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Just To See Her (The Bancrofts: Book 8)

Page 13

by Barrett, Brenda

  Jessica dropped to the floor. "I am such a fool." She put her face in her hands and sobbed. "I was duped. I thought David was genuine. I should have known. I didn't get the right vibe from him at first but I..."

  "I know." Her father stooped beside her. He handed her a handkerchief, and she took it from him and sobbed into its folds.

  Her dad sat on the floor with her. Through her tears, she realized that he was still in his work suit. He must have followed her after she got into the vehicle with David. He had loosened his tie and it hung around his neck untidily. He patted her hand. "It is not that bad kiddo. Life goes on. In a matter of weeks, you will move on."

  Jessica sniffled, "Not from Clay. I really liked him and those poems...they were his. He wrote poems about me, except I really thought it was Khaled who wrote them."

  "But you chose Khaled." her father said heavily. "Clay didn't look too happy when he left here."

  "Where did he go?" Jessica lifted up her tear-stained face and looked at her father.

  Bancroft shrugged. "I don't know. He said that he had two weeks of school left, gave us a polite speech thanking us for all we've done for him and then packed up his stuff and left."

  Jessica sighed tremulously. "I am majorly stupid."

  Bancroft kissed her on her forehead. "All of us have been through stuff like this, Jess. It's a part of life, a part of growing up."

  "Why didn't you stop me?" Jessica asked, hiccupping.

  Bancroft looked at her sideways. "Because you needed to see for yourself, the kind of person you were dealing with. I must admit, when Clay insinuated that you might sleep with Khaled, I was surprised. My natural instinct was to lock you up in your room and throw away the key, but you are no longer my baby girl. I banked on the fact that you would have sense enough not to let it get that far with Khaled."

  Jessica nodded. "I should have had sense enough not to go out with David ‘Khaled’ Green in the first place. Do you know that his eyes are not really green?"

  Bancroft chuckled. "Doesn't surprise me."

  "I am not letting my children listen to any popular music," Jessica said feelingly, "or watch movies, or get attached to any movie or TV stars, or singers."

  Bancroft laughed. "Oh, Jess. You can't stop your children from making their own decisions about their likes and dislikes. You can guide them though."

  Bancroft patted her hand after a while. "Feeling better?"

  Jessica shook her head. "I am not sure I'll feel better again."

  "Goodnight, my youngest." Bancroft said softly. "Try to get some sleep. My mother used to say things will look better in the morning."

  Jessica got up stiffly and went into her room.


  Jessica waited in the lobby area of the science building the next day. This time she was waiting for Clay. Ironically, it was Ramon who found her in the lobby. Once more, she was trying to understand the weird science headlines that she saw on the magazine covers on the table.

  Ramon sat beside her. "What's up?"

  "I am waiting on Clay." Jessica glanced at him and then back at the magazine.

  "He doesn't want to talk to you, or about you," Ramon said. "I don't know what you did."

  Jessica's lips trembled. "I was stupid."

  Ramon nodded. "I figure this has something to do with Khaled."

  "Yes, but I don't want an ‘I told you’ so speech," Jessica said hoarsely. "I just want to talk to Clay."

  Ramon leaned back in the chair. "We just finished the final project. We barely slept last night. We were at the library until the wee hours of the morning."

  "So that's where he was?" Jessica asked. "Is he gone back to Blue Palm Apartments?"

  "Have no idea," Ramon said wearily.

  Jessica got up. "I'll find him there."

  "Wait, Jess," Ramon said. "Why don't you give him some space?"

  "No," Jessica shook her head. "I have to tell him how stupid I was and apologize and hope that I can get us to be friends again."

  Ramon rolled his eyes." He doesn't seem as if he's in the mood for that sort of thing. Give him some time."

  Jessica walked off leaving Ramon mid protest.


  When she knocked on Clay's door at Blue Palm Apartments, she realized that his door was just beside Khaled's, and as if conjuring him up from her thoughts, Khaled exited his apartment. He looked back when he saw Jessica and pocketed his key.

