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Masoul (Harmony War Series Book 2)

Page 16

by Michael Chatfield

  The flight deck’s crew had heavy machinery out which pushing Harmony bodies and craft out of the open armored doors.

  “Let’s get a beer,” Bobbie said, he had been standing at the hatch for some time, staring at the sheer destruction.

  “Yeah,” Young said, pulling her harness off.

  Yu followed suit, feeling damn tired.

  They trudged out of the cockpit. Yu saw the jagged hole that had pierced their cargo hold, there were a few more holes, but none as big.

  Bobbie pressed the button for the ramp to open.

  It dropped about half an inch before locking out.

  Bobbie made a frustrated noise, opening the hydraulic panel. Rounds had pierced the system sending hydraulic fluid everywhere and destroying the command circuits.

  “Well going to have to do this the old fashioned way.” Bobbie moved to the other hydraulic panel and he pulled and twisted something before grabbing the handles on the roof and kicked the ramp with all his strength.

  The door tilted slightly and then released fully, clanging on the ground as hydraulic fluid squirted out of the second hydraulic panel.

  The flight crew gave them dirty looks but Yu, Young and Bobbie were too tired to care.

  They turned to look at their steed.

  “Well fuck, looks like a goddamn mess,” Bobbie said as they walked around the craft, scorch Dents, shrapnel, bullet holes and dents covered the craft.

  The wings had holes big enough for Bobbie’s fist to fit through and more bullet wounds on it’s armored panels, too many to count.

  One of the flight crew was on the wings hitting a hatch with a wrench, the hatch was welded shut with the heat of a missile that was a bit too close.

  Yu tapped the shuttle’s side with a fist, the old girl had brought them home and put up one hell of a fight.

  Young and Bobbie did the same, taking in the sight for a few more seconds before heading towards the lifts. Troopers were throwing their help in with the flight deck, a few nodding to Yu and his crew as they passed.

  They returned the gestures, two groups acknowledging the other’s efforts and capabilities.

  It was one of the few times when they weren’t Troopers and Combat Shuttle Crew, they were all part of the EMF and Reclaimer was their home.

  Harmony better watch the fuck out, we’re not going to take this lying down, Yu thought, names and faces passing through his mind’s eye, people that had gone on their last flight.

  “I need a fucking drink,” Yu said.

  “A-fucking-men,” Bobbie said, as they stepped in a lift, heading for the nearest mess.


  Alexis grabbed medical supplies from a secondary med-bay, returning to Tyler’s quarters.

  Armor made a trail into the showers, the flaky blood catching the water of the showers and coloring the water red.

  People started coming out of the shower, Alexis scanned them, spraying open wounds and giving them injections to counteract cryo-sickness and the stim cocktail keeping them standing.

  Tyler was among the last, there were cuts on his arms, sides and legs. Others helped out, allowing her to focus on Tyler as they helped the rest of their section get sealed up.

  Few were talking, drained from the fighting and the cryo-sickness. The remedy would make them pass out for a few hours.

  Tyler groaned and hissed with the closing wounds but he took the pain.

  “Good?” He asked.

  “Yeah,” she said looking over his body to make sure she hadn’t missed any wounds.

  “Well let’s go check on the others,” Tyler said, walking to his locker and pulling on new smart clothes.

  His movements were slow so he didn’t re-open his wounds.

  They gathered medical supplies the section was sprawled over their racks, a few snoring already.

  Tyler helped Alexis as they worked on two sections wounds.

  Jerome followed them wordlessly, three section were already in their beds.

  Jerome and Tyler got them up to make sure their wounds were good, most had bled on their beds a bit.

  Mark was slumped on his bed in full armor still, red flakes of blood were all over his rack and floor.

  Alexis pinched his armpit, he winced and moved.

  “Get in the shower Mark,” she cooed, pinching him again.

  He groaned and rolled over.

  Jerome gave him a swift kick in his butt armor.

  Mark groaned louder.

