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ZetaTalk: Myths

Page 8

by Nancy Lieder

  expedient for a given locale at a given time. The workers were burning out, and needed guidelines. This could be

  equated to a union steward insisting that the 40 hour week be maintained. When others heard about this new social

  benefit and desired this for themselves, they had to put some meat into it and thus placed God behind the order. Since this story benefited those who spread it, the story spread like wildfire.

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  ZetaTalk: Damnation

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  ZetaTalk: Damnation

  Note: written on Jan 15, 1996

  A common curse among humans is to damn someone to hell, to damnation or its equivalent. Children are warned to

  mind their behavior or they will likewise be damned. Damnation, as the fires of hell, is spoken of as something one

  does not escape - one is judged once and forever. Is such a thing possible? Punishment is only one side of this coin,

  with bribery found on the other side. Be good and you will go to heaven. Both edicts have at their base the desire for control that the religious elite present as rules and regulations. They can no more deliver the faithful to heaven than they can damn them to hell.

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  ZetaTalk: Speaking in Tongues

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  ZetaTalk: Speaking in Tongues

  Note: written on May 15, 1997

  A long running theme in Christianity is the fainting or babbling hysteria that on occasion overcomes nuns. Where other religious practices such as voodoo have an equivalent, such as the dancing frenzy that ends in a short coma, this is an activity and result that is deliberately encouraged. Christian frenzies are notable for appearing to be visited upon the faithful, as something they neither desired or encouraged, and most certainly not something they incited. The self, and the sexual inhibitions the Christian church often imposes, are precisely the source, however. Even religions as

  repressive as Islam have sexual outlets unthinkable in Christian doctrine.

  Christianity states that sex is wrong, per se, and should only be indulged in when self discipline breaks down.

  Masturbation, an utterly harmless and completely natural activity, is postured as a sin against nature.

  Those who must indulge are funneled into marriage, their only outlet, and then only a marriage blessed by the


  For Catholics, this is also a single marriage during a life time.

  Then there is the matter of contraception, where those Catholics who allow themselves to indulge in sex, in their

  proscribed single marriage in a lifetime, must also allow as many children as possible to result.

  And those who would side step these restrictions into homosexual alliances are damned to burn in hell!

  These strictures mean that very few Christians, and in particular very few Catholics, will have any guilt free sexual

  outlet. All other outlets than a proper marriage with the single lifetime spouse without benefit of contraception bring with it all manner of baggage. The conflicts are endless, and the specter of burning in hell raised up for the mere

  thought of getting out of the bind. Thus, good Catholics try not to think about it, try to live a sex free life in spite of their hormones, and some go into the monasteries and nunneries hoping the environment will help them in this regard.

  It doesn’t, and then they are left with even fewer outlets for their sexual frustrations, as now they have the guilt of wanting to leave the priesthood or nun’s vows.

  What results is silly behavior, the equivalent of the schizophrenic twiddling their fingers, aimless motions and random speech. Speaking in tongues or dancing in circles is nothing more than an outlet, the equivalent of a cold shower or

  long run but with some added benefits - the practitioner has an orgasm. The church allows this form of masturbation,

  giving oneself over into antics that incite an orgasm, as it is presented as religious fervor rather than what it is, sexual fervor. Bumping about, falling to the floor, pelvic thrusts, waving arms, extemporaneous cries of joy - take away the

  church setting and what do you see?

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  ZetaTalk: Angels

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  ZetaTalk: Angels

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  There has been much confusion about angels, who are regularly shown in the Christian religion as wearing flowing

  white gowns and having wings and haloes. There is no such creature, or at least no creature that looks like this,

  although there are entities that operate in the manner ascribed to angels. This myth sprang up during the early Christian era in response to humans in the traditional garb of that day seen floating. The robes, wafting in the wind, appeared as wings. The sunlight, reflecting off their oily hair, which in those days was never truly washed, appeared as haloes.


  How did these humans come to be floated, in plain sight of other humans, when today levitation done by ourselves or

  others is registered only in the subconscious? Repression of memory is a factor of the fear and anxiety of the

  populace. We do nothing that will increase this fear and anxiety. If the observer can view the scene and incorporate

  startling views without alarm, this is allowed. In the old days, where people were more accepting of magical

  happenings, this was the case. Today, people are more scientific, and realize they are dealing with something outside

  the frame of reference. Panic lies just under the surface, and the Awakening is paced with this in consideration.