  He folded his arms. "If it isn't the ice princess?"

  "If it isn't the fake green-eyed pop star."

  Khaled chuckled. "All a part of the image darling."

  He stared at her contemptuously. "Here to grovel to Clay?"

  Jessica nodded. "Yes, he's ten times a better man than you are."

  Khaled laughed. "Pity you didn't realize that before. You chose me, and that won't go down too well with him. Clay is particular like that. You are as good as dead to him now."

  "I can't believe I liked you for so many years." Jessica turned back to Clay's door and knocked.

  Khaled laughed. "I won't miss you as a fan. You see, I have too many to care about just one."

  "Argh." Jessica shouted, "Clay. I know you are in there. I came to apologize."

  The door swung open and Clay winced at the sunlight pouring in. He looked at Jessica. She was dressed in a blinding neon green top. He squinted at her, "Listen, Jess," he said hoarsely. "There is no need to apologize. Some people weren't meant to be together. You and I weren't. Have a nice life."

  He closed the door in her face.

  Jessica kicked the door in frustration. "But I grew up; I really grew up this time."

  Khaled was leaning against the rail behind her. He laughed. "I would never slam the door in your face, pretty Jessica," he said mockingly. "Still sure that you don't want to take me up on my offer to explore our chemistry?"

  Jessica hissed her teeth and walked toward her car. She had blown it with Clay. She glanced at the mocking features of Khaled as he headed for his car, which was parked near hers. She was completely over whatever had had her spellbound to him.

  Chapter Seventeen

  "Want us to do something for Valentine’s this year?" Jessica asked Ramon. As usual, the campus was awash with Valentine’s decorations. Even the Business Center where they were currently sitting was advertising Valentine's specials for the budget conscious student, and they were playing love songs over the speakers.

  Ramon shook his head. "Sorry, Jess. This year I have a killer date with Helen lined up."

  "Oh, her," Jessica said, her voice lacking enthusiasm, "You two still going strong, huh?"

  "Yes," Ramon grinned. "Something you would know if you weren't moping around the place. Last week we went to the circus in Santa Cruz. Remember? I invited you to come with us."

  Jessica imitated a snoring sound.

  Ramon laughed. "You know. You need to cheer up. You have been as lack luster as a wet blanket."

  "How can I cheer up?" Jessica asked, "Clay won't talk to me. He ditched his phone; all I am getting is voicemail. I mean I made one mistake and this is how he behaves."

  Ramon knew when to keep his mouth shut, and this was one of those times. Jessica was in free flow, and like he had done in the few weeks since Clay left Mount Faith, he listened without saying a word.

  "I can't concentrate on my school work. I need to see him, at least to apologize."

  "I thought you already did that." Ramon asked, slurping the drink in his cup noisily.

  "Well, yes." Jessica drummed her fingers on the table. "I apologized, but he wasn't in the mood to hear. I realized too late that I loved him. People do get confused, you know."

  Ramon shook his head, "Once more that Khaled fool destroyed something that you held dear. I have always known that there was a reason I hated him."

  "Should I go to Kingston?" Jessica asked Ramon. "I mean, I should, shouldn't I?"

  "And get the door slammed in your face there?" Ramon asked, "That's too long a journey to take just
to get rejected."

  "I should go on Valentine’s day. That's two days from now. Why not?"

  Ramon sighed. "Jess, listen to me, Clay was just a guy. You'll meet somebody like him again."

  "No," Jessica said, "I won't. I think God sent him up here just for me."

  "And I think you are crazy. Aren't you tired of the same reasoning? First, you said that Khaled was the person for you, and you didn't want anybody else; you killed us with that for years, and now that Khaled is out of the picture, it's back to Clay."

  "And here is a new single just in time for Valentine’s Day from our very own alumnus, Khaled," sounded through the speakers before Jessica could react to Ramon.

  She rolled her eyes, "I wonder what he is singing now, the self-centered prig! If I never hear a peep out of him again, it would be too soon."

  Ramon shook his head, "I should get out of here because I don't want to hear him ever again." He got up.

