear a flush,” Ronda said.

  “That’s bad for the environment. I’ll take them back to the doctors.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m sure.”

  “Just don’t let me have them.”

  “I won’t,” Gayla said. “Now, let’s go to lunch to get your mind off things.”

  “That would be great. Thank you. I really appreciate this.”

  “No problem, Ronda. I’m so proud of you for getting yourself off those things. Anything I can do to help, I’m all over.”

  They went out for a nice lunch. Gayla drove, so Ronda had a few beers. She was feeling much better by the time they were heading home.

  “Thanks again,” Ronda said. “I don’t know if I would have been strong enough to get through this afternoon without you.”

  “You have to know that deep down, I’d never let you flounder. I’ll always be there for you if you truly need me.”

  “I’m always going to need you, Gayla. I mean that. This whole week. What I’ve been through. It just about killed me to go through it alone. But I didn’t want to admit to you that I’d been abusing the drugs, that I was addicted.”

  “I already knew that, though.”

  “I didn’t want to let you know you were right. Call it pride.”

  “You never need to be prideful with me, Ronda.”

  “I see that now. I’m sorry,” Ronda said.

  “It’s okay. Will you be okay now? Or do you want me to stay for a while?”

  “I’d love it if you stayed. But if you can’t, I’ll understand.”

  “How about this? How about if I go return those medications now and then come back? I don’t want them here with us. I think it would be too great a temptation for you.”

  “I agree. Go ahead and do what you need to and I’ll be here waiting for you when you get back.” She climbed out of the car and let herself into the house.

  Ronda sat on the couch feeling b
etter than she had in weeks. The foggy high she felt on the pills was gone. The withdrawals she’d felt coming off the pills was gone. She felt normal again. It was a wonderful sensation. And Gayla was coming back over. Life was good again. She was strong and happy.

  Gayla arrived back at the house less than an hour later.

  “That didn’t take long,” Ronda said.

  “Nope. Easy peasy.”

  “Great. Thanks again for doing that for me.”


  “So, what would you like to do now?” Ronda said.

  “I don’t know. I guess just hang.”

  “Did you want to swim or hit the hot tub?”

  “I don’t have my suit.”

  Ronda swallowed hard. She wanted to claim Gayla again. She wanted Gayla to be hers and hers alone. But was it too soon? How would Gayla feel?

  “Do you need one?” Ronda said.

  “Oh, Ronda. I don’t know. It seems so soon. Like things are happening too fast.”

  “I understand. I had to ask. I do hope we’ll be able to get back together now that I’m clean.”

  “Yes. I missed you something terrible.”

  “Yeah? I missed you, too. But I won’t push you. You take your time deciding when it’s right.”

  “Oh, screw it,” Gayla said. “A nice swim would feel good. Can you swim?”

  “I can get in the water.”

  “Well, that’s a start.”

  “Nah. Seriously, I can swim some. I’ve done some aqua therapy with my therapist.”

  “Great. Well, let’s hit the water.”

  “Okay. The robes are in my closet. You know where to find one.”

  “I’ll be right out,” Gayla said.

  Ronda sat on the couch, a new form of unease creeping over her. She was nervous about Gayla. She forced herself to stay on the couch and not go watch her undress. Soon, she would be naked and it would be up to Gayla to set the pace of the afternoon. Ronda again thought that she didn’t want to push things too fast. But damn, now that Gayla was there, she wanted her so fucking bad.

  Gayla emerged from the bedroom dressed in a white fuzzy robe.

  “You look great,” Ronda said and kissed her on the cheek.

  “Thanks.” Gayla blushed.

  “I’ll go change now and meet you out there?”

  “Sounds good.”

  Ronda quickly stripped and put on a robe. She was out back in a flash.

  “You ready to do this?” she asked nervously.

  “Sure. It’s not like we haven’t seen each other naked before.”

  “Very true.”

  Ronda dropped her robe on a lounge and used the steps to descend into the water. She purposefully didn’t turn around until she heard Gayla in the water behind her. She turned and caught the sight of her naked body and her clit swelled.

  Gayla approached her slowly, purposefully.

  “You look amazing, Ronda.”

  “Thanks. So do you.”

  Gayla rested her hands on Ronda’s shoulders before moving them down to her chest.