  Because these humans were close to Jesus, part of his entourage in fact, they were assumed to be close to God. The

  typical response to any relatively unknown phenomenon clicked in - fill in the blanks. Thus we have stories of how the angels came to be, fallen angels, ranks of angels, and variations on their appearance, their personalities, and exploits of angels that grew every time they were retold. There are merely spirits, and such descriptions of angels is a way of

  describing good and evil, the compassion and pulling toward others that characterizes those in the Service-to-Others,

  or the pulling toward the self characteristic of those in the Service-to-Self. There are angels among humans who have

  never left this Earth. They think of others intensely. They sacrifice themselves. Are these not angels?

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  ZetaTalk: Adam and Eve

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  ZetaTalk: Adam and Eve

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  The myth that mankind was once pure in innocence or fell due to awareness of their sexuality is utter nonsense. The

  myth makes no sense at all, other than in the context of sexual repression. Is Christianity about sexual repression? To a great extent, yes, as control over the sexual practices of the flock gives the religious elite great leverage. The sex drive is constant and strong, and when the flock is made to feel guilty about this and tries to buy out from under any

  impending punishment, this in turn makes the religious elite rich. This is the crux of Catholicism. Anyone who doubts

  this need only listen to the lectures given school children in Catholic schools and to the anguish poured forth in

  confessionals. We listen to both, and we know. Why was this nonsense about Adam and Eve perpetrated? Early man

  had some sense that they were genetically engineered, having seen their makers, and passed this along in myth and
/>   legend. Early Christians adopted this legend and changed it to suit their needs. End of story.

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  ZetaTalk: Creation

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  ZetaTalk: Creation

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  The Bible, as a guided book, attempted to explain the evolution of mankind in terms that humans could understand.

  Realize that in the day and age that the Bible was written, such matters as planets orbiting around a Sun, evolution in response to adaptations or genetic mutations, and such theories as the Big Bang did not exist. Man saw the Sun rise

  and set, seeded his crops or tended his herds, and hoped to raise his children before old age took him out. How would

  one explain evolution and genetic engineering to such a man? Simply, and with a tale they could relate to.

  Such a tale was the creation tale. Since God is acknowledged by all, God caused all this to happen, ultimately. Since

  the stages on any planet that ultimately sustain life are basically the lifeless planet in darkness, the form and the void, and then the light, as in let there be light, and then the waters, as condensation happens as a planets cools, and then the plants, as without vegetation there can be no mobile animals, and then the fish in the sea, as all life first evolves from a watery womb, and then the creeping creatures that leave the waters followed by land animals and flying creatures, and

  lastly intelligent species such as man. This tale was not meant to be literal, but was meant to explain the steps so that man could understand. It is only the rigidly religious who cannot see the obvious who fail to understand. If the road

  sign said Go when green, and the light never turned green, they would stand there still.

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  Zetatalk: Ark of the Covenant

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  Zetatalk: Ark of the Covenant

  Note: written on Jul 15, 1995. Planet X and teh 12th Planet are one and the same.

  The Ark of the Covenant was a device used for communication by members of the 12th Planet. They found the

  element gold to be useful in many ways, and treated it in a worshipful manner by elevating gold to the status of a god -

  the god of communication. Crystals have also been so used by this race, as communication boosters. Because of the

  awe and reverence surrounding the Ark, primitive humans perceived the Ark to be a touchstone of the gods, especially

  when the voice of what they assumed to be a god came booming forth. Members of the alien group from the 12 Planet

  would go inside the Covenant, voices would emerge, and then they would leave, having gotten their instructions.

  Surely this was from God Almighty! The Ark itself was treated as a sacred object, as it was valued and lives were

  sacrificed if it was mistreated in any way. Like most objects that are poorly understood, but seem magical, the Ark of the Covenant gained a reputation that superseded its true worth. The Ark was eventually broken down and its gold

  reused, by the folks who built it and understood that it was not at all sacred. Humans, poor misguided souls, are still looking for this lost Ark, and may look forever.

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  ZetaTalk: Star of Bethlehem

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  ZetaTalk: Star of Bethlehem

  Note: written during the Nov 2, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  The birth of Jesus was, as was his birth, a guided occasion. It was not by accident that what is commonly called the 3

  Wise Men arrived at the humble stable where his mother was recovering from birth, the only accommodation they

  could secure. How likely would it be that such humble parents would come to the attention of Kings, coming to what

  they sensed from afar was an occasion? Did Joseph and Mary issue Birth Announcements? Did Joseph and Mary carry

  social weight, such that not delivering a gift would be a social slight? If the kings were simply following tradition in their society, they would arrive at tens of thousands of houses, with newly delivered babies, and never find the child Jesus.