  "This song is your song, and you know who you are." It was Khaled's smoky voice.

  Jessica rolled her eyes. "It must be for some clueless, idiotic girl. That soulless pig doesn't have a heart."

  She got up with Ramon.

  The cover of Smokey Robinson's song began. It had a light reggae beat. Just to see her, Just to hold her in my arms again one more time...If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face...

  Khaled sounded so good that for a moment Jessica closed her eyes and appreciated his voice. Such a pity he was such a doofus. Just then, she remembered Clay saying, "Just To See Her is my favorite song...Ask Khaled to sing for you...Ask David Green why he had to follow me to Mount Faith."

  "Oh, my Gosh," she sat down hard on the bench that she had just vacated.

  Ramon turned around. "What now?"

  "Ramon Rodriguez. I think we are both idiots."

  Ramon frowned. "What are you going on about?"

  Jessica ran her fingers through her hair and then hit her head in her palm. "I can't believe this. I can't believe this...I can't believe this."

  She was laughing and crying at the same time.

  Ramon sat down. "Jess, if this is one of your dramatic episodes, welcome back. Such a pity that Khaled is the one who always seems to get these extreme emotions out of you."

  "Yes, he is," Jessica nodded, her eyes shining. "Ramon, I can't believe this missed me, missed us? We have been hanging out with Khaled. He slept in my house, ate around my dining table. He played on my piano."

  Ramon just stared at her as if she were insane.

  "Clay is Khaled!" Jessica said, getting up. "Clay is Khaled!"

  Ramon frowned. "Oh my god, she is having a nervous breakdown! Keep your voice down. Let's go visit your brother, Taj. He'll know what to do."

  "I don't need psychiatric treatment," Jessica said, pinching Ramon. "Think about it Ramon, you are the bright scientific mind. When Clay came to Mount Faith, a few weeks after that Khaled announced his retirement. Why? Because Clay had retired! The voice had retired. The music had retired. David Green must only be a face."

  Ramon was nodding, and then he clicked his fingers. "And both of them left Mount Faith at the same time, don't forget that. And Stewart, is David's friend. He must have set up the ‘accident’ so that Clay would be vulnerable when he got here. Maybe he wanted him to go back to Kingston as soon as it happened. When it was clear that Clay wasn't going to return to Kingston, he came here and dated you, knowing that Clay would leave if he pursued you, and you gave in..."

  "Oh, boy," Jessica said deflated. "Ramon what am I going to do?"

  "What are you going to do?" Ramon asked her urgently. "I would like to know, how they carried out this deception and whose idea it was? That means that ‘Khaled’ lip-syncs at concerts."

  Jessica sighed.

  "I think you should go to Clay," Ramon said. "The words of the song say, there's nothing I wouldn't do just to see her again... He said the song is dedicated to you."

  "Suppose it's not for me," Jessica said doubtfully.

  "Clay, left school so that the other guy could leave you alone," Ramon said gently. "I think that song is an invitation for you to go to him."

  Jessica looked at her friend. "If you make me go to Kingston and get the door slammed in my face again..."

  "You always said that Khaled wrote songs just for you or he was singing just for you. Here's your opportunity to test that theory. I could come with you if you want."

  Jessica got up, "I am going alone. I want to be humiliated alone."

  "Or reconciled without an audience." Ramon winked.

  Chapter Eighteen

  "It's V-Day," the announcer said on the radio. "If you don't have a Valentine, I can be your Valentine today, well, until my shift ends this morning." The announcer chuckled. "I'll kick things off with my favorite artiste, Khaled. He didn't stay retired for long. He released a single for a special girl, a cover of Smoky Robinson's, ‘Just To See Her’."

  Jessica turned up the radio. She was heading to Kingston and feeling very nervy. Her mother had told her to go. Her father had told her not to chase any man but he would leave her to make her own decision.

  So here she was, with Clay's voice in her ear, spurring her on. He said he had to see her; at least, that was how she was reading the song. What if she was wrong and she was misreading things again like she had done so many times before?

