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Red's Big Bad Wolf

Page 6

by Jessica Coulter Smith

  One way or another, he would wear down her defenses. It wouldn’t be long before she would be ready to be claimed, would be begging him to do it. He’d just have to restrain himself until then.

  Chapter Six

  “We’re doing what?” Red asked as she sniffed the spider mums and purple roses Ace had just handed her.

  “We’re going on a date,” he said. “It’s a surprise.”

  “I don’t like surprises,” she mumbled. Surprises in her life had usually meant bad things were coming.

  “You’ll like this one.”

  She huffed out a breath. “Fine.”

  “Put on your sweater. It’s a little chilly outside.”

  She slipped it on and grabbed her purse before picking up her bouquet once more.

  “You do have a winter coat, don’t you?” he asked. “Because the temperature is supposed to drop in the next few days. They’re saying we could get as cold as the twenties. It’s been unreasonably warm this fall.”

  “Yes, I have a coat.” And she did. It wasn’t a great coat, but it had gotten the job done. As long as she didn’t stand outside for too long. Red had picked it up at a thrift store and it had already been put through the wringer, but it had been all she could afford.

  Ace guided her out to his truck. Red eyed the monstrosity and wondered if she would be able to climb inside. There was a bar running along the bottom of the door, and she assumed she was supposed to use it to boost herself into the vehicle, but even then she was doubtful she’d make it. She was just a few inches over five feet and had short legs.

  Ace opened the passenger door, and before she could even attempt to crawl in, he gripped her waist and lifted her into the truck. She stared at him wide-eyed. No one had ever attempted to pick her up before, and she hadn’t been sure anyone would be able to. Red was far from tiny, with her flared hips and rounded stomach. She didn’t consider herself fat, just…an hourglass with some extra sand.

  Ace winked at her and closed the door before jogging around to the driver’s side. He slid in behind the wheel and cranked the engine. After adjusting the heat and making sure the warm air was blowing toward Red, he pulled away from the curb. She watched the scenery pass by her window, trying to guess where he was taking her. When he pulled into the parking lot of Lelan’s Mini Golf Adventures, she was more than a little surprised. Red couldn’t remember the last time she’d done something like this, if she ever had.

  “I thought we could use a little fun,” Ace said. “Especially after you’ve been working all day. But if you aren’t up for it, just say the word and we’ll go do something else.”

  She looked at the miniature course before returning her gaze to his. “No, it sounds like fun.”

  It only took a few minutes for them to approach the counter, select their putters, and choose colored balls. Red, of course, chose a red one, and Ace chose blue. When he didn’t pick up a scorecard, she looked at him in curiosity. She’d never known a man who wasn’t competitive. Didn’t he want to know how well he did?

  He smiled. “Let’s just have some fun. Who cares how many times it takes us to sink the ball?”

  She couldn’t help but return his smile. With her arm looped through his, they approached the first hole. Ace let her go first, and after four attempts, she finally got the ball in the hole. She waited patiently while he took his turn, then they moved on to the next one. Red had no idea how much time had passed as they moved around the course, but she did know she was having a good time. Instead of getting frustrated when she couldn’t make a putt, she laughed it off and just kept trying. Ace, having those superior werewolf senses, got a hole in one nearly every time. But Red didn’t mind.

  When they had finished, they returned the putters to the counter and Ace led her inside the building. He tugged her toward the food counter and ordered hamburgers with fries on the side for each of them. They found a table in the dining area and chatted while they ate.

  “Your nose is red,” Ace said. “Maybe we should curb our outside activities until spring.”

  “No way. I had fun today.” She smiled.

  “Night’s not over yet.” He tilted his head toward the game room. “You any good at skee ball or basketball?”

  “I don’t know.” Her brow furrowed. “I don’t think I’ve ever played.”

