Sweetest Obsessions - Anthology
Page 247
“Don’t stop,” she begged, the sound ragged and rough as the thick stubble of his chin formed an abrasion on the pale skin of her breast. “Please don’t stop.”
“Don’t plan on doing that anytime soon, baby,” He lowered his head to the other nipple and took her through the same roller coaster of torturous pleasure again. Then he lifted his head and looked down at her.
“So pretty,” he murmured, his hand slowly circling around the twin peaks of pleasure he just tormented. He was drunk on her, enraptured by the sounds she was making, held captive by the look in her eyes. And the truth was that he never wanted to be free. Easing her thighs apart, he cursed softly by how readily she parted them. Kayla, sweet innocent Kayla. Who would have thought that the woman he thought was so uptight would have the ability to turn him into a raging bag of hormones? Always the quiet ones.
He unclasped her pants and unzipped them, staring at the lacy thong she wore. It matched her bra and would have been the last thing he would think she wore. But Jaxon wasn’t dwelling much on that as he slipped the panties down to her knees to join the shorts.
“Jaxon,” she called out in a breathless whisper that had him lifting his head from between her legs.
“Shh, baby,” he crooned. “Just let me take care of you.”
Easing her thighs farther apart until they were as wide as the shorts would go, Jaxon felt her heels digging into the couch as her hips arched up. Hungry, seeking, waiting for what was to come. Soft curls covered the mound above her clit, and her silken flesh glistened with the slick heat of her feminine honey.
“So pretty,” he murmured, feeling her hand clutch impatiently at his hair. Then he lowered his head and slid the tip of his tongue through the narrow slit of her swollen folds. The soft skin parted, the sweet honey of her juices clinging to his tongue as he licked and stroked the sensitive flesh.
Sliding his hands beneath her hips as she lifted to him, Jaxon worked his tongue from her clit to the clenched, heated opening of her pussy, feeling the snug, tight entrance flex against his tongue, trying to draw it inside the heated depths.
Staring up at her as she pushed her fingers through his hair, Jaxon licked his lips again, held her gaze, and then swiped his tongue quickly through the swollen slit as her cry of pleasure echoed around them. The sweet spice of her feminine heat exploded against his senses, the taste of her drawing him back for more.
Kayla felt her breath catch, then rush through her lungs as his tongue slid through the swollen, sensitive folds of her pussy.
Her clit pulsed in impending release, sending a rush of brutal need to tighten her nipples as her clit throbbed with a deep, pulsing demand. His tongue pierced the entrance, pushing inside, stroking along nerve endings that flared in heated response. As his head came back, his fingers found the opening instead, pushing inside her again, the tight depths requiring several stretching thrusts before they lodged fully inside her.
“Jaxon, oh God, it’s so good,” she moaned, her hips pressing his fingers deeper, riding them with taut, desperate movements. Forcing her pussy against the impalement as pleasure rushed through her senses.
His lips covered the hard bud of her clit, surrounding it with the wet heat of his mouth. Kayla whimpered with the sensations as he began suckling it, slow and easy. His mouth and tongue worked the little bud, his fingers buried inside her, fucking her with deep, rhythmic motions.
“Oh God, Jaxon, yes,” she moaned, the pleasure tightening through her pussy, building in her womb as she cupped her breasts. Her thumbs and forefingers caught the little buds, working them firmly and sending sharp peaks of pleasure slashing along an erogenous path to her clit.
Jaxon’s lips tightened on her, his tongue flickering against her now. The thrust and rub of his fingers inside her, the heavy male growls of pleasure vibrating against the tender bud overwhelmed her.
Sensation exploded through her in sharp, body-jerking bursts as she came around his fingers a breath before her clit pulsed against his tongue.
As her vagina clenched and rippled in waves of fiery sensation, shards of sharpened ecstasy raced through her as she screamed his name. Pressed tight against his thrusting fingers and suckling lips, his tongue keeping the fierce storm of rapture racing through her succulent treasure, Kayla could do nothing but arch, her hands clenching in his hair, her hips lifting to him as the obliteration of her senses continued.