  “Get up diablo, work to be done!” Tyler said.

  Mark rolled out of bed and onto his feet. He was blinking and looking around.

  “Nickname still works I see, go take a shower in your armor then get out here so we can seal you up,” Tyler said.

  Mark grunted but stumbled off towards the showers.

  Jerome went with him.

  Alexis turned to sealing up the rest of the section. There were audible groans of pleasure as she injected the cryo-sickness aide.

  Mark came back wearing just his boxers.

  Alexis felt her breath come in a hiss.

  Mark’s body was covered in scars, from the one in his stomach and lower back, to blade cuts, bullet holes, burns and shrapnel.

  Tyler and Mark were a half-foot in size difference and two of the tallest people on Reclaimer. Unlike many tall people they had filled out, Tyler was a leaner build, but Mark was devoted to power. Corded muscles moved under the open wounds, burns ran up his side, there were clean patches of skin where his armor had stopped the heat from melting his skin.No less than two dozen wounds were open on his body.

  Tyler, Jerome and Alexis went to work sealing them up.

  “I wish you idiots used a different fighting style,” she growled.

  “Take a small wound to land a killing blow, with our armor it’s less often that we have so many wounds, but then we’re fighting panicked people. Scared people can be worse than a trained killer. Their unpredictable and fueled with every fight and flight system their body has,” Tyler said, stepping back and admiring their handiwork.

  “Can I go to sleep now?” Mark asked, his eyes screwed shut in pain.

  “Yeah and we’ve got something for the headache, put some pants on,” Jerome said.

  Mark grabbed pants and pulled them on lazily.

  Alexis got two needles from her pack.

  Mark slumped on his rack, the whole thing shaking.

  Alexis stuck the needles into the port still in his neck.

  “He looks like shit,” Alexis said.

  “Yeah, killed over twenty people,” Jerome said, worry in his voice before leading the way out of the sections room.

  Jerome disappeared off into his sections sleeping quarters while Tyler pulled Alexis into his and they curled up on his bed.

  They kissed one another, just hours ago they were under the threat of dying. Each was lost in their own thoughts of what ifs and maybes.

  It made them hold one another only that much more tightly.

  Chapter 22

  Landing City

  Masoul Actual, Masoul System


  Moretti set down the freighter on it’s landing pad. It retracted into the station. They were taken through an air lock and into Shipping Station. Hatches opened, letting in cleaner air.

  It had taken a week to get from Gas planet back to Masoul actual. The recycling system was pushed to it’s limits; forty people were breathing the air meant for twenty.

  Not one of the most pleasant experiences.

  Tired cheers came from the crew. They had survived where thousands of others had died.

  Moretti peeled himself from his harness, looking at the water draining off the landing pad as it moved to a dock. People were already waiting for them. Moving onto the pad to help the wounded and assess the status of the craft.

  They moved with interest rather than expertise.

  Moretti had seen their work on other ships. He understood their people. The ships functioned, barely and the medics were just
above average.

  He pushed out of the cockpit, getting back slaps and thanks. Some that had embraced their death cried openly.

  Moretti moved through it, letting the fatigue show instead of the hungry eyes that wished more of them had died on gas planet.

  The EMF had arrived and Moretti was finally able to start pushing ahead with his plans. Gas planet had just been the start.

  He got off of the freighter and headed towards the city.

  Harper was waiting for him, a group of the better trained and drilled members of Harmony around him.

  Harper was still wearing those janitor coveralls; part of the image he’d cultivated in an attempt to show him as one of the people.

  “Moretti,” Harper said as if hearing the name for the first time.

  “Sir,” Moretti said, bobbing his head, letting anger and apprehension enter his face. He needed to convince Harper he had nothing to do with the massive defeat Harmony had been handed. Even though it was mostly his brain child.

  “We would have had the floating cities if we had just a few more days. I don’t know how those bastards were able to creep up on us. Those fucking asteroid miners must have let them know.” Moretti shook in what looked like anger, even though he actually wanted to laugh in the man’s face.