  Instead of looking stunned at her revelation, he took it in stride. They finished their meal, and he purchased a cupful of tokens and led her toward the games. Hopping from one game to another, they made their way around the room. There were only a few kids playing on some fighting games in the corner so they pretty much had the place to themselves. Red couldn’t remember a time she’d smiled so much.

  Ace tipped the cup upside down. “All out. You ready to head home or do you want more tokens?”

  “I think I’m all played out.”

  He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close to his side as they headed for the door. “Then home it is.”

  “Why do I get the feeling you don’t mean mine?”

  He merely smiled and didn’t answer her question.

  When they reached Ace’s home, Red pulled off her sweater and draped it over the back of a kitchen chair. She’d only been here once, but she had to admit that Ace’s home felt comfortable. Even if it was huge, it still felt like a home, something she’d never experienced before. Even her apartment didn’t have a homey feel.

  Ace twined their fingers together and led her out into a sunroom. There was a hot tub in the corner and he herded her toward it. His hands slid around her waist, bringing her body flush against his. Red tipped her head back, expecting his kiss, but it didn’t come. She gazed up at him, wondering what he was thinking. He looked so serious, his gaze so intense that it sent shivers down her spine.

  “Why don’t you get in and warm up a bit?” he asked.

  She looked at the inviting water. “I don’t have a bathing suit.”

  He chuckled. “You don’t need one, Little Red. It’s just the two of us here. No one would dare disturb us. Only Rook has access to my home and he knows I’m with you tonight. Only an emergency would bring him to my door.”

  She eyed the water longingly. Red had always wanted to get into a hot tub, but she’d never had the opportunity before. What could it hurt?

  “All right,” she said softly.

  Ace helped her remove her clothes before pulling off his own. He assisted her into the water before climbing in and claiming the seat across from her. She watched as he leaned forward, and then she felt his fingers slide along her calf. He pulled her foot up and placed it in his lap. Before she could question him, he began massaging her foot, his thumbs digging into her arch and rubbing circles around her heel.

  Red groaned and closed her eyes, sinking further into the water. When he’d suggested getting naked, this wasn’t what she’d expected from him. She’d figured he had sex on the brain. Instead, he was doing the most exquisite things to her, relaxing her more than she’d ever been before. His fingers slid up her leg, digging into her calf. A sigh slipped past her lips.

  Ace reached for her other foot and gave it the same treatment. Red floated on a cloud of bliss as he worked her sore muscles. When he shifted to the bench she was sitting on, she cracked her eyes open. But still he didn’t make any sexual advances. He merely turned her so that her back was toward him and began working his magic fingers along the column of her neck, across her shoulders, and down her back before starting all over again.

  “You’re not going to fall asleep in the water, are you?” he asked.

  She mumbled a no and hoped he wouldn’t stop anytime soon. She needn’t have worried. It seemed he was just getting started. It felt like hours passed, but Red was sure it hadn’t been that long. Finally he withdrew his hands and placed a kiss on the side of her neck. Red felt boneless and wanted nothing more than to curl up in his arms and sleep.

  As if reading her mind, Ace rose from the water and lifted her into his arms. He stepped o
ut and began carrying her through the house. Ace climbed the stairs and she assumed he was taking her to his bedroom. Her head rested on his shoulder and she had her arm draped over his shoulder.

  Ace eased her down onto the mattress.

  “I’m going to soak your bed,” she protested.

  “Then I suppose I’d better dry you off.” He smiled and stepped into the bathroom only to return a moment later with a large, white, fluffy towel in his hands. He slowly dried her, using gentle sweeping motions that lulled her back to sleep.

  Red felt him adjust her higher in the bed and her head hit a soft pillow. She burrowed into it and sighed in contentment. The bed dipped and then she felt Ace’s hard body press against her back, his arm coming around her waist. This was what she’d wanted. For the first time in her life, she was going to find out what it was like to sleep in someone’s embrace. Not just anyone’s. Her mate’s.

  Ace kissed her shoulder. “Sleep, Little Red. I’ll wake you in the morning.”

