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Forever in Love (Book One of the Armstrong Series)

Page 11

by Rita Hestand

  "Fulfilling?" He smiled into her eyes.

  "Yes…I never imagined it would be this wonderful, Joe. I really didn't. When I talked with my mother…she said it was a woman's duty, nothing more. But Joe…she was wrong. It's a woman's pleasure. Either that or I'm shameful."

  "I've heard that duty speech myself, I always wondered why women that have been married a while feel that way. I don't plan on letting you ever feel that way. I want to love you every night and again in the morning." He encouraged another kiss, that swept away any doubts.

  "I thought I'd be embarrassed, but I was so eager…I forgot to be. I'm shameful…" She panted moments later.

  "No you aren't. You're in love, my sweet, and so am I. Knowing I am your first pleases me beyond all dreams. I hope I was gentle enough with you. You'll have to excuse my exuberance." Joe snuggled into her, his hands going over her hips and down to her thighs, his touch light and lingering. He was merely stroking her, but she shivered from his touches. She enjoyed the way he explored her body, and she wanted the same pleasure.

  He kissed her tenderly, as his lips traveled over her. Moonlight streamed from the window on them, making shadows here and there. He took his time, making love to her everywhere his lips came to pause.

  She shivered when his nose nudged her legs apart and his lips caressed the sweet hot fires of her love nest. She moaned raggedly when his lips built a new a glorious fire there. His tongue was lethal. One sweep and she was squirming, waiting for the next. When she began to squirm, and her hips rose to meet his, he easily slid up and entered her and he heard her sigh of contentment. Sweat made a fine sheen on their bodies as they came to a wild climax together. They both seemed to hold onto each other for long lingering moments, and then they lay spent of their love, with happy smiles, as a blissful sleep swept over them. They curled into each other and slept for a while.

  Hours later, they sipped Champagne on the deck, it was dark and the water sparkled like diamonds. She was naked under the blanket he had wrapped around her, but it was only the two of them, no one else could see. They sat on the edge of the deck with their barefeet hanging over the edge of the deck. Wrapped in each other's arms, the night air helped to cool their ardor.

  "Melanie…promise me you'll always love me…no matter what."

  "What a strange thing to say. Of course I will, and you will love me forever too?" She cried, kissing him and straining to be closer. The way her breast dangled then plastered to his chest, made him eager to have her again. He pulled her up by the buttocks and massaged them, holding her exactly to him.

  "Come, sit on me…" he invited.

  Without another word, she climbed onto him and he held her as they came together once more. She opened her blanket and wrapped him inside it with her. She moved erotically over him, making him shake with needs.

  "You are so beautiful…my love." he whispered as they climbed to the top of the climax together.

  He urged her closer, and their breathing was heavy for long moments as they finally sighed into each other's arms and collapsed on the deck. Only the moon and stars peeked at them.

  They rested a while, but the way she curled into him made him protective of her and he covered her again with the blanket and they snuggled.

  His hands went inside the blanket and she snuggled closer if it were possible, when he held her breast and massaged her nipples with his thumb and palm.

  The blanket held them in a cocoon. Sleep overcame them and as the chill of the night came, they merely melted into each other.

  Much later, he pulled her back inside the cabin and they cuddled in bed.

  "Things change in time. I just want to know I'll always love you and hope you will love me too."

  "You've no worries of that." Melanie turned toward him and smiled. "Oh Joe, I love it here. Thank you so much for thinking of this. Thank you for so many things. For being so gentle the first time, for wanting me as much as I want you. For joining me in marriage. I will love you always."


  "Promise." She smiled.

  Contented, they wrapped themselves against each other with a sigh.

  "I've been up the river a few times and every time is like the first for me. I was hoping you'd feel the same way. I want to please you in every way Melanie." He whispered as he moved to wrap his arms around her and hold her close to him. " A man doesn't get many chances to enjoy making love. When we go back, I will have other responsibilities, the plantation, the work, and finding Sam. But know one thing, I love you dearly, and you come first, no matter what. You're the most important thing in my life. And you always will be. You can tell me anything. And I hope you'll let me tell you things too. And we will make time for each other, I promise."