  She had a vague idea of where the studio was; it was in downtown Kingston, in the business district. The studio adjoined Ocean Towers and had a view of the sea. She drove through the semi-confusing streets and breathed a sigh of relief when she reached the building.

  There was a sign on the ground floor with an iJam logo emblazoned on it. Jessica took a deep breath and walked up to the glass door and pressed the buzzer. A clicking sound indicated to her that the door was opened, and she walked into the lobby area. Her sneakers squeaked on the marble floor, and she wished that she had worn something a little bit more formal. She had no idea that iJam was in such an imposing looking building. There was a semi-circular desk with a security guard sitting around several monitors in what she assumed was the reception area.

  "May I help you?" he asked before she could open her mouth.

  " am here to see Clay Reid."

  "He's recording at the moment and he does not have any visitors on his list." The man, whose name tag read "Dudley", said to her pleasantly.

  Jessica was confused. Did that mean that she wouldn't get to see Clay? She cleared her throat. "Could you tell him that Jessica Bancroft is out here in the lobby waiting to see him?"

  The security guard frowned. "I am sorry Miss Bancroft, but I am not allowed to interrupt Mr. Reid when he is in the studio."

  "When does he come out of the studio?" Jessica asked frantically. This was like the door slamming in her face again.

  "I can't give you that information," The security guard said. "I am sorry."

  Jessica nodded. She took out her cell phone and dialed Clay's number again. As usual, it went to voicemail. She was so close, and yet so far.

  She looked around the lobby. There was a bank of chairs in a waiting area. "Tell Clay, when he is free, that Jessica is here," she said to the security guard, heading for the chairs. What a way to spend Valentine’s Day. She was hoping for a different outcome when she set out this morning.

  She looked around at the paintings on the wall. Most of them were abstracts. The whole lobby was decorated in a chrome plus glass look, and the paintings provided the only splash of color. She looked at her watch. It was ten o'clock. She picked up one of the several magazines on the table and then put it back down. She was too keyed up to read. She just wanted to see Clay.

  She tapped her foot on the floor and then picked up the magazine again. The security guard was looking at her with a frown between his brows.

  At ten thirty-five, the door made a ping sound, and she looked up and saw Neil Reid stepping through the door. He had a briefcase in hand, and he looked professional in his dark sui
t. She had always thought that a music executive was more casual in his dress, and that the place would be buzzing with artistes or something.

  "Mr. Reid." She got up hurriedly.

  Neil stopped and looked at her, shocked. "Jessica Bancroft?"

  He smiled, but his eyes looked shifty. "What brings you here to our neck of the woods?"

  "I came to see Clay." Jessica pushed her hand in her jeans pocket.

  "Ah," Neil said. "Please join me in my office." They walked up a flight of stairs that also had the chrome and glass theme, and entered an office space that had windows overlooking the harbor.

  Jessica couldn't appreciate the view though. She was tensing up for further rejection.

  "Can I see Clay?" she asked. "The guy at the desk downstairs said that he would be unavailable all day."

  "Have a seat," Neil said, without answering her. He indicated to a group of sofas that were in front of a huge television screen. "Do you want a drink, or something to eat? We have everything."

  "No, thanks," Jessica replied, sitting down. Neil was not reaching for the phone or making any moves to get Clay, and Jessica felt nervous.

  "It is my understanding that you chose David over Clay in some romantic tug of war that you guys had," Neil said, caressing his goatee.

  "It's not a matter of choosing," Jessica said, feeling unable to defend herself. She had chosen David and what a fool’s gold he had turned out to be.

  Neil sighed. "You hurt Clay, and I think you both should go your separate ways and forget each other."

  "But his latest song was a message to me," Jessica said desperately, her hopes dashed with every word Neil Reid spoke.

  He looked at her and guffawed. "What do you mean his latest song?"

  "Just to see her," Jessica said, almost weakly. "The announcer on the radio said that it was dedicated to," she took in a deep breath, "a special girl."

  Neil was looking at her, concerned. "I thought you said that you were here to see Clay."

  "I am," Jessica said uncertainly. "Isn't he the one who sings?"


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