  A contented sigh escaped her lips as she felt herself sink further into the mattress. Another night of amazing sex would have been great, but this was truly wonderful. She hadn’t realized how much she needed this. For someone who professed to not have a soft side, Ace was surprising her. The fun dates, the way he’d been so careful with her their first time together, and now this. Perhaps he was more sensitive than he realized. She’d let him discover that on his own though.

  With a smile, she drifted to sleep.

  * * * *

  Day was just starting to break when Ace began kissing Red’s shoulder, trailing his lips up the side of her neck. She reached up and curled her hand in his hair at the base of his skull. She gave it a short tug and he smiled against her. A quick look told him she was still mostly asleep, her eyes remaining closed. The fact that her body responded to him even when she slumbered was a good sign. He continued his erotic assault on her delicate skin, his hand sliding up her belly to cup of the underside of a breast.

  Red moaned in her sleep and pressed her hips back against him. Ace’s cock had already been interested in the sleeping beauty in his arms, but now it was hard as a steel post. Part of him wanted to see just how far he could get before she woke up, but common sense told him that it would be best to make sure she was at least somewhat coherent before he began stripping her clothes from her. He didn’t want her to wake up and panic. Ace still didn’t know much about her mental status when it came to her past. He hoped she’d open up with the doctor today about more than her mood swings.

  Red rolled over and pressed her face against his chest, her breath fanning across his skin. She looked adorable first thing in the morning. He wondered what it would take to wake up with her every morning. How much convincing would she need?

  Ace couldn’t explain what was happening to him, but the more time he spent with her, the more he found himself changing. He’d never given a woman flowers before. And if he’d thought of giving one a massage, it was a prelude to getting what he really wanted. With Red, he found that all he wanted was for her to be happy. He wanted to take care of her, if she’d only let him.

  Ace ran his fingers through her long, dark hair, loving the feel of the silky strands. Red mumbled something against his chest and he shifted so he could lift her chin. Leaning down, he pressed his lips to hers in their first “good morning” kiss. She smiled and her eyes fluttered open.

  “Is that how you’re always going to wake me up?” she asked, her voice husky from sleep.

  “Depends. Are you going to look this sweet every morning?”

  She smiled and wrapped herself tighter around his body.

  “Can I lure you out of bed with the promise of a swim?” he asked.

  She shivered. “In November?”

  “It’s a heated indoor pool.” He smiled. “I promise nothing important will freeze.”

  She looked intrigued by the idea and slowly pulled out of his arms and rolled out of the bed. When Red stood beside it, Ace propped his head on his hand and just looked at her for a moment, admiring her beauty. She was all creamy skin and soft curves. Just the sight of her had his blood pounding in his veins.

  “Well?” She put a hand on her hip. “Are you taking me swimming or not?”

  His smile broadened and he climbed out of bed. Reaching her side, he moved fast, lifting her into his arms. She squealed and threw her arms around his neck and he carried her out of the room and down the stairs. The pool was in the right wing of the house, just a few doors down from the hot tub. He’d thought to put them together, but had changed his mind at the last minute.

  Ace set her down beside the pool and took her hand. He led her down the steps into the shallow water. It lapped at them as he coaxed her further toward the deep end. He knew pretty soon she wouldn’t be able to touch the bottom and secretly hoped she’d wrap herself around him again. Maybe Rook had been right. He was acting like a lovesick fool. He’d seen enough sappy movies to know this was what happened to a man in love. Red would never believe him if he said it now though.

  “This feels nice,” she said, treading water. She floated past him and headed for the edge of the pool at the deepest section.

  He caught up to her easily and pinned her against the side of the pool, one hand on her waist to keep her afloat. Red’s lips parted and the color of her eyes deepened. If ever a woman had looked like they wanted to be kissed, it was Red. Ace braced a hand on the edge of the pool and brought his body closer to hers, pressing against her.

  “What do you want, Little Red?” he asked.

  “Kiss me.”

