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ZetaTalk: Myths

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by Nancy Lieder

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  ZetaTalk: Voodoo

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  ZetaTalk: Voodoo

  Note: written on Apr 15, 1996

  The power of suggestion is both dismissed and held in awe by humans, who claim it might be able to affect other weak minded individuals, but certainly not themselves. The media presents hypnosis as being able to cause individuals

  selected at random from an audience to make complete fools of themselves in front of the world, clucking like

  chickens and attempting to peck at seed, for instance. Likewise, the media shows hypnotized individuals, like human

  time bombs, walking about in human society in a normal manner, but set to explode into action when a key word is

  spoken or a visual picture presented.

  Hypnosis, of the power of suggestion, does not work in this manner, as in all cases the individual must be in full compliance. One cannot be hypnotized to do what one does not want to do, although the suggestion can certainly be presented during hypnosis. Hypnosis encourages the conscious to relax its hold, allowing the subconscious to

  communicate. Any suggestions made to an individual are, perforce, being made to the subconscious, which is the solid

  common sense arena and processes suggestions rather than blindly accepting them. Hypnosis is used to get past the

  rigidities and denial imposed by the conscious, to place the conscious by the side where it can be an observer and

  become better integrated as a result of the discussions.

  That said, how does voodoo work, as indeed it does.

  Voodoo relies on the victim's belief systems, as without this no magic exists. Someone who had never heard the myths,

  subjected to all the incantations and pointing fingers and objects stolen or placed in one's personal quarters, would

  merely scratch their head. What's with them, they would wonder. On the other hand, humans raised in these cultures are impressed with the belief that voodoo works, palpable fear in the voices of the elders relaying the many tales.

  Spells cast upon humans thus primed to react set in motion a cycle of fear that can indeed kill. Fear can stop the heart by constricting arteries leading to the heart, or can drive the blood pressure to a point where blow-outs occur. Cast a spell and the ashen victim is found dead in their quarters the next day. Such a cooperative victim!

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  ZetaTalk: Blaire Witch

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  ZetaTalk: Blaire Witch

  Blaire Witch was not extraterrestrial or done by spirits, but by powerful spirits incarnated in humans who wished to be left alone, which they arranged by quite human means. Similar to VooDoo, where the suggestible did themselves in.

  Note: below added during the Aug 31, 2002 Live ZeatTalk IRC Session.

  How would it be, that a scenario such as the Blair Witch would make it to the theater, without a basis in fact behind it?

  Dinosaurs are interesting to the public, because of bones. Ghosts, and hauntings, kidnappings and stalkings, bank

  robberies and secret love affairs - all because they have a basis in fact. Blair Witch would be without interest, unless real, which it is, regardless of what the producers decide to Announce. Of course, they did not publish the filming of an actual event. Of course, they staged the filming. But did they get the idea, and think it captivating, because it was a real situation? Yes. As this is he-said/she-said, we doubt the issue to be settled just because we-said.

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  ZetaTalk: Jesus

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  ZetaTalk: Jesus

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  Regarding Jesus being the Son of God. This is a touchy subject. As the saying goes, if one wants to remain above a

  bickering argument, don't talk about religion or politics. However, it seems a third item should be added to this list, that being the alien presence. As we are already embroiled in controversy, what's a little more heat?

  Jesus was not an ordinary man, but he was no more the son of God than any other human. Jesus was an entity from a

  higher dimension, who had earned the right to function in a higher density, that being above 3rd Density. Bear in mind that there are many, many entities among humans now, functioning in human society, who are operating in the same

  manner as Jesus was in his day. We are speaking here of entities who have come to a lower density, and incarnated

  here, in order to influence human affairs, human spiritual evolution. Jesus was a very high grade entity operating in the Service-to-Other orientation. He was immovable in that regard, meaning that those allowing him to come to Earth and

  undertake the incarnation could trust him not to veer from his stated path.

  When Jesus was on Earth, he lived the life of a normal man, as all incarnations into human form do. He had sexual

  hungers, felt despondent when alone and rejected, and doubted his ability to deal with issues before him. He was

  human, in every regard. As with all incarnations, by the Rules of Forgetfulness, he did not remember his prior spiritual state, where he lived in light and wonder, a veritable feast of learning and exploration. He chose his path, as Jesus, for the message he wished to deliver was, to him, a primary message of great importance, and the flack he met was not at

  all unexpected. Jesus knew he would take heat. That he was tortured to death was not a surprise to him. He is reported to have expressed surprise, or dejection on the cross, reportedly saying "Father, why have you forsaken me". The humans in attendance interpreted his comments with their own view, and took this to be despair or resentment. Our

  understanding was that he was asking for things to move along more quickly, as anyone being tortured does.