  "Of course." She sighed, kissed him hotly on the lips. "And I will be busy too. Old Jen is going to teach me a lot of things. And I suppose I'll be the lady of the house. I want to make you a good wife, Joe. I want her to show me some of her recipes and learn to sew, and start making things for the babies we will have."

  "Sounds wonderful to me…" He chuckled and kissed her on the nose.

  "Let's go out again; I want to look at the stars.

  They sat on the side of the deck, watching the water ripple as the boat moved through it. The sound of the small waves made a music. She dangled her feet back and forth. They stared up at the stars twinkling. They watched the slow movement of the water, the gentle light from the moon. "I've only been on the river once, and I was too small to realize it then. What made you think of it?"

  "Actually, it was your mother; she said almost the same thing. That's why I decided this would be a perfect time and place. This time you can take it all in and enjoy it."

  "You spoke with my mother?" She sounded shocked.

  "Shocking isn't it?" Joe smiled. "I think once she gets to know me, she'll like me. It's a matter of trust right now."

  "Mother's not really against this wedding or you, she just realizes how much she'll miss me." Melanie explained.

  "I know. That's why I wanted to talk to her. I told her we would be back and forth so much she wouldn't even know you were gone. And I promised her a grandchild next year sometime. That pleased her greatly." Joe added.

  "You please me greatly, too." Melanie looked wistfully out on the water once more. "But like I said Joe, I want time with you. I want to enjoy what we have now. I know it won't always be this wonderful. I want to prolong this thrill as long as I can. It's not that I don't want children. I do, I want your children, but I also want you. I hope you don't think I'm smothering you with my love."

  Her eyes clouded with doubts until she saw the expression on his face.

  "Darling, I want the same. But I didn't want to sound selfish. And …I wanted to give your mother something to look forward to. I have to admit she seemed a lot different after I mentioned children."

  "Do I sound selfish?" She asked, tears in her eyes. "Not wanting children right away?"

  "No my darling. You sound like a very satisfied wife."

  "I'm decadent, I know I am. I was so afraid for you while you were gone. I had nightmares at times. Wondering where you were, what you might have gone through. Now you are home, we are married and I have you all to myself. And for a while…I'd like to keep it just you and me."

  "The war is over, Melanie, let's not dwell on the past, but our wonderful future together." Joe encouraged her. "Are you hungry?"


  "Then let's see if we can get a table and have ourselves a big meal."

  "It would mean getting dressed again." She giggled raising a brow.

  "Then you stay here, and I'll go fetch us a plate of cheeses and crackers and milk if you like."

  "That sounds marvelous. I'll wait right here for you. See if they have any deviled eggs. I'll need the protein."

  "We'll get up in the morning and have steak and eggs, but right now, I'd rather be here, with you…than eat."

  She chuckled and while she watched him move away and
whispered, "Me too…"

  Joe went back to the room, threw on his clothes again and went to the deck below where all the people were.

  Several people stopped him on the way wondering where his new wife was. He just chuckled, and they seemed to understand.

  He brought her back a plateful of cheeses and grapes and crackers and deviled eggs. And they spent a long time on the deck, talking, kissing, eating and enjoying being together. It was the most wonderful time in his life.

  For three days, they didn't come out of their cabin.

  Joe wined her and dined her for the next few days, as they stopped at different points along the journey and enjoyed the sights. He found a beautiful hand carved music box and bought that for her to remember the trip by.

  It played "Beautiful Dreamer."

  "Oh darling, I don't need anything but you to remember this trip." She cooed in his ear.

  Joe laughed. He felt ten years younger just being with her.