  “I’ve missed this body.”

  Ronda swallowed hard.

  “I’ve missed yours.”

  “Kiss me, Ronda.”

  Ronda lowered her lips and kissed Gayla softly on her mouth.

  “Mm,” Gayla said. “That was nice.”

  Ronda walked over to the side of the pool. Gayla followed her.

  “Is everything all right?” Gayla said.

  “Yeah. I just don’t want my legs giving out from kissing you in the middle of the pool. I feel safer here at the edge.”

  “Is your knee giving you troubles?”

  “It’s not my knee at all,” Ronda said. “It’s my body responding to yours.”

  She dragged her hand down Gayla’s arm.

  “You’re so beautiful,” she said.

  “Thank you. Will you kiss me again?”

  “Heck yeah.”

  Ronda kissed her again, harder than before. She pried open Gayla’s lips and moved her tongue into her mouth where it danced with Gayla’s. They kissed for several minutes until Ronda pulled away, breathless.

  “I need you, babe. I’ve got to have you. Please.”

  “Let’s go inside,” Gayla said.

  “Oh, yeah.”

  They quickly dried off and Ronda took Gayla’s hand and sat on the bed with her. She kissed her softly at first, then with more need as the kiss intensified. They fell back on the bed, their hands roving over each other’s bodies as they kissed.

  Ronda cupped Gayla’s breasts with her hands and Gayla moaned in her mouth. Ronda was going mad with desire. She kissed down Gayla’s neck and chest until her mouth replaced her hand on a breast. She sucked all over the mound before finally taking her nipple in her mouth.

  Gayla groaned.

  “Oh, my God, you make me feel so good,” she said.

  “Mm,” was all Ronda could say with her mouth full.

  She continued to suck and roll the nub around on her tongue. She was dizzy with the need to please Gayla. She released her nipple from her mouth and played with it with her fingers. She kissed lower down Gayla’s body until she was between her legs.

  “My God, you’re beautiful,” she said. She had missed the sight and smell and taste that were all Gayla. Her uniqueness made Ronda even wetter than she already was. She licked along Gayla before she dipped her tongue inside her. She licked as deep as she could go and was rewarded with Gayla gyrating on the bed, urging her deeper. She moved her mouth to Gayla’s clit and sucked it into her mouth. She ran her tongue around it and flicked the tip of it and Gayla crushed Ronda’s head with her legs as she cried out.

  She kissed her way back up until she could kiss Gayla on her mouth. She kissed her as hard as she could. She kissed her with every ounce of need she was feeling.

  Gayla rolled Ronda over on to her back. She kissed down her body until she could take a nipple in her mouth. She sucked and played with Ronda’s nipple as she slid her hand down to where her legs met. Ronda knew she was wet. And Gayla playing with her nipple just made her wetter.

  “Look at this. Someone is ready for me.”

  “Dear God. Please take me,” Ronda said.

  Ronda spread her legs and arched her back as Gayla slipped her fingers inside her. Over and over, she plunged them, deeper and deeper with each thrust.

  “Oh, yeah. That’s it,” Ronda said.

  Gayla took her thumb and rubbed it along Ronda’s clit, and that was all it took to shoot Ronda into orbit. She came back to reality in a thick, pleasant fog.

  “Oh, babe. You are the best,” she said.

  “Thanks, baby. I think you’re pretty darned good, too.”


  Gayla moved up and snuggled in Ronda’s arms.

  “So, babe?” Ronda said.


  “What do you think? I could have some teammates at your house this weekend and we can move you over here.”

  “I can’t think of anything I’d rather do this weekend.”

  Ronda kissed the top of her head.

  “Neither can I, babe. Neither can I.”

  About the Author

  MJ Williamz was raised on California’s central coast, which she left at age seventeen to pursue an education. She graduated from Chico State and it was in Chico that she rediscovered her love of writing. It wasn’t until she moved to Portland, however, that her writing really took off, with the publication of her first short story in 2003.

  MJ is the author of fourteen books, including three Goldie Award winners. She has also had over thirty short stories published, most of them erotica with a few romances and a few horrors thrown in for good measure. She lives in Houston with her wife, fellow author Laydin Michaels, and their fur babies. You can reach her at

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