Forever in Love (Book One of the Armstrong Series)

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Forever in Love (Book One of the Armstrong Series) Page 16

by Rita Hestand

  Melanie smiled. "I am over reacting, aren't I?"

  "Yes ma'am. You gonna open it?" Ole Jen looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

  "N-no. It's not addressed to me."

  "And why would it be. Sam is Joe's brother. I guess in all your anxiety, you forgot it could be bad news about Sam you know. I hate to think it. I love that boy so much."

  Melanie's eyes widened, "Oh my God. I hadn't even considered that."

  "Don't mean it is, just could be. Maybe we should get that to Mr. Joe now…."

  "Oh…yes, of course. I'll take it out to him. Do you know if they are working in the north or south field?" Melanie asked putting the letter in her dress pocket.

  "Mr. George said south today. They is clearing the land for Mr. Sam's house." Ole Jen smiled.

  "Oh, then I'll ride out and give this to them. I hope it's not bad news."

  "Maybe he's coming home soon." Ole Jen's eyes sparkled.

  "Yes, maybe so…" Melanie nodded and went upstairs to change her clothes.

  Once she had her riding clothes on, she had Jethro saddle her horse for her.

  The letter seemed to burn a hole through her as she felt it in her pocket.

  The anxiety of the letter had Melanie torn in several directions. The only good news might be that Sam was coming home. But the possibility of bad news had her rushing to get to the south field. She thought about her feelings for Sam and hoped he recovered and came home. She liked Sam a lot and the family wouldn't be the same without him.

  One of the workers directed her to a clearing where she found Joe and his father.

  "Melanie…what are you doing out here, honey?" Joe asked coming up to her and kissing her on the cheek as she dismounted.

  "This letter arrived by special currier today. I thought it might be important news of Sam." Melanie explained as she handed him the letter.

  Joe frowned and then took the letter.

  George walked up and smiled. "You rode up like the devil himself was after you."

  "I'm sorry. I wanted to get this to Joe as soon as possible."

  Joe read the letter and nodded, then put it in his pocket.

  When he didn't say anything Melanie looked perplexed. "Is he alright?"

  "Oh…yes, he's doing much better. He might be home in a couple of weeks." Joe told them.

  "Wonderful. He must be much better." George said.

  Melanie studied her husband. He seemed so vague, as though he had other thoughts, but wasn't sharing them right now. Was he thinking of Carmen? Perhaps he was jealous of his brother right now.

  Now was not the time to ask him of the letter. She turned to go.

  "Must you go back so soon?" Joe asked her when he saw her heading for her horse again.

  "Well, I didn't want to disturb you. Ole Jen suggested I get the letter to you as soon as possible."

  Joe stared into her eyes.

  Did he see the worry behind them?

  "This is going to be Sam's place." Joe informed her.

  Melanie looked about; they were still clearing stumps from the land. "It's beautiful here. So many beautiful pecan and oak trees. He'll love it here, I'm sure."

  "Yes, we think Sam will like it." Joe smiled at her.

  She glanced at her husband, wishing she wasn't worrying over that letter, and yet unable to quit thinking of it.

  "You're not going to build his house for him, are you?" Melanie asked.

  "No…we'll wait until he can look the plans over himself."

  "Plans…you've drawn up plans of his house?" Melanie frowned.

  "Well, in view of his illness, we thought it might be a good idea. We want to have it built before winter sets in." George explained.

  "But…it's his house. Shouldn't he be here for that?"

  "Not if he's sick…"

  "You're pushing him out of Golden Manor now?" She didn't realize her voice had risen, but both their heads came up and stared at her in disbelief.

  Joe went straight up to her. "No darling, we're building him a home…"

  "He's sick; he'll need attention when he gets home. He needs to be in Golden Manor." Melanie didn't know why she had suddenly worried over Sam so. Perhaps it was because she couldn't lash out about the letter itself.

  "We'll take care of him, you know that Melanie. But Sam is quite independent and we thought having his house ready for him soon would make him perk up." Joe told her.