Perspiration coated her flesh as a cry of completion became a wail of continued ecstasy. Shuddering, her body jerked against him with each violent pulse of rapture.
Kayla’s breaths came out fast as she stared at the top of his head between her legs. Her brain was still fuzzy from the orgasm, and she suspected it had been fundamentally altered. Jaxon lifted his head from between her legs and looked at her, his lips wet with her juices, and Kayla got the unexplainable urge to taste those lips.
“Damn, Kayla,” Jaxon murmured. “Of all the women I ever went down on, I’ve gotta admit, none ever responded like that.”
Kayla heard him and blinked, once. Then she blinked again as his words registered on her brain. “Of all the women . . .”
She looked down and watched him crawl on top of her, and didn’t realize when she pushed him off her with a small yell and watched as he fell to ground with a grunt.
“What the hell, Kayla?” he demanded, sitting up and looking at her confused. “What did you do that for?”
Kayla jumped up and stumbled when the shorts around her knees cut her off. She grabbed them and dragged them up, cheeks heated with acute embarrassment. “Of all the women?” she asked, glaring down at him. “So I’m just one more woman in your long list of sexual conquests, is that right?”
To give him credit, he did look a little bit guilty. “Come on, Kayla, I didn’t mean it like that, and you know it.”
“So how did you mean it then?” Kayla demanded, grabbing her T-shirt from the floor and putting it on. She grabbed her bra, all the while wondering how she could have been so gullible.
“As a compliment, you know.”
“How the hell is comparing me to all the women you ever . . . ever . . .” She stopped and glared at him some more.
“Ever used my mouth on?” he asked, standing up and towering over her.
“Yes, that. How the hell can you even say that?”
“Now you are blowing things out of proportion. I mean, it’s not like we are virgins or anything like that. I was paying you a compliment, for god’s sake, and I don’t think it is fair that you’d get me all hot and bothered, then bring up some asinine excuse after you got off.”
Kayla blushed, and she gasped at his insinuations. “I didn’t get you bothered or anything, and is this supposed to be a give and take situation or something?”
“Kinda, yes, and if you can remember, I was sitting there minding my own business when you crawled into my lap and started saying all that nonsense. Before you kissed me.”
Kayla stomped her foot on the floor, her fists clenched as she stopped herself from punching him in the nose. Actually, guilt stopped her from punching him in the nose, and she couldn’t help but admit she felt a little bit like a cheat for stopping things after he made her orgasm. Spectacularly too, by the way. But at the same time, she could not bear to have him sleep with her after that comment because she knew it would make her feel used.
“I’m sorry, Jaxon,” she said, her voice coming low as she dropped her eyes to the floor. “I’m sorry I . . . umm . . . stopped things when I did. It’s just I’m not the one-night stand kind of girl. I don’t know how to do that.” She looked up at him to see he was still angry at her and cursed herself for letting things get this far.
“Why did you kiss me then, Kayla?” he demanded, as was his right. “Why did you let it get that far?”
“Because.” She lifted her shoulders, and then dropped them when she had no good reply to give. “Because it’s been a long day, and the wine, you. You listen to what I say, funny as he
ll, and you are the nicest person I know when you are not actively trying to be an asshole. You would have been the perfect boyfriend to have, only you are not. Not my boyfriend, and after this, maybe not even my friend.” She dropped to the couch and watched as he leaned on the seat across from her, arms folded across his impressive chest. “I guess I got lost in that fantasy and ignored the real world.”
“Yeah, the world where I am a womanizer and playboy right?” He laughed humorlessly. “Where I think with my dick all the time, right?”
“Come on, Jaxon, you can’t blame me for thinking like that.”
“No, I don’t blame you for that. What I blame you for is making promises, offering things you were not ready to give. I didn’t force you to do anything you did here today, Kayla, and I don’t appreciate you blaming me for it when you realized something I never tried to hide.” He stood up and stalked to the door, Kayla watching him with tears in her eyes.
“Jaxon,” she called to him when he got to the door and watched as he turned around to look at her. “I’m sorry. I swear to god I am. And I want you to know I didn’t mean for this turn out like this. I didn’t mean for any of this to happen.”