  In New Orleans, they enjoyed the music, the dining, the shopping. They saw many beautiful mansions and lots of pretty carriages. Melanie noted how the women dressed so fine and the men were just as dapper. But they also saw how ravaged the area was, and how the union army had taken over many places.

  Joe bought her pretty dresses, and jewelry and they spent their nights making love. All too soon, it was time to go home though and they spent their last day on board inside the cabin, making love, exploring each other and finding new ways to delight each other. They talked about their future together and things they wanted to accomplish. It was a time of coming together. Joe wished this time together would never end. But reality had a way of changing things.

  Chapter Twelve

  "I just got an answer to my letter from the lawyer in Galveston. He's been in touch with the pirate ship and said that Sam was released some time ago, and they had no idea where he might be, but they advised him to seek medical help." George related the message to Joe one morning after Melanie and he had returned from their honeymoon.

  "No idea?" Joe frowned.

  "He's been released, and there were witnesses to the effect." George hollered. "Where on earth could he be?"

  Melanie took his hand in hers to comfort him.

  Joe listened for a moment, and then offered a plausible explanation. "He was released, but in what shape? Perhaps he's still recovering in some hospital down there."

  "That's one of my biggest fears." George glanced at him. "For the money I paid, they should have brought him to my doorstep."

  "I could go down there. Maybe I could find him, if he's still in the vicinity." Joe proffered.

  George threw his napkin on his plate and pushed his chair away from the table.

  "I've lost one son; I don't want to lose another. Besides, you're newly wed; I cannot send you down there." George insisted.

  "I want to go, he's my brother," Joe insisted. "Melanie and I will have a lifetime to be together but we'll both feel better if we know Sam is alright."

  "God love you for that, but if you go, you must be wise and not be snared by the threat of pirates and scoundrels. The coast is a dangerous place."

  "Don't worry, father, I'm well aware of how they operate now. I'll go with my eyes open, believe me." Joe assured him as he poured them both a drink.

  He offered one for Melanie, but she refused it. She excused herself to help Ole Jen with the dishes.

  George stared at him for a moment. "And how is married life for you son?"

  Joe turned to look at his father, and a smile broke over his lips. "I never thought I could be this happy."

  "She suits, then?"

  "Suits me, Father? I love her more than my life." Joe insisted handing him the drink. "Our honeymoon was perhaps one of the greatest."

  "I knew she was right for you all along. I knew it. I have to say I am so proud you came to the same conclusion."

  Joe paused for a second, thinking about that statement. If he only knew the truth. But Joe was determined to keep that secret as long as he could, especially from his father.

  "I really feel bad about you going down there again." George said upon reflection.

  "I'm going…"

  "Go, go where?" Melanie asked as she came from the kitchen after talking with one of the cooks, telling her about how they prepared one of the meals on the boat.

  "I'm going to Galveston, to look for Sam. He's been released, and still no word of him." Joe exclaimed. "For peace of mind, we need to find out what has happened to him."

  Melanie touched her chest, "Oh…you will be careful, won't you darling? I mean, that's where they captured you the first time, isn't it?"

  "Of course. Not to worry. I know what to look out for now. I'll leave on the morrow. And I won't be drinking on this trip. I know better now." Joe told them. "Do you mind if we retire early father, I want to get some rest before my journey."

  "But of course. Please…keep me posted on your progress. I'll see you in the morning before you leave then. Goodnight."

  "Of course you will father. Goodnight."

  George nodded.

  On the way up the stairs, Melanie reached for his arm. "I'll miss you terribly."

  "I shan't be long."

  "I hope you find him." Melanie cried laying her head against his arm.

  "You're very fond of him aren't you?" Joe smiled at her.

  "Of course, I always have been. He's your twin. How could I not?" Melanie smiled.

  "I must pack up so I can leave early in the morning." Joe told her.

  "I'll help you."

  The next hour was filled with readying himself for his trip and Melanie did help pick out some nice clothes and some street clothes so he wouldn't look so conspicuous, in case he might need them to deceive people. Joe wasn't sure what he might find, and he was worried about his brother.