  "I've got to get back. I'm sorry…." Melanie mounted and stared down at her husband who looked perplexed.

  "Alright darling, we'll talk about it later."

  She nodded and shot George an impudent frown then galloped off.


  "What in heavens name was that all about?" George frowned at Joe as he watched her gallop away.

  "I'm not sure, but I think the fact that Carmen wrote the letter and addressed it to me, has her in a stir." Joe reflected.

  "I'm surprised at her. I thought the way you've been doting on her lately she would never dream of anything between you and Carmen again. I was wrong." George frowned, and lit a cigar.

  "Women can be quite perplexing at times." Joe turned to look at his father. "These things can be quite touchy with women. I'll speak to her tonight."

  "Did Carmen say anything else?"

  "Just that the fever there was dissipating, and most of the patients had gone home. Says Sam is in good spirits. And…that she hopes I understand that she is falling in love with him…."

  "Falling in love….with Sam?" George boomed out of nowhere.

  "Yes father. With Sam." Joe couldn't stop the smile that spread across his face.

  "I had hoped it was a passing fancy with you, but now Sam too. The woman must be a witch." George muttered as he squashed his cigar and turned away.

  "How could a man not fall in love with a lady that nursed him back to health?" Joe asked immediately wanting to defend his brother.

  "This doesn't bother you?" George countered.

  "Not in the least. I want Sam to be happy…"

  "And you think this Carmen can make him happy?"

  "Yes father, I do."

  "Why?" George scrutinized him.

  "I know them both for one thing. Sam's a gentle kind of man. Women fall for those kinds of men all the time father. But he's also passionate about things too. And Carmen would no doubt love that." Joe reflected. "Carmen is constantly assisting at orphanages and hospitals. She's quite the caring young woman."

  "It seems as though he's copying you? And that you know her much too well."

  "We are twins father."

  "Yes…" George nodded unable to rally Joe to his thinking he changed the subject. "Well, what do you think of these plans?"

  Joe looked at the drawings on the canvas and smiled. "They are great, but I still think Melanie is right. He's going to want to oversee his own home and how it is built. I think we should wait until he's home to go much further than having the land cleared."

  "It would take too much time. It might be another month before he's on his feet good." George insisted. "That would put the house into the winter before it's finished."

  "Father…it is his home."

  "Fine, for now we'll leave it." George grunted. "I've never seen Melanie act that way before. What's gotten into her?"

  "Jealousy I'm afraid. I must set her straight. I am perfectly content with her by my side, and I thought she knew it." Joe frowned. He felt guilt seep into his bones. He should tell her now before things got out of hand. But dare he?

  Chapter Eighteen

  That evening supper was strained and very quiet, although George carried on a lively conversation, no one was paying much attention to him. Ole Jen had fixed a lavish chicken dinner with mashed potatoes, gravy, and corn on the cob, fresh green beans and a salad from the garden. Her biscuits were hot from the oven.

  Everyone ate silently.

  George glanced at Melanie then Joe several times, and saw the strain.

  "Well, I think I'll retire early th
is evening, we've had a busy day." George was saying. "Would you make sure Jethro brushed down the horses, and see that he's laid the hay out in the stalls, he's been a little slow to do things lately. I know he's growing old and is slowing down some, but the past couple of months he's really slowed down. We need to keep him on the ball."

  "Of course, I'll check on him." Joe assured him.

  Melanie retired to the bedroom and Joe went outside to check on things. He had a running idea of what his father expected of him now and he felt competent to take care of things for him. His father seemed to have a lot of confidence in him and he pondered on that.

  So far he had managed to do most things right. However, he was always on his guard too.

  He sorely wished he didn't have to lie to his father, but now was not the time to confess, not to his father at least. He was worried about Melanie.

  She'd been more fretful lately and moody. He wanted her so right now. He could barely think of the woman without wanting her, and sadly, she didn't realize it.