He sighed, and after a few seconds, walked back into the bus. “Don’t worry, Kayla. I understand. I’m the bad rock and roll boy, and you are the beautiful princess up in your castle.”
“No Jax . . . Jaxon,” she said when she realized that calling him by that nickname felt kind of wrong under the circumstances. “That is not what I meant.”
“Maybe, maybe not. At least I know where I stand now.” He smiled, shrugging his shoulders. “At least I got to kiss the prom queen.”
Kayla smiled at the joke, even though her heart was splintering into pieces within her chest. He cleared his throat and then sat on the chair opposite her. “Look, you’ve got just about week left to spend with me on this tour. And I have to confess that I really enjoy being friends with you. So how about we try to be nice to each other until then? And after, I leave you to keep on searching for your Prince Charming.”
Kayla heard what he was saying, realizing that this was what she wanted, yet as she smiled and stretched out her hand to take his, she hated the fact that she was getting it.
He got up and looked down at his shirt, checking to see if it was presentable. “This still looks good to go out in, right?”
“Yeah, it does.”
“Good,” he said, picking up his jacket from the back of the chair. “I need to blow off some steam.” He smiled at her as he walked towards the door, waving at her as he alighted from it.
Kayla watched him go, and she knew he was going to a bar or club, anywhere he could find a woman who would give him what she had just denied him. And she wasn’t blaming him for that, or jealous or angry. Not at all. She was not jealous of whoever that woman was going to be, Kayla told herself, her fists clenched so tight that her fingers dug into her palm, hard enough to leave bruises.
Jaxon ordered a glass of Scotch and drank it all in one gulp as soon as it was placed in front of him. Then ordered another.
“Bad day?” he heard someone say beside him and looked to his side to see an attractive blonde as she stirred whatever was in her glass with her straw. The light in the club was dim, so he doubted she knew who he was. He shrugged his shoulders and then nodded at the bartender as his drink was placed in front of him. He took a sip of his drink, and then stared at the golden liquid in his glass.
“I can help you forget it better than that would,” the blonde said, nodding at the glass in his hand. He lifted his head, giving her a small smile, which she returned. Then he turned back to his drink. Seeing that she was not making any headway with him, the blonde stood up from the chair and went seeking a more cooperative prey. Jaxon drank one more glass of Scotch, then dropped some money on the bar to cover for the drinks and tip. Then he made his way out of the club, weaving his body between the gyrating men and women on the dance floor and the tables of lonely and willing women. He made his way back to a quiet bus where the only woman who had been on his mind all night slept quietly, a few feet away from him, yet so far he couldn’t reach her if he tried.
Kayla moaned low as her taste buds burst with sensations. Jaxon smiled at her. “I told you it would be really good.”
Kayla lifted her gaze from the table and looked at him. “Yeah, you did say that, but I thought you were exaggerating.”
“Well, I wasn’t. Now eat up before I finish mine and come after yours,” he said, waving a hand at her.
“Try it if you’ve figured out how to play that guitar of yours with only one hand,” Kayla replied as she took a bite of the best pizza in Las Vegas. It was their third day in the city, and today, they had nothing lined up on their schedule. They’d already had two shows, and Kayla had done a meet and greet with her fans the day before. Sometimes she was still astounded to learn of exactly how far and wide her fan base extended. But today, they had nothing on their schedules, and Kayla was a little bit surprised to see Jaxon stay on the bus with her. So, they played card games, talked, and just hung out. Then she told him she was hungry, and he had told her to hold on as he placed a pizza order, telling her it was the best pizza he had ever eaten. And she found out he was right.
“You like to eat,” he commented, watching her.
“What do you mean?” Kayla paused with the pizza halfway into her mouth, wondering if he thought she was fat.
“Sorry, that came out wrong. I meant you enjoy eating, like the way you chew the food before swallowing. How you close your eyes and savor every bite. It’s really interesting to watch actually.”
Kayla smiled at that. “Yeah, I guess I have always been sort of a foodie. Got that from my father actually; Mom couldn’t cook worth a damn. Like me, I suppose. But Dad could make a meal out of just eggs that would have you selling your grandbabies. I tried to convince him to open a restaurant, you know, after I was rich enough to buy one for him. But he said he was not interested in cooking for a bunch of people he knew nothing about.”
