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Maggie: a gripping psychological thriller

Page 17

by Netta Newbound


  I hung up and quickly dressed. Then, I ran through to the other bedroom. ‘Rach?”

  “What the hell?” She rubbed her eyes groggily.

  “I’ve had a call from that detective. She’s at Claudia’s, and I said I’d go back there now.”

  “What time is it?”

  “Seven. She said they’re looking for Jake – apparently, he’s gone missing after going to visit me yesterday afternoon.”

  “I didn’t know you’d seen him yesterday.”

  “That’s the point – I didn’t.”

  “What are they on about then?”

  “I don’t have a clue. Listen, I need to get back there. I’ll see you later.”

  She jumped out of bed. “I’ll come with you, hang on.”

  “I need to call a taxi anyway, so if you want to come, you’ll need move it.”

  “I’ll be right down.”

  As the taxi turned the corner, I gasped. Three different police cars were parked in the middle of the street outside Claudia’s.

  “What the hell?” Rachel said.

  I shook my head. “Do you think they’re here to arrest the sisters?”

  “Who knows? But I’m sure we’ll soon find out.”

  I paid the driver and approached the crowd of people on the pavement outside number eleven.

  Detective Kent stepped forward when she spotted me. “Ah, Maggie. Thanks for coming back so soon. May we?” She indicated Claudia’s front door.

  “Oh, yes. Hang on.” I scrambled around in my bag for the keys and led Detectives Kent and Jones, through to the living room.

  “Right,” Detective Kent said, when we were all seated. “So, since speaking to you earlier, we’ve actually discovered DS Stuart’s car parked along the street.”

  “This street?”

  She nodded.

  I looked at Rachel, who seemed as confused as me. “That’s bizarre,” I said. “He hasn’t been around here since the other night.”

  “He left a message with a colleague to say he was on his way over here as he’d discovered something about your case and wanted to ask you a few questions. He obviously came over as his car is parked along the street, and your neighbours have confirmed it’s been there overnight.”

  “I’m just as puzzled as you,” I said.

  “Do you have any objection to my team looking around the property?”

  “Of course not.”

  She nodded at her colleague, and he got to his feet and left the room. Moments later, several uniformed police entered the house, passing the living room door.

  My stomach was doing somersaults. What could’ve happened to Jake? What had he discovered about the case?

  A shout from the rear of the property made Detective Kent leap to her feet. “Wait here,” she said, and raced from the room.

  I grabbed Rachel’s arm. “I have a bad feeling about this.”

  We had no idea what was going on, but whatever they’d found scared the crap out of me. It reminded me so much of the night Kenny had died. I wanted to curl into a corner and cry.

  After what seemed like an eternity, Detective Kent returned. She appeared shocked and her face had drained of colour. “I’ll need you to accompany me to the station, Maggie.”

  “What’s happened? What did you find?”

  “I need to read you your rights. Margaret Simms, I’m arresting you for the murder of Detective Jake Stuart. Anything you say, can and will be taken down in evidence and used against you in a court of law.”

  I gasped. My mind reeling. I couldn’t speak. I snatched a glance at Rachel, who had pulled her hands away from mine and was shaking her head.

  “Do you understand, Maggie?” the detective asked.

  I nodded. Blinking uncontrollably. I allowed myself to be led to the street and into the car, a familiar numbness descending on me. I didn’t see what happened to Rachel and wondered if she was still sitting on the sofa, her mouth open. She wasn’t used to shit like this. Not like me – this was the third time in a few weeks I’d been arrested for murder.

  At the station, Detective Kent put me in a cell. She was apologetic, which I thought she didn’t really believe I was responsible for Jake’s death.

  I didn’t even know where his body was found, but I presumed it was in the kitchen, considering that was where the most activity had been. At least I now knew Jake wasn’t the killer. Detective Kent told me he’d made a discovery of some sort, so maybe he finally believed me and confronted the sisters.

  I couldn’t feel sadness for his death. So what if he wasn’t actually the killer, he was a nasty bully, and he’d frightened me more than once. In fact, I was glad he was dead.


  The detectives returned a short while later. When they’d gone through all the formalities, they settled down on the opposite side of the table to me.

  “Are you sure you wouldn’t like me to call a solicitor?” Detective Kent asked.

  I shook my head. “No. I’d rather just get this over with.”

  “Okay.” She smiled warmly, and took a deep breath before continuing. “As you’re no doubt aware, we found the body of Detective Jake Stuart at your home this morning. “

  I nodded. “How did he die? Do you know?”

  She flashed her colleague a glance. “I’d say it had something to do with the knife sticking out of his back.”

  My eyes widened at the news of yet another knife attack. “And you think I did it?”

  Detective Kent shrugged. “It’s no secret that you and Jake didn’t get on.”

  “Maybe not. But that doesn’t mean I’d kill him.”

  She shrugged again.

  “I haven’t seen Jake since Thursday night when he came around to threaten me.”

  Another glance passed between the detectives.

  “Threaten you? What about?” Kent asked.