  He rushed through the chores and then he found him. Jethro was lying in the back stall, dead. He'd been there for some time, and Joe checked him all over. There was no sign of foul play, so he went upstairs to his father's room.

  "Something wrong?" George greeted him in his green robe at the door.

  "It's Jethro, dad…I found him…he's…dead!"

  "Almighty God…where's he at?"

  "In the barn."

  "Foul play?"

  "Doesn't look like it. Probably his heart, he had trouble with his heart a lot."

  "Really, I never knew." George glanced at Joe, his expression troubled.

  Joe thought of that. His father was not in touch with the people any longer. Perhaps it was good that he was taking things over. Because Joe cared about all the people that worked for the Golden Manor.

  George shook his head. "Damn! Wake Ole Jen and tell her. That's her cousin, she'll want to know. I'll get Solomon and Brick to dig a grave. They may want to have a wake for him. Ask Ole Jen."


  "Where what?"

  "Where do you want them to dig the grave?" Joe frowned at him for stalling.

  George snorted, and then frowned up at him. "Does it matter?"

  "Yes father, it matters." Joe affirmed. "These people chose to stay here and work for you. They've been loyal; they deserve your respect father."

  Again, George eyed his son, almost suspiciously.

  "Alright,…in the family cemetery, but away from your mother. That's private…"

  "Thank you father. I'll tell Ole Jen and. Melanie's gone to bed, I'll tell her later."

  "Fine, no use disturbing her tonight, nothing she can do."

  Joe went downstairs and knocked on Ole Jen's door.

  Ole Jen came to the door in her tattered old robe. Joe looked at the robe and thought to himself how little Ole Jen did for herself. He wanted to rectify so many things around the place. He wanted the people that worked for him to be happy.

  "Something wrong?"

  "It's Jethro, Ole Jen. Looks like he passed on with his heart."

  Ole Jen's face screwed up and tears began to fall down her cheeks…"Oh God…where is he?"

  "In the barn. He's been dead a while, maybe since yesterday."

  "Why didn't someone find him?" Ole Jen wailed.

  "He was in the back, in the last stall, the one we seldom use. It's a wonder I happened on him."

  "I will miss him, well, we'll have a wake for him and bury him the next day or two…."

  "That's fine. Father's already out there with him and we'll get the boys to help. Get some sleep; he just wanted you to know."

  "Thanks for tellin' me." Ole Jen put a hand on his shoulder.

  "You're family Ole Jen. I told you that." Joe smiled and hugged her to him.

  After they took care of preparing Jethro, they went inside.

  Joe and his father had one swallow of the fine whiskey his father kept in the cabinet and headed up the stairs. Was tonight the night he would tell Melanie the truth? After what had happened to Jethro, he wasn't sure this was the right time either, or was he simply looking for an excuse not to?

  As he went inside their bedroom, it was dark, only candles lit the way. Lots of candles. He glanced around the bed, and there in the middle of the room was Melanie, bathing in a large bathing washtub.

  The site was so inspiring it took his breath away. He wondered how many trips had to be made to put hot water in the tub, or if Melanie even thought of the work that went into that luxury. Still, the sight of her had him squirming to join her.

  The light flickered on her beautiful hair and he moved so he could see more of her.

  He must have gasped aloud because she suddenly turned and saw him. "I'll be through in just a moment."

  "No hurry," he said, coming to stand in front of her. He looked amazed. "In fact, is there room for two?"

  "Two?" She shrieked, and then giggled aloud. "Hardly."

  "Even if I raised my knees and just sat behind you?"

  "Well I…" She started to say something but was left dumb-founded when he began stripping his own clothes.

  She stared, enjoying the site of him as always.

  He bent over her and lifted her hair, kissing the back of her neck. She leaned her head back and he wrapped his arms around her as he scrunched down into the tub. In order to fit them both he raised his knees and drew her up in his lap.

  She giggled again.

  His hands went around her, to cup her breasts. "They seem fuller…even more beautiful tonight."

