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Just To See Her (The Bancrofts: Book 8)

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by Barrett, Brenda

  Clay said earnestly, "Jess, he is an artist. He was just singing a song. Appreciate him for the art; don't idolize the man. He sings nice songs; his voice is amazing, but he doesn't deserve your worship. Nobody but God does. Please remember that, okay, especially when you meet him in person."

  Jessica sniffed. "Okay. Are you only telling me this because you are jealous of Khaled?"

  "No," Clay shook his head. "Not jealous of him, not at all. Not even a little bit, but I feel annoyed when I hear you getting excited over him. He is not that special, trust me! I know him."

  Jessica tightened her hands in his. "I will try to dampen my excitement."

  "Please," Clay said and leaned into the general direction where he saw her outline to kiss her on her forehead but instead, his lips touched hers.

  Jessica gasped. Clays lips were soft and hard at the same time, and instead of withdrawing from her when his lips found hers he devoured her mouth with hot compelling urgency, his tongue stabbing between her lips with a piercing sweetness that was as devastating as it was unexpected.

  When he raised his head, she was still reeling in her mind. Then she looked around and groaned. There was one lone guy sitting in a corner looking at them knowingly.

  Clay cleared his throat. "Sorry."

  Jessica touched her lips and whispered, "Don't be."

  All thoughts of Khaled were swept into the recesses of her mind with the kiss, her first kiss. Not quite what she had imagined in her fantasies, but it was oh so good.

  She grinned at Clay, knowing that he couldn't see, but grinning nontheless. "Ready to go?"

  Clay grinned back at her. "Yes, I am ready. I wonder why I am suddenly imagining sunshine."


  Neil Reid was waiting in the living room when they returned from the doctor that evening. Celeste had made him tea, and they were talking and laughing.

  "So, it's true." Neil looked at his nephew as he gingerly walked into the room with a stick in his right hand, and Jessica clinging to his other hand.

  Clay sighed. "Oh, man. I told you not to come here!"

  He felt his way to the settee on the left of him and sat down.

  "Does your mother know?" Neil demanded.

  "No," Clay said sullenly, "and you shouldn't tell her either. This is temporary. The doctor said my eyeballs were scorched. The explosion damaged the light-sensitive membrane that covers the inside of the eyeball, but they are healing at a good pace. Must be all the carrots I had when I was a boy."

  Neil didn't even raise a smile. "Who did this?"

  "It was an accident," Clay said hurriedly. Last thing he wanted was for his influential uncle to create a scene at Mount Faith.

  He couldn't see his expression but he knew he was seething.

  "Hi, I am Jessica," Jessica said, holding out her hand to Neil. He was an older, taller, and darker version of Clay. He had a neatly cropped white beard, and he wore a hoop earring in his right ear.

  "Hello, Jessica," Neil said. "Pardon my manners. I went to visit your father at his office, and he told me that Clay was living here. I couldn't figure out why he would do that until your mom told me about the accident a few moments ago."

  He sat down and looked on Clay again. "Did that boy have anything to do with this?"

  "What boy?" Jessica asked curiously.

  "Uncle..." Clay said at the same time.

  Neil cleared his throat. "Pardon me again. I seem to be feeling very confused and mixed up since Clay's... er... problem."

  "That's okay," Celeste said. "Jessica and I will leave you two to talk."

  When Celeste and Jessica left the room, Neil asked his nephew again. "How can you be sure that Khaled had nothing to do with this, Clay?"

  Clay shrugged. "It was a class accident."

  "And you alone were injured?" His uncle asked suspiciously.

  "The guy who lit the gunpowder was jealous of me and of everybody. He is a little paranoid about his girlfriend."

  "What's his name?"

  "Stewart Rhoden," Clay said slowly. "He was my lab partner."

  "Is he still in the same class?" Neil asked.

  "I think he is still in the same class," Clay said, "but I am not since the incident. I can't see, so I can't do the labs. I have to be graded by theory alone for this class."

  "Incident," Neil said tensely. "This incident is too convenient, if you ask me."