  “Just his whole vibe was threatening. He said he didn’t believe my story, and almost said I deserve everything I get for killing Kenny. He tried to make out I was coming on to him because I asked him to leave so I could go to bed.”

  “Did he touch you?”

  I shook my head. “I thought he was going to, but he didn’t. He just licked my face.”

  “Jake did?” she asked, clearly shocked.

  I nodded. “It was disgusting.”

  Yet another glance passed between the two detectives.

  “So, where were you yesterday?” Detective Jones spoke for the first time.

  “I went to the hospital in the morning and stayed there until late.”

  “And you can prove that, can you?” he said, his tone a little off.

  “I’m sure the nurses can vouch for me, but there was a staff change during the day.”

  Detective Kent cleared her throat and glared at her colleague, before turning back to me. “When did you return to the house?”

  “I met Rachel for dinner, and we went back together to pick up some of my things. I stayed with her last night.”

  “So, you didn’t go back to the house alone at any stage?”

  “No. Rachel stayed with me on Friday night, we left together yesterday morning, and we returned together last night.”

  “We’ve checked the knife used on Jake. It’s part of a matching set in your kitchen drawer.”

  “How did he even get inside?”


  “Jake? Wasn’t he in the kitchen?”

  “He was in the outhouse.”

  “Oh. Then, how did somebody get inside to steal a knife? Nobody else had a key.”

  “So, you’re still saying you had nothing to do with it?”

  “Of course, I am. I didn’t see Jake. Check with the hospital, if you don’t believe me. What time did he go missing?”

  “The last contact anybody had with him was at three pm. He was on his way over to see you.”

  “And what had he discovered?”

  “He didn’t say. He wanted to check something out first.�

  “So, Jake finally found some evidence, but nobody knows what it was?”

  “How do we know it was evidence to support your claims? It could’ve just as easily been that he found something to dispute them or, better still, put you in the frame,” Detective Jones sneered.

  Detective Kent put her hand on his arm as though to say, back off.

  “So, I’m fucked. Is that what you’re telling me? Jake may have been killed because he found some evidence against the killer, but it wasn’t me. Whoever has been trying to frame me has done well, hasn’t he?”

  “He?” Detective Kent cocked her head to one side.

  “Or her. I don’t know, but my money’s on the sisters. Did you even question them?”

  “Yes, we did. They have watertight alibis for all the dates in question.”

  “Convenient, don’t you think?”

  “Not at all. They hadn’t even moved to the area until well after Claudia had her fall.”

  “Really?” That stumped me. I had no clue who else it could be.

  “Afraid so,” she said. “So, I’m sure you can see the dilemma we have. All these deaths and accidents surround you. Anybody who you’ve blamed in the past is either dead or was nowhere near here at the time.”

  “That’s stupid. I was in London when Claudia fell.”

  “Claudia’s accident could very well be just that, an accident.”

  “So, what you’re saying is, I killed Donna, Yazz and her husband, Matt and his girlfriend, Sandy, and now Jake?”

  “Unless you can think of anybody else who had issues with all these people?”

  “You know I can’t. But you guys didn’t think the first few deaths were suspicious until I brought them to your attention.”

  “Classic behaviour,” Detective Jones said.

  “What are you on about?”

  “It’s common knowledge that serial killers crave recognition for their crimes.”

  “Oh, for God’s sake. So, I’m a serial killer now?”

  He shrugged. “You tell me.”

  “I’ve been telling you all along. This whole thing began when I killed Kenny in self-defence. Somebody clearly wants me to suffer for it, otherwise they’d just get it out of the way and kill me instead. They probably even want me to do time for murder. It’s clear they think I got away with it in the first place.”

  “But who else is left, Maggie?” he said. “You’ve got nobody else to blame.”

  “The sisters.”

  Detective Kent pushed her chair away noisily. “We’re wasting time going over this. We’ll be back soon.” She looked at her colleague and tipped her head towards the door, and then they left.

  “You’re one lucky young lady,” Detective Kent said when she returned around an hour later.

  I looked up at her questioningly.

  “The hospital has confirmed you were there all day until late.”

  “Does that mean I can go home?”

  “Yes. I’m just waiting for the CCTV footage showing what time you left the hospital to match that with the time you met up with Rachel at the café.”

  “There may be a discrepancy as I arrived a while before Rachel.”

  “Don’t worry. We already have an officer interviewing the café staff.”

  “Thank God for that. So, if you believe my story, that means there’s a killer out there. Have you any other leads?”

  “Not yet, but it’s early days. Needless to say, Maggie, you’re still our chief suspect, so don’t leave the area without clearing it with us first.”

  By two pm, I was on the bus heading back to the village. I dialled Rachel’s phone as soon as I sat down.

  “Maggie! Oh my god. I didn’t expect to hear from you for ages,” she squealed. “Dad’s been calling the station, but they wouldn’t tell us a thing.”

  “Where are you now?”

  “At home – Mum and Dad’s. How about you?”

  “On the bus heading to your nan’s. Claudia’s house is still a crime scene, and I won’t be allowed back there yet.”

  “Do you even want to go back? I don’t think I could face it, knowing Jake… you know.”