  Harper studied him for a few moments before tapping Moretti on the shoulder.

  “Your actions speak louder than words, I have heard of your actions,” Harper said, a thread of icy fear digging in Moretti’s gut.

  “When the carriers appeared you gave orders to gather as many of our forces as possible and attempted a retreat back to Masoul. It is a hard thing to retreat but it was the right decision. We don’t have the fire power in Masoul to take down a carrier. You headed out in a freighter and rushed to our people’s aid. Seeing that there was no way for the dark space freighters to get their engines online you again gave the hard order, retreat if you could, attack the carriers if you couldn’t.” Moretti’s teeth ground together as the icy barb in his stomach disappeared and his breath came out of his nose.

  “You did well, you are a hero of Harmony, never forget that. As our fighters return we will have a party in your honor and in honor of those that have fallen. The EMF have but scratched our surface. Once they learn of our true power even they will shake with fear, do not worry,” Harper said, again tapping Moretti on the shoulder.

  “For the sake of Harmony,” Moretti said, holding the man’s eyes.

  “For the sake of Harmony,” Harper returned the sentiment, looking like a proud but hard father.

  God he’s a good talker, Moretti thought.

  “Now get a shower and some food into you. The party will come sooner than you think and we still have to deal with the EMF forces that will no doubt be attacking the floating cities, and the other locations we hold. We must hold to give our other brothers and sisters the time they need. The EMF will fall brother.” With that Moretti was dismissed and Harper’s hand fell from his shoulder.

  Harper moved to talk with the others that had escaped the gas planet, his thugs following him.

  Moretti watched for a few moments before he headed for the lifts that would take him to one of the Harmony’s barracks.

  As he walked he used his implants to access a backdoor he worked into the FTL communication system.

  Chapter 23

  EMFC Reclaimer

  Gas Planet Orbit, Masoul System


  Mark drank his beer, absently, his eyes roving over the female troopers here and there. Thirteen of his platoon mates hadn’t made it back from their defense of the bridge, five were still fighting for their lives in med-bay.

  Sergeant Haas was now Second Lieutenant Haas, Zukic was his warrant, Tyler was now in charge of his own section. Jerome might become the commander of the weapons detail and Holm would take his position as one section’s leader.

  Mark pushed it away as he rose and walked to the bar, dropping off a beer.

  “You’re Mark right, from Two-two-A-two?” A blonde with green eyes asked.

  Mark’s thoughts fell away with the gorgeous girl in front of him, all curves, glam and toned muscles.

  “Yeah,” he said, his voice had deepened from the under fed teenager to well-fed exercise freak. He put the bottle down and raised two fingers to the Corporal running the bar, they nodded stopping the order they were about to get from two others, and grabbed his beers.

  “I heard you’re a damn good close combat fighter,” she said, grinning, she was definitely cute.

  Though Mark was tired and focused on blotting his memories out with alcohol, he merely shrugged as two beers were deposited in front of him.

  Instead of being annoyed with his actions she seemed to like it. They were all killers here, some people cried, others shut down. Mark drank and worked out until he passed into dreamless sleep.

  She traced a finger down his chest.

  “I’d be really interested in seeing some of your, techniques if you’re free,” she said, her eyes flicking to his. The offer clear as day.

  Mark got pushed from behind, drinking and the surreal moment made him pause as he lost his balance and poured beer on the girl.

  He went from talking to anger in a split second. The beers hit the ground, he turned, augments pumping him up anger fueled adrenaline whipped him around, pushing the guy who’d tumbled into him, out of the way, he grabbed the aggressor, one of the guys the corporal had skipped to get Mark’s beer.

  Mark grabbed their collar with a meaty hand pulled them to him, then he dropped his forehead into their face, he felt their nose crack as they stumbled.

  He let them go, dropping them.

  Their buddy was moving in molasses, but his shock was turning to rage.