  "You are paranoid." Clay chuckled. "You sound just as paranoid as Stewart."

  Neil snorted. "We'll see about that. Why did Khaled choose Mount Faith University? He knew that you were up here. He is stalking you."

  Clay shrugged. "He probably is stalking me, but you created the monster. You tame him."

  Neil nodded. "I already had my lawyer call him and warn him about his little stunt with that interview."

  "He didn't do any damage," Clay said, reluctantly defending Khaled.

  "Because he changed his plans," Neil said. "He decided to conveniently get an education. Today I asked President Bancroft to not let him into the institution, but apparently, the horse is already out of the stable. He applied three weeks ago, under his name David Green, and is now here, ready to start classes. I wonder why that wily old fox decided to come to this particular university. Why now?"

  Clay shrugged. "I think you are thinking up a conspiracy where there is none."

  Neil shook his head. "In my business, it is good to be paranoid; it has saved my life and help me make good financial decisions more than once."

  "So, do you know where Khaled is going to stay?" Clay asked.

  "Yes." Neil nodded. "Blue Palm Apartments. I figured that is where you were staying as well, so that is why he got a place there. I think you should stay here with the Bancroft's as long as you can. I don't trust you on the same building with Khaled."

  "I am only staying here because I can't see," Clay said. "I really want to get my sight back, so I don't share your sentiments about staying here as long as possible."

  "Even though you have that caring, pretty girl here?" his uncle asked slyly.

  Clay smiled. "Well, that may be the only reason I stay here."

  Neil chuckled. "That's my boy. Now Celeste invited me to dinner, and the president promised to be home in time for it. I am leaving tonight, but only because J Grow, my newest client, is in the middle of recording. I wish you were around, Clay."

  "I know," Clay said, "but you promised that you would allow me to take a break without the guilty hounding."

  "Okay... okay." Neil rubbed his chin. "But I genuinely miss you back at the stable."


  David 'Khaled' Green knew nothing about universities and how they operated. He had signed up for a few courses, most of them at the Performing Arts Building. He especially wanted to learn to play an instrument and had sought out Jessica Bancroft as a tutor.

  He had his reasons, and as he entered Music Room 2, where they were supposed to have his very first class, he anticipated seeing her. He really wanted to know who was this girl that Clay Reid found so fascinating. If Clay found somebody fascinating, he did too. He was competitive. Tinges of Kara were forming in his mind. Clay had liked Kara, the petite busty girl with the annoying voice, and he had sought to steal her from him.

  It had been too easy, and after he had finished with Kara, she was broken. He had rubbed it into Clay's face that he was the one who could get all the girls if he wanted to, and there was nothing that Clay could do about it.

  He almost chuckled in relief when Jessica walked into Music Room 2. He had studied her picture on Facebook. He knew how she looked. He knew she was pretty, and he knew that she was a huge Khaled fan. He saw her mouth opened in an ‘O’ of surprise, and she looked at him with a dazed expression in her eyes.

  Gotcha, David thought. This was going to be too easy, and as he had heard from his sources that this victory would be more painful for Clay than the one with Kara. This one, Jessica Bancroft, would die for him, like so many others.

  "Hi," h
e greeted her with a short wave. He had to keep it humble. He smiled, knowing his dimple would show.

  "I am..."

  "Khaled," Jessica breathed, "in the flesh. I can't believe this. Are you my next student?"

  David nodded. "Yes, I am. And you must be my instructor?"

  "Yes, my name is Jessica. I usually just do introductory classes. You can sign up after the class if you are still interested, and you will get a real teacher. You are supposed to assess my teaching skills. The evaluation forms are over there." She pointed nervously.

  "Oh," David smiled at her. "Something tells me that I am going to require you to be my teacher for the long haul."

  Jessica's hands were trembling and her voice came out in a squeak. "Me?"

  "Yes, why not?"

  "I don't think I can do this," Jessica said, feeling surreal. "I mean…you are Khaled! Besides, you know how to play the piano."

  "Actually. I don't." Khaled shrugged.