  "Do they? Perhaps it's all the attention they get from my loving husband," she purred, her head now resting on his shoulder. "Sometimes I feel guilty at how sinful I feel around you. Some say this feeling of just being married wears off, but so far it hasn't for me."

  He chuckled and squeezed her breast gently in his hand.

  Already he was readying himself for her, and she felt the bulge of him as his hands went under her to touch her backside.

  "It's pretty cramped in here," she barely managed as he kept kissing her cheek, her neck, and down to her shoulders.

  "Is it, I hadn't noticed. Turn around…" he encouraged in a low whisper.

  "I can hardly move." She giggled.

  "I know, just stand up and turn around." He said softly.

  She did so and he brought her once again on his lap, entering her with little effort. The ease in which they came together fascinated them both. The joy speared through them as they came against each other. Her firm breasts were plastered against his chest and he rocked her gently.

  "Oh…" she gasped. "Oh…Joe…" She kissed his lips now, her own body readying for him.

  His hands went over her buttocks as he adjusted her to him. His touch was gentle, but he barely contained his eagerness.

  She moaned raggedly. "I'll never tire of our love-making."

  "Do you like it?" He asked tenderly.

  "Yes…very much." She sighed against him as he took her higher. They climaxed together and he hugged her tight. "I like everything you do to me….too much…"

  "I love you lady, don't you ever forget that." Joe whispered. "Only you."

  "I know…it's just…the letter, it shocked me. I was afraid you had asked her to write you." Melanie confessed. "I'm sorry, I should never doubt you, and you certainly have given me your full attention."

  "I did tell her to write, if there were any changes in Sam's condition or if I needed to come get him. That's all…I love you…Melanie. Only you. Don't you know that by now? Haven't I proved that much?"

  He kissed her hard on the lips, his lips opening her mouth so his tongue could waltz with hers. He wanted to be one with her in every possible way.

  This kiss was so different, so heated, and so passionate; she swooned when she came up for air.

  He gently turned her back to him and cupped her breasts as they floated in the water. "Your body suits me so well, as though made for my touches."

/>   She leaned her head against his shoulder. "Someone might come in."

  "No ones coming in. I locked the door. Relax and be with me…" He whispered in her ear.

  "Oh Joe…" she cooed. "I never thought our lovemaking would be so…so wonderful. I never thought I'd enjoy it. I look forward to you coming in from the fields, all hot and sweaty and ready."

  He smiled against her temple as he glanced around at her breasts. Her nipples had hardened into pebbles and he massaged them with a gentle flick of his thumbs. The beautiful color of her nipples, a dusky rose aroused him. "We were meant to be together Melanie."

  His actions made her squirm and heat up.

  She turned her head slightly and he kissed her hotly.

  He stood up, picked her up and held her against him as he walked them to the bed. He took a towel and patted her dry, slowly, enjoying each touch. "Let's make love again…" He whispered in her ear. "I can't seem to get enough of you tonight."

  She nodded, and cuddled against him as carried her to the bed. They were both wet, and he took the towel she'd laid out and patted her dry, then laid her on the bed.

  For over an hour they claimed each other's body, teasing, taunting, and climaxing together several times before sleep overtook them. "I'm a man that's close to heaven. You are my dream come true, Melanie, never doubt it."

  "I never dreamed marriage would be so…"

  "Erotic? I heard that word somewhere during the war, I'm not sure where, but it stuck in my mind and I thought instantly of you."

  "Really…?" she barely breathed.

  "Hmm…I like the sound of it; it conjures a picture of you in my head." He kissed her into oblivion once more before they cuddled in each other's arms and went to sleep.

  The next morning Joe meant to talk to her but his father called him downstairs. One of the wagons had broken an axle and George wanted it repaired immediately.

  Joe didn't mind, but he kept thinking of his delectable wife and that he should talk to her. He'd tend to that later. Besides, he just didn't know how to go about telling her yet. As she cuddled into his arms, he had told her about finding Jethro, and she was sad for Ole Jen.


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