  Was it a star that guided them? In that stars can be seen from all directions, with slight variation in direction in a given small country just as Jerusalem, this would not be a clear guide. The star was brighter than the rest, and allowed the Kings to move with the road ways, and not lose their direction. They were, thus, not looking up, but forward. The same influences that clued the Kings into the birth of someone special, someone meant to influence the world, guided them

  to the spot of his birth. This was, as suspected, not a star, but a bright object in the sky under alien visitor control, which was positioned to act as a leading light to the stable. Thus, it moved, to appear at the same level in the sky, always pulling them in the right direction. And when they had found the city, the star remained stationary! Not moving during the night! Not at all what one expects from a star. The 3 Wise Men, kings, were the right stuff as far as

  orientation, and were in the habit of giving the Call to visitors in the Service-to-Other. Thus, they had all learned, independently, of the pending birth, and begged to be in attendance and assistance in some way.

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  ZetaTalk: Pyramids

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  ZetaTalk: Pyramids

  Note: written on Oct 15, 1996

  There has been endless speculation about the Giant Pyramids and the pyramid shape in general, as the reason ancient

  pyramids were built is unknown. The reason the shape was chosen is so simple that it has been overlooked as being too

  obvious. The shape endures through earthquakes, and great height is easier to attain than with a rectangular shape as

  sheer walls where heavy object must be lifted, rather than dragged, is avoided. Where the giant hominoids from the

  12th Planet had, at times, the assistance of levitation from aliens in the Service-to-Self that they often were allied with, they did not always have this assistance, so ease of construction was a consideration. Primarily, the ability of the pyramid to endure over thousands of years made it the shape of choice. The Giant pyramids, as we have stated, were

  astronomical devices to assist those left behind to mine Earth in determining when the next passage of the 12th Planet was nigh.

  Pyramid cults have sprung up that claim almost magical results from operations done under a pyramid shape. This is

  nonsense, as beyond air circulation under a roof or the ability to drain rainwater, the shape of the roof is irrelevant. Do light rays or radio waves consider the shape of the wall or roof then encounter, avoiding some shapes and being altered by others? The material a shape is composed of may matter, but not the shape, all claims to the contrary. For those

  who claim that health improved or plants grew faster or whatever, under a pyramid shaped roof, we will point out that

  the health of mankind is greatly subject to psychological influences, and the eye often sees what it wishes to behold.

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  ZetaTalk: Astronomical Markers

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  ZetaTalk: Astronomical Markers

  Note: written on Oct 15, 2000

  Left to ponder structures such as the Giant Pyramids or Stonehenge or the Sphinx, man invents theories and tried them

  on for a fit. If one finds a dead elephant in the town square, it could be an escapee from a passing circus, a prank
, or an evil omen. Unless the exact source or reason is determined, any and all of those theories continue to circulate. This is the nature of problem solving - putting forth theories and then testing them. If a theory cannot be disproved, then it is not put to rest, regardless of it’s validity.

  In that pyramids were a burial site for Egyptian rulers, the Giant Pyramids were first assumed to be mega-burial sites.

  This theory flew until astronomical sighting tunnels were discovered, but the original theory still circulates. Folklore states that the Giant Pyramids were a sighting device pointing toward Orion, originally, and this is correct. Now, due to movement of the continents during pole shift, it no longer points there, but the Giant Pyramids seem to align North and South in a precise manner. So new theories emerge. Why would the ancients need such a device to locate north

  and south, when a simple sundial marked with the seasons would have sufficed? Had the Giant Pyramids not lined up

  in this manner, at present, then whatever the alignment happened to be would find a theory emerging to explain the

  purpose of the Giant Pyramids.

  Passing Stonehenge through the astronomical sighting theory, all manner of peeping in this or that direction occurred

  until some correlation with an astronomical body emerged. Ahah! It lines up with the Moon, at present, so was a

  planting guide for ancient farmers, who in any case hardly needed a device such as Stonehenge to observe the Moon

  and it’s phases. Stonehenge is very ancient, and was a structure constructed by aliens in the Service-to-Self to strike fear into the primitive hearts that observed it. It looks like a site of satanic worship, for human sacrifices, and this reminder of such horrors was to be ever there, which it is in the main, today.

  The Sphinx stands as a massif staring out over the sand, like a guard. What is it guarding? Is it looking at or away


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