  "But you gave an interview in Esquire magazine saying that you play the piano pieces for all your songs, and in your music videos you are always around a piano."

  David's mouth tightened and he shrugged. "That was just for the videos and the fans, but see, I am here to learn in order to authenticate things."

  Jessica's heart, which was pounding, quieted somewhat. There were so many lies surrounding him and his image. She remembered Clays warning that everything about Khaled was carefully thought out and scripted. It seemed as if his knowing music was also a lie. She felt curiously disappointed. She had hoped that Clay had told her that from a place of jealousy and that the reality would have been gloriously different.

  She sighed and then smiled at him. This was still Khaled though. He looked more handsome in person, and more real. His eyes were a hazel green instead of the forest green on magazine covers. His skin looked normal, unlike the photoshopped images that made his skin look smooth beyond real. He really had pink chiseled lips though.

  She smiled with him as her nervousness came back, and she tried to prepare herself to teach her famous pupil to play the piano.

  Chapter Nine

  Clay sat at the back of his Advanced Research Methods class and tried to concentrate on Dr. Hillman's effusive description of the various projects that the final year biochemistry students should anticipate.

  The lecture hall was jam-packed. Luckily, Ramon thought of him and saved him a seat. He was becoming indebted to Ramon. He was truly a nice person. If he didn't like Jessica for himself, he would have actively encouraged her not to let such a nice guy slip away from her.

  He didn't just like Jessica; he loved her, and that made him uneasy. Whenever he loved, or even remotely liked something, Khaled had always found a way to try to take it from him, and Jessica would make it easy for Khaled by being obsessed over him. Clay thought that she was making progress, but she had been obsessed for years, so a few weeks wouldn't cure her. Yesterday she had come home shell-shocked that Khaled was her teaching practice pupil, but unlike her days of feverish excitement, she had gone silent and contemplative. She even went to her bed early.

  Unlike Jessica, Clay wasn't shocked that Khaled had sought her out. Obviously, he had done his research before coming to Mount Faith. He knew exactly where to live: he was living in Apartment 1C, right beside Clay's apartment. The fact that he was doing courses at the Performance Arts Center surprised Clay. He expected him to enroll in the sciences, but now he knew why Khaled was doing the Performing Arts: it was because Jessica did classes there. He would use every opportunity to hurt Clay.

  He could lose Jessica. That possibility was very real to him and most likely imminent. He clenched his fist in anger They hadn't known each other for that long, and now he wished that he had approached her at the beginning of the summer when he had just come to Mount Faith, the first day when he saw her at the lab door.

  At least he would have been able to leverage time to his advantage. Instead, he was now blind and vulnerable. If Jessica compared him to Khaled, he would be found wanting. He wanted his eyes to heal quickly, but as the doctor had pointed out to him, it would take time.

  Maybe by the time it was healed, Jessica would have well and truly forgotten him and succumbed to the dubious charm of David Green. He gritted his teeth, feeling impotent. There were several solutions to his current situation, if he thought hard enough. He could always leave Mount Faith and go back to Kingston. He was sure that Khaled would follow him.

  He redoubled his efforts to listen to Dr. Hillman as he reminded himself why he was sitting in class. A year ago, finishing his degree had been so important. He had gotten tired of the same routine and wanted this break. Over the years, he had gotten little time to spend pursuing his interests, so going back to school was his 'me time'. It was unfortunate that neither his uncle nor Khaled had cut him some slack to let him get on with his life as he wanted.

  The lecturer’s voice penetrated his thoughts. "As you know, central to your final year studies is your research project, which takes up one-third of your final year. For the last couple of classes we have been looking at various research methods. Today, we are offering you the opportunity to join a research group.

  Remember, project work does not necessarily mean you have to work in the laboratory. Some students will do computer-based projects, while others may carry out a detailed analysis of research literature in a particular area. The list is right here. You may opt for a laboratory project, a literature review project, or a computing project."

  "What do you want to do, man?" Ramon asked him above the buzz of voices around them.

  "Literature review." Clay shrugged. "I can't handle much else now."