  But he had to admit at one point he was completely side-tracked by his beautiful wife who kept kissing him at every opportunity.

  That night as they readied for bed, he ran his hands down her beautiful body and sighed. She lay naked next to him, uninhibited. He remembered the first time they lay naked together, he could tell she was shy about it. Her shyness was gone now, and her eagerness matched his.

  "What are you doing?" She asked, aware that she was just as ready for his lovemaking as he was.

  "Looking at you. Memorizing you, so I can dream about you while I'm away." He cooed in her ear.

  "I never knew a man could enjoy just looking at me…It's a strange and wonderful sensation. It's the way you look at me, all of me." She reached to touch his lips again. Then she smiled, like a satisfied feline. "I've never lain naked in a bed before, but it is liberating. I'm beginning to like sleeping with nothing on. Especially when I'm curled in your arms."

  "If I were a painter I'd paint you in a million different positions."

  "I'd rather you kiss me…" She cried. "In a million different positions." She whispered for his ears alone.

  "Your wish is my command…you make me so happy, Melanie. Sometimes I'm afraid to wake up; afraid it will all go away." Joe admitted.

  "I'm not going anywhere. Although I do wish I could go with you…" Her expression turned sad.

  "No…that's impossible. It's too dangerous." He took her necklace from her and kissed her neck.

  "Dangerous…then why must you go, darling?" Melanie pouted, but smiled at his flirting.

  "Because he's my brother…and I love him." Joe said in a whisper. "But right now…I want you. And I love you even more."

  She turned to meet his scorching gaze. "I was kind of hoping you'd say that." She said and and turned to him, letting her breast barely touch his bare chest. "This is truly the most sinful way to sleep."

  He nudged the crevice at her breast, his lips and tongue tantalizing her.

  All the while, his hands slipped down her delectable body.

  "We're insatiable, you know?" She cooed.

  "Hmm…but I might be gone for days and I need this…"
r />   "Then you shall have me," she purred and pushed herself against him, her hand slipping to his manhood. He groaned aloud. "What a beautiful temptress you are." He smiled against the softness of her breast as he snuggled her there.

  She threw back her head. "I plan to tempt you every chance I get." She whispered for his ears alone as her hand began to message his long and ready shaft and he jolted several times...

  "You make it impossible for a man to think clearly…"

  "Do I? Show me…" She smiled and let him kiss every part of her. He pulled her hips to him and his mouth nuzzled the soft love nest. She gave him leave.

  "We don't need clothes, do we?"

  "Only when we go downstairs," she chuckled.

  His touch was so intense; she squirmed against him, moving her hips closer to his inviting touches. "You are such a pirate, my love…," she cried out.

  His hands reached to pull her closer and his mouth devoured her there. She moaned raggedly. What pleasure he gave her.

  She spread her legs and invited him in.

  "I can't help it, I need you so…I like you kissing me there, I like how it makes me feel." She cried aloud. "I want you there, kissing me like you do so well. I never dreamed I'd like this so much. I want you making me wet and ready. I want you all the time, God help me!"

  His tongue delved inside the warm moistness. She cooed in his ear.

  "Wherever did you learn such a thing?" She whispered holding his head there, encouraging his explorations. Moving her hips up to meet him.

  He growled playfully.

  "From years of yearning for you…" He said solemnly as he stopped long enough to look up at her. "A man is a predator, Melanie. He smells his prey from far away, he seeks her out, he tastes her, then he makes her his. I guess you might say we have a little bit of the animal in us too."

  Her breasts heaved against him. Such beautiful breasts, he marveled silently, round, and lush and full.

  His hands floated up, "Forgive me, I'll not neglect these beautiful jewels."

  She threw back her head. "I'm yours…Oh Joe, I love the way you touch me…"

  When he heard her words, he flicked his tongue wildly against her nipples. "Remember I carry you with me always, no matter where I go. I love you so…"


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