  Mark’s right fist came up and socked him in the jaw.

  The bar was silent as Mark looked over the two he’d dropped in a matter of seconds. The person he’d pushed just getting off of the floor.

  “You okay?” The girl turned Mark, he let her pull him, the alcohol burned off in the flight of adrenaline fueled rage.

  Troopers looked to those on the ground as Mark let his head be tilted so she could get a better look at his head. Putting him at around her chest height, not a bad place to be.

  “Alright, let’s get you up to the medics, better make sure that isn’t a concussion,” she said in her trooper voice.

  I like it more when she’s hitting on me, he thought. She checked his hand as MP’s came in and started talking to the Corporal behind the bar and the witnesses.

  Jerome who’d been with Mark talked to them and gestured to Mark. Mark went over, the girl coming.

  “I’m taking him to medical to make sure he doesn’t have a concussion. Those guys had some beef, pushed a dude into Mark. He kinda put them down,” the girl said, looking to Mark with something he couldn’t quite understand in her eyes.

  “Happens around him, he’s Diablo,” Jerome said shrugging. The MP’s seemed to become more understanding after that.

  “I was hoping that nickname died,” Mark growled.

  “Not after the bridge defense,” Jerome assured him.

  Mark sighed and rolled his eyes.

  “Take him to medical, if we have any questions will talk to you later. I think this is the classic, drinking and someone set off a short fuse,” one of the MP’s said to the girl.

  Mark wanted to argue the point, but he was too tired and now his brain was working, he had just reacted without thought. He was still wounded up from defending the bridge, still looking for a fight.

  “Okay,” the blonde said, pulling Mark by the hand.

  “Well that’s a shitty way to loose two beers,” Mark sighed.

  She looked as if she was weighing the loss.

  “Yeah, losing beer sucks, you’ll have to pay me back with one later,” she said, giving him a wink.

  “So Bakker, what’s your first name?” Mark asked, seeing her nametape and admiring the swell under it.

  “Oh yeah, you were checking out my nametape right?” She grinned, getting a small laugh from him.

  “Names Sylvia,” she said, still pulling him by the hand.

  “Nice to meet you Sylvia, so now you’ve seen my moves what do you think?” Mark asked.

  “That you better get that concussion looked after and find somewhere for us to have some one-on-one lessons.” She was smiling and pulling ahead, her hips sashaying to capture his eyes.

  She glanced back with a gleam of her own.

  “If you know what I mean,” she said.

  “Sex, closet, gotcha,” Mark smiled at her. Giving her the What am I going to do with you look.

  “Better be a couch at least!” She said.

  They walked into the med-bay and right into Lucille.

  Shit. Mark thought, conscious of Sylvia’s hand holding his as his guts twisted.

  Lucille looked them up and down, turning and going somewhere else, her tanned features getting redder.

  “To warn you, that was my ex,” Mark said.

  “Ehh, in this line we all got exes honey,” Sylvia said, looking to him.

  He shrugged, if she didn’t mind he didn’t. He’d seen more than one person get angry seeing their bed buddy’s ex.

  Sylvia watched as Qi found them, he made annoyed but understanding noises and stabbed Mark with needles.

  “Fuck Qi, you and your damn needles,” Mark complained as Qi pulled the latest from his neck.

  “Man with the amount of times you get fucked up you should be used to them by now,” Qi said.

  “Make sure he drinks water and doesn’t get in another fight,” Qi said, opening the separating curtain and walking out.

  Sylvia moved in front of Mark, grabbing his head and kissing him hungrily.

  He returned the kisses, yearning to get somewhere less public.

  They came apart, both of them looking at one another.

  He grabbed her butt and squeezed.

  “Yup, it’s real,” he said, grinning and picking her up.

  She squealed and hit him playfully, they got a few hoots and hollers as he carried her out of the med-bay over his shoulder.

  He set her down in the lift pressing her against the wall as they made out.


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