  Jesus accomplished his mission in formulating and disseminating a message of love for others, and sacrifice for love.

  This message is the opposite of the Service-to-Self message, which is love thyself, and sacrifice for no one. The words of Jesus, where possible, have been corrupted by those who wish to see mankind headed toward the Service-to-Self

  orientation. Most of the words of Jesus were spoken carefully, and spoken often enough, so that their meaning could

  not be corrupted. He repeated the same message in many different contexts, and to many different groups. In this he

  succeeded in passing on a legacy, the legacy he intended. Jesus was not alone in incarnating from a higher density in

  order to assist in the spiritual evolution of humankind. Buddha and Mohammed, among others, have done likewise,

  with similar results. The message bearer should not be blamed for the twists made upon their message. Look to those

  who are perpetrating the twists, and place blame accordingly.

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  ZetaTalk: Buddha

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  ZetaTalk: Buddha

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  Buddha was a Star Child, and as such arrived on Earth from a higher density with a great deal more knowledge than

  the humans he mingled among. As with all incarnations, the corporeal mind and body are ignorant, and only gradually

  absorb what the incarnating spirit understands. Some call this process enlightenment, an apt term. Buddha did not

  require others, such as teachers, to become enlightened, as this was a self-directed process. Buddha attempted to

  communicate, through teachings to mankind, a message of how to balance the needs of the human body with spiritual

owth. Yes and no, he succeeded.

  During his lifetime, Buddha was able to set in motion the dissemination of his philosophy, what he hoped to teach

  mankind. This motion has never lost its momentum, nor the purity of its message, but alternate interpretations more to the liking of those who were lazy or indulgent sprang up, and these interpretations have been running in parallel with Buddha's intended message. Buddha's message has thus been primarily interpreted to be a directive to enjoy life, but

  that is not altogether what he was attempting to teach. This is a one-sided interpretation, the big bellied smiling

  Buddha, enjoying life without worry. What happened to the spiritual message?

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  ZetaTalk: Mohammed

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  ZetaTalk: Mohammed

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  Mohammed, like Jesus and Buddha, was an entity from another world who incarnated on Earth in hopes of spreading

  knowledge about the spiritual realm. Yes and no, they succeeded. Mohammed would be horrified to learn of the

  militaristic stance some of his supposed followers have taken. His message was to blend with the Universe, in peace,

  to blunt the aggressive nature of man so as to listen to the whispers of the spheres. Most of his followers correctly

  understand his message, but are lost in the thunderstorm coming from many of the Muslim leaders, who would spread

  blood over all the landscape to win a small point. They send forth their faithful youth to die on false promises of an afterlife they cannot deliver. And like most of the world's religious elite, they know this full well. Parasites on the blood of their young, whom they care not for.

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  ZetaTalk: Maitreya

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  ZetaTalk: Maitreya

  written Nov 28, 2005

  Maitreya is supposed to be the coming new World Teacher, head of the Hierarchy of Masters to lead

  mankind into the new age. Is he for real or is this misinformation. Please ask the Zetas. If he is who he

  says, the Zetas should know of him.

  We have mentioned that the Earth's Transformation into a world to be inhabited only by those staunchly in the

  Service-to-Other orientation has been scheduled to occur during the coming pole shift. This, because the die-off from the pole shift will foster a rapid change in incarnations, so that the souls of those scheduled to inherit the Earth due to their Service-to-Other orientation can quickly reincarnate, and those souls scheduled to incarnate elsewhere can be

  quickly relocated. This pole shift is anticipated to be harsh, with a 90% die-off in the population resulting.

  Beyond being mentioned in prophecy and religion as a time of great geological upheaval, the time is referred to for its socio-political aspects and the spiritual transformation that will occur. Known as Armageddon in the Christian religion, for instance, with the return of Jesus predicted and war and rumors of war. Known as the Mahdi in Islam, with a

  similar outcome and timing tied to the return of Jesus. During a world Transformation, there is a polarizing of the

  spiritual orientations into Service-to-Self and Service-to-Other groups. The Service-to-Self, losing out on control of the world they must now leave, show their rage at loss by attempting power grabs such as the current War in Iraq, an

  obvious attempt to control the worlds oil resources, thus the anticipated war mongering centered in the Middle East, in prophecy.

  We have mentioned that the three great religions of the Earth were founded by Star Children, with Buddha,

  Mohammed, and Jesus all having a similar mission and message. Of course, this message has been distorted by

  ambassadors from the Service-to-Self, who inserted rules and regulations and wage religious wars. We have

  mentioned that the anticipated return of Christ should not be interpreted to be this particular soul, who is busy elsewhere at all times on missions similar to the one he had on Earth. What he meant was that many in the Service-to-Other, his obvious orientation, would be coming to Earth at this time. Likewise with the Buddha, the Maitreya, which

  is understood to be many, not one, persona.