  He looked at her plump lips, hungry for that and more. Damn him for not thinking to bring a condom with him. He’d have to remember to scatter them all over the house. Ace didn’t like being unprepared, not when it came to Red and what little time he got to spend with her.

  He lowered his head and pressed his mouth to hers. Ace’s tongue slipped between her lips, diving inside for a taste. No one was as sweet as his mate. He felt his dominant side rising and tried to push it back down. Holding himself back, he tried to keep the kiss seductive and slow. What he really wanted to do was devour her, brand her as his.

  A noise broke his concentration. Was that Quiet Riot? Ace pulled away and frowned, casting a look over his shoulder.

  “Rook? What the hell are you doing here?”

  Red squeaked and tried to make herself as small as possible. Ace knew there was no way his Beta could see her naked body, but he still didn’t like the idea of Rook being in the same room as a very naked Red.

  “We have a problem.”

  Ace arched a brow. “Considering what you’re interrupting, you’re damn straight we have a problem.”

  A ghost of a smile crossed Rook’s mouth before disappearing. His Beta looked worried.

  “What’s wrong, Rook?”

  “Remember that problem I was supposed to handle for you? Well, a piece of it is missing.”

  Ace stilled and his heart nearly stopped. Fuck! He really didn’t need this right now.

  “Get Memphis and Dalton. Scour the area near the…” His gaze dipped to Red before returning to Rook. “You know where.”

  “Already did. The…problem seems to have vanished into thin air. We’re thinking someone else was involved.”

  “Wait for me in the kitchen.”

  Rook nodded and left the room.

  Red looked up at him with worried eyes. “Is everything okay?”

  “No, Little Red, but it will be. You’re going to have to drive the Mustang to your appointment while I take care of this issue. I’ll give you the gate code and a set of keys to the house. I want you to return here when you’re finished.”

  She opened her mouth, but he stopped the words he knew she was about to say.

  “No. I mean it, Red. This is important. For safety reasons, I need my mate on lockdown. Unfortunately, I also need you to get to that appointment. I think you can handle the appointment on your own, but I don’t want you to make
any stops on your way back here. Understand? Don’t go to your apartment, stop by the library, or even run through a drive-thru. Come straight home.”

  “If it’s important,” she agreed, looking a little worried.

  Ace kissed her. “I promise everything will be fine, but I have to go handle this. It’s part of being alpha, okay?”

  She nodded.

  “Let’s hurry upstairs and get dressed. Rook will remain in the kitchen, so no one will see you streaking through the house.” He smiled. “Except for me.”

  She gave him a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes, and he wished he could ease her fears. He didn’t dare tell her that one of her attackers was missing though. Ace wondered which one had escaped and how he’d managed it. If a wolf in the pack had helped the bastard, he would pay, possibly with his life. He had to track the asshole down before anything happened to Red. Ace would never forgive himself if harm befell her while he was supposed to be watching over her.

  They hurried upstairs and pulled on clothes as quickly as they could. Red held his hand the whole way down to the kitchen, where Ace briefly introduced her to Rook.

  “We’ve met before,” Red said.

  Rook smiled. “I didn’t think you remembered that. It was a long time ago. You were barely in high school.”

  “You helped me when no one else would.”

  Ace frowned. “What am I missing?”

  “Some kids were picking on me after school one day,” Red said. “Rook happened to be walking by and chased them off, and then he walked me home.”

  Ace turned his gaze on his Beta. “And you never said anything to me?”

  Rook shrugged. “Didn’t know she was your mate at the time and it didn’t seem important after you told me. It wasn’t like I kept in touch with her. It was just a chance meeting.”

  Ace realized what he was feeling was a surge of jealousy. All because his Beta had met Red before he did. Ridiculous. It wasn’t like his Beta was after Red as a potential mate or anything. If anything, he should be thanking Rook for taking care of Red when he didn’t have to. It had simply been the man being the kind person he was. Not that many knew that about Rook.


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