  “I wasn’t sure if your parents would have changed their minds about me staying at your nan’s.”

  “Course not. I’ll get Dad to drop me there now. See you soon.”


  Rachel was already at the house by the time I arrived. Thankfully, her dad hadn’t hung around – I didn’t have the energy to go through any further interrogations today.

  Rachel ran down the path and hugged me like a mother welcoming her long-lost child. “Oh my god! I honestly didn’t think I’d be seeing you for a while!”

  “Imagine how I felt.” I grimaced.

  We walked inside, arm in arm. “So, how come they let you go? Do they believe you?”

  “They didn’t, at first. Thank fuck the CCTV at the hospital confirmed my story. But I’m still not off the hook. Jake was killed with one of Claudia’s knives.”

  “You’re joking! I saw he was outside, so I guessed the sisters must’ve got to him.”

  “That’s what I thought, but they have alibis for all the other murders – they didn’t come back to the area until after Claudia’s fall and Matt’s murder, and they can prove it, apparently.”

  “So, who…?” She shook her head.

  I shrugged. “I’ve no idea.”

  “You would tell me, wouldn’t you?”

  “Tell you what?”

  “You know I wouldn’t blame you, don’t you?” Rachel said.

  “What? Do you think I did it?”

  “I didn’t say that. I just wondered… He’s been harassing you for weeks.”


  “What? I’m only asking.”

  I was stunned. “I’m going for a lie down, if that’s okay with you.”

  “Maggie! Don’t be like that.”

  “Like what, Rach? You mean, don’t be offended that my best friend thinks I’m a cold-blooded killer?”

  “That’s not what I said, and you know it.”

  “Whatever!” I stomped off to my little bedroom and closed the door. I climbed onto the bed and hugged the pillow to my chest. I felt utterly miserable.

  I missed my mum. I’d blocked out the feelings for months now, and I guessed I blamed her in a way. My life had turned to shit when she’d been diagnosed with cancer. But she’d taken an essential part of me when she died, and I realised I hadn’t even mourned her, not really. The time I should have been coming to terms with my loss was instead taken up with Kenny and my fight for survival.

  I cried for what felt like hours, but eventually fell asleep. I woke to semi-darkness and noticed a congealed cup of tea on the bedside table. I guessed Rachel must’ve left it there.

  I felt ashamed for going off at her earlier. She was the only person I had left in the world who actually cared about me, and the last thing I wanted to do was turn her against me too.

  I slid from the bed and padded through to the lounge. Rachel was lying on the sofa watching TV. “Hey, Rach.”

  She sat up and patted the seat beside her.

  I settled next to her and tried a smile.

  “Friends?” she said.

  “Friends.” I nodded. “I’m sorry for being so touchy, but for the record, I didn’t kill Jake. Although, I won’t deny that the real killer did me a huge favour.”

  “I’m sorry for asking you like that. And, of course, I didn’t really believe you could’ve been responsible.”

  “I know you didn’t.”

  “Are you okay? I heard you crying, and I really didn’t know whether or not to come in.”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. It was just the last straw, you know? I miss my mum so much. When she first died, I was relieved as I’d hated seeing her in so much pain. But then, the time I should have used to mourn her was instead taken up with Kenny raping me and then self-preservation.”

  “Your mum would have been devastated
to see everything that’s happened to you. You were her world.”

  I nodded. “I know that. But can I tell you a secret?”

  Her forehead furrowed. “What?”

  “That night with Kenny wasn’t the first time.”

  “You mean…?” Her face paled.

  “He’d been forcing me to have sex with him the whole time Mum was sick.”

  “No! He couldn’t have been. You said it was just the once.”

  “I didn’t tell everyone the truth at the time because I didn’t want anybody thinking bad of my mum.”

  “Why would they?”

  “Because, that last night, he told me Mum knew all about it.”

  Rachel jumped to her feet and walked to the window, her back to me.

  “I don’t know if he was lying – I hope so, but I don’t know.”

  “Your mum wouldn’t have allowed that, Maggie. She’d have defended you to the death.”

  “In my heart, I know you’re right. But my head keeps replaying his words over and over.”

  “If he’d been doing it for weeks, why was that last night any different?”

  “Because he made it clear he didn’t plan to leave me alone. He wanted to live as a couple.”

  Rachel shook her head. “I’m sorry. This is just too much to take in. Can we talk again tomorrow? I think I need an early night.”

  Confused, I watched Rachel walk away and heard her bedroom door close. What had upset her so much? Maybe I was wrong to confide in her after all.


  I sat staring at the muted TV screen for a while, trying to process what had just happened with Rachel and to make sense of the situation. My stomach growled, and I realised I hadn’t had anything to eat all day. Detective Kent had offered me a sandwich, but I couldn’t face food at the time. I headed through to the kitchen and scoured the empty fridge. I was relieved to find a can of minestrone soup in the back of one of the cupboards, and I warmed it in the microwave.

  I worried about Rachel. She’d been so supportive of me up to that point. Maybe it was because I’d kept the truth from her all this time?


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