  Signs of the Times #1516

  Maitreya is supposed to be the coming new World Teacher, head of the Hierarchy of Masters to

  lead mankind into the new age. Is he for real or is this misinformation. Please ask the Zetas. If he is

  who he says, the Zetas should know of him. [and from another] Many now expect the return of their awaited Teacher, whether they call him the Christ, Messiah, the fifth

  Buddha, Krishna, or the Imam Mahdi. Millions now know that the Teacher who fulfills all these

  expectations is already living among us. Maitreya, the World Teacher, has not come alone, but with

  a group of wise Teachers who have long guided humanity from behind the scenes. They are

  returning to the everyday world to help us solve our most critical global problems. [and from

  another] Maitreya, in Buddhism, the future Buddha, a Buddha who will be reborn in a period of decline to renew the doctrine of the founder of Buddhism,

  the Buddha. [and from another] The Holy Prophet Muhammad has prophesied about several events that will occur just before the advent of the day of

  judgment. Al Mahdi will materialize when the believers are severely oppressed in every corner of

  the world. He will fight the oppressors, unite the Muslims, bring peace and justice to the world, rule

  over the Arabs, and lead a prayer in Mekkah at which Jesus will be present.[2/5/2012 1:33:48 PM]

  ZetaTalk: Taoism

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  ZetaTalk: Taoism

  Note: written on Sep 15, 1996

  Among the philosophies from the Orient is one that espouses education through observation, specifically observation of nature. Where other philosophies from the Orient espouse either meditation, removing oneself from the environment

  and closing off what the sense perceive, or seeking a balance between the attention to self needed for self preservation and cohesiveness and concern for others in the community, Taoism states that nature itself is the teacher and that each man must attend to his lessons alone. Taoism has an obscure beginning, as it was not brought to the attention of man

  by the normal means, by the hand of a great and popular philosopher. Taoism developed as a result of discussion

  among men, and was passed through many generations as a spoken work long before being put into print. Thus there is

  no author, and this was by intent. Without an author, there is less of a target, so the philosophy is less subject to attack by those who would control the minds of men. Thus the Tao philosophy has remained pure, simple statements passed

  along by so many routes that the message has not become corrupt.

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  ZetaTalk: Sai Baba

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  ZetaTalk: Sai Baba

  Note: written on Jun 15, 1997

  Mystics claiming special qualities are nothing new, in any age, but at the current time are given more credence than

  usual due to the approach of the millennium. The millennium has been wrapped for ages in a double message -

  salvation and peace on the one hand, death and destruction on the other. People confused and frightened by the

  legends, which permeate all human cultures in some manner, will be increasingly incli
ned to grasp at any explanation

  that promises security and takes away the worry. How much better than the promise of a returning messiah is the

  reality of one living and among the anxious! Such is the promise that Sai Baba attempts to deliver, and for those

  willing to put aside skepticism or scrutiny of the many claims about the man, comfort at least is delivered. Is he the messiah, the spirit who was Jesus, returned? Hardly!

  Sai Baba is reputed to have said that all his followers will be protected during the coming Earth changes. Of course this is not true, and is elitism at its worst. Those who state that their followers will be saved are of course trying to secure for themselves increased advantage that they have enjoyed, because the more desperation there is the more faithful and slavish will be their following. Of course, the disappointment will be severe, but by that time the leaders who have

  duped people will have secured what they wish to and squirreled away their own safety and will not be around to be

  questioned afterwards.

  Due to the fact that this world has chosen, by vote of the souls on Earth, to be a Service-to-Other planet, those

  individuals currently incarnated by Service-to-Other souls can maintain their current incarnation should they wish it in order to help their fellow man struggle through these trying times after the Pole Shift. This has been misinterpreted in the past as being ascendance up into the heavens of the faithful. Of course it's not that, it's not faithfulness to any set of rules and regulations such as Christianity. Less than a third of humanity is truly Service-to-Other, and qualify, the rest still undecided or leaning to self centeredness. And most of those who qualify, the vast majority, close to 85% perhaps, refuse this assistance.

  They wish to be with those who depend on them at their most trying time, when fear may overtake them, when they

  may turn, in hopelessness, to thoughts of saving themselves at the expense of others. They wish to continue to be, as

  they often are, the mainstay for others, the strong person who supports and is calm in times of crisis, even if that puts themselves at personal risk of death or injury. Most often, therefore, the lift is declined. When Sai Baba or any other states that their followers will be protected, they are therefore not speaking to such individuals. This in and of itself is an indication of the true nature of this group.


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