Jaxon looked at her across the table. “You miss him, don’t you?”
“Yes. Yes, I do. And my mom too. She’s always nagging me about grandbabies and which guy is in my life. Which is kind of annoying, but yes, I miss them both.” She looked up at him, knowing better than to ask about his parents. She knew he grew up in foster care, his parents having died when a drunk driver ran a red light and slammed into their car. So instead, she pointed at the guitar case he kept tucked away at the side of the couch. “How did you learn how to play that?”
“Oh, my guitar? Well, that particular honor would have to go to Jenny O’Neill in my high school.”
“Jenny O’Neill?”
“Yeah, Jenny played the trumpet in the school band, and at the time, I thought she was the best musician that ever lived. Truth was, Jenny had the best set of . . .” He looked up at her and then clamped his mouth shut, humor in his eyes. “Anyway,” he continued after Kayla rolled her eyes at him. “I thought she would be more inclined to see things my way romantically if I joined a band. She didn’t, and I learned how powerful music could be in soothing a broken heart.”
“Well, you don’t seem too brokenhearted about it from where I’m standing.”
“Trust me, I was, so brokenhearted, even, that Kellie Stone took pity on me and allowed me to get to second base with her.”
“Very funny,” Kayla chuckled, hitting him playfully on the hand he kept on the table. “My high school was not as fun as that. Had the single boyfriend throughout. We broke up when I told him I was coming here to pursue my career in music.”
“Fool,” Jaxon declared and had her cracking up with humor again. “So how do we compare to our tea-guzzling neighbor?” he asked, taking the last bite of his pizza.
“I don’t know. I guess the experience is a lot more fast-paced here. You guys love to rush to do everything.”
“Hey, we can’t all stop what we do to have a cup of tea at
noon, now can we?”
“That’s funny, because I don’t like tea. Not all of us do, actually. I guess I can’t really say. Got famous way too fast to enjoy some of what you have to offer here. And now, it’s hard to go out and have fun.”
He looked at her, smiling, and Kayla could see the gears turning in his head. Then he grabbed his phone and jacket and dragged her up. “Come with me,” he said, waiting long enough for her to grab her phone.
“Where are we going?” she asked him, too excited to actually care.
“Come on. It’s a surprise.” He called someone on the phone and waited for the call to be picked up.
“I don’t like surprises.”
“Trust me, you’ll like this one.” His phone chimed, and he placed it to his ear. “Hector, it’s me, Jaxon. I need you to do me a favor.” He listened for a few seconds, then spoke again. “I’ll be there in a couple of minutes . . . Okay.”
Kayla dug in her heel on the last step of the bus and refused to come down. “Tell me where we are going, or I am not getting off this bus.”
He looked up at her and stretched out his hands. “Come on, Kayla. Do you trust me?” he asked her, beckoning her forward, his eyes smiling up at her and promising her an adventure.
“Yes,” she answered him finally as she placed her hands in his. “Yes, I do.”
It was almost pitch black when Kayla forced the big white teddy bear in her hand through the door. Her face was smudged with makeup, and the Marilyn Monroe wig on her head was askew. Behind her, Jaxon was almost unrecognizable with a black bushy mustache and prominent sideburns.
Turns out Hector was a makeup artist who turned into Moesha at night. One hour after she met him and two of his friends, also drag queens, Kayla could barely recognize herself. After she hugged Hector goodbye, Jaxon had taken her to a street carnival in town. It was the best six hours of her life. Going from booth to booth with Jaxon. Playing games and having fun without having to worry about if anyone recognized her. Or worse, trying to watch her every step so she didn’t have what Sally liked to call a PR nightmare. Jaxon had won a teddy for her at a dart game, bowing low as he presented the giant toy to her to the admiration of the crowd who cheered him on. By the time they finally caught a cab back to the lot where the bus was parked, Kayla knew there was no way she could pay him back for giving her the gift of anonymity. Even if it was just for a few hours.