  "Cool. I'll sign us up for that," Ramon said. "I have to put us in the same group so that I can help you."

  "Thanks, man," Clay said in Ramon's direction.

  "I keep telling you no problem." Ramon laughed. "If it makes you feel better, I am helping you out because you are the one who is going to help me save Jessica from Khaled."

  Clay chuckled. "Glad to be of service."

  Ramon laughed. "I know."


  Clay and Ramon were the last ones to leave the lecture theatre. Clay had to wait until the mad rush had died down before he could move. Ramon stayed with him.

  "You wouldn't guess who is at the door," Ramon said urgently.

  "Khaled," Clay said with resignation, "I wondered when he would find me."

  "You know him?" Ramon asked incredulously.

  "Yes." Clay sighed. "I know him really well."

  Ramon was looking at Clay strangely, but Clay couldn't see his speculative expression. Ramon's eyes swung back in the direction of the door.

  Khaled was standing there in a forest green long-sleeved shirt to match his eyes, black expensive looking jeans pants, and shoes that looked like they cost as much as a full year's tuition.

  Ramon almost shook his head in despair. Clay was no match for this guy. The race was over for Jessica's affections; she would most definitely choose Khaled. He had the looks and the voice that she had been mooning over for years. He watched as Khaled sauntered over to them.

  "Hi, I am David Green," he said to Ramon, holding out his hand which had a ring on his pinky finger.

  Ramon looked at his hand and reluctantly shook it. The guy was suave and flawless and smelled so good. It was like he was from another planet.

  "Hi, Clay," David turned to Clay. "I heard that you are blind. How sad."

  Clay grunted, "And curiously, you don't sound sad. What do you want Khaled?"

  "I am David up here," Khaled insisted, "just a regular student like everybody else."

  Ramon keenly watched the exchange between them.

  Clay snarled. "Leave me alone and leave Jessica alone. Go back to Kingston."

  "Jessica," Ramon asked faintly. "He already met Jess?"

  Clay sighed. "Yes. He made sure of that."

  "Is this Jessica the Jessica who is currently my private music teacher? Such a go
rgeous girl. Why are you so protective of her?"

  Clay growled. "You could never play the innocent. What do you want?"

  "You know what I want," Khaled said, looking at Ramon. "Could you excuse us for a minute? I have unfinished business with Clay here."

  Ramon looked at Khaled doubtfully. "I don't know if I should leave. I don't trust you."

  "It's okay, Ramon," Clay said. "I am pretty sure the last thing David Green wants to do is kill me or otherwise hurt me."

  Ramon nodded. "Okay then, if you are sure. Your next class is at Lecture Room 2. I'll save you a seat."

  "Thanks, Ramon," Clay said.

  Ramon walked off and Clay heard the squeaking hinges of the lecture theatre door close. He looked in Khaled's direction. He could see his outline: all gray shadows and grains like he was watching a television channel that had a bad reception.

  David came near him and leaned close to his ear. "Come back to Kingston, Clay. I need you, at least for another year. Where is your sense of obligation?"

  "And I need a break," Clay said, "I want out!"

  "A break?" David asked incredulously. "What do you need a break for? You are the behind the scenes person. I am Khaled, and I don't want a break. I love this, Clay. I love my job, and your quitting has made it difficult for me. Just one more album to make it seven," David inhaled, "that's all I ask."

  Clay turned his head away from the direction of David's face. "No."

  David inhaled sharply. "Okay. Fine. If this is the way you are playing the game."

  "This is no game!" Clay said exasperatedly. "I am tired, okay. I just want to finish this degree and when I am done I'll see what's next."

  David snorted. "Your little girlfriend, Jessica, calls my name breathily and is nervous when she's around me. I think its time I put her at ease."

  Clay clenched his fist.

  "I am going to have her, Clay, your little virginal girlfriend. She's so naive and innocent, very much unlike Kara, who I thoroughly enjoyed." Khaled laughed menacingly. "Did you know that Jessica just loves my songs and she absolutely has never heard another voice as sweet as mine? I put her to bed at nights, Clay."


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